ran i0LK coulrmTEVs, trvoh; iiv a " r 1 HE POLK COUNTY HEWS Published e vjery , Friday at . ; TRTON the most populous town In POLK COUNTY ' The Land of the Sky, NORTH CAROLINA. GEO. B. COBB, Editor. Entered at the Tryon, N.- C, Postofflce as second claps mail matter SUBSCRIPTION. KATES Payable In Ad?ance. One Tear. . . .$1.00 . s.r0 .' j Six Months.. . Three Months. Communications intended for publi cation must be signed by the sehdeiv name and. address. We are not responsible for the opin-, tons or expresses of our correspon dents. T Advertising rates quoted upon re quest. ' . . V " - Make all checks, drafts and money orders, payable to The Polk Oounty News. i FRIDAY. APRIL, 17 1914 Local Business Interests. In every community it should be the ambition of all the iahabi tants to encourage and assist in such ways as they can, in the building up of all local business -enterprises, 'for. the mutual ben efit ol the town. If local trade is pood with the local merchant, he .. is benefited and as he is a citizen and casts his vote and pays his tax jthe community is benefited by his prosperity, by his influen ce and judgement in public af fairs, and therefore its just as good policy to trade at home, and give the local merchant the pro fit that is legitemately his, on what goods he sells, as it is to be honest, and it is now urilversily. reconized its not only right and just .to5 he honest in business deal-! mgs, but: it is by far the best po licy to be so. " ; f It is not only a duty we owe) as loyal Citizens of our Commu nity, to encourage by our trade our local merchants, those mer chants themse'ves owe a duty to the Citizens quite as .important inine mutual interest and well- fare of the town, to make prices ion their commodities as "low as p3S5ible; in order to co-operate with.the citizens, in the general effort of all for the upbuilding & betterment of .the town's busi ness interests, If the .merchants are loyal to their own best interests and those of the communitjvin which they are in trade, they, will sp co-operate in buying the local produce alnd in selln there wares, .that all .will feel encouraged to patro nize their stores rather than ; to trade in some other 'locality not as convenient of adcess. From observations we believe if a merchant does not eret thp v nvw viii i tradrt of his. communityrits large J -ly that Merchant's fault, and "his methods need his jcareful in vestigation to locate , the i cause, for there surely is a cause, and when located and remedied, sat isfactory businessvTelatidjis are enjoyed and thats vfiat insures successful developnieht xn any town. , . -; r ' ,. Where Merchants and Citizen? are in accord,: there - will be found systematic team woirk constantly tending; to kttieS upbuilding anei betterment- pi. that community where these iitions are noi realkelr?6t be V rmicl)' progreJexr(edi;- J$.$fi Trade at home and; help build your town.' s- J .5 V'i; - Superior ICourt. , ' r The Spring term of ,Polk County Susperior Court held session this week andt 'adjourned to-day,: Fii day,f full report of cases disposed of will appear in our hext veeks LiqiTrfoqDricCoqrlEfi ', The Greenville Co'unjt.v,' S., C gresby teriand are reported to be raising a fund to'establish a Mis sion in the "Dark Corner" sec tion of that County, foe. work a -mong the mountain "people there,. The Southern Railway has just contracted for 60 locomotives, 54 all steel passenger train cars, & 4075 freight train cars, largely of steel construction. . ; This large equipment; order shows , the belief . of Southern Railway Com nan v in the contin ued prosperity and growth of the territory it serves and its purpose to' enlarge, its facilities to keep oace with that growth. As soon as it can be .delivered by the builders this" equipment will be placed in service and at the dis posal of the business interests of the Southeastern territory. at J ACK30NVILLE, . FLA. The Southern Railway makes a very cheap rate to Jacksonville anef'return on account of of tKe United Confederate Veterans' Reunion, May 4th to 8th, of only one cent per mile. Tickets go on sale May 3d to 7 with final limit to retura May 1ft which can be extended until June 4th, this unsual low rate' is open to