- 1- v . . Three Cents tho Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN THINGS, Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year itvAdvance. VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, POLK GOtJNTY. tf. G. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911. NO. SO. ('y 'fm11T Tnlf'tfil cfV ir$ ' r COLUMBUS N - E - W - S trtll Kt outh Renew your subscription and don't miss a copy of The News. Melvin Hill and Land rum Rt. 1 notes will be found in supple ment. Rev. and Mrs. B. P. Jackson of Greens Creek were visitors in Columbus Monday. r - The sawmill of Mr.C. C. West is againin operation on the land of Ballenger & Hill. For stoves, heaters and ranges call at Tryon Supply Company's complete hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Arledge were the guests at dinner of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Capps, at Lynn, Sunday. For sale or rent: 8 room dwell ing, good outbuildings; also store house. Apply to C. C. Hampton, Landrum, Rt. 1, S. C. Mr. B- F. Green, Jf Inman, S. C. route 1, visited relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jackson, sev eral days this week. Mr. M. E. Charles, who is pre paring to leave for Asheville in a few days, came in Tuesday to subscribe for a long term. V Miss Hattie Jackson, who is teaching in the Happy Home School at Greens Creek, spent the week end at her home. Messrs. J. P. Abrams and T. P. Moore of Rutherford ton route 2 were in town on business Mon day and subscribed , to the News. 0 to Tryon Hosiery Company's general merchandise store at Lynn. Irs. N. T. Mills, Mr. J. G. Hughes and the editor were the invited quests at ' the Thanksgiv ing dinner given by Prof, and Mrs. E. W.'Ss Cobb at the dormi tory. " - -i : Rex Liles, found guilty at the last term of superior court for disturbing public worship and sentenced to serve a term of four months on the Henderson County chain gang or pay a fine of $50 and the costs, decided to work the roads and was taken to Hendersdnville in the custody of Deputy R. K. McFarland Mon day. . ; Mr. J. G. Hughes, the former manager of the Polk County Tel ephone Company, since relieving himself from the cares and re sponsibilities of that active life, has settled down to a quiet home life and by way of diversion has built a chicken hquse and is going to raise barred plymouth rocks. We wish him all success in his hobby. A "whosoever will", invitation was extended Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hutcherson to the townsfolk to attend a Thanks giving supper at their home. 'A 'goodly crowd of young men and women presented themselves and gathered ,-. around the festive board creaking under the weight of the .delectable things placed upon it and a very merry evening was had. Mr. Chas. W. Mason of Ashe- vi lie was here on business Mon day in the interest of the. Land and Industrial Department of the Southern Railway Co. For flour, sugar, lard, meat, etc., or anything in dry goods and notions, at rock bottom prices MILK COWS ' ' ' .-'V" ' -.mim- V-f Bought, Sold - or. Exchanged for BEEF CATTLE J. T. GREEN & N. G. WALKER Mill Spring, N. C. Advertise in THE NEWS. BAN THE BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank op Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. t. . - K OF TRYON The Carolina State Bank SALUDA. N C. PER CENT ) Savings Paid STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Eve It has been the constant endeavor of the management of 'this lank to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. ' An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the . best banking facilities. We solicit your account. D. BARROW, Q. C. pOMVER, President. . Vice-President. H. B. LAftE, Cashier. W. C. ROBERTSOX Vice-President. AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID - FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Writ lor list mentioning this ad. mmwmm Tryon to Celebrate CompIsUsa of Ei; nal The citizens of Polk bounty have treat in store for them at Tryon next Thursday at 1.30 p.m. in the celebration oif3nfl cf,m"' pletion of the biff automobile road f rompartanburg" to Tryon. The business men of Tryon have in vited Judge' Prjtchard, Messrs IiOch Craig and Charlie Webb of Asheville, Sol Gallert of Ruther ford ton, W. A. Smith of Hender son