JOSEPHUS DANIELS APPOINTS DR. SLED THE STATE HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS We are the DR. BENJAMIN F. SLEDD OF WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, RECEIVES HIGH HONOR. ' STiLiirLUS ST0fi o HI i '"J i I 1 i .1 t 1 s I - A VV- V V. WVAV.V ONE OF. KAHN FELLOWSHIP "A 5 1 The Professor of,. English Will Receive Three Thousand Dollars to be Spent in a Year's Tour of the World and $300 For Mementos. . Wake Forest. Dr. Benjamin F. Sledd of the department of English, at Waket Forest College, has just receiv ed the announcement of ' an appoint ment to the Kahn fellowship, entitl ing him to the sum of three thousand dollars to be spent in a year's tour of the world together with an addi tional stipend of three hundred dollars to be used for the purchase of .suitable mementoes of the f.rln. - Ct X A. T T 1. ... I . n , V .,, . , , Dr. W. L. Poteat,' president of Wake 2ii ; A ! ??rl?.tte Forest. when seen recently about the 20th of May to attendee celebration matter stated that tfle appolntment of of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Dr. Sledd to this fellowship came as independence. Hllrn-iQO rt v, v,QOi v mcy. department Friends of Dr. Sledd FASHION NEW BANK SCHEME ist Z?r, had Pentett his name be- iore me governing Doara or tne Kann - All new patterns. Styles that are correct mat Desi suns you tne price is the same alw you , $3.00 to $8.00 and you are well dressed. Notice the Dig two page ad in the Saturday Ev the ra'3 U7.QQ. There Js no better clothing proposition than Post" tLis to be any town, large or small, and , , , - ' , T"" cvtIT Suit. THE Tryon BALLENGER CO For Everything; ' i . - North Carol Carrs of Durham Evolve Unique Scheme to Protect Mill Workers From 1 Loan Sharkt. ' fellowship fund, but when another was appointed to the' honor, the mat ter was not renewed this year. The appointment, it is thought, came from the details and recommendations pre- Durham The Carr boys of Durham sented last year. make announcement of a novel and The Kahn fund was established sev- practi cable plan for putting their Em- ral years ago by the donor in his ployes Fund into operation in their will and it was a fund sufficient to Durham Hosiery Mills, fashioned af- guarantee such a fellowship to two ter the Morris bank. , college professors in the United There, is lacking only one feature states yearly. It was the will of the of the bank and that is the depositor. donor that the appointees thould The general scheme of protection is BPena ine year m foreign, countries Clifton Eaton and Charles RIddick of Winston-Salem, 15-year-old win ners of State High School Debate held at Chapel Hill recently. Michael H. Kernodle and Miss Flonnie Cooper o t Graham, team which lost to Eaton and RIddick. -Jy-f: Jv :i',,r;V- : -k " . ' Hospital Board's Annual Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the board rof, directors of State Hospital for the Insane has just been held in Mofganton. For the first time in sev eral ' years every member of the board was present, namely : I. I.. Da vis, Morganton; J. P. Sawyer, Ashe ville: Charles ", P. Matheson, Taylors- BICKETT AND HILLMAN GETTING vllle; A. A. Shuford, Hickory; F. P. hearingTSs ' - ----- -.''V.y; - , MILLINERY READY FOR EXAMINATION OF U. S. WITNESSES. TAR HEEL CAPITOL NEWS Alspaugh, Forsyth county; A. E. Tate, High Point ; Dr. J. E. S. Davidson, Charlotte; Dr. L. M. Glenn, Gastonia; R. B. Clark, States ville. It being the regular time for the election of offi cer, Mr. Davis of Morganton, was re elected president of the board and Mr. Clark secretary. Messrs. Davis,' Vi nn U. n 1 1 i il.i I for th fi Ttirrna rf h-Hncrlror .tVa f- I . . . iw