Thrat Cents t ho Copy. INDEPENdENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $L00 Per Year in Advanca XVII. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. G. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1911. NO. 24. VOL. .- ... I : ! . JOHN - TRYON, N. C. Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC. , ETC. goto THE Tryori, K C. For ' EVEROTIIG The COMPANY The Carolina State Bank . SALUDA. N. C. PEH CEKT Paid on Savings 1 : Every Banking Facility It. has been the constant endeavor of the management of thistbank to' furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for thcift meuey. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. . t We solicit your account. C BARROW, Q. C,SOlNER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. ' Vice-President. . Vice-President. D. f, B. LANE, IF YOU WAJT TO BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and you WW keep on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by an advertisement in our col-umns--then look for results., Always to bSudceasful. Have your offipa otationerv nted by the Polk County ?ws Job Printing Depart- par merit a1 if you want neat, ADVERTISE - Your Bank Deposits Roll Dp Surprisbgly if you makeit a rule to pay by clwck onJy and deposit all your cash at The Unk of Tryon. then stop to think before you buy and. in many cases thinking means refraining. Ambition lo have a good balance prevents a many spending ,ard thus your deposits roll up. , f BANK OF TRYOM ORR & COMPANY GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES Is the reason my store is always looked for by farmers through out the county when they come to Try on. My success has been built up by courteous service and strict attention to all purchasers. I carry a fine line of hats, shoes, groceries, etc. Give me a call. F S. PEARSON .TRYON, N. C. jj Special prices made i on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All i Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties.... Ballenger Company TRYON, nc. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Cashier. 1 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of 10 to H pages miH 20 to xi naiies Sundav. It l)an- illej more news matter, local, state, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. 'The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter ot a laneous nature. Address uii&cel THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. ESTABLISHED, 1890 SPARTANBURG HERALD SPARTANBURG, S. C. dIily and weekly Snartaiiburs Oldest, Largest, and best . -' - . C 1. l uewpaer Full of news trom me nrsi w the lait page Entire Associatea x res SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF LAND SALS. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERS container in a mortgage deed executed by R L. Gairen, and -wile Maude S. Garren, to John A. Ward on the 3rd day of January ioo-j, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Polk County, in Book V' 379 of the records for mortgage deeds in said county, the undersigned will sell at public auction, at the Courthouse door in Columbus, N. C, within the legal hours of sale, on Saturday, November 4th, 1911, the following described property: Situated in the town of Saluda, N. C, and known as the Frank Thoaipsou lot. Be ginning at H. C. Turner's comer on Sunset street, and runs with his line N. 78 deg W. 13 72-100 poles to a stake on lreshy trrian lot line; thence with said Presbyter ian lot N. 2 deg.- E. 3 36-100 poles to cor ner ol Thai he lot; thenc with laid Thome lot N. 38 de., E 13 poles to a stake on Henderson street; thern-e with said ireet s- 53 eg. E. 1 2 pole to Sunset street ; with sain street 8. 30 deg. W; 10 4.100 po'es to the beiiauing. ; Containing owe acre more or less. . v" The saidiftle to satisfy and discharge the amount securt-o by aid mortgage deed, which is $200 00 with interest thereon frum the 3rd day of January, 1902. Terms' ol sale cash. , - ',.'" This Sept, 30, 1911. JOHN WARD, Mortgagee. , First Nati uisl Bank of Hender- sonville, Assignee, STATON& RECTOR, Attys. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE ; WHEREAS ON THE 4th DAY OF February, 1908, J. H.. Pendleton and wife, Ella Pendleton, executed to the undersigned, a mortgage- op the lauds hereinafter described to secure 6 nous in the um of $533.33 each, due in I, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 years from dte of same, and which mortgage is of record in mortgage book 4, at page 1 55 of the records of mortgnyes for Toflc County, and w hereas said mortgage provides that in the default of the payment of any note or purl thereof when due, or the interest as it be comes due, that the whole of said indebted ness shall mature and become due and pay able; and whereas default has been made in the payment of some of said notes and the intercit that are now past due. Therefore by virtue of the power con tained in said trioitgaye and for the purpose of satisfying all of said indebtedness to gether with interest and costs, the under signed niortage will on Monday, Novem ber 6, 1 9 11, between the hours of roam, and 4 p.m. at the Courthouse door of Polk County, Worth Carolina, uffer Tor- Bale "to"' the highest bidder for cash at public out- ry, all the following described lands being the lands described in and conveyed bv said mortgage, situate in the township of Green's deck, county of Polk and state of North Carolina, and bounded and described flR follows; BEGINNING on a staka and runs S. 43 deg. E. 15 1-5 poles to a small red oak; thence,. N. 9 1-5 deg. E. poles to a stake; hence N. 79X deg. E. loi) poles to a stone; thence N. 18 2-5 den. - W. 20. 29-100 chains to a stone; thence N. 6634 eg. E 12 cliains to a stone on McGinnit line; thence N. 25 deg. W. to a stone on North side of public road: thence S. tieg. W. lor poles tu a large poplar; thence S. 25 deg. E. 9 1-5 poles to a stake; thence SV.72H deg. W. 34 poles to an oak (down 1; thence S, 3 deg. E. 28 poles to a large post-oak; thence S. 404 deg. W. 59 1 5 poles to the beginning, containing 1304 acres more or less. This the 5ti day of October, 191 1. T. P. COVINGTON, Mortgagee. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. J. W. PLESS , YOS-COLEMAN PLESS & GOLEiAU LAWYERS Fraetico all the Courts of Folk and Euthorfori Counties RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. 1 TRADE-MARKS huu fee. 8ertd model, aketcbes or photo and brief description, tor FREK SEARCH and report on M.wmv ' II' i j Aktln1 rap A 'itorWEW BOOKLET. full of patent iniormauon. u.uinv 0READ PACE8 It nd U toforo applying for a patent D.S17IFT&C0. Li.' I Frite to-day. 303 Seventh St.. Washington, D. C J ; III.V 1 ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS. COLUMBUS H E - W - S orth at '. st outh v The Presbyterian hill is "still in Existence. " ' s . ..- ' Mr. W. B. Arledge's little boy is very ill with pneumonia. Mr. L. H. Cloud wai a business visitor in Green's Creek' Tues- day. v Mr. William Wilson of White Oak township visited here Sun day. Atty. J. P- Morris of Ruther forxiton visited relatives here Monday. Mr. R. E. Liles of Melvin Hill was a pleasant caller at the News office Monday. Atty. B, F. Williams spent a few days in Asheville the past week on business. , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cole of Melvin Hill were business visit ors here Saturday. Mrs. Ed Watson of Melvin Hill is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Feagan. Prof, and Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb and son Jacob were shoppers in Landrum Saturday. Judge Long commented on our beautiful country in court last week and also on the bad state of our roads. Ten prisoners were taken to Hendersonville Saturday, in the custody of Messrs. Bob and Ralph McFarland and Lum West. .r.' C. K. Blaclcwell of Mill Spiring Route 2 stopped in yester day to put his name on the News subscription list for a quarter. Messrs. Lindsey Smith and Ralph McFarland were guests at Widow Rhodes candy breaking party at Lynn Tuesday night. Hindsight is a good thing and Polk County has plenty of ir.Now let's develop a little foresight if we want a good roads bond issue and a chain gang. Several out of town lawyers and their clients and witnesses arrived here to. attend civil court Monday only to find that -the en tire civil docket was continued. Mr. John H. Burgess returned from a week's visit to his home in Rutherf ordton Monday to hep his son, Mr. Frank M. Burgess, complete the six room addition to his house. Atty. and Mrs. James E. Ship man, who have been spending a W 3ek with the latter 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Arledge, returned to their home in Hen dersonville Sunday. Dr. E. 0. Smithdeal, pastor of the M. E. church at Saluda, N.C. , will preach here in the Presby terian church on fif ft Sunday, October 29th, at 11 a.m. Every body cordially invited to attend. Messrs. W.T. Pitman of Green ville Green of Chicago and J. W. Kennedy of Tryon have recently purchased land in this township f rom.the Hoke-Hill Real Estate Comnanv and it is reported, all intend to build immediately. There has been considerable talk during the past week, due to the many prisoners being as signed to th Hendersonville chain gang, of petitioning