, I. . 4M mi 4h mi H Thrsc Cents the Copy. 1! " INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, 51.00 Per Year in Advance, I i i VOL. XV"- -r T T T COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. G, THURSDAY, JULY M, 1911. NO. 8. 0 M i I I 1 I V GOMPAlSi TOHN ORR & TKIUJN, JN. U. Full Line Spring and Dress; Goods" GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods Notions, Shoes, Crockery,: Glass, Enaftiel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. ETC., ETC. Y Summer BURGLARS )fn a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those h? The Bank ofTjiyon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond' the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. OOIrUMBUS ar - e - s orth st " est outh THE BAN K OF TRY ON GOTO ; THE v BALLEMER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. ". 4- fl)1-, EFERYTHIM Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuffsin quantity Cash paid for Cross I- The Balleiiger Company -: TRYON, N. C. , a The Carolina -State S ALU OA. N. C. Bank 4 . per mm 5 ' Prr irf a n ' Crt tin rt o STRONG r,rTTTTT?rTTQ PROGRESSIVE Every Banking Facility It lias heeiv the constant endeavor of the management of this lank to fgruiiOi every possible facility for the conven ience of its cVeYsitoift, together with absolute safety lar their money. Ali account ynth this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. . j We solicit your account. D. C BARROW, Q. C. SOONER, W. C. ROBERTSON, Iitsident. VXt-Presideni. .' Vice-President; H. B. LAKE, Cashier. "IV F. S. GENERAL TIES BOUGHT, CROSS Dealer in , MERCHANDISE, Try on, N. C. ivstM? 'Pment. Famous Budget v'sioa in 1 ?0kktieLing' Latest re" anv "wuu- otuaems can en any time. Rates reasonable. nte for catalog. ter YCSS COLEMAN PLESS & COLEfJM LAWYERS : fti Uti, Courts rftoUcni' "ftetfetd Counties ' HERFORDTON, N. C. SCRIBE TQ TI,E NEivvs faprITeSsiveFarmerthe lwo f oaeJjj for the price THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us & trial. Watfthes, Clocks, Jewelry. is. Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry; Stationery and Art Store, HO THERFORD TON, N. C. ; Does your neighbor read The News? N. B. Jackson went to Ruther- fordton for the Fourth. . Forest Williams returned Fri day from Rutherford ton. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Expert watch and clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erford ton. V y Major Hutcnerson, working1 at Flat Rock, spent the week end With his parents. " Land deeds for sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices ot the peace. . Rev. R. A. Miller of Lowell, N. C, preached at the Presby terian church Sunday. - VV. B. Arledge,. working for W. J. Gaines at Tryon, spent the week end at his home. Atty. J. E. Shipman of Hen dersonville was in town yester day on legal business. Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. R. F. McFarland and children spent the Fourth in Rutherford ton. Messrs. Geo. A. Gash and G. B. Barr of the International Harve -ter Co. passed through town yes terday. Rey; JSBJi Arledge of Saluda was here Monday and extended his subscription to the News for another year. . 1 Telephone central in Columbus is agaifi in new hands. Misses EtTiel and Mattie Lee Jackson are the new operators. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. G C. Smith, R. C. Prince, Jas. McGinnis and Boice Weaver were among the visitors from Greens Creek township here on business Monday. For sale one pair cattle, well trained, weighing 2000 pounds, 7 years old. Call or addriss: R. C. Prince, Fingerville, S. C. , Route 1, From the editor's diary, July 25th, '11: Frank Burgess said it would rain today and it did like other forecasters he hits it right sometimes. Do you take the Progressive Farmer? If not, look up our clubbing offer and get acquainted with the best farm paper for Nifth Carolinians. ; v B. B. Wiikerson of Landrum ro. lsays a sure way to keep your potato patch rid of bugs is to let in a few xu nea hens. He's done so and knows. .y Mr. William Markey of Jack sonville, Florida, who has been spending a month's vacation in our glorious climate, returned to his horn? Saturday." Mr. and . Mrs. J. R. Splawn of Mill Spring called at the News office Monday and Mr, Splawn reported having had cotton blooms as early as June 25th. " . Mrs. John P, Arledge left last Friday for Philadelphia to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Arledge. She will be gone about six weeks. - ' Baptist Sunday School Picnic. The Fourth of hly picnic of the Columbus Baptist Sunday-school held on White . Oak. Mountain Tuesday was a grand success and a large crowd from "every ' point in theCounty attended and took part in the day 's outing. A storm marred the pleasure of the return home and caused considerable ex citement, ljghtnirigstri king two boys, Johnny Burgess and Marion Smi th, and knocking two mules down a disastrous catastrophic finale to the picnic being narrow ly averted only by the presence of mind of the dri vers, who kept their animals by sheer strength from running" over, a steep de clivity. Johnny Burgess sustained two severe burns f ronrthe stroke and his left side was benumbed -for several hours. Marion Smith and the mules were uninjured. BASEBALL Lynn Defeats Tryon 118 In Uphill Game. With the score standing 6-0 against them in the 5th inning, the Lynn boys settled down to business in an ; interesting game played Saturday and proceeded to waUop Blackwell's curves and benders all over the Lynn field, making two runs in the 6th, six in the 8th, and three in the 9th, and winning bv the score of 11-8, Tryon adding two more scores to their count m the "6th. A ' large crowd witnessed the game. Cokimbus and -Tryon to Play on Columbus '.' Diamond Saturday. ; - Columbus and Tryon aggrega tions of ball tossers will cross bats Saturday, afternoon on the Columbus diamond jnd a very close and exciting contest looked for. All are invited to come no admission charged and shady places reserved for the ladies. us mess is dull r do n 9 1 kick b u t ABWMMtlSE and SMI'EE! r Bloody Duel Willi Knives At Lynn. I US.; Senator Bob Jaylor of i Tennessee is spending a week at John Rhodes and Bine Conner j the Double Branch: Gold Mining met behind B. Kee'ter's barn at j Company, Collinsviire, and adr dressed a large crowd there on t . 