Bj,Baiu viriuB is umi - "A wi- uenerai News of North Carolina Cat. , . - . ' takes the small Wrnwm- fmm th. eign countries and America more . Carolina col- Clark and Tate were continued as - - ' -w A WAM VUW I - We nave i us t rftceivW art up-tadate line of ? - : Ladies' and Children's Hats and everything in l". the Millinery Line W. M. LAMBRIGHT & CO " - - up in mrpMai iicAn ucrui - - UKDRUM, S, loan highwayman and gives him the closely' together and for the dissem- privllege of getting money without ,natlon ot ideas of the old world into the grinding rate of interest demand- tne new and yice versa. After the ed by the bonus lawyer and usurer. return, the appointees are to make a The plan is to be tried out in Dur- wrlttefl: report of the trip. ham Hosiery Mill No. 1, the oldest Dr. Sledd has been occupying the lected and Condensed From, the the executive committee. F. M. croogs was re-elected gtew- ard of the hospital and his salary was increased from $1,500 to $1,800, and Miss Cilia Summers was elected ma- Attorney General Blckett and Rate " Z arsn, mprt wnimn Mrs. Marsh, who i has been matron SUte Capital That Will Prof e of Interest to Ail Our 'Readers. . Ralelh. fi r - t - i t t i i i ... ... and biggest of the strine of six. Thrn chair of English in Wake Forest Cbl- FTnrt win years ago the mill started the profit IeS sce 1894. From 1888 until that busy days rounding up preparation flnce th Instltution opened; has been sharing scheme. It took the' lead h had been professor of modern lan- for comnlAHntr th pmee am in feeble health for some years and xoere as it has done in providing dis 4 trict nurses, night schools and. the banishment of the illiterate by the diffusion of knowledge. In the child labor agitation before the general as sembly, the owners of these- mills . stood squarely with the people. The latest plan for aid to their em guages and was transferred to the of the officials of the Norfolk South- receay her mind has failed. She is EnglisD department on his own re- ern in the taking of evidence before nOW, twM Innhe nosPital sne nas quest Dr. Sledd is a well recoimizpd tho nHi Tntm!atA vMt.i. . so faithfully served. Miss Summers figure in the literary realm of North Commission and for Mr Hillman hasor years been housekeeper of the Carolina, having contributed several himself to go on the stand 'and testi- InstItutlon and she wiH now be both collections of poems of merit to the fv ae-nlnRt ft .W!n.i,. matron and housekeeper. literature of the state. His poems road officials have made in their tee- L Th port of Superintendent Mc viuiso mosuy or tne lyric nature tlmony. Mr. Hillman expect to im TOYGN, N. G. STAPLE arid FANCY ployes is flie work of Julian S. Carr, J,md U Is IntbIs class of verses that peach the methods of - the railroad Jr., president; C. McD, Carr, treasu rer, and W. F. Carr, secretary and as sistant treasurer. The first two are tie excells. Hevhas nublishod "niff UffM9i , in 4 4v..i . and Scaur, "Watchers of the Hearth," -that would prove that the rates in the uuia oi wnicn nave been-favorably Justice act are unjust and conflsca brothers and the third a double first c?lYe by the criUcs of the country tory. In the meantime the railroad Campbell for the four months ending with March 31 showed that there are 1,302 patients on the rolls. During the four months 56 were admitted, two discharged and 17 died; and for he same period 54 applicants had to G R O C E R E cousin, rne spirit of Julian S.Carr, Sr., "Jule" Carr as he would say, the father of the hosiery mill business here, is seen in the plan which has both north and south. Thorn of the Southern Railway, are preparing to put Mr. Hillman through 'Corn Club