ville. and other prominent men of North Carolina to come and discuss with the " people" of this county the importance of is suing bonds to further the good roads; movement here. - V A large crowd is expected. rom all points along the new roatl and it is hoped that every citizen of Polk county will make an earnest effort to attend. . : k v : , , -m y Farmers Union Heeling Dec IS at Colotus .' . Mr. R. L.. Nunn, organizer for the Farmers Union, spoke to: a small crowd Monday in Columbus on the all- important subject of farmers organizing fort protec tion. Owing to the small attend ance of Columbus farmers at the meeting Mr. Nunn will come And deliver another address on Satur day, December 16th at 2 p.m. in Columbus and one at Millspring that night, for the purpose of or ganizing locals at each place. Farmers, it js ,worth your while to drop everything in hand and get out to hear Mr. Nunn, who speaks the truth in a way that goes straight home to . every hearer. You come and there'll be a good attendance. Still Raid Key CoffiDSVfflJ. Deputies J. A. and Otis Feagari and Boice Weaver of Greens; Creek township wereatnLw v.Gibbv judge flection tie ouu iaiu iiiur&diiy iirgm and captured two red hot stand ing side by side near Collinsville.. About 1000 gallons of beer was found. The stills were of 75 and 80 gallon capacity. The "birds" got wind of the rdiders approach and flew away just a few minutes before they arrived. The stills were brought to the Countyseat Monday and were destroyed. m . Ellis Kimball's Barn Destroyed By Fire. Mr. Ellis Kimball, one of our prosperous and progressive farm ers, received a severe setback in the loss of a fine b:g barn and its entire contents, which were de stroyed by fire last Friday about two in the afternoon, in his ab sence. While the origin of the fire is unknown, it is believed to be the work of an incendiary, and suspicion falls on blockaders. Notics of Application for Pardon. . Notice is hereby given that the undersign, ed will apply to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Luther Case and Harry Holbert, who were cpnvicted at the October Term 1911 of the Superior Court of Polk County of distilling. This December 2nd, 191 1. MRS.. LUTKER CASE. AKHUAL REPORT ' ' ' ? - OF THE,. BOARD OF COM DIMS FOE ..;F0U CQUHTT FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1st, 1911. ' , DECEMBER 1910 Eli Jackson; ervice as registrar Jacksona Mill, Not. 191 $ J R Williams, services as registrar Mill Spring, Nov 1910 v john C M organ repairs on bridge j as per bill this day filed kF McFarlaud, jail fees to date ; JN Mitchell, services as judge of ! electiou, Mil! Spring, hoy 1910 B Goelet, services as judge of election and other expenses, at Saluda, Nv 1910 J R Smith, keeping jKxsr to date Dr'.'E. Grady services as tounty health officer lu Nov 1910 . J F Ridtng; judge of s election at Columbus, Nov 1910 J V Newman', ditto ( F t Weaver, judge, of election at Ly tut, Nov 1910. as per bill W M Baroctt. registrar of election Greens Creek, Jiov 1910 John Stacy, bailiff at Greens,creek election Nov 1910 . El ias Moore, bailiff at Pea Ridge Nov 1910 . ' T N T Mills, services and expenses as chairman for Board of Elec tion 1910 - . Tryon Township Highway Com . mission, for interest on the good , road bond issue for borrowed niouey ' . c ' -" A L Hill, for an account for arrest : uf U PSmawley H P Arledge, ?e-teaufer, -over-, payment on bridge fund since , Nov settlement : H P Arledge, over-payment of Co fund since Nov settlement ; . F M Burgess, services as clerk to . BCC and other expenses as per wu v ' ; JANUARY 1911 ' T A Rippy. 2 days as judge of - election at Tryon Nov 1910 Jonathan Turner for J B Turner, y lumber for Vhiteide bridge as r per ccftitract Tryon Bee,., puhlishing Highway Commission report J R FMcFariand, jail fees to date 54 12 96 10 00 18 60 6 00 7 5o 38 75 50 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 3 -2 OO 2 OO 18 65 137 04 5 o 18 17 22 44 27 98 4 00 30 65 3 5o 15 80 4.00 46 30 20 58 43 5 8 62 149 16 13 00 15 o NOTICE. Bids will be received by the Bdard of Co-inty Commissioners for 1'olk County, for dry dock abutments " for bridge cn Cove Creek in Saluda township, to be let Mon day, an. 1, I912, to the lowest bidder, the Board rrserving the right to reject any or all bids. This Dec. 5th, 