- - . lf. V -- w -tf . . - war -,w -V- . u r , '.-r - , 31 41 -if- Thrae Cents tho Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS! I:: Subscription Price, $1. 00 Per Yfcar inAdvanco VOL. ,yit : COLUMBUS POLK COUNTY, N. G, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1911. ' .... ADWmMWIMB' fs only way to let people know whatyoti JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. . .-' . Dressv (Joods r GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Grocries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. GO TO THE -BALLENGER' COMPANY Tryon, N. G. . - . For EVERYTHING The ; : The Caftlina S L U D PER . Paid off. savings Every BanMacility It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this hank to fnrniih'every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety fer their money. , , An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking faciiiiies. vv " : : We solicit your account, .r .- r ' a C. BARROW, Q. C. SOONER, President. llce-rresiftent. H. B. LANEy Cashier. 0 s and rum MAN WHO SPENDS EVERY I t.:- . ,- v1.' . , I 1 rut 111 ins. luixiii K- nu iiiHLin iiuw 1 jargc, wrer:j.uaii c wuu vci ym.i hiss tK.niatter hov 'smallv That's sound I cominbn- sense -This advice is just : as sound: . m 1 ti r.L- A. -- . jii... . - 1 Put ftw.or many dollars, as oftett as y u can spare them, into the strong box of THE BANK OF TRYON Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. State Bank A N. C. STRONG x CQJEOUS PROGRESSIVE W. C. ROBERTSOS, ; Vice-Prtsident. beAuty in SHOES ASVWKLL AS COMFORT, SHOULD BE rconsidered when you are making purchases. Nothing-& the world affords so much re lief to tender feet as my glove fitting shoes Thev are as welcome, to a shoe pinched foot as an easy chair is to one wery of long standing. : My stock embraces the vei y latent styles, good, welma'dedurable and : also, when ibu are in iiSd-o) GROCERIES and DRV GOODS K&. PEARSON . TRYON, N. C, SPECIAL fJOTIGES. : NOTICE. AH persons having d;m agalnit ie enate of Joseph Moss Williams deceased, re hereby notified to-present their claims properly proven to Jarrte K. AVilliams, R. V. I)., InmanJ S. C. or .at; olumbus, N. C, in care of the Clerk of the Superior Court, on or before the 24th day of August, igia. : -- . - . - J S.WlLtlA MS and T.K.WILLIAMS. Executors of the will of Joseph M. Williams, deceased. ? KQT1GE CF SPMH3HS. North Carolina, Polk County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Jane LUes, Mary Ules. Martha Jolmsou and . Lad Joh usort. j -s : t-'" ' J: Irene Sparks. Shclt Sparks, . Sallie and Eliza Ellison. v '-. S; "Hie defendants above named wilt take notice that a special proceeding entitled as attove has been commenced before the clerk of the superior court for Polk County for sale nnd partition f land situated, in Polk ounty, Greens Creek township, known as that part of the Thos. Liles h me placj; laid off in partition proceeding to alary Liles, Jaue Liles and Elizabeth Iilesf Elli son; and the said defendants will further take notice that they ate required to appear b f6re the cleV-k, of the superior court of Folk County at Columbus on the 29th day of September, 191 1, at 12 o'clock M., and answer or demur to the complaint in said special proceeding, or the plaintiffs will ap ply to the clerk for the relief demanded in aid complaint. This bth day of September, 1911. . J. p; AR LEDGE, Clerk Superior Court. D. F. MORROW, Attorney. " V ; NOTICE. By order of the Board of County Com missioners at their August meeting, there will be held 111 Greens Creek townslup Collinsviue school bouse an election on Sept 19th, 1911, for the purpose of voting a sittctal school tax of not more than 30 cts. on the $ too valuation of property, in the Pung boundary town: commencing at Lhas Cantrelrs, and taking in his farm, .... . . thence down the Mills uap road to a ridge roaj about IOO ydS- bcow VV.M. Harnett S, thence down said ridge road to the Collh- " Mill Creek, thence with Mid Creelto r . t . 1 r . 1 . 