the public and. should prove quite attractive t. Jacksbhville is making elabo- J ratei preparations for this reunion! for entertainment of the Vete rans, and the Navy is to haveyra fleet of Battleships there in "' the harbor which any-one can visit if they wish. ' HIS MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION Workman',' NtnieLent Itseff to Vj- ,,?otatlp Initials,,? With; Which . ? V Hot Was. ProvIde4.v While a building was in- process of construction two. of the" tjlere be came engaged in : a violeni quarrel. So violent was it that the police were called ip and the offenders taken be fore a -magistrate. Both of the men were sober and industrious and good' workmen. This, according to. the tesJ timony oi the foreman m charge of their work, who had followed . h hopes of being able to intercede for them. ;, The magistrate asked in astonish, merit- the cause of the quarrel. It seems that one man had accused the? other, of stealing his coat. v s 'And I can prove it, too," added; the man. . . ; ' . .. .. ( "How r asked the magistrate, v "I always keep my card in my pocket," said ' the man. ' I ; . - The policemen weVe - directed to search the garment But they found absolutely, nothing. ; . ; , ;- i"Oimme my coat," said the work man It. was handed to him. Hit took two dried peas out of the poet ets and held them up triumphantly. "P. P.. Peter Powell That' tnv v ' 7 7 naPM5v Them's my card," lie got the. coat. DEED OLDER THAN COUNTRY ' A deed 140 years bid " has just been -filed ; at Hamburg, Pa. Three years, before independence was J de. clared James Crawford sold a 175 atre tract ' in , Hanover township. Lancaster county, to William Glenn The same piece of ground and samV township are now. a part of Dauphin county. The: deed7 gjyen to'; Glenn wai a parchmeiit paper affair and contained; one of the original wax seals, 1 Recently "that same deed which is now yellow with age, yet in, 9 remarkable state of presejyation,, came .into the han61VIeiw' Shey. ' It was filedat therecoraS; office at Hamburg alonff with a- haif- ozen other old deeds for" land; ' The exact date of the deed is June 6. 1773. : z- v-: Y .: .V.. N OT WORKING.'.- X May I Task what ;vbur business l "Km a. seeker after truing - -i - ?P expect to; find: it' in "this community?" SirTm takingji littl'evacatioii it'.--' - .17 I .... ... : . i 1 . I- ivan Gilder's Cottage on Land- rutofeoad is occupied by Joe rice.' ' 4 " , ' - -U . - ... I - ' ,.J . ' Mr;.& Mrs. Rpoi. and daughters of Chicago are- again spending the Spring iivTryon, havirttf Or-" rived last week. ; is i 5 :o : - , - :.. - ; " The Water-Supply Co. haVea bout comDlete their new dam-, & wil put : in a . - filtering sysfcri thereat once. v -. - ' C :0;T- - ... -v i F, P. Bacon s moving his' Hos -iery business from the C, W, Ballenger bldg., Facolet Stvto the 2nd floor of the Wilktos bldg :0:- Mr. Wmk Newman of Land-r rum, has purchased the Stoie and Stable property on N. Trade St; from the Livingsrun heirs, and will soon, make improvements. The-grist1 millt equipment run by Mr, & El Lewis lias been sold to the Tryon Lumber Co. an4 moved to? their mill where it will be run regulaxly.; ' Mrs. M, E; Feck and daushjtlr Mrs. G. LeCount; who have been spending the "winter at the, home of-the latter's sister, tts.. U:t L. Dawe, left, here' on; : ejlnesday a4enioon for their home ixiHT antic, Qona. Mr. C; S'.. Ford is Acting post- Jxater in the absence of Post Master W. H.. Stearns, who has gone on a short trip to Charlotte Miss Annie Hart of Saluda is assisting Mr.' Ford in his duties. 'fir -J&-. The Piano recitial at Lanier Club5 House,, Monday EVen7H$l3 April by Miss Josophine Large of Chicago, was a very entertaining function denjonstrAting the re niarkable giftkof Misk Large as a. pianist, who rendered the . 