191 1. F. M. BURGESS, Clerk to B. C. C. NOTICE. - J. F. Cockran enters 25 acres of land more or less in Columbus township, Polk county, N.G., on the waters of Horse creek and Pacolet river, joining lands f J. B. Cleveland, W. H. Stearns and the land.lor merly. owned by W. H.' McFarland and the Htllmau farm Entered Dec. I, 1911. F. M. BURGESS, ; Entry Taker: " . NOTICE : Having qualified as administrators of W. M. Thompson, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby, re quired to present them to 'the " undersigned administrators within twelve months , from the date o this notice if not presented duly proven this notice will be plead i bar of their recovery; and all. persons owing said estate are requested to make immediate settlement with the administrators.' ? This 25th day o( November, ion. " - Z. V.. THOMPSON, . . . y H. a: case, v v Administrators. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS 5 5o 50 50 5" 5o 50 So Level Nov 1910 Polk Coumty News, advertising and supplies as per bill this date A L Hill for John Mo 'roe, for services as registrar of election at Tryon Nov 1916 J R Smith, keeping poor to date J P Arledge, for an account filed of expenses as per bill this date J V Kennedy for J Arledge, for abutments at Wilo Foster place T CI Kgerton, 2 months support of EJvy Griffin's sn to date D J Hal ford, building 2 bridges in Cooper Gap township FEBRUARY L C Gibbs, holding inquest over uiiver inonipson 7 70 Edwards & Broughton, supplies as per bill of this date" 5 35 E E Missildine, drugs etc as per bill this date: 8 80 Everett NVaddy Co, mortgage rec- ord No 17 as per bill this date ia 50 R J Tate, inquest juror over Oliver I tiomps n . 7 1 RO Covington, ditto.,- 1 T M Cudd. ditto 1 Arthur Tate, ditto j D B Lancaster, ditto 1 Otis Smith, ditto 1 John E Thompson, yitness fees in Oliver Thompson 'inquest J A Dunahoo, ditto J E Brannon, ditto Jonathan Turner, lumber as per contract for Whiteside bridge 9 35 G VV Pearson, lumber and repairs on bridge in Saluda township 10 04 W M Russell, 3 months support of John Cautrell 15 00 Tilda Horton, 3 months support of her son to dale 9 00 J F Jones, bridge over Hughes creek as per bill of this date 12 00 J R Smith, keeping poor to date 35 35 J A Feagani, 2 days services as judge of election at Greens creek Nov 1910 . , 4 00 L L Tallant, money refunded on land sold for taxes not located I 66 MA Jackson, 3 days services as judge of election at Jackson's Mill Nov 1910 5 00 J. B Arledge, building abutments for Cove bridge on Green river as per contract HJ 5 Martha Johnson, over-payment in taxes for year 1910 2 75 Ellis Walker, for the captured stiil of 1910 not paid for 15 00 R F McFarland, jail fees to date 31 65 S B Weaver, ' for 'morey paid on y land sold for taxes not found 189 MARCH Carolina Engineering Co, ior con . tract on Foster br dge over ' Green river - 1850 00 J fi Turner," balance on contract for lumber for Whiteside bridge ; io 39 Polk County News,advertising and - stationery as per bill this date ' 1 2S Mrs. Tonty, I months support of - -son : ; ' '; -. 3 00 J R Smith, keeping poor to date 29 98 (Continued on page 8 column 2) To the FA RMBRS OF CO. - How many acres of your land is paying you interest on the money invested? That which does not pay "dividends, do you want to keep? If not, let us sell it for you. Since you , last heard from us, we have sold more land every day Let us sell yours. - - - X . - - Write to us. THE Ok - I I.I. Real bstae& Investment Go TRYON N. G. GOTO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Mealy Hulls, and AH Feedstuff s in quantity paid for. Cross Ties:. ... The BaUeng er Company TRYON, N. C. . 1 yPv. ' j J mi 's Shoes Require a combination of elegance and strength, more so than any other shoe. -My shoes satisfy the fastidious taste of the man of leisure and fill all the requirements of the working man. There is no better shoe made fer men,. - ' My Shoes for Ladies Are equally well made and a daintier shoe anuot be found elsewhere. They have he strength of calf arid the softness of kid. P.S;;PEARSON TRYON, N. C. JO H N ORR & C 0 MPAls Y K TRYON, N. C. -: ' .' e 1 Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel arid Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC.

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