. - ' r l .-.' - IBS rf , -,- Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE" IN ALLITH I N OS. Subscription Price,Sl.bp Per in Advance. VOL. XV1L : COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C; .THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911. NO. 16. SPECIAL NOTICES, OPLTTMBUS "ml 1 fs l?e "only ' ' ' ' i ro ei people a wnax you ' jia :J0H N 0 R R & GOMPAN Y f " TRYON, N. C. ' Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, ': v Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC:, ETC. GO TO THE j, BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. ' For 1 , - - . . EVERYTHING on The The Carolina State Bank SALUDA. N. C. - 4 PER PENT Paid on Savings 9 Every Banking Fa It has been the constant endeavbr of the management of this bank to furnish every possible facility for the-craven- - -ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for , their money. , , n account with this bank will prove a valuable asset, to iiny corporation, firm, or banking facilities. We solicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q.'C. SOWER, ' President. Vice-President. H. B. LAISE, Cashier. f. Dealer in GENERAL r ' CROSS TIES BOUGHT. way mow HE . MAN -WHO SPENDS EVERY cent of his income, no matter how Jarge, is poorer than he who saves part f his, no matter how small. That's sound common sense. This advica is just as sound: Put few or many dollars, as often asjyj can spare them, into the trong box of THE BMIK OF IWIM Special priced made Flour, potion Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. STRONG r COURTEOUS . PROGRESSIVE individual requiring mc " ' W. C. ROBERTSON, VicG-Prtsident. ,7. MERCHANDISE Try on, N. 0. , - NOTICE..; All persons havng-claims Against the esiate of Joseph Moss .Williams, deceased, are hereby notified to present iheir claims properly proven- to James K. Williams, R. F. D., Inman.sS. C. or at ' olainlus, N C , in care of the Clerk of the Superior Court, on or before the 24th day of August, 1912. N 1 s - J.S.WILUAMS and J.K.WTI.LIAMS, Executors of Ihe will of Joseph i " M.-William8, deceased. Notice , of Sals ol Land Under Merte. " : BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON tained in a certain mortgage executed by Archie Cartel and wife, Sarb L. Cagel, to Ann Hidings 11th day of January, 1910, to secure a certain note in the sttm of J560.00 of even date herewith, whirhfinortgage-is of record in book No. 5, page 517, of. the records of mortgagea for Polk ; Cou,nty,And default having been made in the payniant of said note; therefore for the- purpose of satisfying said note, interest and costs, the undersigned . will ; on Monday, September the 4th, 191 1, 'within the legal hours of sale, offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the rourthnuse door in Columbus, N. C., the lands conveyed by said mortgage, which are fully described in mortgage recorded (abort referred to. Tejms of sale cash. This 19th day of July, 191 1. (Miss) ANN RIDINGS, k I Mortgagee. NOTICE.. By order of the Board of County Com missioners at their August meeting,' there will be held in Greens Creek township t Collinsville school house an election on Sept." 19th, ioilfor the purpose of voting a special school tax of not more than cts. on the $100 valuation of property, in the polling boundary to wit: Commencing! at Ehas CantrtlPs, and taking in his farm. thence down the Mills Gap road to a ridge road about loo yds. below VV.M. Barnett s, thence down said ridge .road to the Collins ville Mill Creek, Whence with said creek to State line, thence" with State line to B. B. Wilkerson's west corner in State line, then with Wilkerson line to Hooper Creek, then up creek to the forks, then up right prong to Greenville road near Joe Morgan's, then with said road t O. P. Smawley's faim, takin? his 'farm George "Green farmto Greenville road, thence with said road to a cross roads near H. E. Flynn, thence straight line to Daniel Culbreath'a on Mill, vnin, inence yyiia aa.iu. xoau w. ucgHtink Will Powtll s place not to be included in hts'bonndary. S. U. Weaver is registrar and Ehas Cantrell and M. A. Corn well udge of said election. Aug. 8th, l$iL-L ...,F. M. BURGESS. i; CUrktoB.C.C. NOTICE ' By order of the Soard of County Com missioners there wilr pe beid an election on Sept. I9thi X911, at; Silver Creek school liouse for the purpose, of abolisbing the now special school tax of said district. C. B. Green registrar, .and J. B. Turner and James Arledge judges of said election. Aug, Sth, 191 1. F. M. BURGESS, Clerk to B. C. C THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLREu 8 Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORD TON, N. C. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. y Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable. Write for catalog. J. W. PLESS YOBZ COLEMAN PLESS rCOLEM LAWYERS Practice all the Courts cf PolkanA ( Buthorfcrd Counties . ' RUTHERFGRDTON, N. C. V S V Stop in at Cannon & Keeter's at Lynn' for a refreshing bottle, of ice-cold coca-cola-ust like they all do! " Advertise in THE NEWS; n -: e w--s orth ; 7 at est . . outh Does your neighbor read The News? I - Sheriff A; LJHilLwas in town last Thursday, i If your neipfhbor doesn't' read the News, ask him why. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office.' Clem Banks of Melrose Is in jail for carrying concealed weap ons';" ' !' ' - V ' "",.-' Mr. Forrest Williams was in Spartanburg Monday on busi ness.' i ,--''J: ',, Mr- A. B. Freeman of Ashe- ville was a business " visitor here Monday. - ; I Expert watcKan.d .clock repair er t-F. F. AUred, jeweler, Ruth- erfordton f 1 Mr. W. T. Gulbreath of Lan- 1 ' drum route 1 as in town Tues day on busmes . Mr. S. J. Jusiice of Henderson ville was a business -visitor at the register's office last riday: The shingle imill of Mr. W. E. Jennings is nov in oparation on the property of Mr. L.LCTallant. : , Mr. N. B. Jackson- leaves to day for Spartanburg to take up his bid position with the Under wood Typewriter Go. Mrs. J. W. Newman and Mrs. W. B. Arledge; divided the honors and the priza for best bread bak ing at the Women's Institute." ' Mr. Jesse Splawn , and sister, Mi$s Lela, of Mill Spring attend ed Sunday-scKool here and,wejre the 'guests of Squire Mills Sun-' "day.