wffs Wonders "... i- tm for mm women Irri I A-VITAE cured this STELLA , , ,ffmd f ,an. . 7. Give it a for 25 yea. uive K.nce to cure YOU! f i?T t a-VITAE HAS DONE What stella vit Mr g ; F,rtexTf Posev. tJU who gratefully t,Mea 'r tw,? w5s my wife for (Ut toW,V!he only reciTd umporary , ", STELLA-VII AK end te ' bad. MdMavea-. UfLLA-VITAE acts directly upon Ch-female organs and tuncuons. 11 and strenghtene the muscles 2 ft- builds ur and restore8 Sfwhole system when run down wasted by disease, soothes and fJnststhe delicate nervous organ. , ffinn tothat harmonious balance so fcessary to perfect womanly health. Let T.A-VITAEregulatesthefunc- l . . .-,iliar to women, stops wast- f 8ii relieves dangerous suppres Cn banishes the terrors of those Criods so dreaded by weak, nenr- Ls, run-down women. : I .... irrT A W itnH not fbree natura' S.n,fit t all t(m. "Sunder all condition. It ate during Jancy benefits both mother apS child. " ' " . ' We gnflranteethe first bottUof STEIXA- vrrAE to benefit you. If It dont you set f,authoried to sell you six bottles for $5. cTELLA-VTTAB on this "all to gain' Soothing to lose- basis. Try it TODAY. : Tf.ou are aick there is no time like NOW (or tryine 1 &i-un Thacher MediclneCo. CHATTANOOGA, TEN N. High Hats. fhe .enormous height of the mil- lark: I know a man whose wife said to 3 the other day: Oh, dear, there's that old Christ- tree 1 uig iu iuc uat& jraxu uvu month now, I don't know, what on rthto do with If Tan t you put it on your new Mr her husband asked." Help COMMUNITY IDEA THE THING No Doubt That Towns Should Be Laid vux lor .wie Benefit of All the . .".Inhabitants, It Is pleasing to- note that town. planning organizations are eomin Into fashion even In villages or 1.000 population. Such agencies are hot aa general aa they . should be,, but the iaea or directing the future develop ments of clustered, communities along thoughtfully planned Hires, Instead of on the old style go-as-you-please plan. is spreading, with hopeful Indications that , it will come into universal ac ceptance. The Bmall town or village has the same sort of Interfering difficulty In planning the layout in accord with aiv tistic ideals that blocks the way in the older parts of the cities. The town 13 built, and quite often built wrong. To put it right would mean to tear down and iaspace and replace the old structures. Such a costly re modeling Is never thought of it ia simply out of the question. ' . Sometimes a sweeping fire clears a large business or residential area, and then there Is a real opportunity to do some effective planning, not only as to the architecture of the buildings that are to arise, but as to the setting and spacing, and, perhaps, the parking. But what every tovm can and should do is to arrange the space that Js available not only to beautiflcatlon,. but with regard to convenience and sanitation. There 1 rather too much individual freedom in the average small town in the Matter of handling property. There needs to be a com munity idea that dominates individual action. ACTION SHOULD BE GENERAL CZEMA ON HEAD AND FACE Beedy, W. Va "My baby boy Jlien three weeks old took the ecze- a on the head and face; It broke it in pimples and first they looked ke blisters and a yellow water would ia from them. His head was per ctly raw and his hair was all gone, ffoybody said he would never have aymorfe hair. As the sores spread ii hair came out The breaking out died so badly that we .had to keep lares on his hands ta keep hirn froci kratching his head and . face. It aased disfigurement. He couldn't jest at night it burned and itched jo badly. ": - " He was treated for eight months ind he got worse all the time. So. decided to try Cuticura Soap and Dintment. In two months he was com pletely cured after, using the Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Oint WH (Signed) G. A. Dye. Jan. 7, .312. - ; Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold ponghout the world. Sample of each Jree,with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post ard "Cuticura, Dept L. Boston." Adv. Their Breed. . "Your father has a lot of verv fine pickens," observed the young man. he incubators ?' "No," said the Feet youne thine inst hnmn from parding school, "I, think they're lymouth Rock3." Dallas News. - New York Post Meffrtlly Indorses the City Planning Exhibition Being Held There. 1 Especial interest attaches to the city planning exhibition 'from the fact that the probable ratification of the excess condemnation amendment will enlarge the possibilities before New York. Ex cesii condemnation has probably worked to best effect in Ohio, where Cincinnati and Toledo have entered upon large programs of city building; while Cleyeland,. as the current Survey, records, has "undertaken the first mu nicipal experiment in suburban plan ning and housing," through acquisition of large tracts of land to be divided and sold in. building lots for working men's houses. In many other ways the exhibition, which we owe to George McAneny and the Merchants' associa tion, should be highly stimulating. More than forty among the 200 Ameri can cities participating, and 12 among the Canadian, have city planning com missions, while in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania helpful legis lation has been enacted. r-s Our adminis trators cannot afford to lag in fore sight behind Xhose of Toronto and Philadelphia. The exhibition should contribute to; the . enlightenment