HF POLK COUNTY NEWS Tublished every Friday at TRY ON the most populous town in FOLK COUNTY The Land of the Sky, North Carolina. K. OF P. 50TII ANNIVERSARY. J GEO. B. COBB, Editor. N. C, Postoffice i TrrnTl as second class mail matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance. One Year... . Sis Months. ... Three Months , . LOO .50 .2 TRYON. Communications intended for publi cation must be signed by the sender, came and address. " We are not responsible for the opin ions or expressions of our correspon dents. ' - .'. Advertising- rates quoted upon re quest. . , ,: . ; Make all checks, drafts, and money orders payable to The Polk County News. ' Tryon Lodge K. of P. is settled in its new quarters and has been receiving a number' of new applications from among the young men of this city who appreciate the benefits to be derived from the association with the men vho are making Tryon what it is. The, order is founded, on the friendship of those v ancient heroes, Damon and Pythias, and owes its growth in this country to the animosities of the civil var. Men of both sides, while in the trenches, saw the folly of war among men of the same nation and, in their leisure time, began, what finally re sulted in the institution of the order of Knights of Pythias in the city of Washington, Feb. 19th, 1864. Much interest is being "manifested i - - by the members of the local lodge in thefact that a teamjs now being drilled to put on the amplified third -!- i- COLUMBUS. :l-4j -I FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914. Go to church Sunday, Feb. 1st, that day has been designated in many lo calities in different parts ot our coun try, as, "Go to Church Day" for every body. So, get up early and go! lank, something that but few of the t local members have seen and it is sig nificant that the first production will be on the fiftieth anniversary of the order, Thursday, Feb. 19th. A visiting member, who has had many years ex perience in the work, is lending his assistance and, judging from the in terest shown in the team, it will be a decided success and will arouse new interest among all the members. Sev eral lodges from out of town will send representatives to witness the work and a royal good time is' promised. "Ici On Parle Francais," Williams' amusing farce, in one ac will.be pro duced here in Tryon by local amateur talent on Feb. 12th for the benefit of the rectory fund of the Episcopal church, further particulars next week; : ' :o: - '.. The first practice drill of the 'Tryon fire department under Chief Anderson occurred "Wednesday afternoon, . and demonstrated the practicability of the apparatus and the 'zeal the firemen enter into in handling it successfully. :o: Mr. S. C. Caldwell, Polk County High way Engineer, was in town several days recently, as was also his assist antMr. W. D. Hedleston, Jr., who is now stationed at Marion, N.C. : ' :o: :- . - ' Hon. T. T. Ballenger left last week end for Atlanta, where he will tell the good citizens there all about the na tural advantages of Polk county . :o: A combination concert is promised for some date in the near future, pro bably Feb. 16th. .The singing society is at work on Max Bruch's "Fair El len," a very spirited cantata, and the f Mrs ''J. K Rarnoofinf Pirl N. J., is in town looking after her win ter residence here 4ith view of putting ft in good repair ffr occupancy. t , . . -. I The Blankenship road builders are nearly through witjj their work in this Vicinity, and will probably very soon break camp here tjp go to some other section where thef r services are re quired, r jf ' " '' W ... Notwithstanding that Postmaster Newman resigned eyeral months ago, no one has get beep appointed to take his place, so he is freluctantly holding over. '. - MELVLN HILL. I I. OUR SCHOOLS. r- fc- I MILL SPRINGS. i -- I Mr. Arledge of Spartanburg has fceenxin this sectin recently looking, after the fertilizer! business. 4p: Mr. Glenn Arledge who was operated on last summer al the Rutherfordton Toy Symphony Orchestra will repent hospital for .broken back, is very MIDWINTER IN POLK COUNTY. MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIES MEET. Our balmy sunny days of mid-winter in Polk County, are such a delight, such a comfort, especially to thos? v ho are not robust, those of low vi tality, in failing health or recovering from long spells of sickness, to sit, valk or ride about in this' bright sun shine and inhale this mellow life giv ing ozone of highest standard of fresh cess and purity, right from the pine forests of the mountains, is enough to render any human being contented with themselves, their surrounding and all mankind as well as all nature displayed hereabouts." To be living at the present time and in this especially favored spot, is a joy that those so fortunate as to be i here can but appreciate. At this season, every year, very many northern families forsake their well appointed homes in the north, and come to Polk County, N. C, wher3 they put up with very many inconven iences of life, simply to be here in this -nost charming invigorating ; climate, v here every day the grandeur of our mountain and valley scenery is laid Wore them