2- i.ii " .u i Li vim to isetLit; an yiu kuuk is said, with knives, resulting in both the duellists being badly cut. up. -Both are in a critical condition, Conner suffering from an ugly cut in the neck, Rhodes from many stabs about the face and body. The cause of the long existing grievance could not be learned. The bloody duel occurred - last Saturday evening after the Lynn Tryon ball game in the presence of a dozen or more people. TRYON NOTES. L. H. CLOUD Real Estate and Insurance. COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C. W. M. Barnett was in townl Monday ah d brought two- cotton blooms to the News office, one ffrom Joe Sanders field and ' the other from Mrs.-Price's, both of Sandy Plains. ' N AndyjLawter, charged with the murder of his wife, will be takt n to Tryon today and give n a hearing before Magistrate Geo. A. Gash.. The trial is set for 2.30. Attorney' hipman will represent the defendant. J. W. "Newman, having re ceived his commission, is now in stalled as postmaster of Colum bus, and his daughter, Blanche. as clerk. JNow you 11 see all the boys buying stamps one -ata time for which, of course, there's a reason. The ice cream supper at Beulah last Saturday afternoon was a grand success. A" large crowd was present and though the -ice cream was feverishly jcalled for it found no time to melt. $21.25 was realized, which sum will be spent in fixings for the churcli. Dock C. Jackson of Landrum, Route 1, extended his subscrip tion fov another quarter while passing through town on a trip to Ash evil le Monday to seehis son, W. F. Jackson, and reports a jolly trip made there Sunday a week ago by Bertha Cantrell, Mintie Jackson and Dean Ezell. We have lately received the catalogue of the A. & M College at Raleigh. This technical insti tution is doing a most valuable work for our State. Men trained there are certainly making good as farmers, Jasengineers, as tex tile workers, indeed in all foims of skilled enterprise. Young men who want to enter -life equipped for success in all industrial occu pations will do well to consider the A. & Ms. , Last year 630 stu dents were ' enrolled itsx faculty this year will include 51 teachers. Correspondence of Tho 2sew ' July 4th, 1911. The rain yesterday did a lot of, good, while the Wind and hail dfd some damage.Mr. W. J. Gaines two finehogs were struck by lightning and seem badly hurt. ls tThe smoke stack at Mr. Ford's mill blew down. Corn looks pre cty badly cut up, but most of it is young and we hope will putout again. Sheriff Hill, while driving through the storm yesterday, drove into a tree that had fallen across the phone wires; the horses were shocked ;iind turned the buggy oVer before he could get to them. . The boy scouts did very well in their sports. The sac tc' race vas very funny. They are doing good work and are to be congratulated. Our marshall while at the depot Sunday morning saw a leather strap hanging from a negro's pocket. On investigation it proved to be a sling shot, which is a very dangerous weapon in the' hands of a strong man. The negro was bound over to court under, a $200 bond. Everything is quiet here tody most of the boys went to Ashe ville to celebrate and we, expect the town officials are glad-'of it. We understand that Mrs. 1. S. Pearson expects to leave tonight for Atlanta, Ga.f on a visit to her old home and wish her a pleasant trip. ; " ; :. We hear that Rhodes and Con ner; who cueach other in a fight at Lynn Saturday, are getting betteri andwish them a speedy recovery, but hope they will ifind a better use for their . knives in the future. . ' Mr.'Vangelder, brother of R. J. Vangelder, the machinist here, has purchased Mr. Cobb 's resi dence and. the entire furnishings, paying cash to close the transac tion. The brothers expect to erect a shop and do a general repair business. We understand they are both good workmen and are. glad to have them here. .Y.X. the 4 th. Mr. E. F. Vandiver of Green River Land Co., Spartanburg, is in town today on business. Lee Tallant killed a rattler at the picnic Tuesday, after his son Joe had been struck at several times by the reptile. Joe was not touched. Your Watch Should be treated right when it is in the jeweler's hands. You would not send for a "quack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow' a "tinker'' to doofcorrifc I have the Experience Tools and Material, Necessary to repair your . watch right and at a reasonable price Give me a" trial. T.T. BOOTH JEWELER -V LANDRUM. S. C. F. M. LUMBER f: , Rough arid pressed Columbus - - N. C. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day .in the Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of lb'' t0'I2 pages daily and 20 to 32 'pages Sunday.' It han dles more' news matter, local, state, national aiid foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. , ; ' ' ' ' . V;-: -- , The Sunday Observer is Unexcelled as a news medmrrj, and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscel laneous nature. Address ' ... THE OBSERVER CO. , ; CHARLOTTE, K. C." ESTABISJIED 1890 SPARTANBURG HERALD SPARTANBURG; S. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. SpartanrtDl-fs Oldest, Largest, and best newspaper. Full oJ.news front jhe jirst to th last page. Entire telegraphic service. Associated Press SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS : Land Randolph's Complete Store at Melvin Hill carries a nice line of millinery for ladies and misses. FOR at the News Office. 1-1. i i I1, hi si ti' 1, 1 . !1 - ! i'. V 'I i " !.' f : t t 1 I 1 t It Ml i 1 i i 41 . 1M .'-! 1 - i If, 1 1 ; ;; -. t . : ti'. T t . I i: -1 a.

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