.11 Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. .Wii--:-- I VOL. XVII JOHN ORE TRYON, Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR ' Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. blue' flame oil stoves, etc., etc. - T. I THE BANK GO TO THE : BALLENGrER COMPANY Trvon, N. C. For r EVERYTHING The The Carolina ' S A L U D PER OENT Paid on SGvingk ii i ' 1 1 i - Ejy e r y a n kin g Facility It has hesrf'.the constant. endeavor of tlie njanagemenl of 1 this Iank toTurniMi every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. - An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any., corporation, firm', or individual requiring the best banking- facilities. We solicit your account. - D. C. BARROW, President. Q. C. SOlNER, Vice-President. H. B. LANE, Cashier. F. GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT, Modftrn equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable.. ' Write fur catalog.. J- . 1L2SS ' , YOSK COLEMAN PLESS & GOLEHAN LAWYERS" Practice ill tie Courts cf Polk ani. : Rutherford Counties : -:. s HUTHERFORDTON, N. CJ SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS and Progressive Farmer the two Papers for one year for the price f one- $1.00. : r " & COMPAQ YiOQ'iitffetrs N. G. BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary -Kmd with" Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those ii? : The BANk. OF Tryon. The wise i. man will, therefore, open ud. an account there and, thus put his-1 money where it is 'beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. : OF TRYON Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feed$tuffs in quart tity Cash paid for Cross Balleiiger Company TRYON, N.C. State Bank A , N. C. STRONGS COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE W. C. ROBERTSON, Vice-President. Dealer in v - MERCHANDISE," r Tryon, N. C. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. 'S Jewelry , Stationery and Art Store, RU THERFORD TON, N. C. L. H. CI.OUB ; Real Est ai and; Insurance ALLRED ! COLUMBUS; POLK CO., N. C. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C, N , E - m -i s ortti v. . axt ' est' ' outh Does your: neighbor read The ' News? : . 'u, - Mr. John B. Cleveland of Spar tanburg was here. Monday, r-. - Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the .News office. Mr. J. Terrell Green of Mill Spring was in town Monday.,' : - Deputy-sh eriff R. F. McFarllind was in Landrum Tuesday on busi ness. ' , Revenue officer Roland of Ashe ville was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. Leander Jackson of Mill Spring, visited relatives here Tuesday. Expert watch and clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler; Ruth erf or dton. 1 Miss Avery of- Jacksonville, Fla., is registered at the Colum bus Hotel. ' The equilization board was' in session Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. - " That general cleaning up day for Columbus is still talked of, but that is all. Land deeds for sale at The Nevrs office also blanks for jus tices of the' peace. " Supt. Foster wilUhold an ex amination for school teachers to day and tomorrow. W. T. Culbreath, of Landrum, was a business visitor at the News office. Fridays Mr. G. C. Smith, a prof?perous farmer, of our county, was in town on business Tuesday. Attys. E. B. Cloud and B. F. Williams spent the veek-end with friends at Green's Creek. The meeting of the pension board brought quite a number of old soldiers to town Tuesday. Note the advertisement of John L. Jackson's special sale in this issue and take advantage of it. W. C. Hague, a justice of the peace, of Mill Spring, was here Monday and Tuesday on business. Rev. J. M. Walker of Melvin Hill filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church here Satur day and Sunday. Lightning struck the hog pen of G. P. Green', Landrum No. 1, Monday night and killed seven logs all he had. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Burgess and family attended Children's Day services held at Bethlehem church at Mill Spring Sunday. For sale one pair cattle, well trained, weighing 2000 pounds, years old. Call or address : R. C. Prince, Fingerville, S. C, Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith,Mjss Jessie Hamrick and Mr. Harvey Mcpaniel of Rutherfordton were visitors in Columbus Thursday and Friday. Do you take the Progressive Farmer?-rlf "not,- look' up our clubbing offer and get acquainted with the c best farm paper for Nrth Carolinians. - v t : v - -- ; ' Several propositions were re ceived by the bounty commis sioners for a county home and have been looked over, but no decision has as yet J been given out. : v - Nelson B. and Luther J. Taylor of Mill-. Spring passed through Columbus Monday enroute to Tryon, where the latterboarded the train for Hendersonville to spend a week or two there. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1911. Mrs. Fqrest B. Williams, who lately underwent a serious opera tion at the Rutherford toil HospW tal, is expected. home this week. Mrs. Williams is . doing nicely since her operation and it is earn estly hoped that she" may soon ,re- cover her health. Columbus baseball: team, met the Tryon aggregation, ou the Lynn diamond.Saturday and de feated them ina very interesting game by the score of 2-0. The twirling of both Ormand anb! Blackwell was first-class, poor support when men were'on bases losing the game for' Blackwell, Andy Lawter, accused of beat-; ing his wife to deaths at a hear ing last Thursday before Magis trate Geo. A' Gash at Tryon,. was bound over to - superior court under a $1500. bond, ty. B. F. Williams represented theState, Atty. J. E. Shi pm an of Hender sonville is counsellor for the de-' fendant. ' Bob All en colored, was arrest ed Saturday byVDeputy-sheriff R. J. F. McFarland near Landrum on the charge of breaking, into the house of Jake Carpenter at Lan drum. He is held at the jail here awaiting the Spartanburg county authorities to come and tke him, as he refuses to go without extra dition papers being served. v Julia Booker, colored, arrested on suspicion of having spent and destroyed the contents of. !a wal let found on the Columbus-Tryon road some weeks ago was given a hearing before Magistrate Gash at Tryon last Friday and turned loose, there being no evidence submitted to support, the - suspi cion. Atty. E. B. Cloud repre sented defendant. Rev. J. M. Walker was called upon after Sunday morning ser vices to marry a couple from Fletchers, N. C, John Lants and Elzie Carlans by name, who had hopped over the line into Lan drum, S. C, in the hopes to be married without a license accord ing to the old laws existing in that State, but finding, the Maws changed and the train 'igone they came to Columbus' and secured license and were married in the presence of a score of witnesses. The couple left immediately after the ceremony in a shover of rain. MILL SPRING HOTES. Correspondence of the News. , The farmers here will scon be through laying by their crops, and the threshers are busy in the neighborhood- " Mr. and Mrs. Turtle of Florida have left here and gone farther up in the mountains. The Children's Day at Bethle hem last Sunday was a very en j oy abl eoccasion , the congr egation was large and everyone seemed to be in the best of spirits. The children performed their part well. ' In the afternoon we had a fine address from Mrs. Hubert Powell, returned missionary, on the missionary work in Cuba, and also a'fine address frpm Rev. R, Green of the Baptist church, on Sunday-schools. -The Baptist Sunday-school ' of this place will have a picnic Wed nesday, i Much joy to the picnic ers. .:' '':.-; ' . C-v F. M. Burgess LUMBER Rough and Dressed Columbus - - N. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS to ylet ' people kno what von Colufabus High SchobL We take thia method of public ly saying to every citizen of Polk county that you are hereby cor dially, invited to patronize the Columbus High ' School , which opens August 15th, 1911, free of tuition charges. . , Theenrollmerit of the school was more than doubled last ses sion and we are going to put forth , a 'special effort to -very much ' increase the attendance this year over : last year. . The principal of the school; having had one year's knowledge of the work and having taken some special study during the summer; is better prepared to do efficient work than he "was last year. The assistant teachers also are teach ers of ability, and experience, hence we .feel that we ,can offer both the parents and children of Pplk county as high a standard of Straining as can be offered in any like institution and certainly very much cheaper. The school had two graduates last year who will enter college this fall on the certificates of the school" without entrance examin ation; this advantage is still of fered our students, besides a-num- ber of free scholarships to the State Normal? College and the State University. ... The school offers four depart ments of study viz: literary, teacher's -normal, business and music.fThe principal has a diplo ma in ; each- of the three first courses and will endeavor to pre- so wm In order to make room for new goods, we are closing out all of our old stock at prices .far beldw cost for cash. ' Look over the list of bargains giyen below: tx-- A few men's suits, ranging at $7.75 . ' " Men's shirts, 40c and 85c. Hats, 25 per cent off on all known Miles brand,?25 per cent- pff regular prices. - . During this sale onJyJ percerit off the Miles shoes.. Underwear, a small lot, at cost. 1 ' , , - . ! . .... ' . - o- .., ' v t- ; Masons fruit jars; pints 50c, quarts 65c. per dozen. : Ask to see the: famous Miles patent leather button shoe, $3.50. We pay cash and get the discounts, you reap the benefits - jA CKS 0:M& Columbus, iV. C. v. nave sent them to the students in a practical, every day, usable way. The teacher's normal is a new course for the school and is. in tended especially: for the teachers of the county who wish to' in- 1 crease their proficiency and hence increase their salary. x Mrs.-Cobb will have charge of ' the dormitory' again this year where students may board at ac tual cost of board and at the same time have the advantage of help r from the teachers on their lessons out of school. - ' The school is: strictly " non-sec- tarian and non-partisan, wuh . equal privileges to all and special favors to iione,'the motto of' the school being the greatest good to the greatest number. ; ' Students, may enter at any time "r, but it- is very much to your ad- Z1 vantage to be - present at the , . opening August 15th, 1911, when the classes are organized, . : For further information ad dress or call on J. G., Hughes, F. M. Burgess, B. F. Williams, trustees, or E. W. S. Cobb, prin- ' I cipal, Columbus, N. C. . , J': FOR SALE at the t .; News Office. from $12 to $15 now selling styles. NO. 9. I in r9 ' $ file J ii 4 if . ' 111 ; - 5 i mil i if! I m A i it i I If" in 1 L r; .

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