' iV INDEPENDENCE THINGS. Subseriptionpricd VOL. XVII. . -f 1 rV. -' ' , . - I. II I. 1 - " - ' - - - f . I -- : .-.::---. ... - j-.,.., . ... - ....... .'j v.': '.'-. "'. 1 . 1 1 ' '.' i. i . vv, : THE BAN ADVERTISE IF YOU WANT. TO BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and you. will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by an advertisement in our col umns then look for results. ADVERTISE Always to be Successful. JOHN TRYON, Dress GENTLEMEN'S ORR Groceries Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery,. : Glass, Enamel iiiiS Tin Ware. r BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC. , ETC, 60 TO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N.-C-. ' ' " For ' EVERYTHING The The Garplife State Bank SALUDA. N. C. 4 PEG CEHT Paiit r6n Savings j, Evflrv -Banking Facility ienceitrdepos!tof, iogtilicr with absolute satety lor tHh thUbak vrill prove a valuable ;artto BT S Onen a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with-Ridiculous Ease. They" very seldom care :.t6 fickle burglar-proof vaults like Uiose h The Bank of Tryon; The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus, put his money where it is beyond -the jeacn pi burglars.. The lessvyou have the less "you can i afford to lose it. -' -. -"-y :: it: &'COMPAIsiY N:C. Goods NECKWEAE A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION 1$ now in order for the. Jolly Old rJIan will soon be coming with his gifts. When preparing the , list of presents you wish for your family, give slippers- shoes and boots cfue consideration. I also carry a fine line of fruits and candy for the holidays. FV S.PE AR SON V - TRYOM, N. C. Special prices on Flour, Cotton Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Bailenger Company TRYON, N. C. . COURTEous l - PROGRESSIVE 0 St the tax notice in ano ; Renew your; ;bsejripy iid J don't missXcPWfe baturaaynightto 'z$Zii ivM Mrs:3:fohTiutchiydhSi " k -r: -.r- - - - . -V.-wV n rVancQ Thomgsott M iQc)peE Gap was in ColuflSa urday?; , ;; 'ISIS inf Greens Cree;MnSay ? &d Tuesay' , ' ; - ' - The Westlake(Cottage has been ren ted to Mr. and Mrs. iStabens of Massachusetts, 'xi i -' Tfy' Mr. F. B: Williams left Tuesday for Gainesville, Ca.;cn ,ranc ex- tended business trip. ; Ex-senatpr ohn d. Grant was a guest of Mr. and JMrs. J. W. Newman Tuesday night; For stoves, heaters and ranges call at Tryon Supply Company's complete hardware storeT - rx: Mr. W. E. Hill and stepmother, Mrs. Emily B. Hill, visited rela tives in Landruin Friday. -; Miss Dobbins of " New York City was a business visitor at the register s office Saturday." ' Mr. R. C. Prince, of fcFinger- ville,S. C.f route !, was a busi ness visitor here yesterday, - Register and , Mrs. FMV Bur gess were present at the Swann- Capps wedding at Lynn Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jrf Foster Searles, one of the new proprietors of the Polk County Telephone System, was in town last Friday. For sale or ren tv 8 room dwell ing, good outbuildings; also store house. Apply to C. C. Hampton, Landrum, Rt1, S. C. Deputy R. F. McFarland was iri" White Oak and Cooper Gap townships several days the past week ou official business. Postmaster W. C. Newman of Mil! Spring and Mr. T. W. Toney tbf Cooper Gap were visitors- in Columbus last Thursday. For flour, sugar, lard, meat, etc., or anything in dry goods and notions, at rock bottom prices go to Tryon Hosiery Company's general merchandise .store at Lynn. LOST Friday, November 17, at Landrum, a brdwn , shepherd dog, answers to name of Major, and is about a year old. ' Finder will please notify W. E. Hill, Co lumbus, N, G, who will pay ex penses for the dog's return. i 6ur genial and ever up-td-date Sheriff, A.L. Hill, simply annihil ates; the distance between Tryon and Columbus with his automo bile. He made two round trips to Columbus from. Tryon Friday af ternoon in just that many hours. : Ex-solicitor J. F. Spainhour of Mdrganton" surprised-eur little countyseat by a yisit last Thurs day. Heiwas here on behalf of several prisoners sent to Hender sonyille chaingang last term, for whom their friends seek to ob tain pardon. ; Mr. H. J. Perry' of Polatka, Florida,' who is spending a ; few weeks in Tryon, came over Mon lajr afternoon with ; Sheriff 'Hill in the automobile to see our beau tiful hamlet and .was charmed With the, ideal situation and sur roundings of Columbus. LTKH'SC SPLEHD1D T7EBD IH6. ;.Oneof the p-etties t4 Weddings ever ; witnessed in It)ikGounty took: place -Sundayafterhoon t in the Chapel. - - contracting; parties weref: Mr.? Fred E.; Swann, son of Mr, f- Wt F. Swann,-superintendent of thexfryon Hosiery Company cat Lyim jaYvd Miss t Belle Capps, the . bautifuloatighteof s and oneof Lvnhs leadihcrl and mostnoriiilar vonnir hpllp.