' 7 ' v"V Nr - , K , - ""'',. t y ;"AV-' 233 POLK OOULjrir ri at nj q . t ... - M - x VOL. XX. NO. 8. , SALUDA, POLK COUNTY, N C; FRIDAY; ' 'JULY 3,: 1914 '- ... V ESTABLISHED IIAYi 1891 ' -a, .f v ... ' -" : . --J I rl lis '' DR. S. W. STRATTON c-ffupi W. Stratton, chief -bl federal bureau of standards,-; pre; iedover me iicuv ,. ,i,hti and measures in Washington. is a graduate 01 me university oi pou. SPLIT DISCUSSED 1T FOR flLLEH, 18 OTHERS CONSPIRACY W ALLEGED iN W DICTMENT RETURNED BY THE v :: j :- '4. G RAN D JURY. S o MORE. CHARGES ARE MADE Eighteen . Persons ndietVd " Under a Number of Different Counts :; Bank Ar InclUdecL CambridgC -Two ESTRANGEMENT OF TWO LEAD ERS 13 REOPENED BY AGENT PESQUEIRA. IT IS USELESS TO DENY" iai Statement That he Did Not Cause Arrests, Wat Not Believed Y . By Any. . 8 V E Paso, Texas. Discussion of. the amnza-Villa estrangment '"was . re- peaed by Roberto Pesqueira . confi- fflital agent for the Constitutional- a here. He gave out the text pf ft elegraa In a serfes !"6f conamunica- pu with General Villa, in which he Irrlticised the Northern military zon Wmaiider for denying the arrests. by P troops of National Constitution flirt officials at Juarez and tjie confls htioa of National treasury funds iere. -Vv I Pesqueira told General Villa that he jwsidered it useless to deny "the pal facts so well known heTe at J border." General - Villa's answer f this telegram, sent, June ?Q,.;has f y arrived. Pestiueira " dlso is- pa a statement assertine Villa was pouaded by certain persons, some? were the direct cause of the fters that befell the administra tor President Madero." aeirag teteeram to Villa- tol- w telegram couflrms my belief lOValtT and notrlnHom nno C1jents that have caused comment ina . ... v8s have been the violent U treasury dfnartmonta onH fha hn . mitary authorities of K i u6 taken Possession of -the rQs that rightfully hdnTi th r rai treasury sn tho u i t,. Fce rightful thinkIng people of fein '0I vour declaration, lew erQ at the border. I. verily. rfe that if you liberate L Lr0w held an M the funds -of Lf ?7 are returned the exclte- ki 1 a" doubt that now prevails Dc-nn-i.. uu to me : Mass. Eighteen . oer- sons, including Jharles S. Mellen,: for mer, president, of the New York, 1 New Haven Hartford .- and the Boston & Maine Railroad Companies, Frederick S. Mosely of F. S. Moselev & Co.. Boston brokers, theTate Ralph D. Gil lett of We&tflejd, and the investment committees of the two savings banks of this ; city, were indicted by the Middlesex County grand jury on var ious charges in connection with" the financing of the - Hampden Railroad from Bondsville to , Springfield.1 Mr. Gillett waa president of , th Hamp den Raitfoad; ; ; . . t , The railroad was built a year ago as a t link to connect the Central Massachusetts,, division. of the Boston & jvialne with the New York, New Haven & : Hartford , Railroad - but never has keen operated, an attempt to obtain the . Legislatures' consent to its ; lease to the Boston' & IhlaizLe having failed. ; ' J . : 1 Th indictments V against " Messrs. Melien, Moseley and . GUlett " allege conspiracy to induce the .investment committees of the two banks- to lend a total of $45,000 to the corporation The ncs seCurine the loans were endorsed - by . the Hampden Invest ment Company , organUed , by Mr. Gillett to finance the construction of he I railroad, ' which1. cost , approxi mately vS4,00OJ0OO. " - v 4 The investment committee of - the East ' Cambridge . Savings : Sink is ndicted ' on three , counts of con spiracy to ' lend ' sums of $20,1)00 $16,000. ard $5,000 to the Hampden Railroad - Company. Similar. indict ments were' returned against, the in vestment committee of the Cambridge Savings Bank, the amounts named be ing $25,000 and $2050. .,, Frederick S. Moseley was indicted also' on six counts lnrolving the alleg ed larceny of flans , amounting : to $112,500 from the banks, and . Mr. Melien. was indicted as . an accessory before, the fact off five of these' counts. Ten other counts allege that Mr. Melien Moseley afcd i Gillett, "con spired to steal and did steal," various amounts involved Jn the transactions with the two banks, j Members of the Moseley brokerage firm were' Indlct edoh eight counts charging conspir acy to steal. . : District Attorney. Corcoran said that the actual amount loaned by the two banks to the Hampden Railroad Cor poration was only $45,000 Dut as each of-the notes had been renewed several times, a separate indictment had been returned for each renewal: many ore- v r 9 r- . o his vt 7 nerai Villa incident PHas 1 t0vi0US Zacacas campaign 01 hd time to answer tMis r-'csraci." t . . L x c&queira sam. . nut that he given orders that all employes carried to prisoners will be al- V. re9; Tluve formation -"a i n ton..: . "unast r"uua him as i. M ' " m thoi ' aLt?iy 10 return i to 'exer- 'ttarez . .s poctive functions -v- at Nt-aiif, , that he has' ordered mttniw v , ana valuables which helo D to the National Con be returned a Sick . u'v;K Rat. Waai,;-. c vn uecreaae. h troor.fn-rThe sick rate kmong m J,L ' vera Cruz for the week Re fl.. & ' as 2.03 npr rent fr iues. . T '-d0 Per cent for the uecrease under tha" 11 A . sPns." " analysis of the lates leaartn, stafement from.the b ?? 43 sick , in Of tho S8 ' sick sick, 52 L in quarters, total 60 a ro in. ii . i . . tSasc tg h J jury. There U lki - U ,11 n - ' " ' ' - estiW difllmarked crease in the MSENORITA HUERTMSE ' ' " GftBRANZAtWANTSli illiS9Prity tel Bectoiy in the Land of , the wSky--Charmlng You will make no mistake in selecting : TIL1ET0 CONSIDER and Captivating SceneryLife . - .i uivmg uzone. HA8.REPLI E D TO JHE N VITATION TO ENTER J NTO AN I N FORMAL SALU DA HIS REPLY THE TEXT OF : r.;. .... ,. . . :. : Wants to Have Consultation With Hit Generals Before Announcing Medi- Si-atlon t Pollcyf-f'Ff:?? Perched on the edge of the Appalachian t plateau, wiGr altitude of . 2,250 feet, and approached from the south, by a-steep grade that calls for double locomotive service from Melrose, a, few miles", disr tant, is Saluda, the second point of In terest on the southern , approach vof The Land of the Sky.M,The ascent is made amid scenes of absorbing inter est, , dark and repelling forest, being . replaced . in ' quick, succes sion ;vby sunlit .openings, where passing glimpses can be caught of the flora of this most " exquisite section. Rocks rise -suddenly to- alarming heights above the railroad bed, almost one of these excellent places to sped your, vacation, in 'The Land of the Sky.'r ",. . t -v. . - The Carolina Mrs. W. C Robertson, Proprietress.; Central location; Baths. Commer cial rate $2 per day. Weekly rate 1 to $8.- ' : SALUDA, N.' C. The Charles Washington. Gen; . Venustiano , Car- within TearW.nf trtT4 t.VoioV ranza. first chief of thA MTlan dnni . --i x.ix,.-- ?a"5tai replei the Pidity to gorges through -hich dash tTF" "?;uo.a ior -.participation vj i some bold mountain stream on its way his agents: in an informal conference This charming: -youne miss is, the win representatives of General: Hne ine its inira aausnier or trenerai nuerta. sn i ... uuhbu owvLtsa cimcerauisc TTr - and Viqt-q --.on- ha .o i, o-i, is bright and liVely nd too young; to i DJans for a provisional government in glimpses of the recently constructed Rat' casumpUves taken. be oppressed by thei political rouble lt4CVv' as5 iaai ne De given time and splendid automobile road connect- V MRS. J. W. LaMOTT Rates: Commercial $2 : per Weekly $7 to $10. Special day. Family of her father. SALEM, MASS. HAS 820,000,000 FIRE ONE THOUSAND i BUILDINGS STROYED, 10,000 RESIDENTS Made Homeless. FIREMEN ARE POWERLESS Conflagration Started From Explosion ' in Leather Factory and - High .Winds Carried Sparks.;" itr cyosuK Wltn niS' generals. -. - . me the South hmnrt k aranio lan. arranzaK H . was learned scape of wonderful loveliness with the l5t6?VCO-municatIon tnat becatlse of Rock, Hendersbnville and Asheville, u.-pia or uaaaioupe .unaer T which to the Tennessee line, and tnereis not he 'waa chosen first chief of ,the "Con- stitualists,, it vwould be necessary j not filled with' promise of beauty, uviunvio comer with nis associates nrriniv fulfilled hn' the, iatca before entering such important negb- reaches his destination on the sum- tiauons. . Unit . Accepiance or any proposed provis- The accomnlisnment of tn asp.e.nt iOnal government to succeed Huerta, brings not only fulfillment of promise he . said, , necessitarily might require pf yearnings after the beautiful," but some cnange in the terms of the with it comes a sense of relief from uuanaioupe . pian and this could not the depression brought on by the ' be done without the- consent of jra- heated sdoII in th . lowlands. .. Th rlous military leaders in the Constitu-1 uonaiut CtovemenL heights nlavs in constanf currents la- j uenerai uarransa is said to have den'with: wealth- of life-giving assured the mediators he would has- ozone, and the incense of flowers, and (en the jioposed consultation with his ; there heyer occurs a night during "the cnieis. some or the uonstitutionai-1 hottest season of any year, when warm ists representatives . in Washington! covering can be dispensed with. The 'SALUDA, N. C. ..." - , Melrdse Inn A quiet and delightful jfamily hotel. Modern. Raies v upon application. ' - SALUDA, N. ;C. Poplar Glenn , J. L. RENTZ, Proprietor. x 1 saludX n. a - Large outside rooms. Hot and cold Salem, f 'Mass.