J jjj (9 Throe Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscript ion; Price, 3 LOO Per Yea f in Advance; vol. xvn. COLUMBUS, POJvK COUNTY. N. C. THUIiSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911. : no; 2c. Death of Little J, P. Arlt-d; e. BU SSI rHMJ THE BAN j vwvix.K ociic m me urn narv um vvitu luuieutous Jase. They very; seldom care '. to tackle burgJar-proof vaultsjike those h; The Bank of Tryon. The wise . man will, therefore, open up arc account there and thus put his money where it is bovonrl th -ireaeh of burglars. The less you have the less. you can afford to lose it. K OF T R Y Q .N raws ADVERTISE IF YOU WANT T0 BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and you will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by an advertisement in our col umns then look for results. ADVERTISE Always to be Successful. ortiL ast rest outh ; The light that brightened and made happy , for five years .the horneof Mr. arid Mrs. W. B. Ar ledge was suddenly quenched by the cold hand of Death last Read the tax notice in another .Thursday morning, when J. P., Heal JOHN ORR COMPAQ Y TRYON, N. C. Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. ' L. Ballenger INS BID YOU EVER 1I9TIGE W!iat a b;fr difference tbrfe is in the way in which the general merchandise business is conducted? There is such a mat Iced 'difference 'that it is well 'worth while to give t'is subject' serum thought, and then give your patronage where you will get the best returns. I am not only -willing ic stand the test, but ask it as a favor because I have confidence in the result. : F. S. PEARSON TRYON, N. C. GO TO THE BALLENGER . COMPANY Tryon, N. C. . For ! . :. ' EVERYTHING Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. rPL rv 1 04-- "Dn-sriV S A L UDA , N. C. PER OEIT Paid on Savings IV STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Every Tt has been the constant' endeavor of the management of ibis hank to furnish every' possible facility.for the conven- ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety lor : tliir money. ' , . , . .n An account with this bank will prove a valuable jsset to "V corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best , banking facilities. ' W solicit your account. O C. BARROW, Q. C SOrNER, W. f ROBERTSON, Resident. Vict-Fresidentr ' Vice-President. . U. B. LAKE, Lashiet. f column. Mr. James Shields of Landrum was here Tuesday : Renew your subscription and don't miss a copy otV The News. , Atty. B. F."-Williams spent several days in Lenoir, the past week : -.':;'":';'" ' ' -V- x A fine line of heavy underwear at the Tryon Hosiery Company at Lvnn be comfortable. " V ; Mr. R. F. McFavland spent the week end with relatives1 and friends in Rutherfordton. 5 Atty.; James E. Shioman of Hendersonville was in Columbus Monday on legal business. Miss Hattie Jackson leaves for Greens Creek next Monday to teach in the Happy Home School. Mrs. Barnburner and Mr. John Staton of Saluda were here Tues day to give bond for Andrew Laughter. ' Messrs. J. R. Gilbert and J. E. Prince of Fingerville, S.C., route 1 made the News a pleasant call last Thursday. Atty. R. H. Staton of the law firm of Staton & Rector, Hender sonville, made a short business trip to Columbus Saturday. . I - lr. Ralph McFariand; who has been'visiting his brother Mr; R. F. McFarland, for some time, re turned to his home in Ruther fordton Friday. Glad to see Mr. B: riding through Columbus with Sheriff Hill last Thursday in the Matter's auto expect some more land deals soon. . J Having finished the plastering in the six room addition his son has made to his home, Mr. John H. Burgess returned to his home in Rutherfordton Friday. The late cold snap has made us look to stoves and heaters for comfort and the Tryon Supply Co., in anticipation of the rush, had a lare shipment ready to meet the great demand. Mr. M. E. Charles expects to leave within the next ten days for Asheville, where he will make his home, and invites his friends to call on him when visiting that city. They will find him at 91 Starnes Avenue. A rumor was afloat that two of our young men had gone to join Uncle Sam's navy last Thursday, but only the rumor floated, the young men, Messrs. John Smith and C. L. McFarland, returning from a ' visit to Asheville next day. Uncle Sam's farms need the young men a great deal more than hi3 navy. Another land deal is , reported to have been made tho past week that will likely be another big step "to developing the country between here and Tryon. This is the sale of some 200 v acres on the Columbus-Try on road by Mr. A. L. Hill to a Mr. Barnes of New York, who, it is .said, will improve the place by fruit grow ing. - - "':. ' ': ' Card of Thanks. To the Vnany kind friends and neighbors who have so freely