u 1; s .V , THE POLK COTTNTYKEWSf TKY01T; NT C(r: . - .. . .... .. . ;. '.-, . .. . ' .-, ,...,.1 , ; .;.--... ' . .- -.fev ,r,;;V;;:-rj'w;v'A ;:v-v--'"v'-.::' n - . -, - - - , . 1 ' :. , : , - - - .-.-. . . - ;'t"V..:v V - .''s .'.?' .' : .' ' THE.PQLK COUNTY. NEWS .; Published every Fridiy at TKY05 ' the most populous town? in POLK COUNTY The Land of the'" Sky, s NOTH CAROLINA. GEO. B. COBB, Editor. Entered at the Tryon, N. C, Postoffice as second: class: mail matter SUBSCRIPTION KATES Payable in Advance. X: x One Year.A. ... . . . '.. . $1.00 Six Months . ..... ............ .0 Three Months ....... Communications intended for puWI cation must be signed by the sender, name and address. . We are not responsible for the opin ions or expressions of our correspon dents. , ' . x' Advertising rates quoted upon re quest Make all. checks, drafts, and money Qrdera payable to The Polk County News. FRIDAi7. APRIL, IO 1 914 Good Friday, to-day. Easter next Sunday. Superior Court at polumbus, next Monday. v COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION. A town is a public corporation, and every jtown possess certain things to market. These commodi ities are well termed, unschedul , ed assets, and will always remain j unscheduled unless they are listed vnd pi4t upon the market in some public vay. If advertising a private busi ness is logical and profitable, then advertising a public corporation's advantages, is also. How to put a town's advantages j;nd opportunities so attractively before - the ' public 1 as to create a market for them? is the province of its board of trade, or , other commercial organization. The functions of a municipal government do not include this line of. work, and it. is too great a vork for a private citizen to un dertake, therefore it must be done by. an organized body of citizens, working in unison, or it will not be done at all. s Therefore the inperative need of community organization here in Tryon, right now. The News has many very earn est endorsements of such a move xr en t from public spirited men and Tomen in this (Community, and we hope this public sentiment may shape up to the end that this town ship will organize for co-operation rith another organizations in the - country for the further develop- , xuent of !the abundant natural ad ' vantages of Polk County as an all the year Home section, and all boosting together will produce re - V suits. RURAL CREDIT There is a: great cry and real . demand for some feasiable plan or plans of furnishing money at affair rate to bur farmers. Pres ident Wilson and-Members of Congress are studying the sub1 ; ject and will no doubt work out some good plan. In Catawba Co. r land and loan association has - already been chartered and is get -ting ready for business. - It pro poses to apply the principles of building and loan associations to the needs of the farmer. In our opinion, this will be found to be - wise. Whatever plan v or ; plans evolved, it will be well to build them upon the, basic principles of building and loan associations-, i ' ' If this is donii farmers will ' not 1 only be able to get sufficient funds at low rates of interest, but at the same time will be edu cated in, systematic saving and .;real thrift. ; y;y:& -:: Why not organize an Associa tion of this sort in Polk County ? It is just what many of-our far mers need, and would help much ... Btq Jujo Touf. The Spartanburg County Auto Club in some 500 Auto's proposes to make an opening tour over the newroads throukh Tryon to Hen -esonville as stfoti as the new r6ds;up the mountain are com pleted and open to traffic ' Mr. V. M. Montgomery who is to summer in Trjon this year on the Washburn estate, was e lected President of the