INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS; Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year In Advance. VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N.C THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 NO. 19. Three Cents the Copy. The BE ST FARM For North Carolinians is The Progressive Farmer and Farm Gazette. If you are not already a sub- -scriber to this excellent farm journal, send $1.00 for a year's subscription to The Polk County News and receive The Progressive Farmer for one year free. Your coufity paper and the best farm paper for you, both; for one year, for the price of one, 104 big is3ties $1.00'. Progressive Farmer and Gazette. JOHN .-'V GE NTLEMEN 'S NECKWEAR v- " v Groceries, Dry Goods;.-. Notions, JShoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. GO TO THE - "A BALLENGli COMPANY . V Tryon, N. 0. , For EVERYTHING The " The Carolina S ALU DA, N. C. cent Patt .on Savings Every -HBankiiit Facility It has eirr lh constant endeavor of the management of this hank "to, 'fflrnish every possible facility for the conven ience of ils'ersositora, together with absolute safety for their men ey r y , An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your, account. D C. BARROW; Q. C. SOKNER, W. C ROBERTSOS, President. :' Vice-President. Vice-President. ti. B. LAKE, Cashier. WEEKLY ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C, Dress Goods 1 THE MAN WHO SPENDS EVERY cent , of his incorre. uo matter how large, is poorer than he who saves part f his, no rnatter how small. That's sound common sense. Tbis advice is just as sound: Put fevr.or many dollars, as often as y u can spare them, into the rtroug bdr of I THE MK OF TRYON I Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feed stuffs in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... Ballenger Company v- TRYON, N. C. State Bank STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE pHP THe Mouse Tops I wish to proclaim the low prices on k very article in my store. I particularly call your attention to my fine line of shoes and request that you call and look them over ; before going elsewhere: 1 carry a irood line -of merchandise and can suit you in price call and see F S. PEARSON TRYCN, N. C. SPECIAL HOTiGES. notice. ; All persons having cla'ms ngainit the estate of Joseph Moss Williams deceased, are hereby notified to present their claims properly proven to James K. Williams, K. F: D.t Inraan, S.C. or at oluuibus, N C , in care of the Clerk of the Superior Court, on or before the 24th day of August, 1912. i ..1 JcS. WILLIAMS and J.K.WILLIAMS? Executors of thev ill of Joseph M. Williams, deceased. HOTICE OF SBMM6HS. North Carol ina. Polk County, "y-.-- In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Jane Liles, Mary Liles. Martha ' Johnson aiid Lad Johnson. vs. : -. Irene Sparks. Shelt Sparkg, Sal lie and Eliza Ellison. The defendants above named will take notice that a special proceedinf entitled as above has been commenced before the clerk of the.superior court for Polk .County, for sale and partition of land situated in Polk County, Greens Creek township, known as that part of the TJos. Liles home place laid off in partition ; proceeding to Mary Liles, Jane Liles and Elizabeth Liles Kill- f Son and tile SftM ilf Ptirlantc Trill ftirtlir take notice that they are required to appear bVfore the clerk of the superior court of Polk County at Columbus on the 29th day of September, 191 1, at 12 o'clock M.v'atfd answer or demur 10 the complaint in faid special proceeding, or the plaintiffs Will ap ply H the clerk for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 6th day of September, 1911. 4 ' J. P. ARLEDGE, Clerk Superior Court. D. F. MORROW, Attorney. Kotice to PuMc Sctal Teacte All Public School Teachers not "already i . .." holding certificates valid for the approach ing school t;rm will take notice that the last public examination will be held at Col umbus Thursday, October 1 2th, 1911, and will be continued through the day follow ing if necessary. Each applicant wjlj fur nish iheirown paper. l'his September 20th, 1911. J. R. FOSTER, t Co. Supt. , Polk Co. , N . 5- Land FOR SALE at the News Office. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give' us a trial. T Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERF0RDT0N, N. C. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter arfy time. Rates reasonable. Write for catalog. . PLES3 YCE2 COLEMAN PLESS & GOLEUAN LAWYERS Fractlco all th Courts cf Folic tni Sutherfori CountleB v RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE .NEWS and Progressive Farmer the two papers for one year for the price of one $00. Deeds i s OOIiUMBtrS 1 - IE - W - S ; tt - . orth ''-it -sRdt est onth Does your neighbor read The News?.", It ; Born Tuesday morning to Mr. and Mrs.fc. H. Cloud, a son. & - - - Mrs. AL L. McMurray visited in Rutherjordton last week-end. Announcement by The Tryon Hosiery (So. appears in this issue. ' f! Mr. Forest B. Williams was in Spartanburg Monday on business.-. . - Expert watch and clock repair er F. F.fAllred, jewelev Ruth erf ordtonf Mr. Wij) Hellen of Tryon was over Tuesday in his brand new automobile. f' Messrs.! Ralph and Leroy Mc Farlar.d were visitors in Sandy Plains Tuesday. - .