77 :Thrae Cents tha r. , " 1 : vK-r: Q&'V: "sEiSi v--i v ;T:"" JOHN ORR & - TRYON,. "N.-C. COMPAQ COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C., THURSDA Y JULY 27, im; Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Drjr Gops, tiorthoes, Cr6ck,! Glass, Enamel arid Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES ETC., ETC. and fpUE MAN WHO SPENDS EVKRY cent, of his incor e no niattf r hew large.'is pooier t!aU Le who saves pan his, no 'matter how small. That's sound common sense. Tbis advice is inst n Put few or many doll, rs, as often as y u can spare them, into the strong box f OLUM BU S orth ast " ;, eft outh Does your, neighbor read The News? Subt. J. R -Pnsrpr - ; - " ii iu ill VV XJl Monday. . , : ; . Note change in Jackson's ad vertisement this weejk. ' N l work was started . nn Hro oreek bridge this i weefcF , ?vi ;; Mr. W. G.' Thomas, the special 5 agenc 01 tne Virginia State Insur ance Co.,; Charlotte, N. C.:, was in town last Friday looking over the insured property in his com pany, with the " local agent, Mr L; H. Cloud. ' ; ' v-7 :''.. .'...-f'-i.-! .':'' ' V.. We owe it to our horses to fix our roads. Every cruel cut of Ue-wnip across the horse's back ougnt really to be inflicted on the. dHvert is not the horse'a fault tVr&i Uv Tr.. e steep can we ""j .iuiaiiuL uurs' ,. - .. . -Messrs. F. M. Burp;essS F. Writing paper and envelopes McFarIand' and clo"d tor sale at the News offiop , atcenaea the second degree meet- Mr. and Mrs. J. r. lA" lrn de ,K. of.P. were in Landrum Mondav" 7u y "T1' Af the - . . I o M.V4JVtii.llCU Kev. I. W. Arledffe of firppra to a honririfnl faVlo Creek was in town Saturday. ments. : y Mr. W. H. McFarIand of Tryon How about shaving down the was here on business Monday. hills and filling in the hollows on via iwua uuw mai, vacation nas GO TO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryoh, N.' C. ' For EVERYTHING . aiJU VVirS. PI W X I V ri K I THE BflflK OF TfiYGH i" town Tuesday' evenine- come aain? This would be a , . -'v Uar more nrofitahlft wnv frt cnoTri Mr. J. C. Powell of Mill., ul ' y f Way 10 SDend was a business vis?ihor hmo T.1Qo L... .. . AnV ' stones at tne ."villager's club . rooms." V :Ii Expert watch and clock renair- ' t d a , V , ' " u."-ei n - An i . - . i ivcv.iv. a, ivmier will nolo ser- . r ri n n a i iwi is..,i i i Meat Hull anri A fo at Columbus, Lynn and ' -'r' d XMM rrr" Sandy Plans this Simdvincfo Mr. C. B. Arnold of Lynn was of next. Mr.' Miller ; has - been hlloll-innn '. 1 t . 1 Jixl . ' V .. Tuesday. Special prices wade on Flour; Cotton Seed f , a- business visitor in Colnm W asked to take narr. in - - . . . t " WWIUVU- I . I.- - you Columbus High School.' The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. " The Carolina State Bank - S A L U D A, N. C.1 f A We take this method of nnhliV- ly saying to every citizen of Polk county that you are herebv cor- "dially invited to patronize . the Miumbusv High School,- which opens August 15th, 1911, free of tuition charges. -, v The enrollment ;of the-schoo was more than doubled last-Ses sion arhd we afiT goihV'to" put iortn a special etforf to .very much increase the attendance this year over last year. The principal of the school.' h a vino- . - : naa one year's knowledge of, the work and- having- taken epecial study during the summer) is better prepared to do efficient worlc than he Was last vear THa Stop in at Cannon & Krl ,aa es assistant, teachers also are teach' aayn tion of a Church where he once Cash nnii fnr frncc MessrsrF.B, and B.F.Wiiriams f eached ?n the 1st Sabbath in aSU pcllU JOT KrOSS r i u . Auo-ust. which nta fV,A IieS..... ' i ' ' Thursday. ; . . . change m dates here. Land deds for sal ThA AI1 are invited to tne singing News office also blanks for jus- practlce at the Baptist church tices of the peace. . Saturday night-men and boys particularly. -The young ladies f ; ; . nurcn are practising, tor atLynn for a refresh ne bottl nf R; i x. " " w v-uiuiiiii jji uti at ieu meeting -w.auai ime tney and desire the aid of all in the cuiiimunii to maice tne singing ii i i i " . 