. - . . , . . Risked Punishment for Dog. A pleasing story of a prisoner's love for his dog comes from - North . YaM ma, Wash. Michael Short,1 sentenced to the street chain gang to work out 41 -.-' A rt4ti tnrn my man m recently, but somewhat to the surprise of his orerseers turned up again- for -work; the - next " morning." Mike ; ex plained to the officer that acts as fore man that he had left his little dog tied beneath his bed at home and that he had stolen away to liberate it, as it had been three days without food or water.. WAKE UP! V V . Shake off that tired feeling due to sluggish liver; kidneys, stomach and bowels, i Qeanse and purify greatest of tonics, OXIDINE a bottle proves. The Specific tor Malaria, Oulltaod Fever, and a reliable remedy for all diseases due to disorders of . Evcr.bowds.itomacli and kidneys. 50c At Your Druggist fllMIIlII Diva oo., Wuo, Texas. Very Low Kales Sep! ember 15 io October 15 Yia The West Poinf Route (A.&W.P.R. R. "Rio W. Ry. of Ala.) ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO and TEXAS Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to San Francisco,five days every week. Write to us for all information. J. P. K1LEPS. P. M, THOMPSON, cacrel Pauaagcr agcaf District Pssssiier Asesf AllasJa, Geargia Alliifa, 6esrii tttmnlate the torpid liver, strencthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, care .lck headache. Uneqnaled as - mmm Sr ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. "Elegantly sagar coated. Small dose. Price, 25c. Ill Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color auuTKS MXDKiTF AID BCIET Invigorates and prevents the hair from fallingoff Tr tmiu j DraffbU, f Scat Direct by - XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia IMm SI Trr MntHi InpU B.UW tic Scat far eiraalar. TEACHERS WANTED We need more teachers, men and women, for schools now open. Salaries $30 to $100. Schools supplied with teachers. SOUTHERN TEACHERS' AGENCY; COLUMBIA, S. C. , O A T 1 fl C IS treated without knife or plaster. UM 14 U kll A.J.MiUer.M.DtLouis.Mo. Charlotte Directory TYPEWRITERS-TYPEWRITERS Writ4 Rift Tffll wnnfa trvm a i -w rA sv Vm4 new, second hand or rebuilt typewriter. Hare the birsret nork In rimlln.. Am anin hi?h class rebuilt No. 6 and Ncr. ? Remingtons-- . i zubo sen supplies, (riDDons, carbon papers, oils, etc.) for all kinds of typewriters. JONES The Typewriter Man Biggest Dealer In rnaAlU. mT-. .m. Ska - mt. mm v.iiifc vnanone. norm Carolina. typewriters rrom 90 eacu, up. Typewriters Rebuilt Yonr old machine can be maifo n trnnA a new in our shops at a nominal cost All mazes oi typewriters rebuilt, repaired, cleaned and adjusted in the shortest possible time and in the most satisfactory manner. J. E. Cray foa & Co., Charlotte, Pi. C. Clearance Sale at STIEFF'S pNTIRE stock of pianos reduced 10 per cent, and 6 per cent additional for cash. Three outside Cabinet Piano Players to be given away with first three Stieff Pianos sold. .Specials at $167.50 and $190.00. Many dealers call them $350.00 pianos. OUR PRICE AS ABOVE. CHAS M. STIEFF 5 Wot Trade Street Charlotte, N; C C. H . WILMOTH. Manager Is a City of Magnificent Distances TtT ASHINOTON . Cities ontcrrow their clothes Just as children do. Washington wps known three-quarters of a century ago as the City of Magnif icent Distances. The White House was known as the "President's Pal ace," and the government buildings, planned on generous lines, were con sidered to be far and away too great for the business of the country. Now the national capital is over 100 years old, and has outgrown everything that was planned for her.-. Tremendous wings were built to the capitol even before the war. The White House has been remodeled and remodeled until It presents very small appearance of the original. We have outgrown our beau tiful treasury building, our state, war and navy building, we have outgrown two postal departments, and we lone ago outgrew the ten miles square of the district boundaries. In fact, the residents of Washington have lapped over into Maryland and Virginia, at a great rater - ' " The treasury building is of an cient Greek temple design, and simply cannot be remodeled.' To add to or take from it a single stone would be Government to Start Picture Shows UNCLE SAM himself is going Into the movine picture show business. With the authority of President Taft, a contract has been entered into by the government officials and a Chicago firm for the purpose of reproducing In moving pictures all of the various ac tivities of the nation. The pictures will be shown In hundreds of moving picture houses. Marines at work on battleships, gunners firing at the hulk