Round Up. - . A 1 in Asnevuie. a corn club round-UD" an esDcifl!llv srvpto irrininff nn. Bankers to Meet in R3i.;nk ctu vne elements of the finer phUan- p " lv wme attention is to cross examination. The work of tak- "aleigh will entertain the North thropy, that which helps men and J feld at Ashevllle next . fall or Ing testimony in this case will be com- Carolina Bankers' Association in an women to help themselves. winter, If the plans of those behind pleted soon and then there will h an- nual session May 12 to 14. and th cooperative aemonstra- other, recess in order that the coun- Raleigh Clearing .House Association, Lion WOrlc in Mnrth Pamllnn I i . . a . . .. I 1 i i .. , . . Charlotte Announce. Dpi,.. l m VT r- w xur uie state ana ror the railroad ana tne special preparations ww a w am m x i m i n : s-c hjih a. . A a. I - CharlottftPri k , - ir . ' r' ."4"" aKeui in comp H(nonf0 61CU ruarge 01 C1UD work; with head- then appear before the common bankers a great time in r rrifli wav tory. In the meantime the railroad Z , aptplIcants nad to C,,! O Ffe D lawyers;, especially General Counsel r .to ,018 hospital OUnSIime OlSCUlt, DOll D0H Thorn of thA Snntwn Ronwow o for lack of Toom. A-rvm ooh Confections, - ; Nuts, Gandy Honeym ried out. T. E. Browne, agent In companies may prepare briefs and for the convention to give the visiting participants in the Darad n n. ., . ,,, 1 , , 't"'tu "rau . aRPear Deiore tne commission a great time in a social way Twentieth of M hS , Z, SSSL.!'",. already for 'oral arguments aa to the show- tean the special and most at- Jelly May, when the 139th an. has tnVftn tha to. .i i , nlvPTjnrv ziofo u tt , , . . wim me 10- tags maae. 5SS?i7e .of. the . Mecklenburg cal board of trade. In a letter to Sec. ; 7l7Z:ZZll" r?!a? B." W reference to Coa.t ArtUiery J. .n.pected. ""uv-cu iCLcuuy, luo mauer ne tractive features of the . regular pro gram. One of the special addresses will be . by Hon. John SkAitnn wn. says: Inspection of ithe enmnan .Af Hams.' I Want 11a n l M a . I t .111 . . J . ' AH cities except Charlott win 1 - now to mase uiery m inis state was con- wno is cheduied to address the con- wm DO I preparations lor sucn a 'nmrn inK I eluded hern rrntiv w TWanAn. vnH uuusiaerea uy the 1ude-Pi . , . . . , xuccui- uo rcuerw reserve Decorated nntnosn ei.. , -- f v" -"o unuea otates ojrstem kjnv tri luv- wmier mat v nttraot v. 4 i woi- iana.w.. j , - cr .,t I mo tttl.CUI.lUU I " ugumuucui, ttUU UOI. Municipal float Silver loving cup. t - i "- "" wm uLiraci xne attention war aeDartment and tvit, me v up. nf'tho inA1.iJ j . T r. '" - , . Township float-First prize. : M! . "S0!. "1?- ?e3IWe. inspector Colored Teacher. Meet Soon. seronrt nrto ok ' " ' I ' " uimy maKing W"iu aiws lor tne IN Ortu Carolina I The North Po-roHro riA m t. I a nne Shn-oHncr fnr. IQ14 j t MvToti i j ..-,;. .. - .r1"1 vuwicu icotu- Q A4 ijii uuu i am Aiwuwuoi uuaru, me last lnsnectlon ers', AsuomMr 0" 1 i Ku , ' " " w session af 150; second .prize, $25. Industrial float First prize, $50 second prize, $25. ' baDor union float First $50; second prize, $25. n.Trir, rir?. J111781 Pnze, loosing for some of "the best-results being that of the First Cam rnt ZL: -u.. -iVv i j Am ,.v T'r- -wi " " wiwbuj, xvaieign, June 10- foi. " A.n K Jr. Morrow cap- 14. Governor Craig and State Super tain. While nO Oftleial Stntemont nf1.nfcnAr t..vii - t x - - v "mioukl wi. jtuuiic instruction joy- The Carolina State Bant SALUDA, N. C. t i in the state to , be there." 