19 humbersiani responded, to sever al encores, of 16'Brfte'andtap-- reciaUve audience. , K A-verysrnall audience Greeted Mrs. MariofeBalloii FJslce atv the Library Saturday niht. owing to the fact that the. entertainment had been postpnedlf rom Wed nesday night and! few knew of it Mrs .Fiske.a&a story- teller & fiertainlsr an expert a3dJe enta;.n,xn she f Mr--nished was of ' -aii unusual hifrh order of its class, ,ajwas very greatly enjoyed by all present. - :0:--. ;flN ElSTIHl DnC2 An Easter Dance was given by the Tryon Orchestra on Tuesday night, April 14th, aboiit 2rt cbu lespaitisipating.A very dainty and delicious refresh nnents were served to the iniests: The'Tryon Orchestra, under the able leadership of Mrs.. Harold I)pu)leday. are progressing irf a very splended manner, and are a credit to the. city. Those present were as'fotlows; Mesdames: j.B. Hester, Kersotner, B. Sharp, Nowne. W-T; Lindsey, F. P. Baconi Harold Doubleday and Steele. Misses Frances and Clara Belli Harriett Root. Mary Lind sey i Louise Suber. Jean Stables Mary H; and Joesphine Large, f Miss Ingram. & Dorothy Double day. Messrs. J. B. Hester,' Ker- schner. CapU B. Sharp, Rev. W. M iflnWno ' R Pr a ulii-u eVK X Lindsey, B. L. Bikllen- Ca. Ford, C. T. Cobb.: Wm. Hr ,Stearns;:Paul Davis. Julian and: fv"" 1 :,,"iy,,,,vwvuuu. utungnipe iurore with Heday. & Edwin Sndsey. perhaps wlflsh eyes. , Mrnd Mrs. J. B. Sister and jt everything, you know, lVr. ahdMrs. W. T. Lindsey, 1&hly. eiy with the million. wefe;hosts and hostess, ;!P ,1 COLUIIBUS. ; Aunt, Lidia McFarland is , very tick with La Grippe. w .y -.- .- , . t ... Mrs. Eli Shields was, in Xrvqn Jlonday. n business.. Mrs' Rose Yarburo of Spartan burg, is a guest at NjT.- Mills.; -:0fc Mies' Ola.Walker is taking a 3 year course-the Mission, Hos petat in Ashe ville, fitting for a train, nurse. ThaAreledffe House was open ed to the public this weetefor the Qccumjdation of theattendentsat Court. - Xvr; TbStste High School ; closes today the 1,7th. Commencement exercises, begin to-morrow t Sat urday and will- last all next week The Post Office here has -been iwotinuciv our R. R DC ad'-" ress is now Landrum Rt.. 4, or Rjithrxordton Rt. 2. Mrs . Frank. Coxe and daughter Miss Maude-. ar now at their .4 Coiuitrhome on Greeft Eiverr v Eltss Blizabeth Catap Is. hdme again,, after a week spnt among her exrpupijs. and friends; at Aberleen. . HILL SPRINGS. SUver Creek School Closes. The public is cordially invited flo attendtbe closing exercises of Silver Creek School.. . Saturday night Apr. 25th.The exercises tviU begin, tvta P. M. land consist chiefly of ccitatious. plays, tab leaux. pantomines and drills. We trusf Prof E. W. S. Cobb Willi be with us then &ndi makean Miss' Bertha. Ledbetter. A Teacher. a- Rev:;M?. Rowne wUl preach in the Chapel Sunday afternoon, at :30.; Everybody cordially inrit xThe irpads here are being re paired at the present time are in better shape than vec before. wMri.;fe A. .Westai and Miss jui3evainarey and relatiyes;! Asheville this fYejt; Pencbarfrthothrcpop dar methods, off ossmnunicatipnj tzt 4 PatricIIiW3 chould, L kaotr we-po; oycrv the td p&U ! : curxahinuco. v Unv. Btyles This paper, aaysthcr tO)O0 kinds of butterfiies in '.tfa ivi'Ut: StyteBat they ro not dl cpnvcacirt. land, dc&r. 'a C3LF16H ; BYCO. ':r--l Led ShuherL thu tlwfrl Si Midi on the If auretaniA Ebw8?m" U itW- Haoi our composers cant help ; 7 T " V " uiBgrace, proviaea tTictinj dftcsawutanthinjj.V IffiLyn? HILL. (Special to. The Polk gbunty News.) We regret ta report that Mr. Hoyle Cole; is ria better. ; A severe storm of rain fell bre Tuesday. M 1 :Or- The toad workers are improv ing the roads, thru this section. -rr- :0 : A great many of the citizens here are attending court at Col -r umbus.this week, - v . :0 Mr. 9o,unar Staoy visited his Mr Perux Stacy of Cooly Spring yho is quiterillv I st Sunday. A very bad accident happened to Mr. Belton Tanner a few days ago, while riding on the running hgear of a wagon: his leg: was bro- ken as ther wagoa passed over a stump., v . : o:. '- ' Mri. S. & Lawter .andi,. famtly attended big Djcthday. and Eas ter dinner in hotloV of his motheir tMjrs. Sarah xiiwter Of ) Copley npgsv, asur aunuay. AM 're lort a. nice- time. r ; f-. " y 1 ;. !J CHdIe' Sam MHieVcame toyin,rfiirtojgeJj his picfure token, oni'jJay iSst week, ; which fact of itsrseli is, not very remar kable,;mit, ,,Uncle', Sam says, he is one hundred and fourlepn yrs bid and is liv good health, eats hearty and-sleeps welL He has seen many years of service as a slave, been married twice and has Seen several generations df his children The oldest man in the County, :0:r- ". lIEIX ,Mrs.;EUa Francis 'died: at her home at Carol eene on Tuesday April 14th of pelegra. She was the eldest daughter oJT James Gilbe-bfMelyin.Jinrand, was v'.v VV. v;'-." . . weu Knowrwvna DeJoveaby every one toev-e. The, burden of house noia amies ieii upon ner - a an early age as it T ell to, her lob to take the place of hert4ead mothi. er over a large, family of younger em'ueen wjiiquiuuuene- per formed faithfully. a.nd well; !she was, a member , of .the Baptist Church and was a truff and de voted christian as her life of good ;Works testify,. She leaves a hus- oand and two.JttUe children, also a fathea, five brothers and twi sisters and many friends, wJio mourn her loss.; ; v v Burial service at the Greens Creek Baptist Church, oil Wedr- nesday,; when the-body wasv lid to rest in the cemetery nean fby "Blessed are theead which die iiT the Lord". : v v .,.f:CMrQ'. t ' CCMQOti T: i w Teoplsi Hii: hoofe air -Hiey aci ,; cajle; hn?- been: flourishing in Denmark fnu- a long time. : In that county there are 70 such school ydth 8P0Of pupils, and one school .fti Aslton, in Suiuthi Jutland; has bla xnatedii Baii passed Hwgh these itate rohWiMh'-.:: there is no state jnte institu tion.;; lijSSjre not technical or rwtir;They Beekbnly to delopiniiiia broadly cultural lines. ThereV are no examinations for- admi8ioor f or leaving ; ninch of the instruc!b0n-is feiven: by lec tures, and the teacher is; given, wide latitude. , ' ' , , - Norway and Sweden, it may be added, have- experimented success fully with similar institutions. ' - OyiDENCE: OF CXPERTHES8. f "Does that young man understand music?" f "1 thinlrhe mnst' .replied the man who always gives the benefit. "Whenerer he plays he sounds ex actly like a. piano tuncr' . y 4 FOR STATE SEIiTQs I hereby announr Candidate for the ofRce 7' Senator of the 33d senatii, trict of North nflmi;.!totll4 to the action of the Dem drimary or mass my experience anrf """8. J k - knowledge of the r,n,;3 nun i f unu auues oi tne office will T considered bv the ' &anoes,. Fisher. Adv. Ifl The tltij. S. W. Lovingood Writes TB 'Our Bob" Would Carry Thr. Fourths of one Section If I anes Were Held Tomarrow : , Robert .R. Reynolds, who . candidate for the democrat conssio.al nomination in Tenth--district, . ja meeting much success on his present trip througli the western counties. He is also receiving sssuraneM o strong support frera men hrivs studied thepbiitical situa tion in the couftties of the district He has reeeivVdthV following letter from S; .VV. Lovingood, of .'Cfieroeeponliiwho is the state senator forjth -district comprii the counties of Graham, Clay,. 4 Cherokee;; v ' Robert R. Reynolds, , 'Ashevilley&iC 'Dear Sir; ' 1 1 y 4T find that it will not be convenient for me "to be in Asheville on attirday the 4th inst. As yet J;haypot been sup. poking any. cndldat e for con SrMTtfcL&ut I am conver sant iwit& tKi&i situation ni; counties of Graham, Clay and Cherokee,! and there is no deny the fact that your supporters is. those counties are greatly in the i'majority over all the other can-: didates. In fact I ani sure that if the primaries were' td come off nOw you. would, carry 'more than .three-fouths effhe entire vote in those counties. Your supporters are as bees and as determined ai soldiers." vYour recent trip througli these counties has been produc tive of much fruit. The demo cracy of this section like a live man, and you will always them helping: the man who is try j-ing t6 help himself. At pre sent th&contest seems to be nar rowed to Mr. Gndger and your- ?self. 'Hoping that you are. well happiy, Lami 1 : v ' : v i Yourrry Truly.. : . Si, W'. LOVINGOOD Murphyj April 3d 1914. ' Tnei ivMaMstmte& oi e Townshin of wrrvbn. W-rG are hereibjtnbtf tied to meet at the store of the Gasft Hardware Co. in Tryon at 3 o'clock P; m Saturday the 25th day of April to elect road Trustees. t ? Gep.CA. Gash, l- ; . Chairman. CAUGHT. The WtfeWhew have you The HusbanoDoWn to armory. drilling. Yoa ifiOir this i nU night- . "Acd U that vhere vou got tn powd on' the lapel of vour coatr IT AilOUNT.8 TO. ifine away for the W wNotv -:3.mAm&fi?fi decided. to stay home and do her rocking hex own jDorchL.' 1

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