of an old battleship, cavalry drills. mine and rescue work, plant and ani mal industry, road building and every single activity of the government will be shown on the films. The preblem of educating the public to the work being done by Its own government was carefully considered by the president and members of his cabinet before the contract was en tered into. Each cabinet officer was then authorized to make his own ar rangement with the film concern, hav ing the right to arrange for sueh pic tures as he wished to have taken and reject those he does not care for. In the United States office of public roads, for instance, the director, Lo gan Waller Page, arranged to have pictures taken showing the effects of good and bad roads. ' In the case of Bulk of Concealed WAS LUCKY .UlATJ H TO I VTJ tf ENOUGH CET PART BACK THE United States has recovered nearly $750,000 from the concealed assets of Gaynor, Greene and Carter, who defrauded the government out of $2,000,000 in Savannah harbor im provement contracts in 1897. The actual amount unearthed and attached was $630,966.69. This does not In clude $40,000 forfeited surety of John F. -Gaynor. This sum the government is endeavoring o recover by civil suit in the United States district court for the northern district of New York. More than half of the recovery came from the concealed assets of Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, the engineer officer In charge of the work at Savannah harbor and co-conspirator of. Greene and Gaynor, the contractors. The total assets of Captain Carter seized by the government amounted to $501,- 855.39. From B. D. Greene $105,460.25 Uncle Sam Builds A PRISON within a prison Is being built at Leavenworth, Kan., and It will be the first exclusive federal prison for women In the United States. The new Jail Is being built within the walls of the United States peniten tiary, but It will have a wall of Its own and the inmates will be more se curely shut off from the world than the more desperate men confined in the men's prison. This Inside prison will have room for about 500 women, there being now about that number in the various state penitentiaries In the United States, the government paying tne states for" their keep. These women have been convicted mainly of viola tions of the postal laws, smuggling, counterfeiting or white slaving. While the women's prison will be under control of the warden, there will be a woman superintendent and raider her a corps of subordinates. Because of being confined behind double walls no guards. will be neces ary. it will h a nil a that nn mart especially men prisoners, be allowed I- -YJdKgMTYrJI .... . to ruin it, architecturally speaking. It is said to be the most perfect exam ple of Greek art in this country, but the treasury department had to have more room, and so they unpinned the roof and shoved it up some on the sides and made a little more room sky ward. The state, war and navy build ing always was hideous;' being what is called Italian renaissance, and not at all suited to the solid, last-forever necessities of the United States gov ernment, and it looks as tawdry as pos sible when brought, as It is, into jux taposition with the White House and the simplicity of the Greek temple of finance. When the building was put up which was to house the United States postal department and tiie city post office some architects planned a sort of Col ogne Cathedral building, which is a long ways off from being big enough for either department and doesn't match anything in the government building line in Washington. After this structure was put up there was a re form in ideas for government build ings, and since then they have been along the stately, substantial line. The finest recent examples of these are found in the splendid white marble buildings constructed for the house and senate office buildings, which have for the central figure the beautiful white marble national capitol, with the con gressional library and its gilded dome in the foreground. the latter, the films will show the farmer trying to carry loads of prod uce over a bad road; how he became sick; how the doctor Is unable to reach him, and how, because of the mud ruts, the undertaker finds It ex ceedingly difficult to get him to his grave. Another film will show another farmer carrying his produce twice as much over a model road constructed under the supervision of the govern ment The department of agriculture will be able to show, in entertaining as well as instructive style, the effects of pure food and Impure food; the secretary of war will be able to show the advantages of army life, and the secretary of the navy the