INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THlf4GS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1911. NO. ?9. Three Coals the .Copy. 'I THE ".'1 Open a Safe of the OH inarv Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom cart to tackle burgtar-proof vaults like thoselr The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and . thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of, burglars. The less you have the less! you can afford to lose it. THE BANK 0 F TRYON ADVERTISE IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and you will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to tha public by an advertisement in our col umnsthen look for results. ADVERTISE Always to be Successful. COLUMBUS at et-t . uth JOHN ORE, & COMPANY TRYON, ft. C. Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. BEAOTYy IN S9I0ES Combined with great wearing quality is what we are of'ering for winter wear It is net necessary that shoes must be clumsy to he warm and water proof. LADIES' SHOES .s veil as Men's, are offered in variety of styles, but all up-to-late, and at prices no jjrnaier than is asked for shop worn goods. F S. RE A RSON TRYGN N. C. TO BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING Special prices wade on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties. The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. The Carolina State Bank S ALU DA, N. C. per mi Paid on Savings Every Banking STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Facility It lias been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. " An account wjth this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm,, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. " " We solicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOlNER W. C. ROBERTSON, President. Vice-President. - . Vice-President. H. B. LANE, Cashier. Register and Mrs. F. M. Bur gess were in Try on Saturday. "Polk County school teachers meet tomorrow at Courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith . were shoppers in Landrum last Satur day.' s - ' Messrs. J. N. Mitchell and W. C. Hague passed through town Sunday.' ' Mr. A. D. Quinn of Millspring was in one day last week to sub scribe to the News. Mr. Cilreath, a school teacher in Saluda township, was in Col umbus last Friday. Mr. H- R. Harris of Melvin Hill was, a business visitor at the reg ister's office Monday. - For stoves, heaters and ranges call at Tryon Supply Company's complete hardware store. ft Rev. Z. V. Thompson and Mr. H. E. Case of Cooper Gap were in town Saturday on business. Miss Anna Landis is now ih charge of the primary depart ment of the Columbus High School. Mr. 1. A. bizemore, the ener getic lineman of Polk County Telephone Company, was in town Monday. Messrs. J.H. Norville of Sandy Plains and Pink Williams of Lan drum, route 1made the News a pleasant visit Monday. ,. .J , - , . . r or sale or rent: o room dwells ing, good outbuildings; also store house. Apply to C. C. Hampton, Landrum, Rt. 1, S. C. Rev. D. J. Hunt of Round Hill will preach at Baptist- Church in Columbus on 6econd Sunday in December if nothing prevents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Scadin and son of Massachusetts have moved into the Westlake cottate and will spend the winter with us. Mrs. John L. Jackson and her daughter Mattie Lee were visit ors to the dental parlors of Dr Smathers at Landrum Monday. For flour, sugar, lard, meat, tc, or anything in dry goods and notions, at rock boltom prices 0 to Tryon Hosiery Company's general merchandise store at Lynn. It is proposed by the manage- ment of the ColumDus High School to give an entertainment some time during the holidays for which a small admission will be charged to defray the expense of erecting stage. No definite arrangements for the entertain ment have as yet been made. Mr. J. G. Hughes received the sad intelligence Tuesday of the death of Miss Jeva Frye on the 18th inst., at San Jon, New Mex ico. MiSs Frye came to Colum bus from Iowa in search of health a number of years ago and lived here quite a long time and made many friends, who will learn of her death in deep sorrow. Something might still be done with those hills on the main road enthusiasm beats high in-the breasts of a few of our citizens and one of these fine morning we who talk and don't do will see sonie few things accomplished by our energetic brothers. Don't you want to lend a hand or team r in some other way help to im prove our road? When you are called -upon