of thousands of citizens upon our civic problems. New York Evening Post. Sold Under a Binding Guarantee Money Back If It Fails Balsam of Myrrti ains. Stiff N.V fk! J e 9 -ome DOCK. r " Since 1846. ft4 . "fceZScSOe and 110 w X X V V J X 1 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. elp to eradicate dandruff. P.. D . . r- i . Beauty to Gray or Faded Heir. uu. ana ti.oo at DrnggUts. m IIROPSY",'1"111 giWioioiek' 2 A shfrH 1 relief.8oon removes swelling . nV .rti .a.y.8- Trial treatment eent Free Greens Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, Ga. N Eggs for Hatching JJ! CoKm4 ZiT". E4kbarg . Va. I BUY 1 1 y W3M3fflm is now electrically sealed with a . "SEAL ? IPTODTY" so sihQasQM that it is damp-proof, dust proof, impurity- proox even air-proof! Give regular aid to teeth, breath, appetite and diges- tion. It's the safe besides delicious and beneficial confection ! IT BY T M for 85 cents at most dealers. Each box contains twenty 5 cent packages. They stay fresh until used. It's clean, pure, healthful if it's WMGLEY'S. mm v rn spear GHEW IT AFTER And There You Have the Tango This illustration of the tango is credited to an Arkansas City negro : "Dat tango, boss, am . sort - of - a easy motion. - Ye jis go a stealing along easy like ye didn't have any knee joints and wuz walkin' on eggs' that cost f o'ty cents a dozen." Atlanta Constitution. Street Signs' Regulated. "Pictoral advertising on a large scale on the streets is not- favored abroad, where the advertising isxonflned either to newspapers or to small artistic post ers placed on special columns, some three or four feet in diameter, each of which carries a dozen or more post ers. The effort is to attract attention by the artistic effect of a poster rather than by its size. Such advertising col umns may with advantsge be , placed on safety isles, or in public squares or at spacious corners. The interiors of such colmns are fitted with switches or transformers of electric distributing systems, or telephones for the police or fire departments. ' Workmen's Village Formed. A model workingmen's village Is to ha Kniif oiarATit to a laree motor car W V... - - ' ' w i plant at East Springfield, Mass., at . . . mi A cording to tne latest, pians. xuw el village is the enterprise of a num ber of Boston capitalists, who pro pose utilizing a 60nacre, tract close to the factory's' new 40-acre property. : Complete sewerage and A water sys terns will be laid out, and streets, parks and attractive houses at mod erate rentals are some of the features promised. v ; Names on Street Corners. The names of streets should prefer ably be placed on the corners of buildings, and each of the four corners should have the names of both streets. This is a cheaper ana more euecuv method than the placing of signs.on posts, which obstruct the sidewalk and which, owing to the expense, are usu ally "placed only on two diagonal con ners; v The post method is, however, at . times a necessity. - Worse and More of It. How, erfat Eileen is getting, said the young man . "I think K' for a girLto take on flesh that way. -You shouldn't say that to me," pro-tested-th young woman archly; I am a UtUe plump, myself, you know. t . know. I "know," he hastened to apo oSzut its all right wUh yxm, I mean it's ( shame , when a girl a young. - r ' THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FRQMDANDRUFF Glrlsl Beautify Your Hair! Make It x 8oft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. .Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you cannot find a single, trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few week' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes--but real ly new hair growing all over the scalp. . '':,. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine . and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. ' .The effect is im mediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. i Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from, any store and, prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatmentthat's alL .; Adv. ... -:.... -'.';.. But He Didn't Hit Him. The Judge What did yoi; hit this man with? V Prisoner I didn't hit him with any thing. - ' The' Judge But look at him. ,He's in a horrible condition. - Surely you didn't do that with your fists. -' Prisoner No, yer "honor, I ketched 'im by the heels and bumped 'im agen a brick wall a few times. But I didn't hit him with anything wanst. Grundy on Shaw. Sydney Grundy has written a little pamphlet in which he has gone for Mr; Bernard Shaw--with j a hatchet He says: "Mr. Shaw is a spent force a closed chapter a tale that is told a back number a lost chord a fired rocket an explpded 'mine an extinct volcano, vomiting, only ashes and dust. Mr. Shaw is done. His star is on the wane; his candle only gutters in its socket; his beauty Is passe, his wheezes are chestnuts, his sleights of hand transparent, his humors rheum. He is running a race with time, and gave himself twenty years' start, and time is beating him to a frazzle. v TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS WHEN BLADDER BOTHERS THINK OF THE MILLIONS that have been relievld in the past 75 years by Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills and decide whether they are not "worth a trial. They regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver and purify the blood. Adv. ; It Was Ever, Thus. Riff What is your son doing