- ind. most popular. young belles . STiie Cpelartto vaa : veritable -Eden vfor r the ated Wfl Tfiri thh -Fi Aft J- ;fn ; tha Kapfeliviht;: ; , Men& ai:d mafched slowly' down the nits uui) imr vo iTimnn p pnrprpn .r -VV1CV4 j4!1 a tlful neari ffrav rirpsa nnH wpar. ing a bridal veil, the groom im- maculate beside her in his con- ventional black. . As they halted under an arch of ferns, ever- greens and fall flowers; srs of the happy pair, Misses Aaude; Swann and Sina Capps, sang Lo hengrin's Wedding; Greeting, following which the solemir cere mony; Was performed by the Rcvi O..E- Smithdeal. that ; made the ybuitg couple man and wife. r" After the ceremony and1 after receivinrgthe congratulations of the more than three hundred ad miring friends present atthe wedding, the newly wedded pro ceeded to the home of the groom; where dinner was served to a few invited guests.. : ; ;? Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Swann Win- reside at tne ? home oi the when their own cozy little home Will be ready for occupancy. .. Mrs. Corrie S&lpman Passed Away. Death again visited our county last Friday morning and took the beloved wife of Mr. Mance Ship- man. l- .. Mrs; ' Corrie Shipmani was a resident of Lynn and died of con sumption after struggling for nearly three years with the fatal disease. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Washington Fisher, and was one of the most I beloved women of her commun- ity, her daily life being of the , true Christian calibre. Her remains were interred in the Friendship cemetery,, by the side of her mother, who was bur- ied just a year to the day before, having fallen a victim to the same dread disease. Rev. J. B. Ar ledge pronounced the last sad words in the presence of a mul titude of grief -stricken friends and relatives of th deceased. The many friends of the be reaved husbandrfather, four sis- ters'and three brothers surviving deceased join with The News in! extendinideepest sympathy. GREEN'S; CREEK NOTES. Correspondence of Th News. , : Messrs: Sorrells McDowell and Bridge Green left Sunday for Spartanburg. ' : Mr. R, N. Johnson is on the sick list this week. , v ... - .... ; . . ' ; v: ,' Mr. Jerome Foster of "Inmai was here last week. Mr, T. E. Walker and:; daugh ter Ada were Chopping in Spar tanburg Thursday. Mr. Jim Swain was in Campo- bello last week. . Mr Reuben Watson and daugh- ter Carrie were in'Rutherfordton last Week shopping. , Mrsr T.E. Walker was in Cam- pobelld Monday. shopping. Jx). - - Mrf ; Dock J jand: Miss ; Myrtle Hampton "spent Saturday night and Sunday. at the home of Mr. kV , i- - i : ; I I'vi-x M.ti l I f..r .-3 r; . r fT5iTV.:i i : - ; tr - : v- .-v.--" - ; ' - . mostealthful of, clines janjl c - -' 'x-'-:-:v;J :fii.vs v.'.-' u extensiyely you (Jjin bujr no tms couto i- nave some . . : -r.--r-r - x-.. l1?1? rTO seeers Columbus, (Jreek nd Tryon townships, ; ; ,; close.to cnurcnes ana scnoois, fliii cheerf ully answer :'fxrAy ' : ;r 1 H. ;: 'K'r x To the x;MmM o POLK-CO. How many acres of your; land; s paying you interest on the money invested? - That which does not pay dividends, do you want to keep? If not, let ussell it for you. ; - . , (. -.. We have sold $22,500.00 worth of land in the last month, and can sell your place or apart of it. - Write to us. - HB Real Estate & In vestment Go 5- TRYON, r iPJ. HIGHESTMARKET PRICE PAID I II I V J Wool oa CtJmnlttloiw Write for price- tKSMTl U VI V im nffiaflBAiBrt this ad. -. - Tn X- IVXI 4 JOHII WHITE & CO, Se (mQ6Cy: Q 1 v' -" v.- better land ; than offered in . .r :? . ..; .. excenenc- opponumtiesior ; -.-rr'--pA:;i.; ,w--: in tracts cf 4 to 300 acresV : - & -v, : - v ; .-- :x-: --:;i::M at very reasonaoie prices,5 all inquiries. ' - . COLUpBU&fcGi 5. . - N. C. i) ft D.LME, tasiner.. UBSCBTOiJI 1 V"VV