advantages of life on the bounding waves, while the interior department will be show ing how forest fires are fought and entombed miners are rescued. Assets Recovered was recovered, and from John F. Gay nor $29,651.05. Most of the assets of Captain Car ter were in trust funds. They were traced to and corralled in the hands of receivers for the estate of Captain Carter. These trust funds Included real estate, bonds, stocks and cash. The government made attachment in this case. Of the $501,855.39 recov ered from the Carter concealed assets the Supreme Court of. the United States allowed $111,054.28 for Carter's counsel expenses. All the proceedings in the courts in the Carter case have been terminated, but all of the assets turned over to the government have not been con verted into cash. The total amount of cash In the Carter assets turned in is $227,852. The balance is in real es tate In New York and New Jersey, and certain securities In Georgia. They now are In process of being sold. In every case the assets corralled had been transferred by Greene, -Gaynor and Carter to other persons or held by persons for them in concealment. The tracing of the assets was most difficult. ' Prison for Women in the women's prison. The women will: be more completely shut out of the world than cloistered nuns. The women will be kept too busy to think about men, however, for upon them will devolve the making of aU the bed clothing, tablecloths, towels and other things of that nature used In the prison and the repair of the men's clothes. They will make their own clothing, of course, although no type of uniform has been decided upon. It probably will be a one-piece Diue aress, out without numbers or anything to denote the wearer is a prisoner. '-f ." - ' ; v .. ;. ine women will - have their own chapel , and various entertainments wiu be provided for them, SUNFLOWER SEEDS AS FEED Value It Not Fully Appreciated by All poultrymen With Grain Make . Excellent Ration. The fact that sunflower seeds make eood poultry feed is not fully appre ciated ; by all. With any grain they make a . well balanced ration. These flowers grow well upon all irrigated tracts.- The growth is very rapid and :he large broad leaves afford excellent shade ffor the young chicks. It is al-. ways a wise policy, to plant the seeds sn that they can be conveniently used. Tlie falling seeds are thus saved and the shade afforded is very valuable. Sunflowers grow and produce the largest heads whe. planted in rows and cared for like corn. It is always advisable to allow the heads to be come thoroughly ripe before harvest- ng. Cut as little of the stalk off with he heads as possible. The heads are conveniently fed whule, especially during the winter months. When fed ,n this way it will be found that the Leeds fare relished by the fowls. When th poultry is molting there millet re sometimes fed with the Bunflafwer ieed. . This makes a ration very v2luable, not only because of ts affording a variety but bocause of the valuable feed constituents that these grains contain. This ration, withr an occasional feed of fresh meat, wilK make the hens lay. Corn should never be fed more than once a week or egg production, but it is very val uable as a fat producer. EXCELLENT BREEDS FOR EGGS .eg horns, Minorcas, Andaluslans, Houdans and Hamburg Will Prove . I Profitable on Any Farm. If eggs alone are wanted, it will be best to keep only non-sitting breeds, of which Leghorns, Minorcas, Andalu slans, Houdans, or Hamburgs will do well on the farm. If necessary, the eggs I may be hatched in incubators, which, in careful hands, now do good work;; or a few may also be kept of some: sitting breed. Pure bred fowls. useless for showing, can usually be obtained at a low price; and after all s sld against "fancy" birds, as a rule J they will pay better, selected with I Intelligence, than average farm mongrels. But any decently fine farm stock; can be greatly improved by Li'..lfl J ' -White Leghorn Hen. purchasing every 'year merely one or twof young cocks of the breed select ed. I Thus, if the cocks are Minorcas, the farm stock will gradually be con verted into hardy black fowls which seldom or never sit, near the Minorca type; while if Dorkings be used, there will saan be a fine race of table fowls. Often, when there is any one on the farm who cares about it, it will be best to make up every year a special breeding lot of fine birds. No farmer would expect to make his oth er jive stock pay unless he saw to such things; and he cannot expect fowls to pay either, unless he will give the same ordinary thought and care to them. Whey seems like pretty thin diet, but it is really better than