eft "I , N ; Three Cents the 'CopyVty. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price; SLOO Per Year in Advance. VOL XVII. ' COLUMBUS, -POLK COUNTY,:N: a, .THURSDAY . AUGUST 10,1911. " NO. 13. 5 cn-Ra nn ,BIMJ G BlfS THURSDAY ' ' 1 ' -' ii i ' i . ' i I, ...... ' ' " . ' m '. J . . , ' i ,'. 5 - - V .. , ' ' ' - - - ; ' " "7" - i , - v-' .. - T GLUM N - E '- W - S V For NortH Carolinians is The Progressive Farmer-' -and Farm Gazette. If you are hot alead a sub scriber to this excellent farm journal, send $L 00 for a year's .subscription to The Polk County News and receive The Progressive Farmer for one year free. Your county paper and the best farm paper fbr you, both for one year, for s the price of ohef, 104 big issues $L00. ,; Progressive Farmer and " Gazette; JOHN ORR & COMPANY - ; TRYON..N. C. . ... orth ast- est , - nth Institutes for, men and 'women J will be held in Columbus on the Does your neighbor read. The! above date and everybody is cor dially invited to attend,. .'Meet ings will commence promptly at Dress ; Goods GENTLEMEN'S. NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, GJass, Enamel and jin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL StOVES, ETC., ETC. '' and THE MAN' WHO SPENDS EVERY . cent of , his incoire. no matter how .. lre, is poorer tliau he who saves part ( his, no matter how malL . That' sound l jpcuTtqitn ietise.Wsftdvfce is'jastaftsoar rf i ut4cw or many .dom rs, as ,ouen as ; y- u can spare them, into the strong box of News? Register F. M; Burgess visited relatives in Try on Sunday. Writing" paper and envelopes for sale at theews office. Mr. J . B. Page of Landrum route 3 was here Tuesday. ' - Toothache is all th rage here just npwTT,have you jrot one? : Mr, Forest B. Williams wasv in fSpartanburg Monday on' busi ness." v ;v.t;' ... r Messrs. E.Band L. H. Cloud were in Landrum Saturday on business.1' i " ' ' Expert watch and'clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erf ordton,- Mr. R. G, Prince of Fingerville route 1 was in townj Saturday on business. Mr. Doyle Hinton of Jackson ville, Flai, is registered at Colum bus rfoteV ...... . ,. y. "' ,' - - , Land deeds for sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices of the peace. ' 4 -1 It was the editor's pleasure c to shake hands with Mr. Pink Eger ton of Mill Spring Monday. Mr. J. PArledge and daugh ter, Miss Minnie, visited relatives on Landrum route 3 Sunday. Automobiles are becoming verj1 THE BANK OF TRYOH GOTO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING ' Special prices made . . . . - - . . on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Crass Ties..... 1 The Ballenger Company ; TRYON, N. C. ten-o'clock. ,r Mr. A. L., French of Rockingham county will, con duct the institute for the farmers and "Miss Minnie W. Hopper of the Brevard Institute rwill have 1 charge of jihe women's institute; Remember the date and attend: TRYON- NOTES. 'Ceiregpondence of The News . r: ' ' V : --V.'-ViAupr8thf 1911.1: ; - Mr. Frank Belue is.at his home seriously, sick; one of lus vdaugh ters.is also siek. ' A.' trained nurse from Asheville was called - in arid we are glad . to learn that tjiey now seem to be improving.. 'T . Miss Croxton, - bookkeeper for the allenger CoV, hss gone East to spend her vacation and, we understand,! will visit New Xrk, Niagara Falls and other places of interest. ( A' number o Spartanburg peo -pie were in town a few days ago trying to push the- automobile road through to Asheville. , They are very'anxiduS'to get the road through the jmountains and are willing to lielp build it. Our mavor arid council have taken hold of tie matter and expect to arrange a. meeting with the Sal uda authorities to discuss it arid ordinaryJnjCorumbus-two,wereJtry,to develop some plan to up the necessary money. They will probably call a meeting of citizens in Saluda, and - take sub scriptions. This road will be a big thing for 'our County and un less it is put ! through now the Charleston road , will ' more than likely go by Greenville to Hender sonville, leaving us out. We tr ai t the county commissioners will look into this proposition - and if possible '-help', out on it. TryoVi has already! spent considerable money making and improving streets to help out this road and has done about all it can afford, but, we think, will help some more if necessary. , . a , Mr. and Mrs. , W. J. s Gaines spent Sunday in Spartanburg. y. x. The Carolina State. Bank SALUDA. N. C. ! a . PER CEHT , nr Pairl 'tin SavmirS ' orvriTTciciTxr STRONG - rata .an oavings tmor,RESSIVE Every Banking Facility" . . , .. ...... -- It has been the constant endeavor of the management of . V this hank toJurnih every pos.siWe facility for the conven- y, -ience of its depositbrCtogether with alisolute safety, for their raouey. - . '. . -" . .. ' An account with this bank wilt prove a valuable asset to j any corporation, - firm, of individual requiring the best banking facih'ies- ' . ' ' We solicit your'account ' - v- , :-.. y , a C. BARROW, Q. QsdhNER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. ' Vice-President. ' ' - Vice-Tresident. ' H. B. LAhE, Cashier. F. ; Dealer in . k .