u v :.s,ir-"'t;c:'., I A" Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Prkc, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVII. GOLtJMBUS, POLK COJJNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911. NO. 14. The BEST FAR mm O BUS For North Carolinians is The Progressive Farmer and Farm Gazette. If you are not already a sub- v scriber to this excellent farm journal, send $1.00 for a year's subscription to The Polk County. News and receive The Progressive Farmer ' for one year free. Your county; paper and the best farm paper for you, both for one year, for . the price of one, 104 big issues $1.00. Progressive Farmer arii JOHN ORR & COMPANY . TRYON, N. G. Dress Goods ; GENTLEMEN'S 'NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. J GO TO y THE BALLENGER COMPANY i Tryon, -N. C! 1 . For -:: EVERYTHING on The The Carolina State Bank ' SAU U DA, N. C. 4 . PER CEfJT Paid ori Savings Every 3 an king Facility It lias leen ttie constant endeavorof the management of ?. ,l this lank to' furtisli.vtvery possible facility for the conven ience of its depositor together with absolute- safety fr their moufey. ' . . ' '.. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to , any. corporation, firm, or individual, requiring the best banking facilities, '.j ;,r" " , " , ; v We solicit your account. ! ' "O. C. BARROW, Q. C: SOhNER, C ROBERTSOX, President. ' Fee-rei3eni. V." '"' ' ? Viee-Pnsdid. H. B. LANE, Cashier. F, mm GENERAL ins ties bodsht; Gazette L and THE MAN WHO SPENDS EVERY cent of his incon.e. no matter how large, is pxrtljau he who saves part f 'his, no matter how small. "That'i sound common sense. 'This advice is just as sound: Put few or many doll rrs, as often as y u can spare; them, into the-strong box o THE BAKK OF TRYGiJ Special prices made Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, hulls, and All Feedstuff s In quantity Cash paid for Cross Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. , . STRONG :,7 t . r.nTTRTKOUS ; ,X v PROGRESSIVE Dealer in MERCHANDISE Tryon , N. C. :ortU ; ,A;.L'9tz.;J est ...-.. outh Does your neighbor read The News?;. ,i'.,v-;':".J- : Rev. T. Wi. Arledge of Melvin Hill was in town Monday. .'Writing paper and" envelopes for sale at the News office, Mr. R. F. : McFarland was in Tryon Monday on business. Mr. Roland, a revenue officer of Asheville was here Monday. Mr! J. Mi Lewis of Mill Spring was a business visitor here Mon dayv " Messrs. N. B. Jackson and J. T. Smith visited friends in Tryon Sunday. Expert watch and clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth- erf ordton. . At half-price a large lot of Rlen's and boy's suits Randolph, Melvin Hill. Mr C. C. Hampton of Lan- drum route 1 was in town Mon day on business. Land deeds for sale at ,The News office also blanks for jus tices of the peace". Mr. C. H. Williams of Basker- ville. Vat., is spendinp; a week's vacation in Columbus. f - - Miss Kate Stfipman of Hender son county spent several days in Columbus the past week visiting friends. .. vAtty. J. E. Shipman and Mr. S. J. Justice of Hendersonville were "in Columbus .Monday on usiness. Mr. J. F. Plackof the Chimnev Rock Hotel Company, Rutherford county, spent Sunday and Mon day in Columbus. Atty. B..F. Williams returned last Friday from Baskerville, Virginia, where he spent a short vacation with his folks. - - - : Mr; N. B. Jackson 1 of Tryon route 1 attended protracted meet ing Monday and placed his name on the News subscription list. Mrs. Davis Elliott, who has been on a visit 6f several weeks to relatives and friends in Ruth erford counter eturned last week. Mr. Eugene Rider, of Cleve land, Ohio, representing the F.M. Stearns estate; arrived Mon day to settle up its affairs here. The carpenters are at work on a five room addition to Register F- M. Burgess's house. Mr. Ed Foster of Lynn has the contract. " Misses Blanche Newman and Eddie Hodge, and. Austin New man and John erbaum enjoyed a mountain trip ' on White Oak IVlountain last Friday. Mr. W. B. Arledge, who is in the employ of the Hendersonville transfer Company for. the sum mer, spnt a few days .the past week with his family. Sheriff A. L. Hill, and Mr. D. M. Hoke of Greenville, S. C, who have lately gone into part nership in the real estate business at Tryon, were here Tuesday 5 on business with Mr. Eugene Rider. A jolly old straw ride to Tryon ,- was the program slated for the quests of Mr. and Mrs. John P. rledge last. "Saturday night. ln;jthe merry sfroup were Misses viaude McKinnon, Mamie Lewis, Uvelyn and Charlotte Rucker of 3haf lottei : N. : C. , and 'Messrs. Doyle Hinton of Jacksonville, ?la., B..F. Williams, N. B. Jack ton and Yates Arledge 1 of this jlace. r - ' ' Colombns Higli Sebosl Opened Tuesday. iuu opened Jitiost 1 Suspiciously last of 60 per cent more r in' the high school vdi)artm(Biii .; than were present ton the opening last year. The school is now perfect- iy unjamzeu, aija me worK wen planned;; which .in t itself means much to the success of any un dertaking, the teachers are com petent, untirinp. resourceful and accomplished, and ihevery way the school is now : in a position to do better work than ever before in its history. " " - ; , But friend and should be pat ron of ()lumbus.High School did you ever, stop to think that Jf silver dollars were falling about you and you did hot pick them up that you would not be ehtiched thereby 1 Just so it is wi th. regard to the school. Although the school is doing effective work in your midst and you fail to patronize it and thus deprive your son and daughter of the benefits of the school and of an ved ucation, neith er you nor your children are made better by the influence of the school. The only "expense necessary for attending this state high school is board at actual cost-. :::-::,:::-r-'') '.' Stop! Think! Consider! And send your sons and your daugh ters to Columbus High School. Ecyiyal Ueeting In Colamt3ui A protracted meeting is . now being held at the Columbus Bap tist .church , Rev. 'J. ,H.:Mltchell of Landrum agisting jthe pastor, Rev. J. M. Walker, from Sunday to Wednesday. Seldom is the gospel of Christ expounded with such clearnesfOand simplicity as interpreted by Mr. Mitchell and it is certain that the seed he has planted at this meeting will not be unproductive but will show in the faithful endeavor of all who heard him to lead belter and truer lives. . i TRYON; NOTES. i Ccrraipoudence of Tbe Iewi Aug. 16th, 1911. .... Mayor F P. Bacon was in Hen dersonville yesterday to attend the good roads meeting. Mr. Frank Belue is improving and wilt soon be able to sit up. At the meeting of ; the Town Council Monday night it was ar ranged to meet with the Saluda Council at Saluda Wednesday night to discuss theiroad propos ition and make arrangements for public meetings jand the taking of subscriptions. Wje hope that some thing will be done and that we can soon see the dirt broken. There; was a petition presented to Coun,$ signed by our leading citizens requesting improvement in the water works. . There is room 4 or considerable improve ment and our people are getting Lired of paying on promises. We need the waterworks, butinless it can be improved aloft run in accordance with agreement ws might just as well be without it. Laying of the corner stone of the Catholic' church was post poned last Sunday on account of the weather, f Mr.Rob Henderson of Landrum and Miss Kelley of Tryon were married yesterday by 1 'Squire' ' Gash: . Y. X. . Do you take, the Progressive farmer? If not, look . up our clubbing offer and get acquainted with the best farm paper for North Carolinians. . Advertise in THE NEWS. 4 Bargain - ' y- ; ' ' Pop a Quick SMH 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRfe 100 acres in cultivation, well .watered with never failing' streams,, 4 tenant houses large barn, situated in Greens Creek township, the best farming sec tion in Polk County. Convenient to school churches and stores. Part cash, balance on easy terms. MANY OTHER BARGAINS! If you want to buy, rent or lease farms, summer or winter homes, come to Polk County. You will not find a better climate, more beautiful scenery or natural ad vantages anywhere. If interested CULL Off VJtyTE THE BEST WATCH 1 REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, i Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERF0RDT0N, N. C. Randolph's Complete Store at Melvin Hill carries a nice line of millinery for ladies and misses. OUR SHOES If you are looking for the latest, most comfortable and serviceable ; thing r in foot- ; yrear at big discounts just scan these pricei 1 and call in to examine the goods: . $5.00 shoes for men and women, button or : -lace, gun metal, patent leather or russet, f high or low cut, all sizes, our price, $3.50. - , - $3.50 shoes for men arid women, $2.00. ; . ; Farmers shoes and storm shoes at - rock bottom prices, also a complete line of shoes for children at prices to sell the goods. Ask to see . the "nobby line of, hats just received, particularly the "Pony, " if you want to look "tony. " We pay cash and get the discounts, you reap the benefits ml JACKSON'S, Columbus, v A. C. cmuB, COLUpBUS, 1. C. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeepihg. Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Kates reasonable. k Write for catalog. J. W. PLESS YOaS COLWtiK pless rcoLEqnri LAWYERS v . ' Practice til the Courts of Folic and Buthorford Counties RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS and Progressive Farmer the two papers for one year for the price of one $1.00. $&ir ffl 1 . ; . 1 .. . I 1 y if 'fit i ! s l : ' :" : .... f: 1 1 I i 1 1 V". f i s WO