to help your town come across; and waste no fur ther energy in advice ; Two Hew Boarders ia Csunty Jail. The County. Jail, cleared of prisoners for several weeksi re ceived two new boarders the past week as follows: Harrison Mills, colored, was arrested one day last week for stealing money from the store of Mr. J. H. Norville of Sandy Plains and was brought to the county jail by three young men of that settlement. Mills took a small basket, containing $3.07 and a three-dram weight, the latter piece being found 'in his possession and ; convicting "him. He was tried before Magistrate Bridges and bound over to super ior court. The darkey' returned to Mr Norville all but 65 ' cents of the stolen money. Claude Lipscomb, a colored bey w as arrested ana lir led beior e Magistrate J.P, Wortman at Mill Spring Monday for breaking into the store jf . Mr. El iasiiEd wards and stealing money and merchan dise. He was bound over to su perior court. County ' - V.-' I lk County real estate is selling lively now. Pox ; County has the most healthful of climates and pure drinking water, and its natural resources are not surpassed anywhere. . . '" If you want to engage in farming in a small way, or extensively; you can buy no better land .than offered in this county. I have some excellent opportunities for home or farm seekers, in Columbus, White Oak, Greens Creek and Tryon townships, in tracts of 4 to 300 acres, close to churches and schools, at very reasonable prices, and will cheerfully answer all inquiries. BMEFS FE9M ffiLV J BILL. Correspondencej-ofjThe News. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kilpatrick of Spartanburgvisited relatives here last week end. The little three year old child of Mr.lWill Edwardsjis very sick of diphtheria. Mr. James Shields had a second stroke of paralysis one day last week and is very poorly. Mrs. Tom Covington, Sr., is very feeble from continued bron chial and Jlung trouble. Mr. Walter Reid made a . busi ness trip to Chesnee Monday. . ; ""The postoffice and mail route inspector was here. Friday and took the night with Mr. and Mrs. Stacy. The high winds Friday did some slight damage to buildings hereabouts. A small new house belonging to Mr. Seth Davis was somewhat dislocated; and shing les were blown from the moves of several. Cotton in the fields, and haystacks, fared but mid dling! Miss Dr. MoIIie E. Foster, of Cherokee, S. C, who graduated from the Atlanta Medical School a while back, arrived at Mr. K. C. Gilbert's Sunday, where she expects to stay for come time in the" hopes of being able to do something for Mrs. Gilbert, who has been sick so long. "Booze" was not quite so much in evidence here Sunday as com mon. Why, the writer actually heard one young man say that he did not see a single drunken fel low Sunday K . Gretchen. DIED. At his home near Mel vin Hill on the evening of the 25th inst., of consumption, Mr. JakeBranon passed to the Be yond. He had been in declining health for several months before his death. Mr. Branon was a strict mem ber of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and was known to be an honest man, a respectable citizen and a kind husband and father. He leaves a wife and some seven or eight children, who deeply mourn their. loss. Funeral service was held at the Eden Church Sunday, which was attended by a very larp-e congre gation of relatives,; friends and neighbors, who extend sympathy to the bereaved family. C.S. - NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of W. M. thompsop, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to the undersigned administrators within twelve months from the date' of this notice if not presented duly proven this notice will be plead in ba'r of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate are requested to niake immediate settlement with the administrators. This 25th day of November, ion. . .- ?. V. THOMPSON, H. A. CASE, ; . ... Administrators'. v L so H, CLOUD COLUfUBUS, . c. To the 01 LK C O. .How many acres of your land is paying1 you interest on the money invested? That which does not pay dividends, do you want to keep? If not, , let us sell it for you. We have sold $22,500.00 worth of land in the last month, and can sell your place or a part of it. Write to us. ME HOKE-HILL Real Estate&InvestmeritCo TRYON, N. G. 4"u mm a ' - f . ,. run f s uii Wool on Comtnlaslod. V list mentioning ibis ad. "1- EateLUsliod 1887 JOHN WHITt &CO. LouisviuLE,Ky. hides va UBSCRIBE TO THE . NEWS

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