INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, SI.00 Per Year in Advance; VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21,1911. NO. 32, Thro Coats the Copy, COLUMBUS ii' t!l est ruith I c A Merry Christmas to all. Christmas gift! The News for a year for a dollar. Glad to state Mrs. E. B. HWisI up and around again. Atty: D. F. Morrow of Ruther 'fordton va? here Monday. Mr. J.T. VValdrop of Millspring ,vas here Tuesday on business Mr. G. E. Edwards of Mill Soir.p: was a business visitor in town Monday. j The Polk County teachers will meet at courthouse in Columbus January 5th, 1912. Mr. Jesse Barnett of Greens Creek was a- business visitor at the register's office Friday. 'Mr. Solomon Gallert, a prom inent lawyer of Rutherfordton, paid our town a visit last Thurs day. Messrs. F- M. Burgess, R. F. Mc Garland, E. B. and L. H. Cloud and D. V. Taliant attended the i,ad celebration at Tryon last Thursday. . . M r. - J. T. Green, one of the "thin gray line," residing in Polk County, was in Monday to sjbroribe to the News 6r his son, J. F., in Texas. 1 h:t tottering old gray line of veterans left from a once valiant army presented themselves at the clerk's office during the past weeic lo receive their yearly pensions from the State. ' The Farmers' Union meeting t) 13 he'd last Saturday at Col umbus failed to materialize. Mr. Nunn, the representative of the Union, was on deck, and one or two farmers put in an appear a ice. There not being enough sio.v for organization here, Mr. proceeded to his next meet ing place, at Mill Spring. POLK COOHIYJAIL iFlSE. The negro prisoners, Harrison Mills and Cteu ie Lipscomb, in jail for larceny, were about to be roasted alive in a fire that started at one of the windows in their cell about midnight last Friday, but for the prompt response xto their cries for help by Jailer Mc Farland, .who extinguished the blaze with a few buckets of water; none too soon, however, for in a few minutes more the fire would have been beyond his control. The negroes say they do not know how the fire originated. They are" now better protected from all harm, to themselves and others, in the steel cage. TRYON CELEBRATES. The completion of the automo bile road from Spartanburg to Tryon was elaborately celebrated last Thursday at the Mimosa Casino at Lynn. Fifteen automobiles paraded the macadam road between Tryon and Lynn all the morning carry in?: participants in the celebration to the big meeting held in the large hall of the Casino at 1.30 p. m. Many prominent men of North and South Carolina ad dressed the meeting and congrat ulated Tryon for its zealous en deavor in the building of better roads. A bountiful table of refresh ments awaited the arrival of the participants at the Mimosa and an elaborate soread was ready for them at Oak Hall on their return to Tryon, the large crowd doing ample justice to both. Tryon's keyword is "Improve ment." and it is fast becoming the most picturesque and ideal resort of the South. It is "Do" that does it is only talk. 'Talk" LND and MORTGAGE DEEDS For Sale at the NEWS OFFICE . JJ-rr1- fef BURG LARS Open a bate ot the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. THE BANK OF TRYON Witt:, .cstaucir.rr -i ll izjvi ill The Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N. C. e PER CEHT Paid on Savings STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE 7l vwww Every Banking Facility It has been the constant endeavor, of the management of this hank to furnish every possible. facility for the conveii, ience of its depositors, together with absolute satety lor their money. v , , . . " An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. Q. C. SO!NR, Vice-President; D. C. BARROW, President. H. B. LAISE, Cashier. W, C. ROBERTSON, Vice-President. WjTiiS nmrr nun FAR HAW FURS AMD HIDES - Wool on Commtaion. Writ lor price list mentioning tm aa. E8tatll3hod 1837 Mil ItlHiTE & CO. lc'jisville,ky. BRIEFS FROM MELT1H BILL Correspondence cf The News. Mr. G. A. Branscom and Mas ter Frank started for Florida Friday. The recent rains have stopped the plowing in, this vicinity. It's a girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Morris, 10th inst. I Mr. W. B. Feagan of Columbus is visiting his children at Melvin Hill, at, this writing. Mrs. Rachael Westbrook visit ed her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carmel Westbrook, of Beaumont, last week. Upon receiving the sad intelli gence of his father's death, Mr. John Tipton returned home from Mitcheli County Thursday. . Mr.- John Beaver left Melvin Hill and has gone to Arkwright Mills to take charge of a section of spindles. Mr. Walter Westbrook and fam ily have moved to this town, and are occupying the house next to the Branscom residence. Mrs. K. C. Gilbert seems very much worse at this writing. Wishing a very good Christmas and many returns to the editor and all News readers. Gretchen. A1UAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF CfllTY COMMISSIONERS FOR POLS COUNTY FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1st, 1911. Mr. SaMcLWtfcroGk Passss Away. On December 11th at the Beau mont Mills, South Carolina, Mr. Samuel Westbrook died after an illness of two weeks with typhoid fever. Mr. Westbrook took sick immediately upon his return from a visit to relatives at this place. His body was laid to its last long sleep in the Mill Creek cemetery December 12th. He leaves a wife and two little children, . father and mother, foui brothers and four sisters to mourn their loss. Their many friends and neigh bors extend sympathy to them in their bereavement. C.S. Mr Curtis Tiptoa Accidentally Killed. On Tuesday evening, Dec.l2th, while driving across the bridge near his home, Mr. Curtis Tipton's horses became frihtenedand un manageable and dashed the un fortunate man against a tree, death resulting almost instantly. , Mr. Tipton moved here