of which the stranger s on becomes an ardent worshipe and o-.ir oldest jnhabitant never tirs of daily watching. ' - The postponed meeting of the Moun tain Industries will be held at Oak Hall, in the Sun parlor on Monday evening at eight oslock, February the second. There are people, so we are told who live within forty miles of Niagara Falls who have never seen that won derful place, and there are people who never have seen the Bunker Hill Mon ument, though they, have spent their the Hay den symphony, and give also a new one by Romberg, "r :o: Rev. H. Norwood Bowne will deliver a lecture before the Tryon Young Peo ple's Society on the evening, of Feb." 6th, at the Congregational church, subject "Henry V." u THE TRYON YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. The fourth meeting of the Tryon Young People s society was held at the Congregational church Friday night, Jan. 23rd at 8 o'clock On ac count of rain, not many of the mem bers were present, but those who were enjoyed the meeting very much. The subject for debate was, 'Music is the supreme art? Four speakers, took lives in Boston, and what Is still more , part. For the affirmative side, Mr. E. incredible there are people living in Tryon who have no first hand know ledge of the Mountain Industries. If tl:ey were asked what is the form of the organization how is it administer ed? what has it accomplished? they during this . midwinter season, j uld, be obliged to answer "I do not ( 0rusSiONERS OF POLK COUNTY Can you not, by this time, make a r( r ort to the'taxpayers of Polk county &s to what was accomplished by thv special committee that was appointed last summer to investigate and check up the accounts of the different offi tfrs of the county, including the office o: sheriff? - ; There was then reported a shortag3 or. the part of the sheriff and the tax Payers very generally think they are by this time entitled. to a report from that committee, and if no shortage '?-s found to exist, then the sheriff is entitled to that public acknowledge-; nt from the committee to eriner-f-te him before the people. ; V ifs a pretty serious charge to maki 9'"jut a public officer and then .keep 'hf- public, (the tax payers of the civr.ty,) in ignorance of what were .1hA actual facts.. The facts should be made public. know." The Industries are not so immense as Niagara Falls, they are not so sky reaching as Bunker Hill Monument tut they are worth knowing about. Plea.se come to this meeting and learn what is to be learned, under stand the aims of the Industries, be come aware of its difficulties and ap pt eciate its successes. Everybody U invited. Programme. The meeting will be opened by the President, Mr. Erskine. Report on MembershipTMrs. Hoi den. Financial Condition Mr. Brownlee. - Report of i Superintendent Miss Large. Random Remarks Mrs. Wynne. Comments on what the Mountain In dustries have accomplished elsewhere. Mrs. Lindsey, Rev. Mr. Newell and others. G Holden and Mrs. E. E. Missildine for the negative side, Mrs. E. G. Hol den and Mr. Ralph C. Erskine. Mr Holden's subject was music in gener al." Mrs. Missildine, "Music the su preme art." Mrs. - Holden "Poetry," Mr. R, C. Erskine "Art of the Arti- zans." Music was voted the supremo art, by a vote of 21 to. 7. The next meeting will be, held as usual -at the Congregational church, Jan. 30th a 8 o'clock P. M. SOUTHERN'S IMPROVEMENTS TRYON. much improved, and is now able to be up and about some by ".the ajid'of a Vheel chair. I ' -W- . ... Several of our young men are soon ta make a prospecting trip to Texas. The blacksmith has returned home from Florida and is doing business at the same old stand. 'v."-"-. ;" :o: ... Mr, S. S. Lawter- made a business trip to Spartanburg Thursday. .;. ..; . :o: . Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stacy visited rela tives here Sunday. The farmers have been making very good use of the nice weather, and have turned lots of their land. :o: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greenway visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Gilbert, Wed nesday. Messrs. Ben and Walter Reede mad? a business trip to Landrum Monday. Mrs. Martha Sanders visited rela -tives here last week. . :o: ' Mr. Go van Ridings had a good mule die Wednesday morning. ;' :o: Misses Meldora Head and Mabel Gil bert visited Misss patie Griffith, Sun day. . - ' - :o: Mrs. Laura Cole who has been suf fering from side pleursy for sometime, is improving. :or ',: LANDRUM. -I (Special to the folk County News.) ! Hampton Literliry society which .is composed of pupils. In the high School department of th graded school, is do ing excellent wok. In debate, essay and declamation! the boys and girls i e being trained. The work bem-i fli'jne-Kj: the society,, this session-is the best in its historp t At a recent election held here the ... . i following officers were elected to strve the town fjthe ensuing year: C. Cantrell, mayor J A. M. Foster, G. B Polk Connty Superintendent, E. 1Y. S. Cobb, Columbus, N. C. THE COUNTRY GIRL'S OPPOR TUNITY. It is a great blessing to be born in God's open country . where the pure air is abundant, and where health is run ning wild if we only