v. : V I It ', . . TEE POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N; C, ? A Southern Ra il a a Schedule uu.kpH as information only . Xulei puu'i - . .... - -r EAST-BOUKD TRAINS . i .hvi11! t.oo a tu: leave I IVC IB..- . m.1 I M JXO. -f V H.MI TrVon9 -t5 arrite Spartanburg 10.15 r ' etve Aaheville to.5 a. m-; leave HI. I ai vjiai ITa. fryon H-25 P . in . B friend. It would be bet- w-w W WF T 3 O.YT3 Tender words while they were with jus ausw w.cuty uieza oer m gravel Those who die no longer need them, ,And the words they longed to know While they lived are only wasted V On the cold, deaf ear below. v SOME "BEST" RECIPES. I p w Subject to change without notice. i h, WOOD, District Pass. Agt Asheville, N. C. x. N. HINTON,1 Local Agent," Tryon, N.C. aav.m cua a. J.CW ktkiii m ( h m hh i.n M ? wive Ashevilte 4. to p m, leave cred from various sources, which may i: 10 u . be BUeeestiva if one ia nrt ahln fn fnl- Tryon 6.42 P arrive Spartanburg 8.00 low the ingredients, or propor t01 . ' : tlons: t - Aci?J!le 8. 10 d. m.i leave dim oi 1' . ic " , ' gaiaudruou a CUD Oi air Trvon '-35 P wi.fc-w-ft . uw uuu two cups 01 cucumoers, a 7 p m. ' Cupful . of pecans ; mix r with a vcup 11,5 .titri iotTkTc' i Kreen Peas freshly cpoked or canned. WEST-BOUND TRAINS Scoop out the centers from eight tch nrinlmr(r . 7 An a tn m8toes. Arrange the tomatoes on let- K0. 41. Leav.s Spartanburg 7.40 a m pulp with the l,vef Trpn X.43 . m arrive Asa 8alad mixture; add dressing and fill tt.is a- m. 1 the tomatoes. , w 9. Leate Spartanburg ,10.30 a m; leave 1 Combination Salad. Chop six ap- Trn n Som; wnw.AWKvmi .u piea wiin a Btaitt or'ceiery, nail or a ( 8mall cabbage and a . small can of Pm ' L pineapple. Add a package of raisins, Ko. 17. Leve Spartinburg 4. o p. m.; mix ftU together dressing, Trvon .ao P. m. arrive Asheville UHft a miartpr of a win nf vlnewr H1- Cr I luted with equal parts of water and K it Leave Spartanburg j.15 p m; leave ; three well beaten eggs cooked until 7 f t the time. 1 , Henrietta Pudding. Beat the yolks j of four eggs, add a cupful of sugar, a cupful of grated apple, , a cupful of I seedless raisins, a cud of blanched ' and chopped almonds.two tablespoon- fuls of citron, a teaspoonful each or allspice, cinnamon,; baking powder, a fourth of a teasnoon ' of cloves and three-fourths of a cud of erated rye bread, a bit of lemon peeL Mix all together, and fold in the stiffly beat en whites, i Turn into a buttered mold and bake I in a moderate qven until the eggs, are set I Serve with cream and sugar. .One Egg Mocha Cake. Cream two .tabepoonfuls of butter, add three fourths of a cup of sugar, the yolk of an egg, three-fourths of a cup of milk, a fourth of a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of vanilla, a cup of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder and two squares,, of chocolate, melted, and tiie beaten white of an egg. Fill the lay ers with a cupful of powdered ' su gar mixed with two tablespoonfuls KArh nt coffee and cocoa, two table-. spoonfuls of butter and a. half tea spoonful of vanilla. Ijl fEis-of The ltLLE3Eq Go's Gocey Dept i ... .. ........ SfqiofLy Sylififf EquippEflj . " . ' - . ' ' . "' - . '-V- ; - -- .. .... ' - We will carry a supply : of choice Western & Native Beef, ,.P6rk Mutton Dressed Poultry Oysters .etc. ' At live and let live prices. ) Prompt and courteous service always. Do'nt Carry Jour Money i pockety or hide it away i Deposit it n THE BANK your n your house! TR YON, Tryon, M Beport of the Condion of THE CAEOLIKA STATE BANK, at Saluda : In thQ State of North Carolina, at the close of business, March 4, 1914. RESOURCE '-, 2A0 2,500.00 infl and discounts. .. $ 23,910.27 Ovef drafts unsecured... .. All other Stocks, Bonds and lrtgages.. J-.. Banking Houses,41250; Fur niture and Fixtures' $1, 204.80. . ill other real estate owned Demand loans.. ... Pup from Banks &..Bahkej8 -Caea items. .