4 PER CEHT PAID Oil SAVIHGS prize, Collections For Museum Wilmington. For the purpose of ttSZSX-f wewS Fast Trains to Make Stop. v Gastonia. As the culmination of a six-weeks campaign on the part of the Chamber of Commerce, official an nouncement was made recently that the condition of the companies as de- ner have been invi0 aa IS 1, ii. f InspCtion ?s obtaIn" assembly and will' probably accept. rnnJL 13 stood ftlfat the Quite a number.of otrer prominent companies have made a very good white educators, will take a hand in showing with considerable Improve- directing the work of the negro as- ment over the conditions a year ago, sembly. " - - m-:- s ley, the curator and his assistant. Mr Addicks, will spend two weeks ' at Topsail Beach, near Wilmington, the latter part of April and the first of May Mr. Brimley spent some tim at Topsail last summer and struck noint - for ftirl,r" - - - its fast trains to and from all polnts ,C ' at which those trin- leading citizens from commissions 37 - ; . i , age? Congress inVSavannah,:Ga., April New Hosiery MM I. ' " 23-25. The list includes: A; H. Eller Wilmington. A new enternrtse . f ai of Winston Salem '" fir.' t t a w up with such a rich collection of Wilmington began operations, recent- der, of Charlotte; P. B. Beard of Sal plant, animal and fish life on the ly' tnIs beine a hosiery mill owned isbury; J. S. Myers' of Charlotte: R beach that he has decided to make a and Perated by John H. Kuck, a well Richardson, oi keidsville- Georke Known Wilmington capitalist. Stevens, of Charlotte: Dave ivhitP of Meoane. Must Wrap Loaf Bread. . Rocky Mount Hereafter the loaf bread goes wrapped in this city. This was the decision of the aldermen at a Prepare to Fight Cattle Tick. Thex state deDartment of neTfrii1tiiia various-Darts of is notified that tho orwr,fi t- the state . to attend the National Drain- Harnett and w7vr "JSS Laddies Fight Forest FireS. ' Asheville.-Proving that they can Will Study Government- Abroad. wieja the brush as well as the hose Governor Craig has issued a com- ana can" direct a successful battle PHmentary commission- to P s against a forest fire SS Well an airalnet I Henry Of Asheville no o ennnini Twnfe?tIng; and H Is understood a dwelling or business house, the missioner to study municipal govern "a9, lf 8 , 7 one of tne first' bits of members of the local department ra- ment abroad and 'public utility con- . .v6 o.auvu mai win effect a c?nxiy iougnt a fierce fire on the anions in foreign countries Mr Hen- 8SiK h&xflS ol, food pro- wooded tract of land r belonging to expects to spend, quite a ' while' - -Si i w n? x 6 larst baking Louis M. Burne and the Coxe estate abroad and-desires to make a special Fiants in the state and every loaf of and situated just outside of the city study of these matters: The commis- n affecte oy the ruling, ' the move limits. Considerable damage - was &n from the governor of - North ' Car- h was not taken without consideration, The laddies armed themselves olina will insure his -receiving atten. nun on .. ina rr . i . . i . . .. .... - - - --'7i- 7J-- "ienaous ex- ww.iudo8 ana brush and fought man- lon m all the cities he visits for tho luixy ior several hours. pens,e that would be entailed. '.'..Big Sanitarium for Asheville. Ashe vllle. Dr. Charles L. Minor Buildtag Operations at High Point.. High Point. The large city reser- purpose of making these - inveatie-a: tions. " . - Charters Orthopeadic Hospital..' v special appropriations to aid in the eradication of the cattle tick within their hounds through the co-operation of the federal and state depart ments of agriculture. Their aid will be in the form of-providing assistant Inspectors to. take a hand ln, the erad ication Vork. Strong . Courteous . Progressive EVERY BANKING FACIUTTf It?has been the constant endeavor of the management bank to furnish everv nnssihie Vam nvonipnce'5 positors, together with absolute safety for their money. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset tort poration, firm, ; or Individual requiring the best banking We solicit your account. D. C. Barrow, President. ,Q. C. SONNER, ViceW W. C. Robertson, Vice President H. 6. Lane i . . . . n - ' n Free Special Offer io IldusDwives and k Hines'. Rock Glue, Star. Broom Holders and Diamond BrigW Go V and Dr. William L.. Dunn, prominent voir outside the eastern incorporate o;f," -P. ? Hospital . of throughout th.countryas tuberculo- UmitCthe Christian chWh wrlSK?e?'?25'- ff f CaSCade and Tryoii 8tres' tOUhdlng at Gastonia a home for dis 000 and $300,000 in the development the. large Coler 7 station - west and ease and -crippled, indigent children -of, a sanitarium here, announcement south, of Main street and the South- especially dependent orphans The Tn being made; that theyhave purchased m, the $65,000 Methodist church m stltution :lss to also have power to .; , 60 acres of property, on Ihe southern Main street, a commodious fire-engine maintain- a department- for training . slopes v of , Mount .Pleasant for the house on . Rankin and Commerce tiurses. The s directors for the insHtn .iu.ium6. ifwii on mo mam uuuuiugs oticcts art some OI tne builrtinp- 1 "OU inciUCO SUCll avell lrnnr and a reception hospital will v be operations now in course of oonstriw Senators Simmons nn , rw ' started Immediately and will he ready, tion and planned for ; High Point In State Superinlendent of Public In. ; joyner, u..R. Hoeyt B. I N Duke, J.. Elwood Cox and others. jfr .;or;?iqcejapancy by the spring of 1915. 'h immediate future Revenue Officers Are Busy. ' -Revenue raMers headed, by Deputy xvcveuue voiiector j, p. stell captured and cut up two blockade distilleries in Johnston county recently. One was four miles southeast of Benson and the other a little, more than a mile from' Benson. The - officers are looking for Joel. Ryless and Joe Young, ; accused of. ownine and ero. ting the first still,, and for William Blackman as owner of the other which was within a hundred yards of his home ; iTfioTi i . ei , stanaara cop per plate stills at both places.. Governor Pardons Don' Emerson. Governor Craig granted a pardon recently for Don. Emerson of Guilford county, who has served ; four months of , a six-months sentence4 for carrv- a vuweaiea weapon. , He is' a youth and is just reco vering from an operation for mastoiditis of both ears and th county physician says to re commit him to jaU might jeopardize his life and that he' cert inni b9sent back to the convir.t rnmr. tk Best terms known to tha .i -mDloy" who s'en, -Oood tnoney, rr eZ SatiM Z ',..e9inmend.the pardon. TT- ' . cnance 01 a u,e time tor htistlers.' None other - ' ur,ery nd Orchard Company,, Box F, Winchester or bilver Polish is now being placed with your merchants uaier in America and ask for them... All merchants know them, ran! stock. They are going to give you a SO cent jar uiue, a zb cent Star Broom Hnifloi- or bilver Polisher free: ask fftr;rha u,n Rocker. - .TT ! , ' -j oi in.ica at hull. ...I- everything even broken hearts and pocketbooks. Star Broom B on.l-Hook-Dulf. Pan, Brush, and, Broom, keep them handy, tW twice as long and do hptter Wrt n-.. r,.i.L1 t,.,.- rpdy use, cleans and polishes. If Vnr Aani J i vn. sen chants names and 10 cents In stamps and name one article, cr 30 cents. Sot all three AWe nffo, Q time. The Retailers can bo supplied by jobbers. If not, we . v A beautiful book of national vw wnK ti nn cpntfreeP return of trade-marks of above' goods and ten cents in stamps THE NORMAN F. HINES CO.Main Office and Factory, LAK I? 0000 SALCStlACJ DAHTE! -J hag Zm:Mm"SC