- ' " '' Quite a number of. Columbus, folk attended the baptizing at Green's Greek Sunday. Atty. Buford F. Williams spent several days in Marion, N. C.f last weekl returning Monday. Sheriff A. L. Hill and Commis sioner J. y . Kennedy of Tryon were in town last Friday on busi- ness- 4 ' i . , Atty. and Mrs. J. E. Shipman of Hendersonville are visiting the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.f Arledge, a few days this week! fcMr. E. ?F. Vandiver, secretary and treasurer of the Green River Land Cornpany of Spartanburg is a frequent visitor in Polk these fine days. j Do you -take the Progressive P armer r it not, iook , up . our j clubbing offer and get acquainted with the ; best farm papers for North Carolinians. LOST jLarge, white and brown English setter, three years iold; snswers to name of Joe. Left home 20th -of last month. $5.00 reward fo information leading to his recovery. F. G. QUERY, Landrum, S. C. Mr. J. Archie Willis, a broth e editor frop Laurens, S.C, made the News -Ja pleasant call while Monday ar;.d expressed his keen delight in ur beautiful surround ings, and taking many snapshots of the towjhi Consideiidble real estate in and around Columbuslis now chang ing hands! The new owners are farmers who will settle on the property; nd improve it. The well knowa 4 'Green Place" is one of the fams reported -'divided and sold. ijColumbus needs farm ers and tlfe newcomers will be made welcome. Misses : Anna Landis, Lucille Edwards snd Brownie Giles the popular tfachers of Columbus High School, were delightfully entertained by Miss Lizzie Page last Wednesday night at her home. Interesting games were played, after Which refreshments of ice-cream ana caKe were daintily served by the charming young' hostess. uThe -bXrSUpper held at Colum bus High School- last Friday even ing was wH attended anc) proved a great Success. Trfntjr-two boxes ee auctioned" ofl! for a total of $1.90, nearly an aver age of $1.0() per box. The boxes were veryfprettily decorated and caused active bidding most of them being knocked down to the young men for whom they were prepared.! 4 For 129 ACRES AT $60. PER ACRE 10Q acres in cultivation, well watered with never failing streamsy 4 tenant houses, large barn, situated in Greens Creek township, the best farming sec tion in Polk County. Convenient to school, churches anjd stores. Part cash, balance on easy terms. JMANY OTHER BARGAINS! If you want to buy, rent or lease farms, summer or winter iomes, come to Polk County. You will not find a better climate, more beautiful scenery or natural ad vantages any where. If interested CJLL Oif I'qiTE v.- Baptiziag it Green's Creek. The Greens Creek Baptist Church had a beautiful day last Sunday for its baptizing and an unusually large crowd turned out in consequence, it was es timated that a thousand people,' men, women and children, stood on the hills surrounding the pool while Rev. B. P. Jackson, the pastor, performed the ceremony on 29 new members. The crowd kept perfect order throughout and repaired to the church im mediately after the baptizing where regular morning service was conducted by. Revs. B. P. and Elbert Jackson. Collections were taken up at both Saturday and Sunday serv ices to paint the church. About $200 was raised. From SoutH Carolina Where The Roads Are Cool I am glad to see the News in favor of good roads as it always is on the riht side. If Polk County would build one good road from Tryon to tne line" near Chimney Rock by way of Columbus and Mill Spring, a dis tance of about twenty-five miles' it would save at least $10,000 in time and horse flesh per year and would directly cause an increase Tof fifty per cent in crops, to say nothing of schools, good houses, better farms, and less time to carry a little boys load to market. In this county are roads built by convicts at $400 per mile total costyVLantf worth from $65 to $110per acre, according to loca tion. Polk has better land, bet ter water, more timber, more water power, better health; all that is needed is to build better roads .and -sell land tor -the -horni - seekers instead . of to the big speculators. One good farmer with only fifty acres is-worth far more to a community than the average speculator with a thou- ti, S UB S CR IBE UTO 77fe POLK COUNTY NEWS mm Quick Sale!, mom), COLUf.WUS, I. C. sand acres. He will pay more tax, do more for schools, good roads, etc, and, as a rule, will make a better citizen. Rush the good roads on through tp0ik one after another until every man can have a - good road to &fyel, and. live at home and be happy. -,. : . 'With best wisjies to the good roads people and the News, v Thos. F. Mills, ' Spartanburg, -SiC. Tryon Route i Notes. - : , ; : Correspondence of the News. - We farmers are having sone fine weather for saving .f odd err. stover, etc. Mr. JrD. Carpenter has pur chased a fine pair of mules. Misses Lola and Cora Edwards and Miss Lillie Hall visited Miss Bertha Hamilton Sunday. . - - Mr. J. J. Ruppe is rapidly re covering from a serious spell of sickness. Why does Mr. R G. Hamilton wear a new hat? Because he has a new boarder. Think the call him "Bob Jackson." j Mr. Joe Carpenter is otf visit ing, that's all right girls, he will " be back by leap year. - Mr. A. Edwards is repairing houses and fixing up everything in general. .: - Miss Sallie Carpenter " visited j Mrs. Mollie Taylor Sunday. Mr. J. J. Lambright is first for new molasses. 'j-. v Mrs. James Hutcherson's yard is a bower of beautiful dahlias now. Mr. A. E. Page and family vis- ited . his son, Mr. James Page, Sunday . Success to the News, Haidee. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS, - , . ....

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