- " GENERAL MERcMNPiSBi ... ,'v seen here this week in one day now to see an air shipp Mr. S. B. Weaver of Landrum iroqte 1. and his. brother-in-law, Mr. 'J. S. Spiller of Spartanburg, visited the News office Monday. Mr. Ira Hodge and sister Eddie, of Rutherf ordton came Saturday to visit relativesv in Colum,bus. riMr. Hodge returned to his home Sunday. - ; Messrs. N.E. Walker and John Lancaster of Rutherf ordtonv and Mrs. Garrison and son of Black Mountain were visitors at Mr. J. W.t Newman's last week. Rev. D. S. Morrison of Cairo, Oregon, was in town last Thurs day, looking over the . situation with the view to bringing his family and settling here - Dr. W. C. Bostic and family of Forest City came in their auto Sunday to-spend a few days at the home of the doctor's father- in-law, Mr: J. P. Arledge. . - - . . - - r Mrs. J. P. Arledge, who has been visiting her son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and, Mrs" Curtis Arledge, at Ph'iladelphxa, Pa. , for five or six weeks, returned home Tuesday. , Misses Mamie Lewis, Maude McKinnon; Evelyn and Charlotte Rucker. ol Charlotte- arrived in Columbus Tuesday for a stay of several weeks and registered at Columbus HoteL ' . The Hill-Hoke Real Estate and Investment Company have se cured an 'option'on , some" Green river land, for Northern capital ists, whose i name are withheld, but whose purpose i$ e.pprted i $. to develop the water power on said property. .' ' With the many new real estate firms now coming to the front in Polk County it is hoped that Col umbus will take a boom Chances galore are to be found here for al-J most airenterprises and itdoes not seem possible that Columbus canVhidaits light, e veil if it want ed toorvery long Stop in at Cannon & Keeter's at Lynn for a refreshing bottle of ice-cold coca-cola j list like they all do! I''-' k r NOTES FROM LANDRUM NO. 1. ; , . ' - : .1. Special to Tha News A. number of young people, of this place enjoyed a good singing Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Lizzie Bran scom. Mrs. W. Mi Kirby is visiting iii' Spartanburg this week. ,r - . ; " Miv J. T. Young visited at the home of Mr. J. T. Greenway Sun day. - ' Miss Marie Barnett-of Char lotte is visiting her father,' Mr. W. M. Barnett. Mr. Other Head and sister, Miss Meldora, visited at the liome of Mr. J. LBranscom Sunday. Mrs. J, D. BlackwelL and Mrs. C. C. Green jvisited; Mrs. Sadie Covington last Thursday. - - Messrs." Clate Price and Leak Bridges visited:at the home of B.v R. Horn Sunday. . - ' Mr, R. T.f Bryant M visiting in Shelby this week. ' " , - Mr. Golightly made a business trip" to lnman! Monday. : . " :.f ' ! BLUEYES.'' 4 B&rg mm For QuickMaM ;. 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRE , -100 acres in cultivation, W(11 f watered with never - failing streams, 4 tenant ; houses, large ;: barn, situated in Greens Creek ' township, the best .farming sec- tion in Polk County; Convenient - to school,, phurches and stores. - ; . Part cash," balance on easy terma.! " - ' t, S ' - - ' - 'vAi' .'..,.!.. ..." . . t. j' . mAKY, OTHER BARGAINS! . ; If you want to; buy, rent or lease . farms, summer or winter homes, : -come to Polk County, ; You will "not find a better climate, more v beautiful scenery or natural ad vantages any where. If interested CJLL Oq UQITE 1 ' COLUf.WUS, fl.C. r BEST VATCH Calls Jor the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools Wq have all these Give us a trial. Watches Clocks, Jewelry. Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLREb 'S Je wefry, Stationery and Art Store . RUTHERFORDTONN. C. Randolph's Complete' Store at Melvin Hill carries a nice, line of millinery for ladies and misses. I ' f .- .. Modern equipnieiit. Famous Budget ' systcn of bookkeepjng;r Latest re vision -in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. ; Rates reasonable. v Write for catalog. ;. J. W. PLESS x ' ; Y;EI C0LEM1N . PLESS & GOLEDAH - , LAWYERS rraetiee all the Courts if Polk&nd - Euthsrford Counties RUTHEEFORDTON, . N. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS and Proessive-Farmer-the tw'o papers for one year for the pried of one $1.(X). - , f. nmn -nrn nm I! LJLlL ' ; OUR SHOES ( V r , If you are looking for the' 4atest,; most , GomiortaDie ana erviceaoie inmgqri; ioot-: wearat big discounts just scan thespricesi . arid caH in to examine the goods: 1 ' - l $5.00 shoes' for men and women, ; button or ; lace, gun 'metal, patent leather sor;russet,- : high or low cut, all sizes, our price,. $3.50. $3.50 shoes for men and women, $iVbp. ,; Farmers shoesf and storm oe:'atrock bottom prices, also a complete lirie of shdes -f ' for children at prices to sell the goods. V v I Ask to see ihe nobby ?line &f ; hats r just received; particularly the "Popy, 9 if you want to look "tony. " -4 ; We pay cash and get the' discounts, you reap the benefits , . - . s Bargain prices on all kinds of merchkndfse.'f Randolph's; Melvin CROSS TIES BOOSHT Tryon, N. C. Columbus, A; C. Advertise in THE JSTEWS. Hill. 5 1 v