0 V Thrse Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS VOL. Avn. , r T T r T COLUMBUS, POLK ' COUNTY. -N: C". .THURSDAY-AUGUST 24,1911. NO. 15. SPECIAL NOTICES. COIiTJMBUS 'V'.. nhcrrinf inn' Driro RI rtfi Dor Vr r irt Aninnr J azj vmmm to let people,k:tiow K . what :yoii-have JOHN ORR & COMPANY " TRYON, N. C. Dr6ss Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. ? GO TO - THE :' BALLSNGER COMPANY - Tryon, N. C. For " EVERYTHING ' - ' ' The . The Carolina ' S ALU D PER GEHT Paid on Savings ye ry 3 4 It lias been the constant endeavor of the' management of this bank to furnish every possible faci!ityfor the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money." .' - ' ' . An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to "y corporation, Ann, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. ,. r ' V" Y We solicit your account. - D C BARROW, Q. C. SONER, President. . Vice-Prlsident. H: B. LA1SE, Cashier. F. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SS TIES BOUGHT, and THE MAN WHO SPENDS EVERY cent of his 'income no matter how large, is-poorer than he who saves part f his, no matter how small- That's sound common sense. This advice is just as sound: Put few or many-- dollars, as of tew as "yx ui can spare them, into the strong box of - , ...- THES&KK'OFTRYOH Special prices made on Flour, Pot ton Seed M eal, Hulls, and A 11 Feedstuff s in quan tity Cash paid for Cross Ties Balleng8r Company . TRYON, N- C. 1 State Bank Av N . C. STRONG COURTEOUS . EROGRESSI VE W.C ROBERTSON, Vice-President. r Dealer in Tryon, N. C. NOTICE. ' ' .. - Y ' - - - . Y ". All persons, having cla'tns against the es'ate' of. Joseph.' Moss 'Wiljiams j.- deceased, are hereby notified to present their claims properly proven to "James K. , Williams, K D.f Inman, S, C; or at ' olumbus, N. C , in care of the Clerk of the Superior Court, on or. before the 24th day of August, 1912. .. ."v;T -Y;:';' 1 '. .;.'-', '":.;' '. . ' Y,. . - J.S.WILUA MS and J . K.W1 LLTA MS," Executors f Ihe Will of Joseph ' : JL. Williams, deceased. Notice ol Sals c! Land Ua to Mortgage. ' " . - -1 .'- - "' Y .'''. - -. ' i ; BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON tained in a certain mortgage executed by Archie Cael and wife, Sarh L. Cagel" to Anu Ridings I Uh day of January, igio, to secure a certain note in the sum of $560.00 of cveii date' herewith; whii-h mortgage is of record in book No. 5, page 517, of the records of mortgages for Pplk County, and default having been made in the payment of said note; thtrefore for the purpose of satisfying said note, interest, and costs, the undersigned will on Monday, September the 4th, 1911,, within the leal fioursf sale, offer for sale to -the highest bidder, at the rourthcuse door in Columbus, N. C; the lands conveyed by saidxmorteaze, which are fully described in mortgage recorded Iabov- referred to. Terms of sale cash. This 19th day of July, 1911. (Miss)NN RIDINGS, f , Mortgagee. NOTICE. Uy order of the' Board of County Com missioners at their August meeting, there will be held in Greens Creek township t ColIinsviUc school house an election on Sept. 19th. 191 1, for the purpose of voting a special school tax of not more than 30 cts. on the $100 valnatioii of property, in the 5Hl!in( boundary town: Commencing at J Eljas Cautrelrs, and taking in his farm, thence down the Mills Gap road to a ridge road about loo yds. below W.M. Harnett's.; thence down said ridge road to the Collins-' ville Mill Creek, thence with said creek to State line, thence with State line to BB. Wil Person's west "coiner in State line, then with Wilkerson line to Hooper Creek, then up creek to the forks, then up right prong to Greenville road near Joe Morgan's," then with said road t O. P. Srrtawley's farm, taking his frm George Green farm to Gr 'enville road, thence with said road to a cross roads near H..E. Flynn. thence a Straight line to Daniel Culbreath'a 0 MiH Gatv thence, with :saidr Wad to . beginning. Will "PowiU's place not to : be included in this boundary. S. B. Weaver is registrar and Ehas Cantrell and M. A. Cornwell judges of said election. Aug. 8th, 1911. F. M. BURGESS. 