THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N. ' -- . ,. ;lVArJTED! Highest market price paid in Cash. Address, with., par ticulars. ' ' v- : ' ' V : , . Box 83, Tryon, N; C. Southern Railway i i.-.ifl as infornutiou only lesve Asneville 7.00 a 111; leave ,4' in-arrive Spartanburg 10. 25 1,1 Asheville 10.25 a. m.; leave iS '12 2S P- m' arrive sPartanburS ,.i,ofillp nm: leave ,0. leaver - . A tf II UK arrive jpummig O.W j ,01 .4 '.-WEST-BOUND TRAINS - mm FOB SALE. : Bottom-land grown,; big sound corn at! whole-sale price, apply to, r.PAshevile8.3o p. m.;leve' T If . f : li IV i arrive bpartanDure f TncrT b3rir.Trr- Of - 10.35 p,n,; leaves Spartanburg 7.40 a. ttf tu.; arrive Ashe-1 GOWAN 1 Clin ,, IMS a m- . fl.unwg .... - Shop over Tryon Post Office. f,1,r5 i v 1 , Make new & Repairs o d 1 . . Leave Spartanburg 4.10 p. m. 27 " ' . : a - ;m bp-w" . a.- ,j, leave pariaiuii; h in, icave m arrivi" AOivill r Ir SubjfCl to change wunoui nonce. h WOOD, District Pass. Agt., AshevHleN. C. A.N. mXTON, Local Agent, . . Trvon. N.C. Rr3 m its Eocio SHOES. . Harness Mending. Shoes, . Cleaned & Shined while you wait. wills WARTED,; ! All kind of Medicinal Root I Herbs, Barks &c. Wanted, ; Highest market prices paid for Woo, Hides, beeswax & Ginseng; Special attention given to Parcel Post Shin ments - - Check mailed prom tly on receipt of goods. Write us for price list and ; shippingrtags J. Q. McGuire & Co, Abbeville, N. 0m OlJOICEBJ ilEJJS OF AlL KIpDS Westerns Native Beef- Pork, Glutton, Poultry, Ham, t Bacon, Sausage &c. -j. ' ' . i . . " I . ' . - Fish and Oysters every week. Handled in strictly sanitary maimer, , - rcrti lzers renal ize . ..... . k - 4jr T.fE BqLLEfjijEq Go's SjoqE, r ME, H I RYUN LUMBER Co; TRYON, 'POtiK CO, N. G. -ROUGH arid FINISHED r - . of all kinds : - A -first class. Steam Dry Kiln, Call, Write or Pipe y orders. 1 A Ifehted match dropped elessly in the home may the lives of your whole I Dcs't 1st tlisir deaths be due Jjpur dereliction.' . IMNT DROP MATCHES .SLSSLY;'v k BE PREPARED IN OSS YOU DO, Have a jH?NE eztingrjislier handy j your horn?;. Jt "will exlin "fash any incinlcnt fire WITH oyTWJURY TO FURNISH. Wanted to purchase a small cottage of 5 or 6 room in good locality, price. must be reasonable. Address 4News "Office:" tl Bits of p?rrrJ Fir AppCucet W iW Kaoaal Eoard o! Iu Uaderwriten. mule 5 years old, Weight 'about I, 000 Jh. Terms Cash or hat f down. Apply to ' : J Marvin Hall Tlyon, N. C; Rt. 1. Bo 4 40 Jewziers, Opticians. HenderssnYflle, H C. Tryon Electric Semce Co . Agents, TOCE of SALE oi LaND UNDER MORTGAGE virtue of the power, of sale i iiuea in a mortgage deed ex fed and delivered to me by ;nG. P. Livingstone, Mary stone and H. Addie Brit on the 29th day of March 2to secure certain indebted-: therein specified, which said Redness is past due and un iafter due and proper de made for the paymen jfwUwiH sell at the Court ?edoor in Polk County, North ;Jrollna, to the highest bidder fhat public auction, at 12 Represented in TRYONw by ; Mr. R. T. McFee Watches, 5peeticles, Jewelry etc., repaired properly and cheaply. Orders left at Milli nery Dep t. , T he Sallenger Go. , will , have prompt atten- P; O. Box 174,. Phone No. 73 IMP- THE C Li Tjs BEsf of jrly jtId ctjEPEq jifjpl pirly Our " Tryon Truck" brand, 4- 5- -9, , is a special mixture for Polk Obunty soil , ; Call and talk with our Agent, J. B. Page, at Gash; Hardware Store, Tryon N. G. . Prompt service Liberal terms. Spartanburg Oil Mill, : Spartanburg, S. G. L Money Works for You' Every Pay deposited in the Savings Department of THE BANK of TRYON TRYON, N.O. 4 per cent per annum on certificates. ; ' Better begin a Savings account this month. . " Do our' Work. r : Electric I-on?,. Percolators, Toasters,, etc. Come to our of fice and lets, talk it over... mum CP. NEWS OFFICE TRYOM-v C. OHera for sale the followingroperties, either of which are desirable invest ment values being offered by parties vho really wish to. sell, and are -will-ing to mate price and terms mutualy r-atisfactory to all concerned. J' Indian Runner Duck eggs ' $1.00 per. 13. : Mrs. LX. Tallant. 