Three cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per. Year in -Advance, VOL. XVII. -COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. , N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1911. "" Your Bank Deposits Roll Dp Surprisingly if y0u "make it a rule to pay by check only and deposit all yoiir csh at The Bank of Tryon. Then stbrj to think before you buy and in many caties thinking "means refraining. Ambition to have a good balance prevents a many spending and tus your deposits roll up. THEBANKFTRYON JOHN GRR & G0MPA1S1 Y TRYON,. N. C. ' Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAfe Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, ' Ccockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. - - , . . BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. ETC,, ETC ; KEEP TOUR FEET WELL SHOD and avoid coughs and colds this winter. Your fe4t will appreciate getting into the perfect fitting and comfortable shoesl am now offering at prices that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Remember also that I carry fresh groceries. FV S. PEA R SO N TRYON, N. C. SPEOIlt KOTIOESr : H0T1CE OF LAHD SALE. - BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERS contained in a mortgage deed executed by R L. Garren, and wife Maude S. CJarren, to John A. Ward on the 3rd day of January 1902, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Polk County, in Book i PR2e 379 of the records for mortgage deeds in said eountv, the undersigned will ell at public. 'auction,. at the Courthouse door in Columbus, N. C, within the, legal hours of sale, on Saturday, November 4U1, 191 1, the following described property: Situated in the town of Saluda, N. C., aid known as the Frank Thompson lot. Be ginning aj H. C. Turner's corner on Sunset street, and runs with his line N. 78 deg W. 13 72-100 pofet to a stake on .-Presbyterian lot line; thence with said Presbyter-, ian lot N. 28 deg. E 3 36-100 poles to cor ner of Thome lot; thence with said Thorne lot N. 28 de. E. 13 poles to a sUke on Heudersort street; them-e with said street S. 53 deg. E. 12 poles to Sunset street; thence with said street S- 3o deg. W. 10 4-100 poles to the beginning. Containing one acre more or less. The said sale to satisfy, and discharge the amount secured by aid mortgage deed; which is $200.00 vith interest thereon from the 3rd day of January, 1902. Terms ol sale cash. " . This Sept, 30 191 t. JOHN WARD, Mortgagee.. First Natiinal Bank of Hender sonville. Assignee. STATON & RECTOR, AttyS. jsr ; . e - 'w - s orth . . at r est outh GOX.UMBXJS GO TO COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING u - I J - y- 2 n I s c m rl on Flour, Cotton Seed Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross The Bailenger Company TRYON, N. C. The Carolina State Bank SALU DA. N. C. FEB GEIST Paid on Savings' Every Banking STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Facility It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its. depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. ' y-. , i An'account with this bank will pfove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. . We solicit your account. ' E0T1GE OF MORTGAGE SALE. WHEREAS ON THE 4th DAY OF February,, 190S, J. II. Pendleton and wife. Ella Penulcton, executed to the undersigned y a mortgage or the lands hereinafter described 10-secure 6 notes in the sum of $53333 each, due ini, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 yens irom dt of same, and which mortgage is of record in mortgage book 4, at page 1 55 of the records of moitgHjjrs for Polk County, and whereas said mortgage provides that in the default of the payment of any not or pun thereof when due, or the interest as it be comes due, that tlie whole of said indebted utss shall mature and become due and pay able; ad whereas default has been made in the payment of some of said notes and the interest that are now past due. Therefore by virtue of the power con tained in said mortgage and for the purpose of satisfying all of said indebtf dness to gether with interest and posts, the under signed mortgagee will on Monday, Novem ber o, 19 1 1, between the Hours of 10 a m. and 4 p.m. at the Courthouse door f Polk County, North Carolina, offer- for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public out-, cry; all the following described lands being the lands described in gnd. conveyed by said mortgage, situate in the. township of Green's Creek, county of Polk and state of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING on a stakeand runs S. 43 deg. E. 15 1-5 poles to a small red oak; thence N. 91-5 deg. E. 20 poles to a stake; thence N. 794 deg. E. 102 poles to a stone; thence N. 18 2-5 deg. W. 29 20-100 chains to a stone; thence N. 663 deg. E. 12 chains to a stone on McGinrus line; thence N. 25 deg. W. to a stone on North side of public road; thence S. 631i deg. W. lot poles to a large poplar; thence S. 25 deg. E. 9 1-5 poles to a stake; thence S . 