I T- ' . 7 . inE LESSER EVIU A - Tirst Tramp I always get under a tree when there's a thunder storm. Second Tramp Ain't you afraid uv lightning? First Tramp Well., yes but I'm DOre afraid uv water. ERUPTION COVERED BODY Three years ago this winter I had I breaking out that covered my whole body. It itched so it seemed as if I should go crazy. It first came out In little pimples on my back and spread till It covered -my whole body and limbs down to my knees, also my arms down to my elbows. Where I "scratched it made sores, and the ter rible itching and burning kept me from sleeping. I tried several reme dies all to no purpose. Then I con cluded to try the Cuticura Remedies. I used the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, also the Resolvent, for 'about four months, and they com pletely cured me of eczema. I have bad no return of the disease since. I never had a good night's rest after the skin eruption first broke out till I com menced using the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I had only used them a few days before I could see they were beginning to heal, and the terrible itching was gone. - "Those that lived in the house at the, time know how I suffered, and how the Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured me. I never take a bath with out using the Cuticura Soap, and I do not believe there' are better rem edies for any skin disease than the Cuttcura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Miss Sarah Calkins, Waukegan, I1L, Mar. 16, 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuti cura," Dept. 5 K, Boston. Silly Game. A city cousin had been staying at the farm for two weeks, resting up for the winter's round of pleasure. One evening after supper she suggested to her country cousin that they get up a bridge party some evening. "My sakes, Arabella," was the hor rified reply.- "They ain't no bridge nearer than four mile, and that one's awful rickety. This time of the year you'd all have pneumonia. For crazy new-fangled idees, give me you city folks!" - ; Knows Tetterlne Cures Eczema. - Mocksville. N. C. I nave a friend in the country here who nas suffered for years with Eczema, and I told him if he used Tetterine he would oon be relieved, for it is the only thing: that I eyer used that would kill it. m r. P. S. Early. Tetterine cures Eczema. Tetter. Rinjr worm, Itching: Piles and every form of Bcap and Skin Disease. Tetterine 60c; mterine Soap 25c. At druggists, or by jnail from the manufacturer. The Shup Co.. Savannah. Ga. - with every mail order for Tetterine we ga box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pill If They All Knew. A woman speaker told a New York suffrage meeting that "we women haven't concentration. Our minds just S flirting around and don't get any bere." Considering which, is it not superfluous for mere man to muss about in women's affairs when they J-aow themselves so well? St Louis Post-Dispatch. Distemper a ts orras among all ages of horses and dogg, Cure(i and others in the same We prevented from having the disease Spohn's Distemper Cure. Every "le guaranteed. Over 750,000 bottles J?W last year. $.50 and $1.00. Good drug Psts, or send to manufacturer. Agents 'JMKed. Write for free book. Spohn ed- Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. . Early Training. laims -that her ancestors ooa torturing with red-hot pincers." : i believe it. She can wear shoes ee sizes t0Q smaU loQk happy "arper's Weekly. W An- 0,d F,eld Weed. muS Sfe,ms that oli field weed, the it stalk, never consider the eood tuble? m?Jtahing In Curlng luns CherokP r U preSnts Taylor's Mullein v, emedy of Sweet Gum and couch finest remedy for hoonin f?p' v colds' consumption. At 5 ng CouSh, etc. botUe ggist8' 25c 60c- IL00 a "Ah At th Dance &ram fp,,Miss Mady, am you' pro- tooCT!' Mr" Lumly- It takes Pregran7-Ch ' tW UVeS l .flU 6u ia InviRorat t ieasa,nt , filets regulate ro5 t; tomach liver and bowels, candy. Uny granules. Easy to take .igorate8 A? , At. J fol of pv0 ay not be able to make makrry man 8he mt8. but sh make something just as good. - A 8ERIOU8 ERROR. Many a case , of kidney disease fiat proven fatal because the symptoms were not recognized. If you suffer with backache or bladder irregularities fol low the advice of Mrs. Peter , Bisele, 528 Church street. Bowling Green, Ky. Says Mrs. Bisele: "My back ached terribly and I had such dizzy spells I dared not walk; ankles were badly swoll en ATI A Virina-tr' , cretions in awful condition. I waa helpless In bed for three years, lost flesh until a mere skeleton and de spaired of being cured. Doan's Kid ney Pills cured me, however, and my neighbors marvel at It" "When Your Back Is Lame, Re member the Name DOAN'S." 50c. a box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo,. N. Y. WILLING TO BELIEVE HIM. De Wealth It is a. generous and helpful world, De Witte Indeed? De Wealth Yes. When it was an nounced that I desired to die a com paratively poor man there was a gen eral movement to assist me in the enterprise. Appetite Not a