ubbing wears ithes out wears nut wastes time Lteswork. RUB- ft-MORE WASH- rG POWDER saves )thes - saves y ou UpS time; oecause loosens aire witn- t rubbin RUB -NO -MORE AVASHING POWDER is a sudless dirt re- mover for clothes.' i' sinks, toilets and cleans and sweeten, your milk crocks. It kills germs. It does not need hot water. It NO-MORE RUB-NO-MORE 7v? Cents All Grocers Rub-No-More Co., FtWayne, Ind. and II SAoe Polishes i t a. 4r ., by us, of I T EDGE the only ladies shoe dreams that poaU L'i boot nd hoe, shines without rub- In iZx. rrencn uiuss, i uc 'id -.km.tinn fiV rlr.nina ) naEakina all trifula in L.,.nJio.40c. "Dandv" ze 25c. - nV W'lirrP." Cm Unillr! to. wUk .. lly cleans and whitens duly canvas shoes, rut. fBY ELITE combination for gentlemen who take in hiving their shoe look Al. Restore color mad bill blick (hoe, roluh With a brtlah or doth. lOc tar dealer does not keep the kind yam wast, aead nncfin nimp tor a iuh cue imcuge, cnarges pan. VVHITTEMORE BROS. c CO. Albany St. Cambridge, MM Tie 0'' Largest Mdnafacturen of Shoe Polithu in the World 7. L.DOUGLAS SHOES l A $2.00 $2.50 S3-O0 S2 S2.50 S3 .JED S $3.50 & S4 5is$,Boys,ChlWren ISI.7SS2S2.SOS3 Bmwi Butlnau In 1879; aow tn lroi mmkfr of 3,f a.60,14,' ao4M.6ow In til world. $1,006,270 NCRCASC in th uum of w. Poatiaa aaoM U If II r lilt. This Is te reason five yoa the same values lor 13.00. S&&U. $4.00 and J4.&0 noiwlOis'aDdlcg the enoracwriDereaae in uie coat oi leatter. Our sandaras nave cot been lowered aod ibe price to you remaloa the same. viaY Aak yourdealar to abow yon Sa sUiDg tot 13.00. s&r4.00aixl M MX You will Cien be convinced that v.L.Iaualaa ahoea are abao- luslr aa good a other makea oold at cig.ier pneee. TMouy omerence lathe price. TADtZ WO SUBSTITUTE. lumped oa the boMom. If W. L. Doairlaa Doet tra net for Ml tn Mtr Tlctalty. order uirtci rrom iictory. BCoca tor musMf of tb family at all prieav poatag frae. nna lor uiuarrataa catalog ,00 wring now to order by mail. W . L. DOUGLAS, . 210 Spark Street. Prockton. Maaa. is the BEST Saw Mill The Twentieth Century Every tingle piece U guaranteed. e make pe Taria- f belt feed and center friction feed f mills of the best utmd materials pshoat. Steel Leadblocks and cable F7e. Eco?ifmiooi . . v teicr,a,scr1PUTe catalog of aH sixes of f 4 Planers, resaws, edgera, etc &pn WINSTON-SALEM UUif NORTH CAROLINA KODAKS and High Grade Finishing. Mail i-4t- l rriwAfl firUU "LSil attPntiAn PvU-si a art to HI A C -v o a ivvw vwo vuvav rvice prompt. Send for Price List. -MmC'S ART BT0EK CHABLX8T0X. 8. C. nHTCn Men to learn barber trade. H I EU Few weeks required. . Steady position for com- 'fraduats. Wonderful demand for bar- MnaTfi '"'ParningjrreecataloeJ-1,11 BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond, Ya. friAjHlJ KEDS and CAMPINES 0 Li 1 orSr, Kki?s Pe' setting up. Free UI1 V a. Poultry Farm, LawrenceTllle, Va. e ings we do not possess are make3 Ufo worth living. &ne's feasant Pellets first put tip aaeh r y reSulate and invigorate, r in.'.. !ver and bowels. Sugar-coated 1 Aav. fafters get into office when honest :afaiUodo their duty. " Adiv tUra aPPly Hanford s Bal- 3 STinrl -,nt- n VI-.Mf j!ng to fool St. Peter. ADVlf F Tfk Tr Atrr n m 3 ,u lorpia iiver. I Ou. ii 2 th kT . on these organs, , Mparts vk4c,s' ,v natural action, 1 the whole sytsem. SALVE it. i. I ''flhBlutl-. ife?" Sr.'t,or J of PILES and a8SAMpL -f nts at all druggists. Write rURTNFY nniir. nnnsiv l nuility f iui i ' " "!.,' '"' ' n-L I U,.:iBTTai-Trr -Larva vai t i-.-'J . mrn MANCE r r I n TREES HELP PUBLIC HEALTH Desides Purifying the Air, They Help to Make Cooler Summers and Warmer Winters, : Men and animals have good reason for their fondness for trees: It is not only because the trees add so much to the ' beauty of our streets, or because the attractiveness of rivers and lakes and even of the v seashore depends largely upon the trees that we look upon them as silent friends. They help us in a more material way than with their beauty, great as that help may be. They add to our physical comfort and to our health. Parrls T. Farwell, in bis "Village Improvement,' urges the necessity of planting and caring for trees for the sake of the city's or village's beauty healthfulness. The side ot the street having the most trees is the popular side in sum mer. That Is because it is the coolest about 20 degrees, Mr., Farwell tells for "a full grown tree sends out 187 gallons of water through its leaves Into the air." Shading the ground also serves to moderate the heat And the air around the trees is more pure. "The foliage takes in carbonic acid gas, which Is poisonous to us, and gives out oxygen, which Is healthful, Indeed, Indispensable to