Spartan burg County Auto Club, yester day April 9th, with Mr. A. B. Calvert. Spartanburg, and Dr. J. R. Gibson, Inman, Vice-Pres- idents. Forestry v Convention Postponed. The Forestry Convention which was to be held at Asheville this week (April 8th to 10th) was notj held, it being postponed until lesing very satisfactorly at Union June, date will be announced in?S. C, from the severe attack of ii - l- i a lew weeks. igi$ Tx Listens. . The Tax listers for the town ships in Polk County for 1914, appointed by the County Com missioners, are as follows; Xv Columbus, ......... Z. B. Nance. Cooper Gap,..--J. C. Powtl". Green's Creek, M.F. Wilkin Saluda, - Leo. C. Pace. Tryon, ........ R. A. Leonard. White Oak, ...... Jesse Splawn $l,GQO,OOO.QQr LtfE " . , Mr. Geo. W. Vanderbilt- of Biltmore Estate, who died Mcjh. 6th was insured in the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New Xoxk for one million dollars, final proofs of his death were filed with the Company March 25th, and the claim was paid that af ternoon before 3. o'clock, r Mr. Gedt B Cobb. Tryon, is Agent of the Mutual Life Ins Co. in Polk. County. NEW WAY TO MEASURE LAND Tennesseean Has System of Weighing Which May Yet Be Brought to. Perfection. ' A Tennesseean has discovered a 'new way to measure large areas, of land. ' He weighs i it rather, he weighs his map and computes the measurements front the scale rec ords. Louis C. Mathey of. Spot, Tenn.,-writes to Engineering News that he has, for thirty-four years been obtaining land areas by the simple process of accurately, plotting the survey to scale on good paper, then cutting away the paper outside 'the boundary, with a sharp knife and weighing the folded plot of tlie tract on a chemist's or jeweler's scale ac curately to one sixty-fourth grain. He sends a sample map of a tract of 16,651 acres, plotted on a, scale of 80 rods to the inch on a sheet of 18x24-inch paper which weighed 42 8-32 grains. Engineering Kews comments: fVVhile the plan might serve as a rough check on. computations, the i limit of; error in plotting and trim- I mmg, as wen as in weigning, wouia make the . scheme v only applicable where land is of very low value." .-" TO MAKE COAL MINING SAFE Simple Test for Fire Damp SaMd Be the Best That Has So Far . Been Put Forward. to 1 One of the simplest of the many suggested tests for. firedamp in mines is that described by Henry Br iggs to the Scottish Society of Arts. It- is an attachment that may be applied to any oil or spirit safety lamp, and consists of a loop of copper wire sup ported on a brass rod passing through the oil vessel,';. : To make a . test the 16op is moved into the flame. This becomes instantly : non-luminous, but if firedamp is present in the air the gas cap - is clearly seen The " test can' be made in a moment . at any time without turning down or put ting out the light. ; X X 'v It is cjaimed .that' the percentage of firedamp this method - will detect is exceedingly small and the results of . trials on both ' laboratory and mine go to show that this is one of the most sensitive, accurate and ex peditious means , of revealing : the Presence of - inflammable gas in mine 11. TRYON. Mr. C A. Lightner came in from Detroit this yeek for a rest with his family in his new Homehere. :o: The City Fire Dep't., building on Maple St., is well- advanced, roof now going on, will likely be - occupied early in May. J :0: The ' Lyceum Entertainment advertised for Wednesday .'