'clock to c noon on May SOth'lSHJn Columbus . (J. 'foil collect said-irdebtness OWin P of land lying and being in County, North Carolina, in n township, known as the lot P. Livingstone' purchas JJ. H. Pain and bounded S)ut p Beginning at the kit corner "f the Bruton J Northern side of Trade h T4 runs with the line of h .Street S. 59 07" K 1 08 04 1 e thence N. 33053- : I sald .ei lsjl,; ;t0 a stake; - thence. unders;s or t thence S 3353" W.243 Waf tne beinninK corner, - -n'n -596 acre more or les B" ' Q'Jeen, Mortgagee. y McD. Ray, his Attorney! ls,29th day of. Apiil 1914. ; Stale-of,Nurth Cflrt'lina, v County, of lblk. HyvifU cjiia!efiel as Atlmiuistrptor of jLlitf' Hstau- cl Huinvhiis f'fcpap cd. AH persons iiaving claims against said Hstaie are herci notified 10 prefer. r Ihetn duly proven to il.e unde resigned Adminis trator wi dim twelve 12 Jniomlis from tlc 10th day of April. otherwise tliii 110- liee will be j.Iead iu bar of, their. re overy. ALo all persons' owing . said ' Klate Te leqtie.-stftl t make settiemeni witii said Ad iiijtutr fot same. . ' '' This toiii day of ApU 1914. - J. L. Jackson, . Administrator.-'' : MAlpl MONEY . ; Turn, your FALLEN" TIMBER into DOLLARS The American Friction Teed Saw Mill will do it. - Utilize ths Waste. Makes perfect Lumber thousands in use. A m': profitable Investment-. 6, Sizes. Other Machines which make money foe the user,. American Suing! a Midlines, Three sizes, $6.00 and up.: 44 Lath & Slat machine; .marles laths, slats & crating stock. " Empire Bolter, for thort Ibg sawing. A truly wonderful machine. x m'- American. Planer & matcher; works flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. ; :v''- Ak for catalogue of the' most complete line of saw mills & wood-working machinery made. j American Saw Mill Machinery Company, . -" ' Hackettstown, New. Jeksey. First ' 37""" -J . Requires . . M': Small KlCTm-- " :: It ' Power; PMr?li moved IffiW Containing 40 acres mostly forest, i - A small farm of 25 acres one -nlii fw acres cultivated, a log cabin . shel-; Efro'm LynnK no budding tbut good lau4 tef. 'olne'TruirtreeV:a'i fci - a vineyard or fruit growing. ,t Small arm,7smayiprice... A 3 acreitractadjoiningy OkiHaH' hotel grounds on the South " in 'th very Heart of the village, yet a" most nly. 3 minuted?; and depot - $6on. buys a Cosy 4 room Cottage on a loo "fo t front lot on Auto thorough-fare, Call in ami iuv'csigaii this bairgniuV , I . ; secluded. spot onl " " " " , i v;alk to.j)ostoffice, stores . , - : . c ... . ... 1 A 7 room modern cottage aad iiso. A 60 acre improved farm, with build- . ... . & :j s". , ' . . , essary out buildings In1 a grove-of over, liigs in good working order, low price. . . . j 00 large pme and oak forest trees: " ' -' V ' . 4.