us. Medical authorities recognize that trees promote the healthfulness a community. The tempering effect of trees on the climate is not confined to summer. winter they actually radiate heat, addition to their benefits as wind breaks when planted in clumps and groves. That it pays to have trees in the town and city and on the farmstead is shown by the fact that real estate on shaded streets and that on which trees are growing sells for a better price. No little of the welfare and prosperity of town, city or country depends upon Its trees, "and there Is a direct connection between the at tractiveness of the village or of the home on the farm, and the love of the citizens for their village or, "of the children on the farm for their home." KEEP BOYS OFF THE STREET Authority on the Subject Points Out . How Playgrounds Help to Develop , Useful Citizens. J Addressing a Philadelphia audience, Ernest K. Coulter, who can qualify as an authority on child problems, de clared that more than half the cases brought before the children's court grew out of a thwarted desire for play. Very frequently the craving for ex-, citement and adventure, which more fortunate youths may gratify in ath letic contests, drive the street boy to minor crime, then into the world of graft and gangs. So-called reforma tories and prisons under the 'present system operate to keep him there, once he has been convicted. The remedy is playgrounds, and more playgrounds. Philadelphia is air ing some work In this field, with its recreation centers and playgrounds and gymnasiums. But the work can not now reach half of those whoneed it. Money spent for its extension is a splendid investment, bearing inter est in useful citizens rather than loaf ers and lawbreakers. Monuments in Poor Locations. The recently issued report of tne New York art commission contains the following: "From time to time there have been submitted to the commission de signs of monuments (chiefly statuary, fountains and the like) completely ex ecuted, with ttie bronze parts cast, the marble or granite cut and the entire monument ready to be set up. Often the entire work has been completed In a foreign country, with utter dis regard to the location in which it is proposed that the monument shall be placed. They are designed for an abstract location, that 4s to say, for any location, but search for a suitable location nearly , always results in f all ure. -;'.! . ,..' "Most persons seem to have lost sight of the fact that many of the beau tiful monuments of the past were de signed for particular sites, and conse quently that the monument was made to fit Into its surroundings. i "Our American cities, having in most cases no important civic or re ligious centers, have grown without any intelligent or comprehensive plan, and monuments have been lodged here and there In streets and parks like driftwood. In only a few Instances are they definitely related to anything in their vicinity, sVas to form part of a comprehensive scheme. There is no more forlorn looking object than a granite monument placed in the mid dle of a green lawn.. It Is a foreigner to all its nearest neighbors. - Recently it has come to be recognized that cit . Q vmilt according to a dls- ItJo buuuiu w " 7 . . a.a..'-;i- or,H that the various parts and objects in the city should bear a direct relation nor. vmy , . -v other, -but to their, surroundings. : tui... n Be Considered. Health, beauty, and comfort stand bigler than do the rights of the land .peculator. Have You a Bad Back? Whenever you use your backv does a sharp pain hit you? - Does your back ache constantly, feel sore and lame? It's a sign of sick kidneys, especially if the kidney action is disordered too, pas sages scanty or too frequent or off color. In neglect there is danger of dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease. , Use Doan's Kidney Pills which have cured thousands. A Maine Case "CvenrFWnre Tells Stofy- Mrs, J. H. Ben nett. 69 Fountain St., Gardiner, Me., aays: "I was in bed four months with kidney trouble. ' My back felt as though It was broken. My body bloa ted and I could hardly see. Five doctors failed to help me. When X had given up hope. I began .. taking Doan's Kidney Pills. I was cured and now X weigh much more and am strong and healthy." Get Doan's at Any Store, SOe a Box DO AN S .WAV. FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N.Y. Business Proposition. A boy who had done something to incur the wrath of his mother and then had taken to his heels was hotly pursued for some distance by her. Finding It was useless to continue the pursuit, and almost beside herself wkth rage, the old lady shouted at the top of her voice: "111 give anybody a