these days? i. . , xh ' Raff Me. Nebraska Awgwan. . Harmless to Flush Kidneys and . Neu tralize Irritating Acids---Splendid for the System. v Kidney and Bladder weakness result from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidnevs filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or' setting up an irritation at.. the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very prdfuse; again, there is difficulty, in avoiding it ( Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because, they can't control urina tion.: While it is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neu tralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia; and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad 4 effects whatever. (. i ; Here you have a pleasant, efferves cent lithia-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. Adv. . ' r So Obedient.' Stealthily - Light-Fingered ;- Sam slipped up behind the strolling pedes trian. "My doctor said I " needed a little change, didn't he?" he murmured to himself. " . And then he took it, ' . ' Griffo Gets Religion. "Dowling's" burned out on Times square the other night, and those who for years had occupied' rooms above the famous old billiard hall were forced to run for their lives in what raiment "they happened .to be wearing at that nocturnal moment. Among them was Kid Griff o, who was at one time a fighter and is today the best piano player r between midnight and one o'clock in an uptown music hall. "I did a nut trick," Griff o is quoted as saying. "I took two flights of stairs in two Jumps, wi' the fire bitin' at me. If I'd been left at the post you coulda buried me in a fryin' pan." "And what did you get?" asked his friend. "On them stairs,' said Mr. Griffo, "I gets a pair of singed -hands and religion." He Had Experience. . Once .upon a time a small boy about three years old was taken to the church to be baptized. As soon as he caught sight of the bowl of water in the minister's hand he remembered his antipathy for the bathtub and straightened ' himself up for the at tack.: ;.. ... ' ' When the minister approached him, reverently dipping his hand in the. wa ter, the little fellow, said: C "If you put toap in my eyes I'll bus' you -open." National Monthly. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To set tbe eenuine, call for fall name. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of . W. GROVE.! Care a Cold in One Day. lie Out of Date. "Isn't she graceful?" "Yes, but horribly old-fashioned. The slouch is all the style nowadays. Anybody can dye successfully with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Adv. . It takes a very long purse to buy popularity. v?, tLonsnpat ion Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Ccrd CARTER'S LITTLlv LIVER PILLS never f ail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the, liver. Stop after dinner dis-tresscure indigestion, improve the complexion, brighten tbe eyeaa. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL P&2CSL Genuine must bear Sigriatuie I - PADTPryn 1 WHII I aMj f A ri iiri er Ii SlillEUrJAGII LIOUID-.TABLETSLNIMENT The Old Reliable Remedy for muscular, articular and Inflammatory RHEUMATISM ikmb At All DrnsrigrUts KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest claas of nmtaklav Prices and Catalogue upon reqi S. Galeski Optical Co., Rictmonl, Vw TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt and second hand, CCUO op and guaranteed satisfactory. W sell supplies for all makes. pair ail 'makes. 1. K. CKITTOS COKFAXT, I RHODE ISLAND REDS and CAMPIHE the greatest layers. Eggs $1X0 per setting bdv Ywmm booklet. Old Va. Poultry Farm, LawrenceviHa, V9S u u 11 puAdi rvms wr t ims N v. f.milir TWtnr run't An "more for your cough than Dean's Mentholated lough Drops; "they cure"--5c at Druggists. V . When a man is unable to buy dia monds for his wife it will help some to praise tbe biscuits she bakes. , " Made a Good Bargain. .,-, : A -mine, now said to be exceedingly rich, was sold by ' its native 'African owner for a ' pair of ' trousers and : a cap. - .- - Social usages seem-to make a dis tinction between marrying , well and marrying happily. - - - ' . ft c If ybn have that depressed feeling It's more than likely thst JCZT blood is ont of order impoverished or poisoned, ' ' Thereis only one thing that will alter your present condition that's to restore your stomach to normal health and strength. For a weak or diseased stomach cannot make good blood. If your digestion is bad your food will not make the good' blood which) nourishes body,, brain, heart and nerve.- ' r V. &wm Mm S&tM (71 1 helps the stomach to do its work naturally and properly. Stimulates S the hver. The system is freed from poison. The blood ia punned. Every organ is rejuvenated. : Instead of the "Bmes,' you feel fit end! strong, equal to any task or np to any pleasure, 1; This great remedy has proved its worth year after year for over, v years. Let it prove its worth to von. Sold bv medicine dealers tablet or liquid form or send 50c for trial box by mail. . ; Sesd 31 ome-eeert stamps to nay cost of aasCtag oy oo afrMeinrr ef Dr.TSaccesCoCB Medical xtrim.100BfsrnhbnntAddxmmDw.BW.PUGo. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 If not sold by your druggist, will be sent on receipt of price. ArUmr s sf mm genera Peter & Co ALMA general TRDO ' .'v.' '"I V I Parcels Post

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