XL 'A- . N- ' - ---- . v - '. 1 r-ivS! MWjiS WfS m- Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, Sl.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVII. 1 COLUMBUS, POLK BOUNTY. N. C. THURSDAY,., AUGUST. 3, 1911. N0.-12: n 1 i i.r 1 ir . ; . .. ' 1 1 r -1 1. 1 .; r i' 1 1 . i . 1 1 1 . . 1 -. 1 1 1 .1 1 -1 1 i 1 . I J r" . . ' t t 1 k fl - I I I I ... 1 I ' IK f . . I I 11 I I I I I I I t .- . I I I . I J 1 I I I . 1 - I 11 -, ' . '.V .. . I ' Ml. - I I ... . I 1 ".I I I I . I I .. . - -v. -;.' . . : . . 1 " - 1 .. -. - . , . . . . i t... - ".. ' -. . r. . . . 11 ... - , -- ----- . : ' . . - 1 4 mitmm i ip iiMntMW i ill i i fWMPMMM JOHN ORR & COMPANY . : TRYON. N. C. ' ' " 7: ' ;- , - - - . v 1 Dress; Goods S'-.--- . ... . .. :.. .... . .-!. GE NTLEMEN 'S NECKWEJAR ,. : " ' - Groceries, Dry ds Notions, Shoes,. Crockery," Glass,' Enamel andTin Ware. k 'v BLUE FLAME OIL STOYS. ETC. i ETC fflHE MAN WHO SPENDS EVERY' O GLUM BUS orth . .:. ..j,. ast. . : - est , , outh Does your neighbor reacj The INews? ; ..... - . And.the rajn comes just when yoii fy&nt i&J' - ; Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. t Mr. Gemmill gild of Saluda was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. Ed Watson of Fingerville route 1 visited friends here- Sun day. " ' " . I Mr. T. T. Ballenger of , Tryon was in Columbus Tuesday: on business. . . ; - k: Mr , C . C. Hampton of Land rum route H attended - services here Sunday. : . ; k " i cent , of his incoir.e no matter hew Jarge, is poorer than he who savespart. ' his, no matter how small. That's sound common sense.' This advice is just as sound: Put few many : dollars, as often as' y u can spare, them, into the " strong btx ( f THE BARK OF TRYOK rSfir" GOTO ' THE ... BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. - ' For WERYTHING - Special prices made, on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feed stuffs in quantity -. ... . ... .. : - , . - . Cash-paid for Cross 7es The Ballenger Company TRYON, NC. The Carolina State Bank ' S A ll U D A , N. C. STRONG. . rrTTtnr,T?rMTC! rgg on barings t ' 1 , PER CEUT PROGFcESSIVE t .; . .:- . - , - ' . ' E ve ry : Banking F a cility -J .-z It has been! the constaxitendeavorjof the management of this lank to furnish, every.. possible utcility for the conven ience of its debitors, .together with absolute safety for ' -their money."'- "V- f: ' v ..'v -v ; .-" ' An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corxration firm, .or' individual requiring the best . banking facilities. ' ; ... - i - ' We solicit your account.., ' ' " D. C BARROW, QCSOfrNER, W. C. ROBERTSOX, President. . " 7c-Prskinf. Vice-Prtskeni. V LANE, Cashier? Dealer in GENERAL MERCHAN0ISEj f TIES BOUGHT,1 Tryon, N. C. g v r e5upment. FAmotis Budget v si?- ofbookkeeping. Latest re V.dn i 'n ? ltman storthand. Indi teran ?lructon. Students Cann anytnne. Rates reasonatSle." ' "rite for catalog. ? YCES C0LE1IAN Jl ILESS pless & coLEnnn LAWYER actice an tfce Courts ef Polk kzid ' ' ' ' Hutlierford Counties RFORDTON, - Jn. C: 3pCI(IBE TO THE NEWS & esSiveFarmer-the two Iol II onQyw for the price THE BEST WATCH ' REPAIRING Calls for the Best -Materia); BestWqrkmen. Best Tools have all ihese - Give us a trial. WatclTes, Clocks; Jewelry, . Stationery, Etc.;! ' . 1 ' i i i i . FRED F. ALLRED'S : '-.' Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RU THERFORD TON N. C. Randolph's Complete Storeat Metvin 'Hill carries a nice, line of millinery -for ladies and misses Mr. Mills Hoke of. Greenville, S. C.. and Sheriff A- LrHill of Tryon were in " town last Thurs day on business t "Mr. Hoke is charmed with biir beautiful moun- vaiu country ana nas aeciaea to open a real estate office at Tryon. .Sheriff A. L;; Hill and Deputies ,R. F. McFarland , and A; A. Ed: wards captured a still in Greens Creek township Saturday-'-lThe still was a copper one and of :70 gallon capacity. About two thou sandallohs of beetf,t of a very sbapy-quality-, was destroyed. Rev.1 J. H. Milchell, pastor "of the Baptist church of Landrum will preach in Columbus : Baptist church on Sunday; the 13th, at 11 a.m. and; 8.30 pm. He will also preach' Monday morning and Evening following and; the meet ing will continue the entire week. erfordton. Messrs;-A.' T. Hart and -Burt Jackson came to town Tuesday on business. . Mr. W. E. Cole of Mel vin Hill ma'de a pleasant visit to the News office yesterday. - ; Land deeds for sale atJne News office- also blanks for jus tices of the peace. v v...'