dime to catch that boy!" The boy instantly stopped and, turning round, shouted in reply: "Give me the dime and IH come back." Ask anybody about' it -- Hanford's Balsam. Adv. More people might acquire wisdom if they were not preoccupied with foolishness. g en Do not neglect Nature's Warn ing Signals. If. you suffer from headache, ner vousness, sick stomach, constipa tion, palpitation, hysterics, or a dull heavy feeling in the head. TAKE HEED for nature is saying to you as plainly - as if the words were spoken, I NEED HELP." The tissues, muscles and mem branes supporting your womanly organs need strengtheiing--need a tonic, need FOOD. STELLA -VITAE will supply what ia needed, will supply it in the form that will bring quickest and most lasting results. STELLA-VITAE, tested and approved by specialists, has been PROVEN TO BE nature's Great Restorer of strength to the womanly organs. . For THIRTY YEARS, it has been helping suffering women. No matter how many remedies yon have tried, no matter how many doctors have failed to help you you owe IT TO YOUR SELF to try this great medicine for the ailments of women. THE TRIAL WILL COST YOU NOTH ING unless you are benefited. We have authorized YOUR dealer to sell you ONE bottle on our positive, binding GUARANTEE of "money back if NOT HELPED." AFTER YOU are satisfied he will sell you six bottles for $5.00. Go or send this very day, this very hour, and get that ONE bottle and be convinced that you have at last set your feet firmly on the road to perfect health and strength. Thacher Medicine Company Chattanooga Terns 1 Neuralgia sufferers find instant relief in Sloan's Liniment. It pene trates to the paiiiful part--soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing-merely lay it on. S Kills Pain ' For Neuralgia ...T nt tw wtrrinnt nnr TJnt- A v nmtii. i all vhn amfrer lucu 1 nuu nuwv - - ; with neuralgia or iheumatism or pain of in kind." Mra. Henry Buhop, llmUna, y Pain All Gone T anffMVil with nrnt a. MVT nen- ralgic headache for 4 months without any relief. 1 used your aammenc ior two or three nights and I haven't sof- raA mY mv Via1 Birus Mr, J, A Swinger, LouitvtiU, Ky. , ' ; Treatments for Cold and Croup , My little girl; v twelve years old, caught a severe cold, and I gave her three drops of Sloan's Liniment on sugar on going to bed, and she got up in the morning with no signs of a cold. A lit tle boy next door had croup and I gave -the mother the Liniment. She gave him three drops on going to bed, and he got up without the croup in the morning." Hr. W. B. Strange, Chicago, UL AtaUDealera. Prlca-So, 50a.aa-ILOt Sloan's Book on Horses sent free. Address DR. EARL S. SICAX, lac, ' Boston, Bass. warnin to worn At the Gate of By REV. GEORGE E. GUILLE ; ..... Bible Teacber, Moody Institute, . .v Cbicage i " - "4 ' TEXT--IIe went into a city called Naln. Luke 7:1L ' The words, looked at closely, will be found to epitomize all the work of Christ , as Savior. , ; : v For what is the city of Naln? We find the answer in the meaning of its name : "fair, pleas ant," probably so called because of Its striking situa tion. And is not this what the world was as God made it so that his own lips could pronounce upbn the labor of his hands, "very good?" Is not this what it still is to the unregener ate heart, that refuses to recognize the ruin wrought by sin? Yes, the heart that has no ties elsewhere; that has not . "tasted the powers of the world to coirft;" nor seen the glorious realities of things eternal, finds it fair and pleasant still. , But alas! this pleasant world has become a valley of the shadow of death, for behold! at the very gate of Naln, proclaiming its real condition, a dead man is carried out. Death is the way out of the world still, and death is the awful , shadow over It Death reigned from Adam to Moees," and reigns today, the world, with all its boasted wisdom, having found no remedy for it On every portal, death with relentless' hand, has carved his telltale crest, and upon all creation he has placed his stamp. "The world passeth away." - This Is the ecehe into which Christ has come, as here he comes to Nain came with life and salvation and open ing heaven to the lost of the earth. What sorrows, too, are in fair Nain! Behold this widow weeping for her only son, and much people in the city, following and weeping with her. For ein has brought not only death, but a multitude of sorrows, into the world. However fair It may be, how ever beautiful the names by which it may be called, however much it may furnish the natural heart with, pleas ure sorrow remains the great fact of human life. The great sea ofi life is salty with human tears, and the sighing of the wind is the echo of the