knew how to catch and keep it. r The question, "Resolved that - the city is a more desirable place to live than the county," has often been de bated, and so far, it is hard to prova that the ,country. is the more desua hie of the two, but I would like to change the. question and have it read: "Resolved that the country can be made a more desirable place to live than the city." There would be no trouble to prove this; because we have such an abundance of the first essen tials which make up a desirable place to live. If you were planning a home in the city you would be very proud to own. a large and well situated lot upon which to build your home. In fact the location would mean as much or more than the kind of house you would have. You would desire nice shade trees and some attractive shrubbery, to say nothing of a large grassy lawn. Now, a great number of the people Messrs. . W. Stacy and F. D. Toney 'who live in the city or the, town lot arrived home from Florida a few dayi ago. - c Mrs. Minnie Lawter called on Mrs Salena Covington Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lula Jones and two little daughters, Cora and Grace, called on Mrs. Kilpatrick, the invalid lady here, Tuesday. .' Misa McGinnie and Mrs. Geo.; Palm er called on Mrs. Olley Cole' Sunday P.. M. Mr. Joe Morris returned home from a few days' visit to relatives at Clif ton, Sunday evening. :o: T. G. Randolph's family left this town for parts unknown Tmesday Hampton, H. K. inger and H. W. At- I doming. kinson, warden!. As most of the I AT TRYON VOL. FIRE DEPRATMENT. Mr. C. C. Hodges of the Southern Railway was recently in Tryon in specting the proposed improvements the railway company contemplate making here as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made to do the work. ' Two of the grade crossings between the depot and Godshaw Hill section are to be done away with and ono to the Landrum road. The drive to be arranged on the northside of the tracks in'the lumber yard district. Electric light wires are now being laid at the passenger station, soon that will be properly lighted. . naimber of ocr Lyceufa -U'PLES AT HENDERSON COUNTY, CORN SHOW. orne remarkably perfect specimens - T)f-iic-ious, Stayman's Winesaps and I t'P. Black Ben Davis apples were ex riii.itr.fi at the recent corn, show held a K ndorsonville, N. C., Jan 24, by Mr. f" T- Osteen of that plaqe. ' : Tlsf-sp apples were grown on lands ' r Saluda, Polk County, where there ls Plftnty of choice apple lands that s n be bought very .cheap. - . por particulars write to the Caroli-r-h La3 Company, Tryon, N. C. The preliminary meeting of the Tryon Volunteer Fire Department was held in the K. of P. Hall on Saturday mht, Jan. 24th at 8 o'clock. Fifteen members were enrolled. The meeting f was called to order by Mr. E. L. An derson. Several subjects were dis rnssesd. and the following officers elected: Mr. E. L. Anderson, chief; J Woodward, secretary. Executive com mittee, E. L. Anderson, J. Woodward, and C. W. Ballenger. The next meet ing will be held at the K. of P, Hall at 8 P. M., Jan. 31st The department wishes 30 members, 12 for the hoo'c and ladder truck, 8 for the hose cart., and 10 for the 'chemical engine. The fire bell is put up temporary near tel ephone exchange, back of Ballenger Co., store. . --' . '; . . t : SALUDA. -Y . The supper gotten up by the Lanier club and spread at the Library Tues day evening, Jan. 27th, had many pa, trons and the-club rooms were filled and a very sociable hour was spnt among the assembled villagers an 1 the many guest's now in town for the winter,' a sum of over $60 was report ed to have been received at the door. t - - ' - 'I Hopkins' Pharmacy, Saluda, N. C-, will have an expert optician from tlie well - known establishment of A. K. Hawkes Co., Atlanta, Ga., with them for two days next 'week, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 5th and 6th. Eyesight will be tested free by this expert and suitable - glasses .fitted at very low prices. Those having eye trouble should avail themselves of this very rare opportunity of ' expert service, right at home. . ..: :o; -' The small wooden buildings, opposite the railroad have all freen moved back to widen the street which will improve appearances ' very much. The street is now being put in good order and when the new side walk is laid will make a good job well done. The Tryon-Saluda automobile road that is being built up-the valley gorge route is progressing under expert management and this end 'will proba bly be completed by early spring. The winter weather so far has been favor- nKlo fnr rnnd hull dine' members of the jold council were re elected its evidence of the fact that the people apprciate the permanent work being donef on the streets, it is probable , that jjwithin the next six months more thf n a mjle or concrete sidewalk will be constructed in addi tion to what has already been done. The first thing to be decided by the council is the bst plan for financing it. ! :o: s The third course will be igiven at the Spartan academy next ifriday evening at 8 :30 o'clock. It is.Jexpected that a large audience will bi present --:o: " Mr and Mrs. h. L. Spears have re