.night April 8th was postponed to Sat urday night April 11th at the Library, 8 o'clock. :o : We are very j?lad to report that Mr- Frank Wilcox, is conve- pneumonia, uiat aiarmu- ni many friends in-this section. . The lot east of Frank Belue's Market building on Trade Street is reported, to. have been sole'to Dr. Gibson of Inman, S. Q., wl o intends to erect a substantial building- thereon in which he will conduct an up, to date Drug Store. :0: Mr. A, J. LeMort &. Son,. Hen ry, very narrowly- escaped a,ser ious accident Wednesday Evening-, when their mule frightened buy the incoming train on Trade Street, bolted down the lower Godshaw Hi 'I road at top speed. both violently to the rouh ground by the road-side. lf r. Le Mort was taken up uncdnsious! but soon revived, some cuts a bout the head bled profusely, Henry was bruised some, but both are today (Friday) reported all; right.. : , :0: . Thosi who beard Miss Joesph ixe Large of Chicago, play, when she visited Trryon a few years ago, will be glad to learn that she is to give a, piano reoitial at ti e Lanier Club. Building on theve ning of April, 13th, beginning' at 8;15i. Admittance, 50 cents. , The Program, is as follows;; Part l; ' l-17th Century lartces;- v Sarabande, Rpmeau. Allemande, ; Scheion. Passepied, Bach ? Gavotte,; . " 2- Perfect Happiness, Snhuman Child 'falling asleep, Shadow Dance, McDowell "Who shall -sound the Mys tery of the Sea Tf; ' V i Romance,. Brahms Part 2' ' ' : ' 3- Fairy, Stories.. - .1 i: The 1001 Nights,. Reineke- ' Heinzelmanncheri (Brownies); . - . , ' Reipeie : Sleeping Beauty, : : 1 ' . The Rain Fairy, : " Of a Tailor & a Bear, MacDowel : Elves, Schumann. -4- Valse Chopin: Nocturne,. ' Grieg Scherzoso, Brahms Impromptu.. Chopin :o :- A t Holy Cross Episcopia 1 Church, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7:30 A. M., and at 11: A. M.. there will be sec ond celebration' with a' sermon. The music will be a" special fea ture at this second service. On Monday and. on Tuesday of Easter Week th ere will be a, cel ebration of the Holy Comrnuriion at 10:00 A. " M. Tue-day bsing the tentli anniversary of the Ordination of the Rector, . he hopes that all wl try to be, pre- sent iit'the service 'Si' COLUMBUS (Special to The Polk County News.) 'The' road between .. here and Lnn'is being sand clayed. 1 . ,t i- n:.AJ fJnO. SnOtweM Ol .iwweauiu: . - 1 ton, was awarded tne conwacc,"";""-;"- y " : . . f rr the labor to resbrhgle the ,rt-house roof. :0 : f Attorney E. B. Cloud was in Spartanburg Saturday. on busi ness. :0 :- Campbell Carnegie of New York Cty spent" part of last week with filiends- and relatives nere. b : - :0: 3 Mrs. W. C. Bostic of Forest City :svishing'her fatherr Clerk J. P. Arledge; Prof . E. W. L. Cobb was in Greens Creek; Friday. :o: - ;-; ' ; 'Mrs. C. ,C. Wqst who has been v t ry sick with pneumonia is. much improved. , . I ; ;. - :o: .- ' Mrs Angie McFarland of Ruth erjfordton is visiting relatives here. I; ' ' :o: . I "--' ..." iMrv and-Mrs. Frank MeFarlanc! of Tryon spent Sunday at Mr, F V . Burgess. " " :0: . ' Mrs. A. M. Hyde is verv sick. Ji,ir i- -n 'riti ' J -'i ! i n;ndei;onvnie givirs. j. JCi. oinpraan anu cjiuaren are viitmsr bfre. . v ' - x . plrs. Clara Watson who has been t pfpcb in g school at Pea Ridge clos e4 her school Thursday and is hme again. v. - :-' :0: ':-:!V"' "" : Messrs. W. Bv Feagan, F. ,M. irgess, L. H. Cloud and SheiM if Illl wern in Spartanburg on busi rilss Tuesday. j t -'' '' V '. i - ' ;' . . t' : ,U -. - ' lessrs, N. T. Mills, Davis Eliott, Oj - C. West and Vcrgel IMcCurry attended court at Charlotte Mon- :0: Nancy Cloud s. is visiting frs. B. Henderson near Sandy Pairis this week. ."; ..!!.' -:0: .:. pliss Cynthia Constant of Lynn isSvisiting : her sister Mrs. V. Mc- :o : Mae; Mills and Ada were visiting in Tryon Misses r rs. J osie K. Barns of New Jer- se; and-two of her daughters, Mrs. Ifimes and-Neighing, also several fldends arcf at Allendale, their cot- tgge.-here - for a few: w eeks. W - . ,. . .