'V M M t 4 r:4 Thrss Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL TS-llNGS. Subscription Price,, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. K. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1911. NO. 23. l J .... v. ..- f ii ' ' , K.J I v I rA l'A H ra H f S JOHN om: & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. Dress1 Goods v GEtMTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR' Grocarie3, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery,' Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. f GOTO !. 17 IP liii! ILLEK IPANY Tryon, N. 0. For The .. . VERYTHING j The Carolina S A L U D I A:. PER," GENT. iPaT. oj Savings 3 lie- 1 Every It has beentlie constant endeavor of the management of this lank to furnish every possible facility ur the conven ience of its depositors,. together with absolute safety fer their money. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to "y corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your Recount. 0. C. BARROW, Q. CS0rNER, W. C. ROBERTSON, rresUUnt - Vice-President. . Vice-President. H. B. LAIE, Cashier. MAAAAAAAAaaa a a a a a a A A ADVERTISE IF V(HT - " vj v v iliN LIU DUI SELL anything, keep your wuth shut and you Ui kee) on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by anvertisement in our col- 1 "11 lUUiV lUr it!bUlU3. DVERTISE tT I4?o nui' offic- stationery C Jpb Pi'inting Depart. Wr oa-want neat, Tour Bank Deposits Roll 0p Surprisingly if you make it a rule to pay by check only and deposit all your cash at The Bank of Tryon. Then stop to think before yu buy and in iuany cas.es thinking means refraining. Ambition to have a good balance prevents a many speeding ar.d thus your deposits roll up. ; THE BitlfC OF HYSI op ;yoSr "hind that the sooner you come to my o--v v.-. ,t. i nats. clothing, dry goods ' and groceries, the better it will be for you and your pocketbook, for I keep fresh stock all tfce time by making the prices right. F S. PEARSON : TRYON, N. C. . f Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed 1 Meal, Hulls, and AH I Feedstuff s in quantity jj Cash paid for Cross Ballenger Company . TRYON, N. C... J State Bank A - N. C. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Banking Facility AAAAAAAAAAAAilAAAAAM THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Fvnrv dav In the Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of io to 12 pages daily aud 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It han dles more news matter, local, stale, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. ' r The Sunday Observer i .mnr-pller! as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of miscel laneous nature. Address - - THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1890 SPARTANBURG" HERALD SPARTANBURG, S. C. n A 1 1 Y ' AND WEE KUY Spartanburg's Oldest. Largest, and best iwoer. Full 'of news from the first to .i,-.- i.:at re. . Entire Associated Press SFEGIAL NOTI NOTICE OF LIE SALS. BY VIRTUE OF.; THE POWERS coutaineu in a mortgage deed executed- by R L. Garren, and wite Maude S. Giirren, to John A, Ward on the 3rd day of January 1902, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for ToLk bounty,, in .Book !. Pye 379. of the x records for ; tnoitgage deeds in said county, the; undersigned will ell at public auction, at tbe Courthouse door in Columbus, Nc C , within the legal bours of sale, on Saturday,' November 4th, to1,, the following described property: Situated iD the town of; Saluda," N. C-, and known as the Frank Thooipson lot. Be ginning at H. C, Turner's corner on Sunset street, and runs with his line - N. 78 deg W. 13 72-100 poles to a stake oil " l'resby Urian lot line; thence with said Presbyter ian lot N. 2S deg. E 3 36-100 poles to cor ner ol Thorne lot; theuce with said Thorne lot N. 28 deg. E 13 poles to stake on Heuderson street; thence with said street s- 53 deg. E. 12 poles to Sunset street; thence with said street S. 30 deg. W. 10 4100 poles (othe beginning. - Containing one acre more or less. The said sale to iatisfy and discharga th amount ; secured by said . mortgage deed, which is $2oo.oo,'vith inte'rcKt thereon from the 3rd day of January, 1902. Terms ol sale cash. .. . - This Sept, 30, 191 1. JOHN -WJCRD, Mortgagee. First National Bank of Mender- sonville, Assignee, STATON& RECTOR, At tys. H3I10E OF MSiEE SEE. ' -WHEREAS ON THE 4th DAY OF February, 1908, j. H. Pendleton aud wife, Ella Peiuil(ftorjtexecutedtotiie undersignetl, a mortgage 01: the lands nerainafier described 10 secure 6 