turned from a visit "to friends m Laurens ' i --po: Miss Bessie Landrum who has been teaching near Welford is spending sometime with Relatives here. ' ." -:o: Mrs. A. M. Kiftress, accompanied. by her two boys, rancis and John, has gene to Cheraw where she will speni sometime with relatives, ; .. f-:o: ' - H. W. Atkinson spent Saturday in Jones vile on business. f :o: ' O. T. Baynarp spent Saturday in Spartanburg on. business. . :o: Miss Inez Foster, a student of Lime stone college,. i spneding a week here with her parenjs, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. j Foster. . . " -' ; . v :o: , , Mrs. H. W. Akerma'n, accompanied by her litle diughter, Julia Belle', is spending several days in Spartanburg . Jr-:o: . ' ..' Mrs. H. M. Gear of Belton, is spend ing the week lere with her daughter, Mrs.vR. P. Whtlock. . .-:,-' ' i :o:r-ife C: : :", Rev. J. K. Cbpeland of Campobello, filled his appointment at the Methodist church here Sunday morning. The oldest people here say this ha been the warmest January we have had in years. , :o. Miss Hattie Griffith, the Mill Creek school mistress, will speak here on the next second Sunday. Her subject will be concerning Sunday schools and Sunday school work. Everybody invi ted lo attend. Mr. Jim Lee of Cooley Springs, re ceived the sad intelligence of the death of his son last Saturday. The young man was accidentaly shot and killed. He had joined the army and was sta tioned somewhere in Texas at the tima of the accident. , We extend sympathy to the bereaved family. :o: Good luck to the News! LYNN. 2- i v Miss Bertha Cannon is at home on a a visit. . ' Thei Misses Hood .spent last week end at Hendersonville with their parents. ; ; , - : :o: , , . ,. Rev. Mr. Morgan of Tryon preached at the chapel Sunday afternoon. His sermon was enjoyed by all. There will be some new machinery installed at the Tryon Hosiery Manu facturing Co's plant at once. ... . . ; :o: ; , Mr. Jim Hudson was very , badly hurt last week" by being thrown by a mule. MELROSE. must be content to go without these luxuries because they cannot be bought for an ordinary price. Now, let us begin with our beauti- rui country surroundings and be J thankful that we have so much to start ' on. The house we live in may not be v fine nor beautiful from the architec- r iuiai Biauuyuim. inaeea, it- may De i in part, the old one our grandparents lived in which makes us love it all the i more. We have nevertheless, with this house and lot undreamed of op- portunitigst will,, be assumed -by . . this time that we are girls of tha farm, and that means that we have- 5 more land than the one lot. There is good garden land, bottom land aldng- the creeks, and above all the wood land which in many places now is carefully guarded because of it scarci ty. From this very woodland we will find an abundance of the things which go to make country life more desira ble. The evergreens may be carried from their natural places of abode and planted near the house in the places' most suited to them, and the lovelv Virginia creeper and clematis may be converted into the nicest kindof porch shades. These are only sam- " pies of the natural beauties at our s disposal, that may add to the outward appearance. Of course the country girl , will not be able to spend all of her time beautifying the outside. She woulcV. like to do some of the things -vhich girls in town do. She has fully af good an opportunity to develop her rajnd and hands. The. rural library is nc thing new, and she can have its ad vantages for the best literature. Every . country home can have a few good pa pers and magazines if they want them. Several of the best periodicals can bo had for the cost of one Sunday dress. Every true girl and young woman wants to be trained in the best meth ods t of home making. If she wants to. . learn all about canning and preserv ing, bread making, sanitation, etc., he will have little trouble or expense. to find out. The U. S. Bureau of Ag- '. riculture will furnish bulletins on any of the above topics and many more too numerous . to mention. The State Board of Health will give information concerning the contagious diseases and practical needs of the sick room. v If embroidery or fnacy work, or any kind of sewing is the favorite occupa tion any information about each can be found in the magazines devoted to those subjects. ; The day is at hand when the coun try home will rarely be without mod - i em conveniences, water-works, heat- -I -I We hope the Southern Railway will Jing plants, and light systems that will give us a ticket selling station here sometime soon. v o Mr. Giles Pearson's new two story I mei e existence. not require the drudgery that nas driven so many young women to the cities, where they are dragging out a house now -nearing completion will stand as the , first greater Melrose house. : : :o: . Capt. Pearson Is offering 100 acres of his land here for sale upon whicli to build a town. , ' Instead of planning to leave the country as soon as possible let us stay with it and work for those thing? V. Ill Kill Will UXCAACi M.Lr l f fcj v Jn the whole world. "Where, there is a will, there is a way." v, ' S. W. HUNTER. .