1 . per oeut! ;;qm P S 7TT, ' COURTEOUS yJO- Oft OOVingS ' 1 toriV,r strong , ; crc o? Savings E ve r y Ban king Facility It has been the constant endeavor of the'tnanagemmt of V x lis lank to furnish every possible facility for the'eonven ' jnce oit deHJsitors, together with absolute safety fo'r ieir moiiev. . " '." It has been the constant endeavor of the' i. . . c... . ... ... -7V .ii i len their .. j. . An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corjioration, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities."' ,. Ws stjlicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOONER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President Vtce-Tresidmt. Vice-President. H. B. LAN B,-Cashier. - F. B. PEA u m Dealer, in V GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT; r MERCHANDISE, Register F. M, Burgess xvent yestei-day to Earl's mill in Green- vine county to have his wheat ground, Atty. J. E. Shipman of Hender sonville and Mr. Frank Relno. nf Tryon were in Columbus Monday on business. Messrs. S. B. Weaver and J.A. Feagans of Green's Creek were among the many business visitors herevMonday. Mr. E. F. Vandiver of the! Green River Land Company of Spartanburg, passed through town Monday. The Lynn baseball team added another scalp to its belt in defeat- ing tne L.andrum boys Saturday by the score 5- 4. -. Curtis Alexander is the name of the new arrival at the home of Mr. and MrsCurtis Arledge of Philadelphia, Pa., last Friday; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sizemore, Miss Johanna Hilton and Mr. Ray Shaber of Tryon visited 'Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hughes Sunday. cr sale one pair 'cattle, well throughout the meetiner a success. Come and bring your voices '-with you. '.. 9 Institutes will be held for men and for women at the Courthouse on Thursday, August 24, begin ning promptly at 10 a.m., direct ed by T. B. Parker, of the North Carolina Department of Agricul ture, Kaleign. it is hob'ed that a large crowd of both sexes will be present and take active part in the meetings, at both morninir and afternoon sessions. ' GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. W - 7 l.-rn equipment. Famous Budget vivi, ,;UoVH,k keeping. Latent, re " '! 1'itman shorthand. Indir t--r ' nV? Uction- Students' can en - time. Kates reasonabfe. ; nrcjor catalog. s:. - J. rr r, ' YORE COLEMAN PtHSS & COLEffi: LAWYERS : ?c9 all the Courts cf-Polk and - Sathcrfcri Couaties ' ''A'floS8 year fo' the ?rice . 1 - . 1 . . ..J T Ur n cramea weighing WW pounds, iryOfy 7 years old. Call or address: ' ' ' ' S C. Prince, Fingpville, S. C, wi best watch. Bo:te1' t -W,-, h " Do you take the Progressive REPAIRING farmer? If not, look -up our plilhhlnnr rtfFn on1 rrr4- n,,,n;iJ Calls forjfie Best Material, with the best farm paper for Best Wntim en ' Best Tnns Nofth Carolinians, r Be&t Workmen.- Best Tools 'v.'