jiven of their lime and services ;o us in our recent tribulation we take this means of expressing :ur gratitude. (Mr. and Mrs.) W.B.Arledge. ADVERTISE IN- THE NEWS. their little sop, -finally succumbed after a hard ten day struggle to a second attack of meningitis. Although rendered partially in firm by the first attack about three years ago, little J. P. was a happy boy . and made .himself th e beloved treasure , of ; his par ents and also bis granthers, Clerk and Mrs, J. P. Ariedge, he being named for the former. Relatives and friends, many fronr distant parts, including the child's" .greatgraDdmotherMrs. Rucker; widow of the late'; Capt. W. IL Rucker, of Rutherford Co. attended the funeral services and interment last Friday, conducted by Pastor J. M. Walker, at the Columbus Baptist Church, .Mr. Walker preaching from the text suggested by the bereaved, ' 'For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Daaih of an Infant. Frances Alcestus, the 6 months old babe of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gilbert, after, a brief illness of indigestion, fell asleep last Thurs day morning in the bosom of the Loving Father, to lave eternal peace and rest from pain. Funeralervicesand interment occurred Friday at the CoIumbus4 Iiaptist Church, Pastor Walker performinglthe sad rites in the presence of a large gathering of sympathetic friends and towns people of the bereaved family. Program cf Teachers Asscciation. The following interesting pro gram has been prepared for the next meeting of the Polk County Teachers Association to be held at the Courthouse in Columbus, December 1st at 11 a.m. - An arithmetic lesson of twenty -five mfnutes by Prof. E. W. S. Cobb, followed by thirty-five minutes general discussion on the above. A half-hour address by Supt. J. Foster on the definite things the schools of the county are ex pected to accomplish this year, and an outline of the reading course.' Rev. W. S. Clierry will make a short talk on the necessary prep aration both general and specific on the part of the teacher for his daily work, and the meeting will close with a discussion by Misses Emma Morgan, Maude Ruppe and Mrs. Lionel Brisco on how to se cure the cooperation of patrons and kchool committees. COMSSIDKEIS MEEIliiS. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Qonimis- '11 1! : . fsioners was neia at tne uourt house in Columbus and all mem berg being present the following business was transacted: Bonds to the amcunt of $9000. on the County were ssued to pay off the bridge indebtedness. Forty-two bills, aggregating $889.23, were ordered. paid. Routine business made up the balance of the meeting. , Land Deeds For Sale at the ' .News Office. Advertise .in THE NEWS. ' i i Polk County, real estate is selling lively now. Polk; County has the most healthful of climates and pure drinking water, and its natural resources are not surpassed anywhere. . :. If you want to engage in farming in a small way, 'or extensively,' you can buy no better land than offered hi this -'county: I have some excellent opportunities for home. or farm seekers, in Columbus,' White Oak, Greens Oeek and Tryon townships, in tracts cf 4 to 300 acres, close to churches and schools, at very reasonable prices, and will cheerfully answer all inquiries'.' : ; J3U yd COLUMBUS, fl C: TAX i J -i - h' r . -J.;:.' - ' -l' . will be at the following places on dates named for the purpose of receiving TAXES; Please meet me and save time and money. - GREENS CREEK TOWNSHIP. CantrelFs store, Melvin Hill, Randolph's, E. E. Harrison's, New York Store Monday, Havember ISth, 19li Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday til 14th, 15th; i6th, WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP. ', Pea Ridge (Mrs. Taylor's), Friday, November 17th, " ; Mill Spring (Boone's) Saturday " 18th, - COOPER GAP TOWNSHIP. ' ' ' - S . ' Lynch Whiteside's, Monday, November 20th, Pink Williams' Tuesday, u 21st, ' SALUDA TOWNSHIP. Saluda Bank Building, Saturday, Novembert 18th,- ' it (i A. L mt. Sheriff. SUBSCRIBE TO THE POLK CO UNTY NEWS Wheat BeaB'sBrdlific The Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats A . Yields reported from our customers fromtwenty-five to fifty- two Bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other k kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen -bushels more per acre on same land and under same condi tions as other standard wheats. . .i ' ' ' ' Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it ?: should be, sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. - Write for prices and fWoojds Crop Special givingin--. -y formation about all Seasonable Seeds.' -, T. W.WOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vo.

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