Thrae Cents the Copy. VOL. XVIi. DEPENDENCE IN Atf-THifGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1911. NO. 27. BURGLARS GOLUMB-U'SlDEATH oft. MTHOMFS Open a Safe of the Ordinary IOM;vith rRidiculdus Ease. They. very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in HIE BANKgOF Tryon. The wise man will, therefore; open up ar account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you nave the less 'you can afford to lose it. THE' BANK Of TRYON ADVl-KTISli IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything,' keep your mouth shut and you will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by an advertisement in our col umnsthen look for results. A DYE RT I S E Always to be Successful. ion. H, - E - W - :;S ortt. . ast eTt C mth i; JO H N 0 RR & COM P AN Y TRYON, N. C. Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR ' Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, ,' G!ass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. dersonville Monday. . Mr. N. B. Jackson of Soartan burg made a week-end visit to his folks in Columbus. For stoves, heaters and ranges call at Tryon Supply Company's complete hardware store. Deputy Sheriff R. F. McFar- land'was in Green's Creek sev eral days this week on business. Mr. D. E. Conner, of Tryon, and Mr. Stebbins of Massachu setts, visited Mr- J. G. Hughes Monday. Mrs. Sarah Laughter and her son, Mr. Jasper, of -Chimney Keneri! merchandise business, and the main 1 KOCK,VlSlted relatives and friends one is becan'e I make it a point NEVER TO MISREPRESENT THEFiE k Why I h u e made a howling success in til - Csope? Cap's ProE'cent Apple Grower's Lib A Wcadsrful Exjle o! Grit Perse verance ana Well Biwjiei toraf. In W. M . Thompson , Cooper Gap township and, Polk county lost a most progressive citizen , when, in failing health for sev eral yeai &, l e at last gave up to a , complication of diseases lat Sstu'rday morning. He was bur ied .at Silver Creek Monday by his fellow members of ttie Saluda Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Mr. Thon ps m was 43 years of age and a bachelor. Surviving him are Uvo brothers and three sisters. ' Mr. Thompson ' was born and raised in Cooper Gap township. At the age of 17 years he "went West' but returned after four or five years, penniless. ' By dint of ha'rd, unceasing effort, endurir.g many years of want and priva tion, he washable to purchase in small lots, from time to time, land from the Speculation Com pany, which he set out in apple trees. All his time was devoted to the subject of apple growing and improving his property. His was a business visitor in Hpn. artre orchard, from whiVh h sn!d 3000 bushels of apples last year. r Read the tax notice in another 1 column. .' ' ;' Renew your subscription and don't miss a copy of The News. Mr. L. H. Cloud made a; busi ness trip to Landrum last Fri lay. : . ,; Mr. W. B. Arledge was a busi ness visitor in Landrum Satur day. ; Mr. William Jackson of Pied mont, S. C, was a visitor here Monday. - Mr. J. H. Green of Chesnee, S.' , was in Columbus Friday on business. Mr. J. E. Morgan of Landrum, route 1, was a visitor in town .Monday. Atty. B. F. Williams was in Tryon last Saturday :n legal business. Miss Hattie Jackson is teach ing at the Happy Home School at Green's Creek. ; Clerk of .Court J. P. Arledge C 7V 1 - 1 -.- 1 1 1 -T-: : mm m- MV"7 here last week end. Jack Frost makes a body el GO TO THE : -.; BALLENGBR )MPANY- T,yon, N. C. . For EVERYTHING Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross 'i i es in the popular song who had "bells on her toes." an article. My offering of shoes in both j theso cold mornings like the girl qualitv and puce represents a value .not equaled. d as a bargain in every seise of the word will prove to be a howling success. F S. REARSON TRYGNT, N. C. The Ballenger Company TRYON, N: C. . t The Carolina , State Bank SALUDA. N. C. -9 e PER 6EKT Paid on Savings STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Every Banking Facility It lias been tlie cotislant endeavor of the tuanagfemen! of 4 ' this hank ta furnish every possible. facility for the con veil- ieiice of its depositors; together with absolute safety for their money. ' . ' , An account with thfs bank will prove a valuable asset to y corporation, .firm; .or individual requiring the best- banking facilities. , We solicit your account. ,; W. C. ROBBRTSOX - Vice-rresiJent. U C BARROW, Q.:p. SOONER, tl. B. LANE, Cashier. : For sale or rent: 