1 a a . . - niie fine. mtuve wim 'oiuc iiui ,i . n. Wilker,.g wcsf ; thcn with Wilkerson line to Hooper Creek, then up creek to the forks, then up right prong to Greenville road near loe Morgan's, then with said road to O. P. Smawley's fatm, taking his frn George Green farm to Greenville road, thence with said road to a cross roads Hear IT. E. Flynn, thence Straight line to Daniel Culhreath'a on Mill Gap, ihelice with said road to beginning. Will Powtirs place not to be included in this boundary, S. B. Weaver is registrar and Elias Cantrell and M. A. Cornwel judges of said election. Aug. 8th, 191 1. F. M. BURGESS. Clerk to B. C. C. NOTICE By order of the Board of County Com missioners there will be held an election on Sent. joth. 1011. at Silver Creek schoo house for the purpose of abolishing the now special school tax of said district. C. . Green registrar, and 1. u. Turner ana I James Ar ledge judges of said election. Aug, 8th, lot 1. " F. M. BURGESS, . Clerk to B. C. C. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We tiavo a1 these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks,; Jewelry, StationeryEtc. FRED F. ALLRED S Jewelry,' Stationery and Art Store, RUTHEBF0RDT0N, ff. C. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can. en ter any time. Jtates reasonable . -Av.-.'v - Writi for catalog. J. W. PLES3 j TOSK COLEMAW -1 ' . r r PLESS & C0LEL1AW LAWYERS Practlw all Courts of Polk anil . ' Butherford CotLntlea RTJTHERFORDTON, N. C. COLUMBUS N - & - W - S orth at; est outh Doea your ineighbor "read The News? i Mr. J. G. I Hughes is in Lan- drum this week. jPearson's Tryon if you are ooking for shoes see ad. Mr J. R. Justice of Tryon was n town; Monday on business. ' :Atty. Buford F. Williams was ri Tryon Monday on business. Tryon Supply Company - have something nw all the time look up ad.- : ' r Surveyor (3am J. Justice and son of Hendiirsonville were here Monday. Expert wafch and clock repair- erF. F. Alfred, jeweler, Ruth- erf ordton. 1 f - Mr. RalphJ McFarland arrived Monday to end a few weeks with his brother. :ir - . ' Mr. Pat riampton of Atlanta, Ga. , ds visiting : relatives and friends here! this week. L Revenue officers Freeman and ttolamd of Ashe ville were in Col umbus on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wood of Taylors, S. C. , are visiting Uie latter's sister, Mrs. E. B. Hill, this week. : v Mrs. Rebecca Daniel, daughter Miss Ida, atid grandson Master Tench Morgan, of near Landrum, J visited at me home of Mr. W. E. HUl Satui-dy. ; ; - 4 Mr. Govati Feagan of Melvin Hill was up Tuesday to find out particulars If the Columbus High School withithe view to placing his children-there. Deputy I. F. McFarland, who has been spending several days in Rutherfojrd ton, returned Sun day. His niother came with him to stay a few weeks to recuperate from a recejit illness. Thirty new members of the Green's Ceek Baptist Church are to be baptized Sunday. The baptizing will be at the Shields place at 9.3t) a.m. and services at the church Will follow. LOST lirge, white and brovvn English setter, three years ol.d; snswers to name of Joe. Left home 20th ()f last month. $5.00 reward forv, information leading to his recovery, F. G. QUERY, Landrum, ). C. Miss Mirtoie Arledge left Fri day to visitj relatives and friends in Charlottja for a few days, and from therehas gone to 'Youngs ville to tak up her former posi tion as a teacher in the graded schols of thatrplace. - Betweenjthree and four hun dred peopli assembled at Lynn Sunday dn witnessed the baptis mal rites performed on eight women an four men. Services at the chapel followed the bap tism, Rev J. M. Walker taking for his texl the story of Naaman the iejper. ' - J.) : Two mafjmges occurred Sun- h3ay in Cohimbus at the home of Squire N. T. Mills. In the morn ing Miss Addie Fisher became the wife of Mr. Levin Newman, a host of their friends driving over fromL.ynn to witness the ceremony! Miss Mettie Foster and Mr. Archie Howard of Lynn 1 were married in the afternoon. Messrs. I Holmes and Searles, the hew proprietors of the Polk. County telephone system, .have ordered & hew and up-totdate switchboard with power - gener ator for their exchange iriTryon. It will be? installed immediately upon its arrival," some time dur ing the neixt two weeks, and the 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRtf 100 acres in cultivation , well w a t'e red with never