72V4 deg. W. 34 poles to an oak (down ) ; thence S. 3 deg. E. 2S poles to a large post-oak; thence S. ibli deg. W. 59 1$ poles to th beginning, containing 130 acres more or less. This the 5 th day of October, 1911. 1 T. P. COVINGTON, Mortgagee. Supt. J. R. Foster was in town Monday on business. ' Renew your subscription and don't miss a copy of TheNews. i Mr. Ellis Kimbrell of Sandy Plains was in town Tuesday on business. . Mr. W. H. McFarland of Tryon visited relatives in. Columbus Tuesday. Mr. T, A. Rippy of Lynn is a frequent visitor to Columbus these days. Cotton holds at nine and the farmers hold for better and they'll get it. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watson of Mel v in Hill attended services in Columbus Sunday. Mr. A. E. Blackwood of Mel viji Hill was in Columbus lztst Thursday on business. Rev. T. H. Posey of Wagoner, S. C.,was in town Tuesday shak ing hands with old friends. Mr. G. C. Briscoe of Millspring was in to. add his name to the News subscription list last Fri day. . Mrs. John L. Jackson .went to Saluda yesterday in response to a telegram that her father was very sic k.v -: -; Mrs. Hinton Thompson .. and daughter, Miss Lizzie, of Saluda, visitedv relatives in Columbus this'week. ',, ; . - V'.-'V" " :; . M no. 25;. , JJJf R eat Estate nnnnn Polk County IIP D. C. BARROW, 0. C SOISNER, President. Vice-President. H B. LANE, Cashier. W. C. ROBERTSON, Vice-President. ADVERTISE IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and ou will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to tKer public by an advertisement in our columns-then look for results. ADYERTISE Always to be Successful. Hve your office stationery Panted by the . Polk County Denart- inent if you" want, neat, classy work at low prices. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of Io to 12 pages .;iv anA ia to 12 nases Sunday. It han- Ale more news matter, local "state, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. v The Sun cfay Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of a nmcei laneous nature. Address : . - THE OBSERVER CO., 'r: CHARLOTTE, N. C. : ESTAHUS1IED 1S90 SPARTANBURG; SPARTANBURG, S. C. DAILY AN D W EEKLY Soartanburs Oldest, Largest, and he's iiewpaper. Full of news from the first to lHt oaee. Entire Associated Pres telegraphic service. Polk County real estate is selling lively now. Polk County has the most healthful of climates and pure drinking w;ater, and its natural resources are not surpassed anywhere. If you want to engage in farming in a small way, or extensively,, you can buy no better land than offered in this county. I have some excellent opportunities f or home or farm, seekers, in Columbus, White Oak, Greens Creek and Tryon townships, in tracts cf 4 to 300 acres, close to churches and" schools, at very reasonable prices, . ' x .......... and will cheerfully answer all inquiries. I 'ap 9 CLOUD, COLUfWBUS, y. c. MILL SPRING No. 2 NOTES. Correspondence of The News. Mr. J. H. Gibbs made a trip to Hendersonville on legal business last Friday, returning next day. Mr. R; M. Constant and little daughter Valmer visited Mr. H. P. Arledge Sunday. Mr. E well Jones is teaching a ten'day singing class r at Mt. Messrs. F. M. Burgess and R. View. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools Vfe have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,' Stationery, Etc. - FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERF0RDT0N, N. C. .. -- . -L J. W. TLESS - YOBK COLEJIAN PLESS 6 COLEiM LAWYERS Tractica all the Courts of Poli and Rutherford Counties RUTHERFORDTON, ' N. C. F. McFarland attended the dis trict meeting and banquet of the Knights of Pythias held at Oak Hall at Tryonj last Friday nighi. Dr. and Mrs. W.C. Bosticand family of Forest City were at the bedside of little J. P. Arledge, who is suffering with meningitis and is in a critical condition, this week. Rev. Mr. Rankin a Presbyter ian minister of Hamlet, N. C, was in town Monday, looking the field over with the idea of preach ing regularly here and in - Ruth erford ton. Dr. 0. E. Smithdeal of Saluda held services in the Presbyterian church Sunday and announced that he would preach here at every opportunity he could ar range to come. A. " Messrs. Ralph and Leroy Mc Farland and.Lindsay Smith were guests at a delightful entertain ment tendered by the Misses Ina and Rose Fisher to some twenty friends at their home in Lynn Monday night. Moving pictures, showing the life of Christ, were exhibited at Lynn. Columbus and Millspring the past week by Mr. Wilbur Moore of Chuckey, Tenn. , large crowds from each town coming out to the exhibition, ihe pic tures were steady and the light good, and Mr. Moore had no dif ficulty in pleasing the audiences. Mr. E. A. Arledge was in Spar tanburg on business last week. The Misses Halford gave a singing last Saturday night, Miss Harriet Arledge will be gin teaching at Bright's Creek next Monday. Success to the News. ?' WlLLOWLEE. Mrs. Morris spent Sunday night with Mrs. K. C. Gilbert, who is still quite poorly. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Branscom i contemplate spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Head Sunday- -. -. ; Mr, Lee $tacy went "down the road" Sunday .(but slanted off to the right). i Mi. miimii iii r II I . Rips if TRADK-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no fee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief ascription, for FREE SEARCH and report oo patentability. ye" ejwrience. Bend t-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, full of patent information, it will frdP you to 0REAO PACES 11 and 12 before apprytog as. wr for a patei i rite to-day. BrSOTT&GO. PATENT LAWYERS, fivnth St . Wnshinnton. D. C ADVERTISE IN THE NEWSi He Was Not Always Thus. ' 'Madam, ' 'remarked the weary wayfarer with the bandaged eye, sl was not always as you see me BRIEFS FH03 MELYffi BILL Correspondence of The News. Mr. Coster McBrayer the book man, was here Friday and Satur day, collecting. The Sunday-school meeting at. this place Sunday was well at tended, and the speaking was very interesting. . Mrs. Alex blackwood, who has been sick with typhoid for some time, is improving. Mrs. Martha Sanders and Mrs. Ella Putnam and daughter Ruby ! viisited relatives and friends here las week end. Quite a number of people from this place attended the funeral of Mrs. Judson McDowell Friday. !Mrs- Ada Waldrop of Clifton, S. C, is visiting relatives and friends here. - Mrs. Dora Westbrook, who has been sick for some time, is slow ly improving. . The Misses Pendleton called on Mrs. Branscom Sunday after noon. : Mrs. Anna . Silver visited her mother, Mrs. Peterson, Sunday. Hark the voice of farmers calling For some one to pick today; Fields are white with cotton hanging, Who will now the call obey? On every side we hear them cal?- i ing, ' $ixty cents we offer thee, For we want to get it gathered And sell at nine cents, you see! Gretchen. Land Deeds FOR SALE at the News Office. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re vision in Pitman snorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable. Write for catalog. Advertise in THE NEWS, "T trnnw At' rnlied the stern- - " J M. visaged woman at the back door. "The last time you were here you had on a -Puck. deaf -an d-d urnb sign, Eastern doctors say that babies are kissed too much. The in fants would prefer, to delay the osculation until the more mature age of 16 or 17. Leap's Prolific" Wheat gMost Prolific on? Best of MiUinrf Wheats. Yields, reported from our customers from twenty-five tojifty two bushels per acre. When , grown side by side with other -7-',,-. kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same condi tions as other standard wheats. -' ' - Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it shcRild be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Write for prices and "Wood's Crop Spedal" giving in formation about all Seasonable, Seeds. TV W, WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond. Vcu i i J