'Clerk to U. C. C. NOTICE By order of the Board of County Com missioners there will be held an election . On Sept. 19th, 19.11, at Silver Creek school house for the purpose of abolishing the now" special school tax of said district. C. B. Green registrar, and T. B. Turner and James Arledge judges of said election. Aug, 8tn, 191 1. F. M. BURGESS, Clerk to B. C C. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED S Jewelry, Stationery and Art. Store, RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable. , v i Write for catalog: J. W. .JLESS - . :. TOES COLEMAN, LAWYERS Practice aU the Courts, ef Polk and ' , Rutherford Counties '-. RUTHERFORDTPN, N. C. Stop in at Cannon & Keeter's it Lynn for a refreshing bottle of ce-cold coca-cola just like .they ill do! - 1 , .-, r , r " ' 1 - Advertise in THE NEWS. orth ast f est . : . . outh Does your neighbor read The News? " .:j - ' . - . Mr. W. E. Hill visited relatives in Landrum Tuesday. ' If your neighbor doesn't read the News, ask him why. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office; ' Atty. B. F. Williams went to Tryon Monday on business. Expert watch and clock repair er:iAllred; jeweler, VRuth erfojrdtoC. ' ' '-. . Atty. filB. Cloud and Mr. C. A. Carson attended tent meeting at Lynn yesterday. " r Born to Mri , anU-Mrs. Judson McDowell pf Greens Creek Mon day nighty a daughter. ' - Mr. John L. Jackson went to Mill Spring Monday to visit his father, who is very sick. Deputy Sheriff R.F. McFarland took John Sentellj to Morganton Insane Asylum last Thursday. Born to Atty. and Mrs. James E. Shipman, of Htndersonville, last Thursday night, a daughter. Mr. Dock Hampton of Lan drum No. 1 brought ; his : sister, Miss Myrtle, to Columbus High School Monday.' ; f ;: lv v Mr. Geo. B. Logan 0 f the firm pf Logan & Cantrell, Landrum, was in Columbus yesterday on fbusiness. ' ''-;- Rev. T. H. Posey and Messrs. Gant and Bagger of Wagener, S. C, were in town last Thurc day on business. I ' Messrs. Foote 01 Double Branch Gold Mine and Joe Henderson of Greens Creek were visitors here yesterday on business, r Mr. Charles H.: Williams., who has been spending his vacation in Columbus,' returned Monday to his: home in Baskerville, Va. Mr: Doyle Hinton returned to his honie in Jacksonville, Fla., Saturday, after a delightful two weeks rest in our mountains. ' -r". ' ' ' V'' '."' ' Mr. Eugene' Ridr returned; to Cleveland Ohio, last Friday, af ter disposing of quite , a ; few blocks of the Stearns property. .- ' .-y'-.:Y. '.. .' Atty. Thomas! W. Bacot of Charleston, S. C, and Mr. J, F. Wilkes of Charlotte, - N C, were business visitors here last Fri day, r .' v V . '.' '.,.'. . Mr- Ira Hodge and sister, Miss Eddie, who havebeen visiting at the home of Mr; land Mrs. J. W. Newman, returned to their home in Ruth erf ordtor?! Sunday. Mr. W. E. J4nninp;s of Lan drum was in Tuesday to subscribe for three months. Mr: Jenpings is going to put .up his shingle mill on Mr. L. L. Tljant's land this week.; . y".v;4y:..': .. ... : ' ' " ". " -,-'.'-.. Miss Nannie Ruck er of Ruther fordton visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J: P. Arledge sev eral days last week and left Sat urday for Landrum to visit rela tives there. Misses Evelyn and Charlotte Rucker, Mamie Lewis and Maude McKinhon, who have been spend ing several weeks at the Colum bus Hotel, returned to their homes at Charlotte. Tuesday. ; A jollv party of .young people of Columbus and visitors enjoyed a straw ride last Friday to the gold mine at Collihsville, where they were shown all through the place and well entertained by the superintendent,! Mr. Foote. A EMrgmm it 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRE 100 acres in cultivation, well :-w a t e f e d with never failing streams, 4 tenant houses, large, ' barn, situated in Greens Creek township, the best "farming sec tion in Polk County. Convenient to school, churches and stores. Part cash, balance on easy terms. MANY, OTHEIt BARGAINS !' If you want to buyrent or lease farms, summer or winter homes, . come to Polk County. You will not find a better climatemore beautiful scenery or natural, ad ; vantages anywhere. If interested GAtLL Off WqiTE lo lls Patrons of tie Columbus Higl Scbool -YS .The management of-the Colum bus High School is r exceedingly anxious to have the cooperation of every -parent who has children in school.- The utmost efforts of the principal and teachers cannot accomplish tthe best results for the children without the earnest support of their parents. The principal will send the par ents each month a report card containing information of number of times child is tardy, number of times absent, general grade on each subject, and - deportment. This monthly report is intended j to keep the parents in touch with the school and the progress of the children, and is to be carefully examined, signed and returned the next day after it is received. - Promptness, or ,having a time ior-dojng things and doing them on timej is "one of the vital ele ments of an education, or in any successful business. The school tries to develop this laudable quality in its students, therefore, if children are tardy without written consent from parents one point is deducted from their de portment for each off ense- Fathers and mothers, please see to it that your children at tend school every day possible; and that they be on time. En courage them to prepare their lessons at home and then if they do not make the proper advance ment the school wijl be at fault. But the school cannot be respon sible for your children-and their progress "unless it has your ear nest cooperation in the above matters, so vital to the best in terests of any school; y . '." ... ; E. W.' S. Cobb, 4 : Principal.. Do you take the, Progressive Farmer? : If not, look up our clubbing offer and get acquainted with the best farm .paper .for North Carolinians. v SDBSCRIBB TO, THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Quick Sajel cimuD, COLUfJBUS, fi. C, - ABHIEFS FROM MM Hit Correspondency pfntNew,sC Mr. apd Mrs. George Branscom have gone, to Allegheny county, where, they expect to attend dis- trict meetings. ; y j The many friends: of , Mr. Tom Waldrop will 6e glad to know that he has fully recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever. . : -y.., Mr.Hogan of York county, S.C. visited his daughter, Mrs.. S. S. 'Laughter, last week-end. . Mr. and Mrs, ' Hiram . Peterson visited their son Tommy at Ruth erf ordtop Hospital Sunday, and report his condition Mrs. Addie Kimbrell of Broad River visited Triend'ahd, rela tives here last week; ? 0 Several children in this Vicinity have had scarlet fever lately. Mr. Lane Putnam of thft Double Branch Gold Mine! vvas here Monday.- ' Y ' ' ; - It's d ry in this. vicinity, corn looks t 'shoestringy cotton looks "ashy," and the farmers I o n g faced, ' . ...i .. .yV,. Gretchen GREENS CREEK. . Atty, E.B. Cloud and the editor visited at the home of Mr. T., E Walker Saturday and -Sunday . Mr. Walker "is. one of thermos t progressive farmers of his com munity, and the way his crops have stood the drouth this . year is just one proof of it. .Crops look unusually well all through this section and bear' ood promise that the goose will hang as high as ever this winter. :ry ' . ' Mr, John Weaver's wife killed a large weasel one day. last week with ahoe. ' ; . The revival meeting at Greens Creek Church Sunday morning drew out . a large cro wd: : lev. J. H . Posey preached the sermon , and many stepped forward. V - - :r I ' -. I S '"I - ... w 1. 14 4 ! r; 1-

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