- .-4-y Gold coin ..,...-. Silver coin, Including all minor coin currency;. .. National bank notes 'and other U. S. notes.. Collections.. ... "... If State and County Taxes are not paid by April first next, All Personal and Real property will bex Advertised Sold, as the Law pro vides. Sheriff of Polk County C olumfous N . G . We nav 4 ner cent interest on Savings, Checking or Savings Accounts of small or large depositors, solic ited. We take deposits by mail and return receipts promptly: . ' W. T. Lindsey, Pres. T. T. Ballenger, Vice Pres. . J B. Hester, Cashier. . ' Genuinfe 0 1 iver Plows, ( 7t if If 11 it a ti ft tf .tf if ..... $4.50 : . . . 5.00 ..... 7.75 ..... 9.oo; 10.00 ' Hillside.. 7.25 2,454.80 1,156.57 1,845100 4,900;84 ,'43i90 47:50 874,28 l,112i00 37.85 LET THE "Lit! Is ESecfrlo ervafits 1! Total...... ... ..... ....vSf5o.ou LIABILITIES. Cauital stock paid in. . . .$ 8urplus fund .... ... I'ndivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid... DiTidens unpaid.. Time Certificates of Deposit Deposits subject to check.. 5,000.0 5,000.00 854.4 28.00 8,782.88 23,589.29 . Quicker Action Needed: "We must have a cashier in the book department." -"Why?" ."To many people read books while waiting for their change. : Then, of course, . they want to exchange the books they have bought." Are there any old apple trees m your orchard bearing undesirable fruit? It is easy to graft good varie ties upon them. . The ground should never be al lowed to become baked, as in this con dition a great deal of moisture is lost Do our Work. Electric Ions, Percolators, Toasters, . etc. Curhe to our office and lets talk it over. Train Swink Bldg. ervice Go. Tryon, N. C. Yes we qjvE TlEPf' For the next 10 days,. subject to prior sale,, we , offer these celebrated plows'at ifie following extremely low. prices. ... . "T Genuine Oliver Goober, steel beam, AC. 2, " No. 10, " "13,. w 20, 4 4 51, These are brand new plows just come in this season. We have repairs for them all. Just received a solid car load of ' 'Nails' "Barb Wire, 4 ' and the celebrated "Pittsburg Wire Fence." gfyVe caught the, market napping last. December, and . niarT nnr order at the lowest pricesfjever known. We ; I have the eoods at the right prices. Call and see us,' arid, if you are from "Missouri" andMhave to De snown, we; will soon convince you that we are here to do business. The Gash Hardware Co. Tryon, N. C; " Caehier's CheckB outstanding 130.93 Total.... .438,885.60 Stte'of North Carolina, '-3 r County of Polk, ss v ,1, H. B. Lane, Cashier of the abovo Bsmed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' H. B.' LANE, Cashier. Subscribed and Bworn to before me. tMa 11 day of March, 914.. H. L, CAPPS; Notary Public. CoirectAttest: .' X W. Ct ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER, M. A. PACE, Directors. NEWS- OFFICE TRYON N. C. ,1 Wood's Superior" eed:Oais";: choice, recleaned, heavy meed grain, we offer all the bet and most produc- unoi ior tpnng seedmg; wrt or 90-Day,. Texas Red Rust Proof, , Bancrofts Appier, etc Write for prices and samples. j Wood's 1914 Descriptive Catalog ' specially tuil and vaiuasie uuox- , SP Oats, Barley, , ( masses ana Cloven, Seed Corn. Sofghtirrr - Cow Peas, Soja Beans: . also about all other "rm and Garden Seeds mailed free. Write for it. T W. WOOD & ONS. Young Men-men of brains and n"' fM : YOUn make good in tLe great Northwest. , 1UU ?au ...:. t.t. forti vniir own state. Trtiicnnris OI meil, lub iuvc jwu, ..v . - , , Offer, for sale the following Bropertie5, either ot which are desirable Unfcst- ment values heing Offered by partte, Vho really, .wish to sell. ad ar. wllU tog to make price and terms matualy satisfactojr to all concerned, ; . Thermal Belt tend. i ; A- gentleman's Home place of 3 1-2 .,i!rn rioDe ot acres. 