notes in the mm of 5533.33 eacu, due in 1, 2, 3, 4-5 and 6 years ironi date of same, snd which mortgage is of record in mortgage tx.ok 4, at page 155 of the records of mortgages for Polk County, and wlicrcas said mortgage provides that in the default of the payment of any note or part thereof when due, or the inte'rest as it be comes due, that the whole of said indebted ness shall mature and beVome due and pay able?; aud whereas default has hern made in the pavment of some of said notes aud the Interest that are now past due. Therefore by v;rtue of the power con tained in said mortgage ar.d for the purpose of saiikfyiiig all of said indebtedness to gether with interest and costs, the under signed xnortgagte will on 7MontUy, Novem ber rijetween the liourT'oi a.a and 4 p m- nt the Courthouse door of Polk County, North Cftroiina, oft'er for sale t the highest bidder for cash at public out cry, ail the following described lauds being the lauds described in and conveyed by said mortgage, situate in the township of Green's Creek, county of Pdlk and state of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows; BEGINNING on a itaka and runs Si 43 deg. E. 15 1-5 poles to a small red oak; thence N. 9 1-5 deg. E. 20 poles to a stake; theuce N. deg. E. 102 poles to a stone; theuce N. 18 2-5 deg. W. 29 29-100 chains to a stone; thence N. 66? deg. E. 12 chains to a stone on McGinnis line; thence N. 254 deg. W. to a stone on North side of public road; theuce S. 63 deg. ' W. lot poles to a large poplar; thence S. 25 deg. E. 9 1-5 poles to a stake; thence S. 72Va deg- W 3 poles to an oak (down ); thence S. 3 deg. E. 28 poles to a large post-oak; thence S. 40 deg. W. 59 L-5 pole9 to th beginning, containing 130 acres more or le&s. Thjsthe 5th day of October, 191 1. TrP. COVINGTON, Mortgagee. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give fs a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RU THERFORD TON, N. C. J. W. PLESS ' Y02K C0LEHA1T LANAYERS Practice all the Courts of Pelkand -Ruthsrfcri Countiea RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no fee. Send model, sk mtches or photo and brief descriotion, for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. year experience. Hsend 8-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET. full of patent information, it will help you to fortune pACES U and U before applying H, SWfFIWCO. nr ii DttumL . Write Uhut. k303 Seventh St., Washington, p. C. PATENT LAWYERS, II ADVERTISE IN THE 'NEWS. COLUMBUS orth - . at . - esT - outh Court had to have its usual ac companiment of rain and mud. ; Mr. T. T. Ballenger of Tryon was over here Saturday on busi ness, y-':.--). ':V. Atty. E. B. Cloud was in Spar tanburg last Thursday on' busi ness. ' 'r.S: - Postmaster Cannon of Lynn was a pleasant visitor! here last Thursday, - ' Mrs. J. W. Newman and Mrs. R; F. McFarland were shopping in Landrum last Friday. v' " Mr. N. W.-Hutcherson of Swit zqt S. C, was a pleasant visitor at the News office Monday. Supt. J. R. Foster held teach er's examinations at the Court House last Thursday and Friday. The Polk County public scliool teachers organized at a meeting held in Columbus last Friday. Mr. F. L. Weaver of Aberdeen spnt Friday and Saturday .with relatives and friends in Columbus.- ; - ' Mr. C M. Thompson, a new citizen of Polk County, residing at Melvm Hill, made the News a pleasant cail Tuesday. Mr. S. 0. Ingram, representing the Asheviile Citizen, was here Tuesday, soliciting subscriptions for his wide-awake daily. Miss Lizzie Thompson of Saluda visited friends in Columbus last Friday' and attended the Polk County teachers' meeting. Mr. John Monroe of Tryon has the contract to paint Mr. F- M. Burgess's house and is putting his best effort in the work. Mrs. J. C. McFarland, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Polk County, returned to her home in Rutherfordton Monday. Mr. James Ormand, who is working on a new cotton mill in Greenville, S. C , spent several days of the past week in Colum bus. Mr. L. J. Taylor, who has been on a trip to Oklahoma and Texas for his health, returned to his home in Mill Spring last Thurs day. Mr.. C. A.Burrell of Greenville County and Miss Lizzie Belue of Cooper Gap were married in the Register's office in the Court H6use Sunday by Squire N. T. Mills. Mr. Lester Lemons of this town and Mrs. Lenora Davis of Saluda township were married Sunday by Rev. J. B. Arleclge of Saluda. They will settle on Mr. F. M. Burgess's farm as soon as. the house that is in building is com pleted. Among the prominent citizens attending court this week are Messrs. J. C. Bushnell, W. C. Robertson, E. J. Bradley and Dr. oi..j1 t t, E. M. Sallev of Saluda, J. B Hester, T. T. Ballenger and Geo. A. Gash of Tryon, W. W. Ballard, W. F. Swann and T. A. Rippy of Lynn, T.' E. Walker, S.B. Weaver W. M. Barnett, J. T. MaDowell, and J. A. Feagan of Greens Creek, W. M. Dimsdale of Cooper Gap and W. W. Cowart of Mill Spring. , V . ; - - : T. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS -' OTICE My two sons, Whit and Jake Owensby have run away and left me. I forbid anybody hiring or feeding them : They are under age. a . ; ' Eliza. Owensby. Advertise in "THE NEWS. IN ; Polk County real estate is selling lively now r Polk County has the most healthful of climates, and, puredrinking water, and its natural resources are not surpassed anywhere. - ; If you want to engage in farming in a'small way, or ' extensively, you can buy no better land than offered in c this county. I have some excellent opportunities for home or farm seekers, in Columbus, White Oak, : Greens , Creek and Tryon-townships, in tracts of 4 to 300 acres, close to churches and schools, , at very reasonable prices, and will cheerfully answer all inquiries. ' I. 1 A & :: sdperiormcoort, -Lum Nance, selling liquon nol pros with leave. Mose Gibbs, c.c.w., nol pros withleave. . Mose Gibbs and Jonas Melton, a. and b. with deadly weapon," i nol pros with leave, - . S. L. Rhodes, a. and b. with deadly weapon, guilty; pay costs and one.penny. Lee McGuinn. mfg., nol pros with leave; : v Elzie Smith and Burt Liles, slander, guilty;-18 months on the Hendersonville chain gang. Fred Forest, a. and b., not guilty. .? ' , ; Brown Nance and Lum Nance, selling liquor, nol pros with leave. Clingman daughter, a. apd b. with deadly weapon, guilty; $15 and costs. ; Otis Constant, a. andb., guilty; judgment suspended on payment of costs and good behavior. John and Zana Littlejohn, a. and b. with deadly weapon, guil ty as to Zana; $15 and costs. Ed Lyles, larceny,, not guilty. Luther Case and Harry Hol bert, mfg., both guilty; 7 months for Case and 6 months for Hol bert on Hendersonville chain gang. - . : J; liuther Case and . Harry Hol bert, selling liquor, defendants plead no lo contendre, accepted by State; judgment suspended on payment of costs and good be havior. . - G. R. Champion and Ed Foster affray, guilty as to ; Foster; :,$15 . P DpUmn' T 'rnAa G. R. Champion, c.c.w., pleads 4 v srvoi guilty; $10. and costs. Steve Greenway, mfg., pleads guilty; 8 months on Henderson ville chain gang. Burgess Glover, forgery, guilty Rex Lyles, disturbing rel. wor. guilty; 4 months on chain gang. W?e Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats k ' Yields reported from our customers from twenty-five to fifty two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other -kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same condi tions as other standard wheats. - ; ' . Wherever. groW it is superseding all odier kinds and it . should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Write for prices aid "Wood's Crop Special" giving in formation about all Seasonable Seeds. ' - T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vft, GOLypBUS, fl. G. GREENS CREEK. Correspondence of the News. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Hall " spent " the week end with their daugh ter, Mrs.Reuben Watson. Little Odessa Giles is very sick ; this week. Mr;' T; E. Walker and daugh ter Ola were in Spartanburg Fri- day arid Saturday shopping. " Mr. and Mrs. Landrum. Jack son of Campobello were here Sun- day.. The Misses Cantrell enteitain ed Saturday night. Mrs. Constant spent the week end with' her daughter, Mrs. B. P. Jackson. . - Blue Eyes. HARMS AT MILL SPRING. rOSTER-BRISCOE. "A; very pretty wedding. to k place 9 1 White Oak Church at Mill Spring last Sunday; when : Miss Annie Foster, the pretty daughter of School Superinten dent J. R. Foster, became the , wife of Mr. Lionel Brisco, son of Mr. G. C. Brisco.. Rev. Mr-Moss-performed the ceremony before a small crowd of relatives and friends. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple, fo -lowed by the guests, repaired to the homr-of Mr. G. C. " Briscoe, y where a bountiful supper await- ed them. The contracting par ties are very popular and have many friends; throughout the county, who wish them great: happiness. STEARNS, N. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Mrs, D. . Cunningham, Prop. Gabin Inn ." , - t I at low prices. telegraphic st vice. :Y"V