- -. ' .- , ' ;0 :- ;-"reparatipns are' being made ? fOrthe, closing exercises of the Co ltrribus High school which begins Aptil 18th and continues until the 2st.; , " )X. r: a- ., . . f - ! - '.'f'-" :-.". ." ;.,; Firstr Monday, April 6thJ was C-bunty Commissioners day here, ajid it being the limit day for, pay ing taxes many from all parts of ther county were here, and the cmnty officers had a very busy dy. The 'commissioners awarded tfe contract for labor of shingling tlie court house, and appointed: the tlx- listers for 1914. : ' AND THEN SOME. ; lCfBut . you inherit e veryihing your father left, don't-you?' 1 ' ,f - ' f ;es, sir; including his debts, : a raving disposition, and "a tendency to gout-,. . ,t x ;. EXPENSIVE TRIP. i t i . ..... .:.. , ... . oa ft f 1 I saw you out with Miss Gvoler ist nignt," - t. . t:i 'Xes, but I dare say you have no idea, bow 'much I was out." - - . - : FOR STATE SENATOR. . 'I hereby announce .myself a Candidate for the office o'f State 3enaW of thd-33d senatoriaf dif - trict of North Carolina, subject to the aciion of the. Democratic crimavy or mass meeting. I trust mv experience ana immaie - irnnwlpHorp of the reauirements - - , considered by the voters in my favor. s - ' " James C. Fisher;. Adv. LYNN. : W. A. Cannon was recently re appointed Postmaster at Lynr. ' ' :. " X- , . ' V,' ; R. A, Leonardos mother rd brother-in-law oi Canada ai e visiting here " :0: T ' . " v " -.. . f- - Misses Rucker and Efhodes of Saluda Semminary, Lynn last week end. --iO: visited in ; Mr. P. Ni Hood, who has been ill several weeks, is able to be-on daty again. :o: 4 Our Lonely Spinst ers scored a marked success at Tryon last Friday night. o:. The Misses. Schwarbun? and! Mr. W. W. Ballard, made abus - iness trip to Asheville this week, - ;r MINED IN PRIMITIVE MANNER Pfumbagoy First- ofCeylons M'fneral Products; .Wrested From the Earth Mainly by Manual Labor. ; Plumbago,, Ceylon's most impor tant mineral product is known all over the -world for , its luster, lubri- eating; polishing and binding quali- ties. The United States - is the a strong, 'black:; crystalline, and in this respect it differs from the gray ish lead which is - found ? in young rock in America. There aTe now ? " X ' " ' "' : '- aoout one thousand plumbago mines in Ceylon incjudingl all 'the. shal- : Green River News Coxe School low pits, open works and -deep mines. The closing exercises of the The depth varier. from a few. yards - Goxe school at Green River took to as much as 700 feet. Most oMhe; jace last Friday. It was quite a mines are worked .by .natives, the, , , ceux xa Woiir be- ... , , J , , brilliant affair and the weatner. ue only important one controlled by . . , , m 1nMfl Enropea being the lledapok. AV mg ideal there was a very large the 'majority- of? the, mines the only; attendance. machinery, used is the "dabare.'' j The exercises opened at 10:30 This consists of a long wooden bar- a. m. by a short prayer. Then ;rei; with handles at each end. Round pr0f. E. W. S. Cobb, superinten this a rope, is given two or three, clent of schools, delivered an in turns and a bucket fastened to each and constructive speech end. Ii is worked by seven or eight j . -. , . ..At,- men, turning the handle.. NO MONOPOLY; OF LOYALTY., South: side man and his - wife. i , , , who have. no children but who. keep? a do?, were discussing the TWWifv ,of dumb friends lasfcnightwhii.sher -said : . v - "Isn't if remarkable : how a : dogt :will love . some worthless, bjd; fellow, tnouffn ne- misrnt. De a mur- derer?