Necessity. Dr. John R. Murlln of New York, as sistant professor of physiology at the Cornell universsity medical college, in an article in the October number of the Journal of the Outdoor Life, com pares the food we eat to the fuel used in furnishing steam and power for an engine. In selecting our food he says that we should eat enough to furnish energy for the day's work, but that much more than this is not needed. He holds that the appetite is not a ne cessity for good digestion. "There is no fallacy of nutrition, he says, "greater than that which supposes that a food cannot be digested and utilized without appetite." Most of the food we eat, fully four-fifths, goes to supply energy for our every-day tasks, while less than one-fifth goes to sup ply building material. No More Room. The railway carriage was crowded, but a very fat old gentleman who sat by the window calmly ignored the ominous looks of the passengers for taking up so much room. A boy selling buns poked his head in at the window and inquired: "Buns, sir V The old gentleman was slightly deaf, and, not noticing the buns, thought the boy wanted a seat in the already packed carriage; so he remarked: "Full up, my boy! No more room inside!" A roar of laughter followed his re ply, and the old gentleman Innocent ly wondered as to the cause of their merriment. London Tit-Bits. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA: a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Ttpjira ttiA Signature of LJvtXVrffijfcjfas In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoxia Elemental Error. Judge Stevens was angling in the Manitowish waters, and just after din ner became involved in an argument with his boat companion. The debate lasted some minutes, and during that time the judge haa his baited hook dangling in the air over his shoulder. The guide took a hand. "Judge," said he, peremptorily "drop your line in the water. There are no flying fish around here." Chi cago Post. ACHY FEELINGS, PAIN IN LIMBS and all Malarious indications removed by Elixir Babelc, that well known rem edy for all such diseases. "I have taken up the three bottles of your 'Elixir Babek,' and have not felf. o well and entirely free from pain la limbs for five years. Please send me one dozen more." Mrs. E. Hig-g-ina, Jacksonville. Fla. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all drug-gists or Kloczewski & Co-, Washington D. C Plausible. Sunday School Teacher Why was the fiery furnace seven times heated? Tommy I suppose it went out be tween times. s Relationship. Facetious Conductor Young wom an, is this your sister? Prim Little Miss (with large doll) No, sir; she's my adopted daughter. TO DBIVE OUT MALARIA AND BUILD UP THE STSTJEM Take the Old Standard GKOVK'8 TASTJCLHbd CHILI TUNIC. You know what 70a are taking. The formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, bowing It Is simply Quinine and Iron In a tasteless form, and the must effectual form, fur growl people and children. 50 cent. For Autumn Wear . V t " Sometimes a man who flatters gets yen with a girl who flirts. DRESS of tan cloth and black vel vet stamped on tan background. Fine lawn kilted frills at neck and and sleeves. Black velvet waist band and kilted bow at neck. Dress of ."Storm grey" crepe de Chine and ninon, trimmed with silver and gold lace and gold fringe. ONE-PIECE STREET DRESSES Many Materials In Favor for Autumn ' Slashed Skirt Firmly Estab lished In Paris. Navy blue silk serge, surah silk or French serge are the materials for the smart one-piece street dresses of autumn. Their neatness and the sense of security enjoyed in the wearing recommend them to the out-of-door girl. The waist line remains slightly raised, with a narrow belt of the ma terial of the dress securing the skirt to the blouse. A long, straight tunic reaching al most to the bottom of the skirt is a fashionable development of both the one-piece dress and the suit skirt. One of the most popular cuts of the autumn is the slashed skirt, already firmly es tablished in Paris. Most of the models show the slash extending only slight ly above the three-inch hem. If a loa n slash is used it extends to the knee in.Directoire fashion and is filled in with a pleated drop of silk in a contrasting shade. The fashionable autumn sleeve ends half way between the wrist and the elbow. It has a six-inch glaring cuff, slightly stiffened, and is enhanced by an undersleeve of all-over lace or net finished with a frill of lace. The Directoire period is still no ticeable in wide revers. cut away ef fects In tailored coats and straight narrow silhouettes, and though rumor declares for fuller skirts, smaller waist lines and puffs at the elbows, fashion will not carry out the predic tion for some time to come because of the universally becoming effect of present makes. Costume of "Pavlova" Russian green ratine and Persian lamb, with large black satin bow at neck. Hat of Per sian lamb, lined -with green velvet and trimmed with black and green striped ribbon. Ermine and sealtoque, with the new high