- ' - -- "-. MrrH. B . Henderson of Tryon was among the business visitors in Columbus Saturday. v Mr. W. E. Hill is visiting his brother,- Washington, at Chick Springs, S. C, this week. lAtty. Buford F. Williams, left Monday to spend a short vacation with his folks at Baskerville, Va. Atty. Smith and Shipman of Henderson ville were- in Colum bus yesterday on legal - business. Stop in at Cannon & Keeter's at Lynn for a refreshing bottle of ice-cold 'coca-colajust like they all do! ; Quite a "number of the ' 'boys' ' came oufrSaturday night to assist the-young ladies at the singing practice.. " ; " "John L. Jaekson & Son,- gro ceries and dry goods," reads the new sigh painted on their window, this week. Al-'l---'r: Xi: Mr. E. E. Harrison, a promin ent and progressive farmer of Mel vin Hill, was a business vis itor in town Tuesday. ' ' Send your children to Columbus High School and let them enjoy the quiet : home surroundings while aifctheir studies, ' f - fervices'Were held at the Pres byterian church Sunday5 af f er noon, Rev. R. A,; Miller, of Low ell," N, C, conducting. ! 'Uncle Charley ' Page's horse, Pat, will be sold at auction Mon day to theX highest cash hidder; at the Courthouse in Gdlumbusi For sale one pair Seattle, well trained, weighing 2000 pounds, 7 years old. Call or address: R; C. Prince, 1 Fingerville, S. C. , Route 1. ' . , - Do you take the Progressive Farmer? If not, look up our clubbing offer and get acquainted with ) the best farm paper; for North Carolinians. t Mr B. V. Newman and family of Pearidge spent - few hours with relatives here Tuesday while enr6ute through the country in wagon to visit relatives in ' Jack son county, -j; ' - ' v ' ; Mr. J. P. Arledge brought ' in a cotton Stalk haying: two; open olls Tuesday which he discover ed Sunday on his farm in Colum bus; 'This is the first open cotton . seen here this' season.'- V i HAPPY CARRIAGE AT LYNN., . The very pleasant news went i the rounds yesterday that v Miss Anna Belle Cannon ; the beautiful daughter of Postmaster W. A; Cannon, and Lynnys most popular young' lady was joined Jn the bonds of matrimony, to,. Mr; Geo. Bradley, a-rising young plumber of ,. HeQdersonville. They were married at the bride's home by the Rev. Mr. Arf son ; . of Tryonr before a small number of friends and relatives of both contracting parties. The happy young couple left immediately after the cere mony, amid a shower of good wishes from their friends, for the groom's home at Rutherfordton to . spend a week or ten days, after .which they will go .to. Hen u1srohvilie, where they; will make their Kome." 1 The Nes joins the friends of the popular couple in extending best wishes for all that Life holds in store fqr them as they journey its stream, f s ';' -V... 4 Fop a GREEN'S CREEK ROTES. ; Correiponidence of Th Jfews. - ' . . "All signs fail in dryweather" seems to be true in this . speH we are now haying. Cornand cotton are looking especially ? fine and doubtless could stand a couple of weeks more i of just such weather. Mrs. Elias Cantrell and daugh ter, Miss Lillian, went to Spartan burg Saturday., Mr. Mel vin Swain and family of Spartanburg were 7 here last Week-end. - v - v MrJ. W. Walker of Spartan burg visited his parents here last week.- Mn RN; Johnson and daugh ter; Mrs? T. iE. Walkerf . are. visit ing - friends and: "Telatiyes near Tryon arid Lynn this week, ; T- Miss Gertrude Feagan is spends ing a week with her , uncle at Spartanburg. ?' ' j The re'vival .meeting begins here the thirds Sunday in this. month with Rev. T. -H'. Posey as helper.' N , ;? . ' " . ' Money saved is money earned buy . your 'groceries at T. : G: Randolph's, Melvin Hilli and ac quire the saving habit. FOR SALE at the 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRE 100 acres in cultivation, ' Well watered with never failing streams, 4 tenant houses, large Vbaroijsituated in, Greens Creek township, the best farming sec tion in Polk County. Convenient -to , school, churches and stores. : Part ash, balance on easy terms. MANY " OTHER BARGAINS! . . "V ..: ....... . ..... ,.l V r '.' -w ' -t....r, -; ... ' - . V .v .-'-1 If you want to buy, rent or lease farms, summer or winter homes, come' to Polk County. You ; will not find a better climate,-more beautiful scenery or natural oacP : vantages anywhere. If interested ' CJLL Of. VltlTE I - "1 . SO m CLOUD, COLUfJDUS, . C. A mm THE HOKE-HILL REAL -ESTATE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY was formed this week to ' do' a general - realty business, with office in. - Tryonr- i V-.. ; N. C.Vand Greenville; S. 6; They Vilt ' M 'l- be pleased to -handle you -property. ' ' . - ,,'-"" - D. M. HOKE A. U HILL n nn nn.n.. OUR SHOES If yoii are looking f ov-' the Jatest, ; most comfortable an serviceable hing In foot v wear, at big discounts Just scan v these priceis and call in to examine t)ie goods: ' . v. . $5.00 sUesf or men and women, button or " ; lace, gun ' metal, patent leather or russet, ,high or low cut, aj sizes, r our price $3.50. . . $3. 50Lshoes f or "men and women, $2. 00. Farmers shoes - and storm shoes at , rock bottom pri6es, also a complete line of shoes, -for childreiv at prices ta sejl the goods. . ' .. -. ; . t : ' - . .' . . ;.. Ask to . see the nobby line" of hats just received, particularly the "Pony," if you want to took "tony " We pay cash and gel the discounts, you reap the benefits : ';.-T:'. ' ' 4 r - - " ":; ' '- 'ji" News Office. Advertise in f THE" NEWS. Columbus, Ar; C. .If - ! - t4. - r.-