. : Mr. C. E. Page will' sell his We have all these - Give us a trial, .horse, "Pat," at auction, on first ; -r s. Monday m August, at the Court , Watches. Clocks. Jewelryvr uvu.mommuusioe-nign i cat uiuuer lur easily. iv Stationery, Etc. - 5 Mr. James IjaFov.who hn& hton spending a few days in dolumbbs. rREu (ALLRcO o ind rgistered at the Arledge c v7 , : Tiotei, returneu yesteraay to his .iairezy StapdtferyStore,. home in Anderson; S. C. , . U Mr. B. V. Newman of Mill . v ':0 "v:;--5 ' spring, enroute' for home fqom LHi GIlOU O Asheyille,' where he spent sever- 'wi1- s-r :; - - Udays, on, business, stopped for IMS awhile in Columbus last Thnrs- Correpondence of Th News. Mr. Ralph Prince was in this community Sunday. V Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Walker spent Sunday and ' Monday with" Mr. Wallis Jackson and sister, Miss Lela, spent Sunday at W.M. Bamett's. .... : Mr. Sorrels McDowell. who hrs been staying in Spartanburg, is home for a month s vacation. Mr. N. Giles and family visited Mr. Vance Giles Sunday . Misses Ada and' Ola Walker were shopping in Landrum Mon day. ' ; ' ' The Greens Creek and Melvin Hill.base ball teams played a very interesting rame of ball on . H iormer. s diamond Saturday af ternoon, the score being 4-1 in favor of Greens Creek. Miss-Edna Prince is spending this week with her sister.Miss Nora, on Kingerville route 1, S.C Sid Feaerans called on Miss Lil lian Cantrell Sunday evening. Mr.-TE' Walker and familv . . . went to R. J. Johnson's Sunday. Mr. Hicks and familv of Caro- i .. : - - . r - . leen visited at W. M. BarnettV last week. . -. " ;'.. W. MYounce is about to start up his saw mill here again. - , A fine lot of men's, snifs rnw at big reductions Randolph's,' hence we feel that we' can offpr both the parents and children of Polk county as hirh a standard of jixajiiiHg as can ne ottered in any like institution and certainly very much cheaper. : . : : The school had .two graduates last year who will enter college this-fall on the certificates of. the school without entrance examin ation; this advantage is' still of, fered bur students, besides a n um ber of free scholarships to the State Normal College and the State University. . & ' The school offers four denart- ments' of study, viz: literary, teacher's normal, ' business and music. The principal has a diplo ma in each of the three first: courses and will endeavor to pre sent them to the students in a practical, every day, usable way. . The teacher's normal is a new course for the school and is in tended especially for the teachers of the 'county who wish to in- vfiiv-iciivjr aiiu ucuce increase their salary. ; ' Mrs. Cob charge! of the dorinitory , again this year, where students may board at ac tolcpiitbord and at the same finWhethevg of help from tHeiheron their lessons. OUt Of school . : " ' ;',v-. ; Thft school is strictlv non-seo- t11 '"'"-arusan, 7,xwi;h equal piriyileges to all and snecial favors to none, the motto of the school Bemr the; greatest good to the greatest numher. : Stiidehts may e;nter at any tiine iteftnl or!- " vantage to be present at the opening August 15th, 1911. when the classes are organized. V, ; For further information ad dress or call on J. G. Hughes, F. M. Burgess. B. F. Williams. trustees, or E. W. S. Cohh. nrin. cipal, Columbus, N: C. Karidv ' . jBeeds FOR SALE at News Office. i -1 - . - V I - . 1- . . . -s OUR SBOES If . you are looking ' for , the . latest most comfortable and serviceable thing jn f oot wear at hig discounts just scan these prices arid cl in- to exam goods: $5.00 shoes for men and women, button or : lace, giin metal; patent leather or russet, l2esr our price, $3.50. $3.50 shoes for men and women, $2. OO Farmers shoes and st9rm shoes at rock, bottom prices, also' a complete line of shoes for children at prices to.sell the goods.. Ask to see the nobbv line- nf- tint. . . . , .... - t. ' "w , wwvj r t Mm vuruuuiuny ine Hony, ; if you want to look "tony -St We pay cash and get thediscpunts;yol reap the benefit Coumbus,M C. V A U K. J AT L 1J LkJa ... X W W 1 - 1 v1 , T - -; -.1 . 1-v rnt ThfRTTQ pnf .TT inn N. H. iavi v ' '

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