crown. NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON Jewelers Have Been Busy Devising Pretty Things for the Embellish ment of Milady. A novelty in the way of jewelry that tas found its place among the smart things for winter's - wear is a black velvet band studded with beautiful traceries "of diamonds or Intricate patterns of precious stones. This is founc. to be far more becoming than the ordinary necklace or La Valliere and Is an appropriate touch to the high waist-and soft lines of the pres ent mode. For some time it has been the vogue to wear the clumsy metal or ungainly leather wrist band in which watches are inserted. Much daintier and far more beautiful are the tiny watches, gold-faced and bejeweled, which are either round or square and which are fastened upon narrow velvet bands and worn on the wrist CASHMERE DRESS, Separate Blouses. Both the peasant and the set-in jleeve are used this year, with per haps tho preference given to the peas ant type in the modified form, says Harper's Bazar. In some cases the yoke extends over the shoulder to the elbow or even below it, ending in a cuff. Again the sleeve preserves the kimono outline, but is cut separately and set on with cording of satin or chiffon beloW the low shoulder line. If the full-length sleeve is used, the long line is broken by a cuff, from four to six inches in depth, set on to the close-fitting upper portion. For the Hair. Quite new are embroidered band eaux for the hair1 to be worn in pre cisely the same way that " girls have been wearing the dainty silken and satin ribbon bands. One may choose black velvet em broidering it in opalescent shades. Or, it might be embroidered In a shade to match the gown with which the wear er Intends using It As the silk is quite heavy the embroidery may be done quite simply without padding. Hat of Oxidized Silver Net; A hat that is dressy enough for any occasion and can be worn with nearly any color is made of oxidized silver net It is high and narrow, and folds of the net, closely lapped, stand up right about the crown, from which, by way of brim, a narrow frill of net edged with inch-wide fringe of the same color drops down over the face and hair. The hat is entirely old sil ver; to touch of color disturbs its dull metallic shimmer. r 1st This is a very pretty dress carried out in amethyst colored cashmere. The skirt is high-walsted and Is open at sides over black and white striped silk cut on the cross; pointed tabs of the material with black buttons In the points extend from edge of front over the silk and just He over the edge of sides. The bodice has a vest of silk crossed by longer abs, which are fixed by buttons to left side; tht sleeves are finished with silk cuffs. Materials required: 4 yards 4J inches wide. 1 yard uilk 20 Inches wide. "11 buttons- WHAT'S THE MATTER W BAB VP The-young mother and many an old one. too Is often puzzled to know the cause of her child's 111 nature. The loudness of Its crying: does not neces sarily indicate the seriousness of its trouble. It may have nothing more the matter with it than a headache or a feel ing of general dullness. It cannot of course, describe its feelings, but as a preliminary measure you are safe In trying a mild laxative. Nine times out of ten, you will find It is all the child needs, for its restlessness and peevishness are perhaps due to ob struction of the bowels, and once that has been remedied the headache, the sluggishness and -the many other evi dences of constipation and Indigestion .will quiokly disappear.. , - Don't give the little one salts, cathar tic pills or nasty waters, for these will act as purgatives, and they are too Strong for a child. In the families of It It ait firs. O. R. Crae. WeBfiordL SL GL a Mrs. - Helen Sheets, La CIi hu.ii . , 2JC CV the only laxative glvec well's Syrup Pepsi. round to answer the purposes of a laxative. mildness "ana freedom recommend it . especially far Urn children, women, and U ally people who need, stimulant. Thousands families have been enthvsfsaCSs aboofe tt for more than a quarter of a. centre. : Anyone wishing to makst a. tzfal C tSfs remedy before buying It ta Umt 1 way or a druggist at any cents' ex dollar a large bottle (fanCtr shV have a samDle bottle meat to tae free of charge by simply addtxEa DtV "W. -B. Caldwell. 201 WsaMacctem Sfc MontlcellOv I1L Tour on a postal card will da. Arms Made to Order. A United States senator worth mil lions which he made rapidly, has a coat-of-arms recently acquired. He gave a large dinner party, one night His coat of arms was emblazoned In gold on the top of the dinner car'ds. The lady who went in with the sen ator, the wife of another senator, ob served the insignia when she picked up her dinner card and exclaimed: "How pretty!" I "Yes," replied the senator proudly, I think it is rather neat. My wife in vented it. Saturday Evening Post Subjective. "I see somebody has invented a 'noiseless soup spoon. In what way is it noiseless V - ''Why, madam, it's constructed in such a manner that er you don't make a noise when you're using it" For COLDS and GRIP Hicks' Capudinz is the best remedy re lleves the aching and feveriahness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions- It's liquid effects immediately. : 10c., 25c., and 50c. At drug stores. i Shipwreck Up to Date. "Captain, is there much danger?" "Not a particle. A moving-picture outfit will soon be along and rescue us after they have taken a few films." Blood Poisoning is often caused by elight cuts or wounds. Death may result. Hamlins Wizard Oil will draw out the poison, heal the wound and prevent se rious trouble. ff After a man has been married about a year he begins to wonder why his friends didn't get busy and have him locked up before he did it Ifrm. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflammation- allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. It takes a bachelor to think that he understands women. CURE Old, Deep-Seated Cmmern Botanic Blood Balm (B. UL BLf tar tHo East 30 years, has cured ikamammU ef heumatlcs after every iiswn ti wdy has failed. B. B. B. doea tfeia bt earl tying and, enriching the Mssd rc4is? a flood of vivifying blood dim to tfe paralyzed nerves, bone aad fofote. gtv ing strength and warm tht foes. fcc rt Is needed. At the taate Hum B. ft. kills the active potsoa ks (to fcteod, which causes rheumatics, fo tMm way a cure-to-stay-cured to ssarfe. IT ra have bone pains, swollen Jetat. ftewsW back or shoulder bladem. feteod CJthx oe pale skin even if bed-rMdeoi with tt - worst rheumatism, give B R. ft. aortal. We guarantee a perfect taattea; enrvk B. B. B. is a liquid, saad botanic ingredient and safe r 4rmi gists at $1.00 per tar twftta. wtta directions for. home cures. We vrlll send m fare fetal fs preclouN remedy by ataff. fpstd ( any sufferer vrho wrtcn fmr tC f fill out the eoupoa fcelawr saad saaul t to DLOOO BALM COL. Name Addrww Write for catalogue, cassp&s end prices. We save yoa mazrey GEO. EVANS & CCU3ffi0iL&i3 132 N. Oth Street, PhUatfe2plttsvPa Charlotte Auto Scfcd,(fcls,J.S. wants men and boys to lean- AataawbSa business in their Oarage snit WanTihsi asjja. New Car j New HaehiBory; goo iiialTswai for every graduate. CATAl0ir& Agents Wanted gj? ' tou want your Dome eownty. KOTAlt UMMWACtVtiMQ CD, ill I E8aa as aaa WonmN'S; Ills Many women suffer needlessly from girlhood to woman hood and from motherhood to old age with backache, dizziness or headache. She becomes broken-down, sleep less, nervous, irritable end feels tired from morning to night. When pains and aches rack the womanly system at , frequent intervals, ask your neighbor about Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ThI Prescription ham, tor ovcrZO years, been carina delicate, weak, pala-wracked women, by the hundreds of thousands and this too In the privacy ot their homes without their har ln& to submit to Indelicate questionings and offensively repugnant examinations. Sick women - are invited to rnntnlf :n mcj.. i... World's Disoensarv Medical Asu'n.R V P;.m. jt rZ- n" Da. PiekcVs Great Family DocToa Boor, The People's CssaWScM c 1 MediCu Adviser, newrv revised iin.rn.ri r a .j;;.'i(vn u , a ww pages. Plain English hosts of delicate questions which -:!!il ought to know about. Sent frie to any address on receipt of 31 wTcrwi. 01 wrapping ana mailing only, in French A iSSSp') Lamps and Lanterns Scientificallv constructed to crlvft most light for the oil they burn. Easy to light, clean and rewick. In numerous finishes and styles, each the best of its kind. Ask your dealer to sfaov you his line of Rayo Lamps sad Lanterns, or write for Illustrated booklets direct to any aeency of the Standard Oil : Company (Incorporated) -W--.IL DOUGLAS 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES Men and Women wear WXDougtas shoes because they are the best shoes produced in this country for the price. Insist upon bar ing them. Take no other make." THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVR 30 YEARS The assurance that goes with an estab lished reputation is your assurance in buying W. L. Douglas shoes. If I could take you into my large f adories &t Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully WJDouglas shoes are made, you would then understand whv tkv or lira ranted to hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price CAUTION The Snine have W. t. Douglas name and price stamned on bottom .our lL ZJ?"JJM UUUGLaS. 145 Spark Su. Brocktoa, Mass. ' fast Color ats UnS m 1 11 1 r iii7oi7irrnrirTVT smokeless a xuixi 1 Mvn OIL HEATER Always ready for use. Safest and motfxe&&U The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater t pit like a portable fireplace. It pres quick, Rowing heat Yrhatyfoeaercr, jOKwaktA. A necessity in (all and inriniT n In n il 11 n ut i 111T1I isaiiiiifiif tne rurnace. invaluable as an auxiliary beater at 1 Drums of blue enamel er plain steeLwitai n v Atk your dWW to tbow you a Perfeotaa SwmlelmCSf jam V or write to amy agency of -.- , Sbmdard Oil Company - : viaootponuwij

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