- - I can't understand' ife-it- iseems as. though even - a dog. would -understand; whats a brute some men.v iare. . Somedogs- will' stick to their masters? through anything." x -: " " "So wilU some women," remarked Iter husband.. And he cited a recent jKansas City case to prove it. jjuu; sua. uovrsu . understand iWvftnsas City Star, ; t ' w a succession or - -: ' " ' ' : ' - ; ''' -'''. - and dialogues which were very f;ic discourse on education in his cleverly executed by the pup"3 usual eloquent style.' ' ' Then aSplay called" Murder i Mpch credit is also due to Miss ' out" was enacted by the following KHzabeth Ca.mp and Mr. Marshall pupils: Miss Mary Lhzie Houser Abrams who were , mistress and- as 4the grandmother Miss Iie master of, ceremonies during .the :Abrams as "the Irish girl;" Ilsg Troress of the exercises. j OcreiUa Camp as "the grand' After the exereises .were over daughter Miss Eliza Abrams a 7erybody. was enthusiastic to , 4 Dinah, the cook," and Misse greet and' congratulate our efH-. - Clara Taylor and-Miss Ruth Bna f.:ent teacher, MfsMarrue Free- ! is"'1 4 accomplices." The players man on hqr 'splendid': pedagogic acted their parts with wonderfu abilities.- : : ; artistic .effect.; And the farmers "And it was a I touching v sqene union band composed of Messrs. 'hen her pupils many of them ' Yjed Horton, Carl Womick and wjtii tears in - their eyes cam e to Sam Miller y rendered delightf ul bid her good bye as she was leav-, music for, the occasion, ing fcr her home to enjoyja.well-1 e last, but not the least, wa earned vacation.; ; Rev. D. J. Hunt of Union Mills col- M: GF.ORGION. . . . E. W. S. COBB Polk Connty Superintendent Columbus, North Carolina A r.r..-i :ti. vummoua xugu ocnooi commence, ment, April 18-21. : The following is the program for the 4th commencement under .the present management, of the .Columbus High school, viz : Saturday 18th 8 p. m., a public debate for a gold medal, by repre sentatives of the Utopian Literary society. Immediately following the de bate ProL M. C. S. Noble, dean of j the department of pedagogy 0f I the University of North Carolina will deliver the annual literary ad dress. Sunday 11 a. m., annual sermon by Rev. K. W. Cawthon, First ! Baptist church; Hendersonville, N. Sunday 8 p. m. sermon before the Y. M. C. A. by Rev. P.. B. Ranking 1st Presby.cerian church, Rutherfordton, N. C. Monday evening 8 o'clock an nual contest for gold medals, in recitations and declamations by six young women of the Philomath .ean and six young men from the Utopian Literary societies. Immediately after the contest the graduating and attainment di plomas will be awarded. . - " " f 1 A. X J Tuesday p. m. nnai euienam- 'ment by the two departments of the school, consisting of a drill and j two plays, "Kindergarten Gradua- tion," and "A Caseot Stispea sion.'4 All the above program will b& freely interspersed with music. Commencement Marshals.. Miss Bessie Belle Jackson, Chief; Misses G. Marie Burgess, Clara E. F.d wards, flattie: Lee Jackson; Messrs. H.iW. Hill,;Rqy, Foster, H. ? Wnlker Arledge. v A very cor dial, invitation is ex tended the public to -be present at, a!l these exercises,, ' tpucnuig tne various proieujw- rural communities. Next Capt; si. Georgion gave a brief address a 1 - a w At noondinner was sei vcu j ; , , , the ladies who spread the delicious : foods from their baskets on long : tables which had been temporarily erected under the shade treCS around tne school house. Then , - . ' a he o i hp iiitr -nrrvwn hi viiiU v themselves and - needless to saj everybody was in the right humor to attack the juicy fried chickens, crisp pies, home-made pickles, but tered biscuits and many other delicacies. The-afternoon program began ... . . ;ot;rma Here: 'who delivered an encydope . 0 U IT S C H 0 0 L s hr building up. our; farms; : v

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