threnody of broken hearts. "The whole creation groaneth and travail eth in pain together until now." But the Man of Sorrows draws nigh and Nain must answer to its name. With him at Its gate, all is changed, and we see the divine remedy for all the ills brought in by sin. 1. "When Jesus saw her, he was moved with compassion." Y.es it was compassion that brought him down to save, compassion for my. lost" es tate, compassion for the helpless mis ery to which sin reduced me. "Moved with compassion at my tears for sin, he has come to my help." 2. "And ,Jh& said unto her, Don't cry, don't cry!" t Who is this stranger breaking in upon her grief with , his tender sympathy? Can he quench those tears? Has he a balm for that broken heart? Yes, he has, and he freely gives it; and in doing sogives us a picture of all his finished work. The Christ of Calvary will make good his every word. 3. "He touched the bier!" "Touch It he must if his word is to have cower over it" He must die, if he wouldn have to say to death, "Where is thy sting?" "The sting of death Is sin" and he must ; be "made sin for us" to take away , that sting. He must "taste death for every man," who is to arise from it at his word. He must go, into it in order to triumph over it, and "forasmuch as the children are par takers of flesh and blood, he likewise himself,; also took part of the same, that through death . : . he might deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." r "Christ, being raised from the dead, dieth no more ; death hath no7 more dominion over him. But he has dominion over it, and thus he touches the bier. In Israel It meant defilement to come in contact with death. But' Je sus ; must touch it, yet remain unde nted. : : - , 4. And having touched It he can say, and his word stand fast, "Young man, I say unto thee, Arise." And these, words, which in a thou sand f tongues, he Is repeating in the ears of .the multitudes "dead in tres passes and sins." Know, O man with out Christ, that this young man at Naln's-gate is your picture. Dweller In Nain in a world still "fair" to the eye, but upon which sin has brought an awful curse you are dead. 5. "And he that was dead sat up and began' to speak." "Hath he said and shall he not do it, hath he spoken and shall he not make it good?'; : O soul, hast thou heard his voice ? Hast thou "sat, up" out of .thine awful death ins trespasses and sins, "a new creation" In Christ Jesus? Hast thou begun to speak with a new tongue in the language they speak in heaven? All hail, hearer of Jesus' voice! "They that hear shall, live!"' Good Cheer Aids ; Digestion of Food dyspeptics Can Make the Rest of - the Famify Happy by Using . a Laxative-Tonic , , ' .The temper of the family and the good cheer around the table depend so much on the good digestion of . each individual present that the experiences of some former dyspeptics I who over came their trouble should be of inter est to those now, suffering in this way. fY-:--. h The best advice one can give but It is advice that is seldom heeded 4s to eat slowly and masticate each mouth ful carefully. However; If slow eating and careful mastication fail the next aid is one close to nature, Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin., This remedy is an excellent digestant," and in addition to helping in the digestion of the food. 'acts gently on the . liver and bowels, ridding them of the accumulation of waste that should long ago have been passed off. It is safe, reliable, pleasant-tasting, and results- are . guaran teed 4; '. '. , ',r; '"'- v ;-' r': . Maj. S. Martin, of Joplin, Mb., now 77, thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has helped him to a longer and hap pier life. He has not felt so good in years as he has since taking this ex cellent medicine, and in spite of his 77 years he says he feels like a boy. , It is the ideal remedy for indiges tion, no matter how severe; constipa tion, no matter how chronic, blllous- ,ness, headaches, gas on the stomach, drowsiness after eating and similar annoyances. " GOOD SOIL, GOOD CLIMATE, good water arid good people to live with. The best all round farming community in Florida. Write for free booklet; tells all about our proposition. Address Secretary Board of Trade. TRENTON, FLORIDA Good people are supposed to be hap py, but their looks often belie it Have Hanford's Balsam on hand for accidents. Adv. Natural Conclusion. "How do you suppose that soft coal dissolution movement will end?" "Oh, I suppose it j will end up in moke." Kill the Flies Now and Prevent disease. ' A DAISY FLY KILLER will do It Kills thousands. Lasts all season. All dealers or six sent express paid for f 1. H. SOMERS, 150 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv. V Its Kind. - "What sort of a game are they playing with the oyster question in Annapolis?" "I guess it is some kind of a shell game." . . . . ... ' . . No. SIX-SIXTY-SIX This is a prescription prepared es pecially for Malaria "or Chills and Fever. Fiveror six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the fever will not return. 