the county commissioners to estab lish a chain gang here to improve our own roads. Several lawyers were approached on the matter, and it is their opinion that an act of legislature is Heeded to give the commissioners this authority. Advertise in THE NEWS. Tjg"Tj-f -mm IN 'oik County Polk County real estate is selling lively now. ' Polk County has the most healthful of climates and pure drinking water, and its natural resources are not( surpassed anywhere. ' : If you want to engage in farming in a small way, or extensively, you can buy no better land than offered in this county. I have some excellent opportunities for home or farm seekers, in Columbus, White Oak, Greens, Creek and Tryon townships, in tracts cf 4 to 300 acres, close to churches and schools, at very reasonable prices, and will cheerfully answer all inquiries. L.M CLOUD, r coLupaus, fj.c. Atty. B. F. Williams Leaving Columbus. t Atty. Buford F. Williams is preparing to leave for Lenoir, N. C. , to continue in the practice of his profession in a larger field. Mr, Williams is an able lawyer anoflias practiced in this county about three years, two of which as junior member in the well known law firm of Shipman & Williams, recently dissolved by mutual consent, Mr: Shipman going to Hendersonville to prac tice. Mr. Williams was local council for the Southern Railway during hfs practice here. He was mayor of Columbus for two years which position he filled with llliXi ivtrci cxuill 1 v ails bu(.vcooi unu ! ; . v j , is now a member of the board of trustees bf the Columbus High School. During his six years residence in ColumbuslMr. Williams made many friends, professionally and socially, throughout the county, and. in leaving he will take with liim the best wishes of all. LYNN BRIEFS. Correspondence of tlie News. Owing to the inclemency of the weather last Sunday there were no services in the chapel. The wedding bells continue to ring occasionally in Lynn. Last Friday evening, at her home, Miss Maggie Mills was happily married to Mr. Jake Justice, : D. A. Goodman, Esq., officiating. It is rumored we are to have valued improvements in the tele phone system isn't that good! Quite a number of our farmers have gone to raising cotton sev eral bales in addition to lastyear Mr. W- J. Shields is connecting water pipe from the main to the school building this week. Messrs. S. L- Rhodes, S. W. Cairons and C. C. Foster have gone to Greenville to do carpen ter work. Leap's Prolific Wheat The Most Prolific on? Best of MUlin Wheats ( Yields reported froro.our customers from twenty-fijve to fifty-w two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same condi tions as other standard wheats. . . j - ' . Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Write for prices and "Wood's Crop Special giving in formation about all Seasonable Seeds. - T, W. WOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Have you seen the beautiful comet these mornings? Look in the east just to the left of the morning slat about 6 o'clock. A little Jack Frost was seen yesterday morninglight attack. Mrs. H. G. Cannon is quite in disposed at this writing, not be ing able to attend to her work in store. Mr. R. F. Fpwlam, while chop ping stove wood a few days ago, came very near having a serious mishap a piecirpf wood striking ; him in the ye. v Miss Schwasburg made a flying trip to . her home in Southern Pines last week, returning Tues day. Why not some pne install a cot ton in near Lynn, also buy and sell cotton? It would be a good . . , investment and very convenient L m 1 GREEKS CREEK. . - - ;' Correspondence of the News. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry McDowell ttere in Spartanburg Saturday. Mr. John Green of Chesnee was here last week. Mr. T. E. Walker was in Col umbus on business Monrfay. Little Odessa Giles is very ill. Mr. Xiovan Feagan and son, Sidney were in Columbus Satur day on business. Messrs. J. W. and R. H. Walk er were in Landrum on business i Monday. Miss Ada Walker spent tba week end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Walker. Blue Eyes. SHPERIMf COURT, Furman.Steppr murder, guilty of manslaughter; 4 years on Hen-dersonviile- chain gang. Magert Mills, carrying sling shot, guilty; $0 days on roads. C. L. Banks, c. c. w., guilty; 2 months on roads- Isaaih Mackey, larceny, pleads guilty; 4 months on chain gang. Will Clark, larceny, guilty; 12 months on roads, Andy Laughter, murder, guilty of murder in second degree. 20 years at hard labor in State's prison. Defendant allowed 20 days to serve case on appeal. . 7 x j i. ' ! i V 1 1 ". X - j nasy work at low prices, jteiegfp hie si vice