-4 :S: The': warmest in winter and the. coal- Some Stoi o- properties on Trade street Tryon, nov wel! rented, food, bjisi ncss Ibcaticns. For income invest ment these proparties merit inspec tion, : ' . . . ; : .; . v '- .. , : Particulars .furnisied, or premises istown anytime, wjon request. A gentleman's Home place of 3 1-2 acres, 8 room commodious house, com fortably furnished, built' on higb gr oundi extensive views, steam hectF water supply, 5 room servants cottage, stable, garden and; fruit trees, in best of condition, one-half mile from Tryon pestoffice on main thoroughfare. For gale at a bargain- price, further par titulars at interview.5 " - FOU SALE. Melrose ''Avenue residence, 10 st in shinier of any Abode in Tryoni ' ' V ' " ' ' :' : - v A mansion and- its appropriate out- . fit cf buildinjjs biiilt . f?w . years ago for owners' use, is1 now offered for sale or to rfcnt;located on the . How' ard Gap road half mile ..fiom Lynn village and only 2; miles to ' Tryon. Overlooks, the charming. Pacolet val ley and commanding a-Hne mountaiji.; view. About 12 acres of good land, eoms woodland, ani ideal place to es-. tablish a popular summer, and wir ter resort, Boarding, bouse ' in the nidsi of. everything attractive in na ttire. .Very reasonable terms. . f- 400 acres of Thermal Belt land," iu: ,',- jne tract on the southern slope ot, Tryon mcuatain, ' mostly T in forest. t-rnwth of valuable timber trees. Has' rt om . commodious houe,:-city wa- SpVerai SOod : benches; Hcres in width, ter supply, stable, on a fine big lot, j s' never failing branches course down 20j) feet front, and 220 feet deep. ! the mountain side, through this pro rT.;,: vf :i?'n,i,' a v t. ' nrtv to thfl Pacolet river. For vine- further particulars. V :;' '. vards, orchards' or stock raising," this -fact has special advantages. . . r "We are. now- ful ly, stocked fwith SPRING G00D3, IK. HAPvDWA EE, : FAEM IMPLEMENTS, WISE FENCE, - - - - . - . ;" ' . . ' ; . " ' . : ., . ... 1 -i , .. ' fc - ' ..: POULTRY NET ITITG, SCREEN WIRE, AD35IMSTRATOira A'ftXICE. Haying qualified cjs administrator oi -.,... . iof!np.fd. late of Polk y. ; - ,. t r.ntifv all ter- i SST EVER KNOY7N.; county, iv., w- r v ns bavins claims against the ostaco to exhimt enpm rtJ on or before the 27th dcy of March iyA or nia ,uul,VB fci pleaded in tar of tlioir, recovery. , All persons .indebted to said estate vi.l trfeaso'ru&o imme'JIuie "raymen: ' TJiis 27th day of March, 1914. j ' ' El B.. CLOUD, Admlnfstiator.' TIN, GLASS AND CROCKERY. WARE, ETC., A? PRICES LOW- GASH HARD WARE CO. . . v . .- - . v ' ' .TryopN. V, . Tha man'beblndtli Steven" cannot help hit-. ' ting; the mark, u these firearms reprcnt A.CCB- ;ruey, Kellabilitv nd DaraMUty to the highest degree Kttainahle. Sterens i'inearmt re yielding: satisfaction wherever used, and are f aTorablyknown the world around. Our line is moat extenatre and varied ene, consist ing of : Rifles Pistols, Shotguns Tonr dealer handles the I Send for 128nagw fUn fiteveit. lfyon .cannot obtain them, let lis know and we will shi iirect, txfrtssprtp upon receipt of price trated catalog. . If Inter-. ested in shooting:, it is - indispensable to yon. Mailed free, anywhere, Upon request. 0 Onr interesting posszle is a hard nut to crack but not impossible to scire. Sent anywhere upon receipt of two 2-cent stamp. Address. Pnwile DenaHment"- J. STEVEM3 ARKS & TOOL CO., Chlcopefl Fella, Mass. r - W ocd's Stxperior ats1,. are choice, recleanfrdV Keavy seed grain. We ofcr all tli2 tU and mojt prouuc-; tive kinds for spring seeding; - -f , , T6xas Red Ru?t Proof, Sweciish Select, 7 -x 1 Bancroft, &pple?, etc. Write for prices and samples. Wood's 1914 Descriptive Galafcg gives specially full akd valuable, irJox matiorl about : . " . Spring Oats, Barney, i Grasses and Ctovers, , Seed Corn, Sorghum, . , t Cow Peas, Soja Beans: also about all ciher j ranri and Garden Seeds. ' . Catalog mai!irev , Write for 'T. W. WOOD iGrSONS. Seedsmen, - Hichinczid, Va v. t. ." - VJ '"

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