from Mitchell County about two years ago. He leaves a wife and eight children at home and some two or three 'married. Their neighbors and friends all extend sincere sympathy to them in their dis tress. Burial occurred at Mil! Creek cemetery on the 14th. C.S. NOTICE. Bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners ior l'olk County, for dry rock abutments for biidgo on Cve Creek in Saluda township, to be let Mon day, Jan. i, 1912, to. thi lowest bidder, the Board reserving the right to reject any or ail bids. This Dec. 5th, 191. F. JM. BURGESS, Clerk, to B. C. C NOTICE. J. F. Cock ran enleis 25 acres of land more or less in Columbus township, l'olk county, N.C., on the waters of Horse creek and i'acolet river, joining lamls of J. B. Cleveland, W. II. Stearns and the land for merly owned by W. II. McFarland and the Htllmau farm. Entered Dec. I, 1911. F, M. BURGESS, Entry laker. NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of W. M. Thompson, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby re quiredSo present them to the undersigned adrninrstratois within twelve months from the date of this notice if not presented duly proven this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate are requested to uiakcimmediate settlement with the administrators. This 25th day of November, 101 1. Z. V. THOMPSON, H. A. CASE, Administrators. DECEMBER 1910 Eli Jackson, services as registrar Jackson's Mill, Nov. 1910 -'$ J R Williams, services as registrar Mill Spring, Nov 1910 John C Morgan, repairs on bridge , as per bill this day filed R F McFarland, jail fees to date J N Mitchell, services as judge of election, Mill Spring. .Nov 1910 E B Goelet, services as jude of election and other expenses, at Saluda, N v 1910 J R Smith, keeping poor to date Dr. E Grady, services as county J health officer 10 Nov 19I0 J F Riding judge oflection at Columbus, Nov 1910 J V Newmair, ditto F L Weaver, judg of election s.1 . Lynn, Nov I910. as per till W M Barnett. registrar of election . Greens Creek, Nov 1910 John Stacy, bailiff at Greens creek election Nov iqkj Elias Moore, bailiff at Pea Ridge Nor 1910 rs 1 Mills, services and exprnss as chairman for: Board of Elec tion 1910 Tryon Township Highway C;m inissioi), for interest on the good road bond itsue for borrowed money A L' Hill, for an account for arrest of O P Sma" ley H P Arledge, ex-ueaMirer, over payment on bridge fund since Nov settlement H P Arledge, over-payment of Co. fund since Nov setJleinent F M Burgess, services as clerk to B C C and other expenses as per bill JANUARY 191 1 , T A Rippy, 2 days as judge of election at Tryon Nov 1910 Jonathan Turner for J B Turner, lumber for Whiteside bridge as per contract Tryon Bee. publishing Highway Commission report tL F McFarland, jail fees to date W W Gibbs, jude of election Big Level Nov 1910 Polk County News, advertising and supplies as per bill this date A L Hill for John Mo roe, for services a registrar of election at Tryon Nov 1 910 J R Srrith, keeping poor to date J P Arledge, for an account filed of expenses as per bill this date J W Kennedy for J B Arledge, for abutments at Milo Foster place T G Egerton, 2 months support of EIvy Giiffin's sn to date D J Halford, building 2 bridges in Cooper Gap township FEBRUARY L C Gibbs, holding inquest over Oliver Thompson Edwards & Broughton, supplies as pr bill of this date E E Missildine, drugs, etc as per bill this dute Everett W'addy Co, mortgage rec ord No 17 es per bill this dme R J Tate, inquest niror over Oliver Thompson , RO Covington, ditto T M Cudd. ditto Arthu. Tate, ditto I) B Lancaster, ditto Otis Smith, ditto John E Thompson, witness fes in Oliver 'lhompson inquest J A Dunahoo, ditto J E Bi an non, ditto Jonathan Turner, lumber as per contract for Whiteside bridge G W Pearson, lumber and repairs on bridge in Saluda township V M Russell, 3 months support of John Cautrell Tilda Horton, 3 months support o her son to date J F Jones, bridge over Hughes creek as per bill of this date J R Smith, keeping poor to date J A Feagans, 2 days services as judge of election at Greens creek Nov I910 L L Taliant, money refunded on land sold for taxes not located M A Jackson, 3 days services as judge of election at Jackson's Mill Nov 1910 J B Arledge, building abutments for Cove bridge on Green river as per contract Martha Johnson, over payment in taxes for year 1910 Ellis Walker, for the captured still of 1910 not paid for R F McFarland, jail fees to date S B Weaver, for money paid on land sold for taxes not found 4 MARCH Csrolina Engineering Co, for con tract 'on Foster br dge over Green river J B Turner, balance on contract for lumber for Whiteside bridge Polk County News, advertising and stationery as per bill this date Mrs. Toney, 1 months support of son J R Smith, keeping poor to date SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS 12 54 12 96 10 00 18 60 6 00 7 50 33 75 50 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 18 65 157 04 5 10 18 17 22 44 27 9S 4 00 3o 65 13 5" 15 80 4 00 46 30 20 58 43 15 8 62 149 16 13 00 15 o 7 7o 15 .35 8 80 12 50 5' 50 50 50 5" So 50 5 5o 9 35 10 04 15 00 9 00 12 00 35 35 4 00 1 66 5 00 117 5 . 2 75 To the How many acres of your land is paying you interest on the money invested? That wlrch does not pay dividends, do you want to keep? If not, let us sell it for vou. Since you last heard from us, we have sold more land every day Let us sell yours. Write to us. HOKE-E TEL THE Real Estate&InvestmentCo TRYON, N. C. GO TO THE COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. 1 m here mm To tell you that you will find the very things you want for Pa and Ma and Sis and Bill and Little Toddles too AT X F. S. PEARSON'S TRYON, N. C. 15 00 3 65 1 89 1850 00 10 39 7 21? 3 00 29 98 (Continued on page 8 column 2) JOHN ORE & COMPANY - TRYON, N. C. , Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. '! v