nothing in the line of milk. The harder the hens dig, the less you will have to dig. Al weak chick never makes a profit able hen. 1 When your birds get big enough for the -market, let them go. That ends the worry about hawks, crows and diseases. Share the fresh lettuce with your birds. Good plan to sow some Just for the poultry. The hen that does the best with the least labor on your part, is the one you are after. Some folks have their houses so that they can open them up all around the foundation walls when it Is -jiot and let the air circulate every where. Provide clean quarters, pure water and: wholesome food for the chicks, and disease among them will be thing unknown. It is not wise to change breeds every spring. All the standard breeds are good. Make the one you already have do its best. ; It is a mistake to wash eggs or to . make them clean. It is better to have the nests clean so that the eggs need not get dirty. , Cull out the poor layera and give the prolific hen more room to work. Ducks should have a plentiful sup ply or snarp grit. . x- WAS NOT'THEMHOLE" THING Sweet -Girl Jn Error When 8he Imag ined Herself Sole ' Empress .or. . "His", Heart. Rhe Imagined his room with her photograph smiling down af. him from over the mantel, wnne anoiner 01 ner photos looked demurely at him from a leather case on the;dressing table. She could see him often standing in front of her mirrored likeness and making vows of constancy and fidelity. She knew he would rather part with anything he had than those likenesses. But-they had quarreled and she felt she must ask him to return her photo graphs, and she wrote him accord ingly. When she received his reply she nearly fainted. Here is what the wretch wrote: . .. "Dear Mabel- I would like awfully much to return your photos, but, hon- estly,, you girls all dress and pose so much alike for the camera that I can't tell any two of you apart. If you like, I will send you over 300 or 400 photos that I have of miscellane ous girls and you can pick yours out. Hoping this will be satisfactory, I am, sincerely, etc., etc. Royal Magazine. HANDS WOULD CRACK OPEN "About two months ago my hands started to crack open and bleed, the skin would scale off, and the good flesh would burn and itch dreadfully. When my hands first started to get sore, there were small blisters like wa ter blisters which formed. They itched dreadfully, it Just seemed as though I could tear the skin all off. I would scratch them and the skin would peel off, and the flesh would be all red and crack, open and bleed. It wor ried me very much, as I had never had anything the matter with my skin. I was so afraid I would have to give up my employment. "My doctor said he didn't think it would amount to anything. But it kept getting worse. One day I saw a piece In one of the papers about a lady who had the same trouble with her hands. She had used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment and was cured. I decided to try them, and my hands were all healed Tefore I had used one cake of Cuti cura Ointment. I am truly thankful for the good results from the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, for thanks to them I was cured, and did not have to lose a day from work. I have had.no re turn of the skin trouble." (Signed) Mrs. Mary E. Breig, 2522 Brown Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12, 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Oint ment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuti cura," Dept. 6 K, Boston. A Sandwich Filling. A delicious filling for sandwiches or crackers is made by mixing equal parts of cream cheese and- snappy cheeso with French dressing to a smooth paste, then stirring in it chopped red peppers or chopped olives. This paste should be very creamy and put on thickly, at least a quarter of an Inch. It is nice between salted wafers or on thin rounds of brown or rye bread. MALARIA AND KINDRED DISEASES Cured by that wonderful remedy Elixir Babe. Once used, nothing' else will be even considered. It removes the strong est and most obstinate Fevers. "I have used 'Elixir Babek' for past eight years as a preventive and cure for Malaria. I take pleasure in recom mending It to my friends. P. A. Simp son, W. U. Tel. Co.. Washington, D. C Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists or Kloczewski & Co., Washington D. C. Horse Sense. "He has plenty of horse sense." "Why so?" "He. never bets on one." TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA AND BUILD UP THE SYSTEM Take tbe Old Standard GROVK'S TASTELESS CHLLL TONIC Ton know what yon are taking. Tbe formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing It is simply Quinine and Iron In a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children, 60 cents. Young people should reverence their parents when at home, strangers when abroad, ' and themselves"1 "when alone, and at all times. Masslllon. For HEADACHE Hicks' CAPUDINK Whether from , Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudlne will relieve you. It's liquid pleasant to take acts Immedi ately. Try It. 10c., 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. Just set to work and do a thing, and don't talk about it. This is the great secret of success in all enter prises. Sarah Grand. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat will hot live under the same roof with Hamlms Wizard Oil, the world's best liniment for the relief of all pain. i And a lazy man will take any kind of a Job he can't get Tl ma lumpuon uas almost gawcu m . . boul lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding- at the longs, it will Dnns picrce, ure in 98 per cent, of all oases. It is a remedy prepared by Vt. Hi of Buffalo, N. Y.t whose advict is give fret to all who wish to wnte au great sucoess has come from his wide experience and vaned pracucc. gubtj. p. Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking wJ,f Vt. tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just VjJprioted Pierce's medicines are op known composition. Their every mreo jbit, . 1 i forming drugs. Worid'a Dispensary WHY BE WEAK? . Why, , suffer , backache, hea dizziness, weariness, urinary t larities and other troubles tL gu' fronv disordered kidneys whea S "ear at hand' Doan's Kidney Pil.3 have cured thou sands. Mrs. A. M. Mil. turn So. Coy Tenn., says: "a ter rible paia centerea m my back. jIy nervous system as shattered, and noise of anv kin me almost frantic. I wa ' swith dizziness and subject to smotw ing spells. My eyesight became po and kidney secretions were intense,; JSS 'K iPa88Tale-'" After d0ct4 without help, I began using Kidney Pills. In six weeks I wa3 en tirely cured." Remember the name Doan's For sale by druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 5Qc Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED SOMETHING SOLID. Airynort You asked me to take you up in my balloon; now you want to go down. Do you want the earth? Nerviss You've guessed it. That's Just what I do want. The Man in Front. "Who is 'at funny man standin' up in front of the band wavin' a stick?" "That, my dear, is the conductor." "Does he make the music go?" "Yes, my child." "Well, then, why don't they call him the motorman?" Judge. For COLDS and GRIP Hicks Capudinb is the best remedy r lieves the aching and f everlshness cures tht Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects Immediately. 10c., 25e.,and50c At drug stores. Let us return to nature, and he: veracities and integrities. Sirs. Winslows Soothing Syrup for ChUm teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. We live by admiration, hope, ani love. Wordsworth. SAVE 35-00 Don't let custom deaden in terest in your bank account Find out for yourself why The Royal Standard TYPEWRITER is lonung so popular. Why it is able to so successfully compete. with the higher priced machines of other makes. We know and would liketoshowyou. The price is $65.00 and is unquestionably the most practical Typewriter made, regard less of price. Write for catalogue. POUND & MOORE CO. Agents Charlotte, N. U MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN Relieve Feverishness, . Conshp nirfc a tidrorrect disorders?1 the stomachand bowels, t ' Mothers for r. years. 'e, .irists25c. Sample mailed TBADSkakx. Address A. . Jlmiedtw KODAKS and Hiffh Gran Finisniug. au ' oruei a (4- clal Attention. Service orompt Send for Price LUt 10JIKA.CS ABT STOKE. V1T AUTrn Live man to operate J'?1"4S- WANTED homeL ak. j m lli" home: make PMJ -Monef Tassing: no capital; tremendous dena. aaiiy. rarwcuiaraireo. . A rrMTC make $7.00 dailr se'!rffor AGENTS lrons. Sample fj-< territory and terms. Wwtbrwfc Z W. N. U., CHARLOTTENOjyi!! Do You Feel This Way? 0 Do you feel all tired out? Do you think you just can't work away at yoprro Hon or trade any longer f Do you nave - tite, and lay awake at nights unable to lccU flm. &ur neryes all gone, and your stomach too r " n to forge ahead in the world left you ? " 50 d t as well put a atop o your misery. You can will. Dr. Pierce'. Cilden Medical iC you a different individual. It will aet your lazy ork. It will Mt things right in your tio0d. appetite will come back. It will puniy Juf D tio0, :re is any tendency in your family toward conauw A keep that dread destroyer away. Even nc g -.- i , .i.Aif in me . Medical Association, Bnffalo INj,