failing' streams, 4 tenant houses, large barn, situated in Greens ' fcreek township, the best farming sec tion in Polk County. Convenient -to school, churches and stores; Parcash, balance on easy terms MANY OTHER- BARGAINS ! If "you want to buy,, rent or lease . farms, summer or winter homes, . cpjne?ta Polk County. ; ;You will not find a better climate, more : beautiful scenery or natural ad vantages any where. If interested CLL 6 v. old switchboard will be over hauled and installed in the Col umbus exchange... This wilL do "away with 4 cross-talk," 'which has -been, the. cause of consider able annoyance to the patrons for a long time. A large crowd is expected at the box supper at Coliimbus High School tomorrow night. Miss Landis, the popular music teach er, who is promoting the affair, is.quite?hopeful of its success, and the young ladies of the school are not sparing in their efforts to make the boxes look attractive and promising of the sumptuous ! repasts they will place in them. It is expected that the auctioneer will be Professor Cobb, whose keen wit and ready humor will not suffer the occasion to become monotonous, but will keep the crowd in jocund spirits through out the evening, mere is no doubt but that the receipts will amply cover the cost to fit up the music room, the purpose of the supper. ;r . ''Wood's Crop Special," for September says "It is always advisable in our opinion, for farmers to pujtin as much of their land as they can in the fall. We V1 t 1. i . i p erowmp; weather during the fall and early spring, and crops sown in the fall not only furnish a cever crop for the soil, but are growing and thriving at seasons which in recent years have proved most advantageous in our southern soils and climate. We would therefore urge : our farmers to sow all the land possible in suit able crops this full, so as to provide against the repetition of short feed crop another year." "Wood's Crop Special" is issued monthly and givs timely, and seasonable information about seeds that. can be planted to advantage and profit each month through out the year. Write for sample copy to T.-W. Wood & Sous. Seedsmen, Rich mond, Va. Do you take the IrogreBsiye vmiTE Farm'er ? If not, : look up our!. to pull Polk county out of the rut. ' clubbing offer and get acquainted Get your neighbor in the pro with the best farm paper fof jgressive line, then you can have' North Carolinians. good roads. . : SUBSCRIBE POLK COUNTY NEWS Gmck Smel CLOUD, coiupaus, fi. c CcnimiUees Appointed to MattJetition For Gosfl Roais Bod Issuer 2 The committees to circulate the petition for a good roads bond ijssue have been appointed by Mr. -. Frank M. Burgess, chairman of the Polk County Good Roads As- sociation; and are as follows: Columbus E. B. Cloud, R. F. McFarland, J. G. Bierbaum. White Oak J. T. Waldrop, J.. T. .Green,-J. N. Mitchell. Saluda W. C. Robertson, Dr. E. McQueen Salley, G. W. Pear son. TryonB. L. Ballenger, Geo. A. Gash, F; S. Wilcox. Greens Creek T. G.Randolph, J. A. Keagan. Cooper Gap W. G. Egerton,- W. H. Ledbettex. BRIEFS FROM. THE PEOPLE, ; Seventy-five thousand dollars spent for good roads by Polk county would give work to the unemployed, make available her great resources, increase real es-" tate values, give impetus to goody schools, add greatly to the social life of the county, give new cour age and spirits to her citizens and start a progressive, "movement that is necessary to success. Letf,s have the bond issue. , B. L.. Ballenger. Good roads are the only hope of our county. Let us urge the commissioners to issue Donas and u;m fK oa0 - w.ft. owfw, build the roads. ' With a system of good sand and clay roads pene trating every; part of our county, our taxable property;, would double in less than five years and 1 Polk County one of the richest in natural resources in the State would awake f rom her Rip Va n Winkle sleep and be the pride of Western North Carolina: Geo. A. Qash. ".- ' .. - -- ,. It is absolutely necessary for that element that wants some -thing better to bestir itself f into imbuing that spirit into the many who think present conditions are'' J good enough before it can' hope TO THE ;1 t

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