8 room commodious nou.e, u. jne traci vu - fruit growers, poultry, M ' stock and hog, raisers, on the free or low-pnced lana ox ' SSC Idaho Washington and On-goa. , WGefthe 'Make-Gocd" idea.. Write ut once for our 1) 000 Free 320 and Wabre Government .pc .Jif '?f Montena and Oregon. Velow-pnced stead m juo Washincton and Oregon. ,, Low Spring a- ares ., . :. One way Colonists' f.m ' ' 'Ser4 for' 7cU aji Fm IS to April 15 $33, Clucago w i u-v western Montana Points. $33, Chio to Id3.o. Washington. Oregon and Bnl- newatW fares on certain dates .i m Chicago to eastern Montana points. SrWel. rares to North- dates. -. . ' . . m m. liUBBERT, District PMtecga $33 Chestnuc Street," Phaadelpnia, i a. v . csscs cc ccuroN cr '11 M.1VL HUSBf, District Paiei A r-..i. 836 t4snw - Tryon mountain, mostly in growth of valuable tfmber trees. Has several good benches, acres in widtn. 8 never failing branches course down the mountain side through this pro- TJonnUf river. For vine- yards, orchards , or stock raising, this ract has special aavaut.B. . Four habitable cabins wlUi stauie on the property, all of them now occupied. This tract oueis chance for investment, ana at i cognized bargain price, inspecuou 6f this property sollcitea. eastern . . .... i . .' 'i . Send" to lay fr "Make -yool now 3ft naees. eactr - nanusoiuciy Filled vath letters from men like ya have. made good in the Northwest our free Colonist Fare Folder. 01 coupon below and mail to. r Agent, y - ho Get the fortably furnished, built on msu ground, extensive views, steam heat, water-supply. 5 f&om servants cottage. srable garden"and - fruit trees, 4n best of oondiUon; one-half mile from Tryon postoffice on maln,thorpughrarey rvr sale at a bargain price; 1 further . pat- I ticulars at interview, ' A mansion and its appropriate out fit of buildings built few years ago f of owners use, is now onercu .- r. tn-rent.. located on the o- cjcav - . t ard Gap road, half mile from Lynn village and. only 2 miles to iryou, Overlooks the charming Pacolet val ley and commanding a fine mountain About 12 acres of good land, . i.' .iot, nn ideal place, to es- . some wui""-i - - i noil. . . - tablish a popular summer and: wln Partlculars furnished; -or premises . . . n trlft i "... . .... A 3 acre tract adjoining Oak ; Hall hotel grounds on the South In the very heart of the village,' yet 'a most quiet secluded spot only 3 minutes walk to postoffice, stores ana depot. , A, 7 room modern "cottage and nec essary out buildings in a grove of over 500 large pine and oak forest trees. The warmest in winter and the cooj- , estln summer of any abode in Tryon. . ; '. - . - . . i , . Some Store properties on Trade street Tryon, nowT well rented, good busU npR locations For. income lavest- Iment these . properties merit injpee- Jutemattonat San FrantUeo, fQfS Serid tri9 "Malpod'' book on and fi-ee colonist folder. 167 3 . . . .jiniv Vimiep. in tne te resort, .toaiui& raidst of everything atracUye in na ture. Very reasonable terms. - .A 60 acre improved farm, with build- lugs in good Vorkingyorder. low pnw . $6oo. buys W Cosy 4 room Cottage on a ioo foot front lot oa Auto thorongh-f.re, Call in and investigate this bargain. shown anytime; upon request Containing h acres mostly forest, fw acres cultivated, a log eabin shel ter.r Some frukj. trees, a rare locality foi a vineyard lor fruit growing. A small "farm of 25 acres one mile from -hraniJmg but rood land and plenty of woo.x, v Small farm, small pries. mmtmt f J -. - U Name. " y ' Address '0 C2 -.II: II n a - j U3

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