- '-i' ' . Hon. T. T. Ballenger of Tryon attended the aimers' Institute and . fired more: questions than anybody. But that's the way to learn, T. T.' . ' ' . The Polk County Telephone Company goes under new man agement tomorrow. The new nroDrietorSi are Messrs. Holmes and Searles of Tryon. ; Quite a number of , Columbus folk attended 1 tent services held at Lynn by Rev, William Black last wek. Mr, Black believes in singing, ana iots 01 it. Mr. .. and Mrs. ' Chapman of Spartanburg, who have, been "honeymooning a week or so in our beautiful fnountains.returned to their horned last Friday. Mr. and Mrs; Charles Daven port of Lynnfwere in town Mon day looking over some land offer ings in the hopes of buying and locating here! They Were guests of Mrf and Mrs. L. H. Cloud at dinner. f ; "Uncle Mark" Cornwell and "Uncle Lumf Hanipton of . Lan drum route 1 aire others who asked not a few questions at the Farmers' Institute. That 'js what institutes are for. boys, and the teachers like to be quizzed. V Another rung in the laaaer 01 progress for Polk county has been made in the completion of the bridge across Horse Creek by Mr. W. J. Screven last week Now let's get the roa I graded to it and we'll be in fine fettle for a boom. ' ' - f ' Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peacock of Florida, whd have been touring in the North, several weeks, ar rived here Saturday, Mr. Peacock returning home that night,- Mrs. Peacbckwill stay a few weeks in Columbus, the ideal place of all hef -travels she says. . , , . "' " V. :. ' - . For- a'QuickSaM 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRE 100 acres in cultivation; wejl w a t e r e d with: never failing;; streams, 4 tenant houses, large' barn situate! in Greens Creek township, the best farming sec tioniii Polk County. Convenient to scliool,' churches and stores: Part cash; balance on easy terms.; MANY OTHER BARGAINS! ' If you want to buy. rent or. lease " farms, summer or winter homes, come to Polk County. You will not find a better climate, more, beautiful scenery or natural ad vantages anywhere. If interested CALL Off WiTE Good Roads lieetins At Colmntins Monday. f Attention of citizens of Colum- mis'Mill Spring and Tryon vis called to a good roads meeting to fee held atHTie courthouse in Col umbus on Monday, September 4, at 3 p m.; fot the purpose of rais ing by subscription enough money to secure a good graded highway from Try on to Mill Spring. Many -prominent citizens of Tryon, who have taken active, in terest in the automobile road pro ject from Jacksonville to Ashe- ville, C success f or which now seems assured, are expected at this meeting." These men are eager to cooperate with Columbus and Mill Spring citizens to per fect this main road from Tryon to Mill Spring; and will aid ma terially if other citizens will do their share. It is a deplorable fact that in recent years Polk County has only improved on its edges and it is high time that the people of the interior take advantage of just such a movement as this to bring about improved conditions closer to home. -vx Let every citizen come out, to this meeting and show as much interest in his town as he does in his farm success for this pioject will then be a certainty. Keep the date in mind first Monday in September,1 3 p.m., and come. Interesting Institutes At CoHus. Last Thursday a large crowd of both sexes attended the Farmers and Women's' Institutes held in the courthouse at Columbus by the State Department of Agri culture in cooperation with the County Farmers' Institute Com mittee. Many subjects of. inter- est to the farmers were discussed by Messrs; A.. L. French, G. M. H, Garren arid 0. M. Clark, in which and relatives witnessing th in the farmers assailed the teachers terment. Rev. Mr. Moss preachy with a volume of questions andjed the funeral sermon. v SUBSCRIBE POLK COUNTY NEWS 1 COLUfJBUS, J. C. received ready answers for all.of them. Misses M.W. Hopper and Lala Mundy conductedtheA insti tute for the women , who took ac- ? tive part in the discussion of , the1 various subjects presented, and also displayed keen interest in the r address on horticulture by, Mr. 0. M. Clark. ;-' -v; -. These institutes are becoming more popular each year jfith the people of Polk county 'and the teachers must feel well satisfied by the interest manifested in the discussion that their labors are not in vain. . Hr. Leander Jackssn Passes Into Beyond. In the death of Mr. Leander -Jackson last Friday morning at. Mill Spring, another veteran of the Confederacy passes away and the 'thin gray line" grows thin- ; ner, .and Polk County loses one its best citizens. ' - Mr. Jackson had reached, the ripe old age of 72 last May 1 and was in apparent good health un til two weeks ago, when he suf fered an attack of dysentery from which he was unable to rally. Mr. Jackson was born at Bright Creek arid was a resident in ,this county all his days: Ht' moved about 1866 to Mill Spring where he married Miss Permelia Green, and had eight, children, six o f whom, John L. : James, Butler, William,. Frank; and Mrs. Mattie Newman, f survive i him,- besides his wife, four brothers, two sis ters and: ten grandchildren; . Mr- Jackson was a prosperous and progressive farmer- and pos sessed considerable property. He was a kind and neighborly citizen and) dearly d evoted to his kin. Th funeral occurred Saturday at 2 p.m. at Mill Spring Baptist Church; where Mr. Jackson held membership many years, a large 1 assemblage of sorrowing friends TO THE i li f 3