25c. Adv. Among the Constellations. "That is the big dipper." "Yes, ma." . "And yonder is the little dipper." "But, ma!" "What is it, Harold?" "Have they no individual drinking cups?" Kansas City JournaL HOW TO CLEAR AWAY . THOSE UGLY PIMPLES It Is so easy to get rid of pimples and blackheads with Resinol, and it costs so little, too, that anyone whose face Is disfigured by these pests is foolish to keep on with useless cos metics, or complicated "beauty treat ments." See how simply it is done: Bathe your face for several minutes with Resinol Soap and hot water, then apply a little Resinol Ointment very gently. Let this stay on ten minutes, and wash off with Resinol Soap and more hot water, finishing with a dash of cold water to close the pores. Do this once or twice a day,sand you will be astonished to find how .quickly the healing, antiseptic Resinol medica-. tion soothes and' cleanses the pores, leaving the complexion clear and velvety.- Sold by all druggists, Resinol Ointment, 50 ' cents and $1, Resinol Soap, 25 cents. Adv, Very Different. : "Were the fish biting on your last country trip?" 0; "No, but the dogs were." For any sore use Hanford's Bat sam. -Adv; '',-.- ' . . ' .. . - - If you want anything advertised without cost, tell it to a gossip. - i rniwMiiiiiiiii fiSrsi: 1 Just a Daughters!) A woman's organism Is a very delicate thing it very easily gets out of order just like a delicate piece of machinery, it requires more than ordinary care and attention. V 5 ; ' ThOTe are many sig which point able pains in various parts of the body, listlessness, nervousness, irritableness, iTtnAgf faint-ess, backache, loss ox appetite, depression, and many others. Dr. Pierce's has been the means of restoring thousands of suffering women to nataral health ' and strenjrth. For more than forty years it has been successfully carrying on this great work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every land. Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. . . Let it aid you. Sold im Tiemid or tablet form by Jrttrrist, or trial box matted . you for SO emntm from Dr. Pitrci'sDispMaarj, Buffalo, Jv.r. . : , Dr. Pierce Plesaaant Pellets regulate Stomach. Liver sund Bowels - - - - au - ai - MAJ. S. MARTIN You can obtain Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar," the latter size being bought by heads of; families j already familiar with its merits. Results, are always guaranteed or money will bs refunded. - 1 When you use Syrup Pepsin you will see the fallacy of chewing mints" and tablets or of taking cathartics, salts, pills and similar drastic medicines. Un like these, Syrup Pepsin does not loss its good effect, and by automatically training the stomach and bowel mus cles to do their work, soon vestores these organs to normal. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by ad dressing Dr. W.' B. Caldwell, 203 Wash ington St, Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and address on it will do. " j Why Scratch? "Hunt's Cure" is guar anteed to stop and permanentlycure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to euro itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm or an other RWn jjisease. sue at your druggist's, or by mail direct if he hasn't it. Manufactured only by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Sherman. Texai Perfect Digestion depends upon the integrity of the liver. IF YOUR LIVER IS TORPID WILL WAKE IT UP AND x uun i oim vv RUN DOWN. RKIEUUACIDE LIQUID-TABLETS-LINIMENT The Old Reliable Remedy' for muscular, articular and inflammatory RHEUMATISM RHEUMACTDEisnot a preparation that given only temporary relief, it removes the cause and drives the poison from the system At Al Druggists w I a. .CROUP Am PNEUMONIA. ACDUKFJ . fuuih.; nc.vufAIU.AU0 OOOB . WOSZ GREASE CQ !&?SBORO:S Goose Grease Liniment cures all aches and pains CALOMEL IS DANGEROUS and is being displaced how In many sections of the South by DR. G. B. IVILUAL1S' LIVER & KIDNEY PILLS These pUla stinrulate the liver and Bowels without the weakening after effect caused by Calomel. 26a at all dealers Sample sent free on request. THE 6. B. WILLIAMS CO., Quitman. Ga. imflsiiMraiva RELIEVES. TIRED EYES YV. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 16-1914 a V ord VilhYou! on aiBia t"iiiicT' art""i" B3QS --( 'jum ifrescnpn '