8 room dwell jng, good outbuildings; also store house. Apply to C. C. Hampton, Landrum, Rt. 1, S. C. Messrs. J. T. Green and N. G. Walker of Mill Spring passed through Columbus enroute for Tryon on a horse trade. Rev. J. M. Walker of Melvin Hill was unable to hold services here Saturday and Sunday on account of his little son's illness- 'Mr. James Ormand returned from Greenville last week and is now employed in finishing up the interior work of Register F. M. Burgess's hcuse. I For flour, sugar, lard, meat, etc., or anything in dry goods and notions, at rock bottom -pricss 0 to Tryon Hosiery Company's general merchandise store at Lynn. ; Mr. G. E. Edwards, one of the progressive farmers of Millspring made the News a pleasant visit yesterday and added his name to the'subscription list for a long term. Mr. Edwards says he has been married forty years and in all that time has never bought a pound of bacon, flour or meal, raising enough of these things on his farm to supply his home. stands as another example in the history of the world that grit, perseverance and well directed energy wins. . Mr. E. L. Hm to Address Polk Farmers. X .Present low prices of .cotton. cause and prevention, is a sub ject that is'row engaging the attention of farmers all through the South. Mr. R. L. Nunn of Westfield, N. C, will discuss this subject with the farmers of Polk County on the following days and places, and a cordial invita tion is extended to all to attend. At Greens Creek Church - Nov, 20 Mill Spring - ' " 21 Big Level Church - " 22 Coopergap " - - "23 Morgan's Chapel - " 24 Hickory Grove - " 25 Speaking begins at 11 o'clock. Polk County real estateJs selling lively, now. Polk County has the most healthful of 'climates and pure drinking watery and its . natural resources are not surpassed anywhere. - r jf you. want to engage in farming in a small way, or extensively, you can buy no better land than offered in .. this county. I have somegexcelleiit opportunities for home or farm seekers, in Coluhibus, White dak, Greens ("reek and Tiyon townships, in tracts cf 4 to 60 acres, close to churches and schools, at very reasonable prices, V and will cheerfully answer all inquiries. 7 ; H QLOtD, COLUMBUS, I.C. TAX Cannon & Keeter Partnership Dissolved, The well known mercantile firm of Cannon & Keeter at Lynn was dissolved last week by mu tual consent. The business will be continued by Mr. W. A. Can non, the senior member of the late firm. ICE! will be at the following places on dates Mined for the purpose of receiving TAXES. Please meet me and save time and money. GREENS CREEK TOWNSHIP. CantrelFs store, Melvin Hill, Randolph's, E. E. Harrison's, New York Store Monday, November 13th, 1911 14th, 15th, 16th, MaVries At Seventy, Mr. Thomas Earley, i-ged 70, and Alice Rickman, both of this County, were joined in the bonds of matrimony by Squire H. J. Biadley last Thursday in Cooper Gap township. The happy couple have many friends who wish them all success. Thermal Belt Sanitarium Sold Under Hammer Card of Thanks. To all who so kindly gave us their services in bur recent be reavement we wish to extend our thanks. (Mr. and Mrs.) John T. Gilbert. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS Last Thursday the Thermal Belt Sanitarium j at Tryon was auctioned off and sold to Mr. A. M. Salley for $12,600. Rumor has it that it will be leased and run as a boarding house by two Northern women. Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP. Pea Ridge (Mrs. Taylor's), Friday,. November 17th, Mill Spring (Boone's) Saturday " 18th, COOPER GAP TOWNSHIP. Lynch Whiteside's, Monday, November 20th,: Pink Williams' . Tuesday, , " 21st, SALUDA TOWNSHIP. Saluda Bank Building, Saturday, November 18th, 1 1 A. L HILL, Sheriff. Land Deeds For Sale at the News Office. -" . Advertise in THE NEWS. SUBSCRIBE' TO THE :? POLK COUNTY NEWS eap's Prolific Wheat 'The Mosf. Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats ; ' "y Yields reported from our customers from twenty-five to fifty-, two bushels per acre. Wlhen grown side by side with other kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same condi tions as other standard wheats. ;-y-r ; . 'Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it , ' should be sown universally bywheat growers everywhere. - Write for prices and VfoodV Crop Spedal" giving in--r . formation about all Seasonable Seeds! T. W. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen - Richmond. Va, .-(' - U 3