-Nearly half thr-Old Kill een inflcencfed to ' look iwlth favor ron he proposal ter confer; wlth...the United lates .v.. commissioners., and - Huerta renresentatf vas. "flthftrs. however: are- wucn city or baiemricn to historic not W cwlain of this outcome and buildings and tradition, was devaSUted I they; insist that, whateter happens, uy a ore uiat causea an - estimatea the militarr eamnaim asrainst Huerta, loss or zu,uuu,vuu. a tnousanu puna-1 iif be pursued , with renewed ylgor mgs were aestroyea. lnciutting a score I toward ;Mw-:.atyCwlth';AJraafl or manuxacTOnng estaDiisnments antt CaUentes, San Luis Pottfsi and Quere- maae iu,uou or the 4&,00Q residenu taro as the rtext objeotive" points-of me re voiuuoniais -armies. insist tb' General CarraM with never-failing baths. Delightful breeze. Mountain BRITISH WILL LEAVE MEXfCO. homeless: The fire originated ; In . the Kom Leather Facctory on the west side of the city about 2 o'clock, in 1 the after noon and swept through the shoe and charm and ; variety, and' the visitor to Saluda need never be at a loss for points', ot delightful "Interest: lit .'quest of which-to utilize the .rapidly stored energies . evolved from existence in this bower of joy and health. - .saiuaa is an up-to-date and pro gressiye town, with possibilities "that are apparent at a glance to one-who i cares to look. It. Is . makings rapid strides, and keeping " pace, with i the startling development apparent throughout this entire beautiful and favored section, but to-the thousands who Tisit its hospitable . hotels and ooaraing nouses witn unraiimg con- spring water.- Rates r $l to $2. Spe cial, to families,- Many" perplexing elements have de veloped in the- situation, : however, among them being, the ap parent dis agreement: between Carranza's agents leather manufacturing district, ruining! here over, the Recent break with Villa stancy year after year, its quaint and every, building in a curving path two and the publication of the statement quiet allurements irow with each re-' miles long and more than a half-mile Attacking General Angeles, authorized turning season. wide. by Alfredo Bracenda, ; General car- "There is more ozone in tJie atmos Burning embers, carried by a strong ranza's personal- aide; who- came to I phere in and around,' Saluda than at r northwest wind, started fires in two wasnington rrom saitmo ior mis pur- i other, points n the range of the Blue pose, - ,v,'--v-'; ; " . 4..-;-r- The Esseola , - MR8.:a. K. CAMPBELL. , -Pme View. ' 'Lithia Water: Convent iently located. . Rates: $8.50 to $10 per week. ; . j SALUDA, N. - ' t - t Pace House other sections, the fashionable resi dential district adjacent. the La fayette street, and. a manufacturing and tenement house - district on the peninsula, . bounded by Palmer's Cove; South River and the water front , Late in the evening brands kindled a fourth fire in the plant of the Salem Oil Company in Mason street. The oil tanks blew up with a terrific report and showers of sparks fell threaten HEIR TO THRONE K I LLE D. Arch Duke : Francis ' Ferdinand and Wjfe Victims of an As V sassin. '. Sarajevo, Bosnia-Axchduke Fran cis Ferdinand, heir to Austria-Hun garian throae, and the Dutchess or Hohenberg,1 his morganlc wife, were Ridge. Mountains owing to the condi tions created by the currents of air from , the higher altitudes in passing into the Tryon Valley below Saluda.'. From Engineers reports to U. S. Geological Dep'L Tucked away among the- TRYON . foothills . of - the Southern .j Appalachians, 1,350 feet above sea level, on a gently .undulat ing plateau pf exceptional beauty and I tnrw on narf of th town thai . hA. shot dead by a student in the main r B'J r W I . -..'....', 1 L 1 iJUi l 1 i - M fore had not been In imminent dan- street or tne uosnian apuai, a suuu iuihj, uiouBmS yujage oi . . . .1 ttA tiaav hoil oaanAfl death I Trvon. one of the most deliffhtful all- ger. This, nre, nowever, was cnecKeu at- r , " , --- - - v British Minister Advises Compatriots to' Leave the Country Mexico City. Sir Lionel : Carden, British Minister,- advised all British subjects temporarily to leave' Mexico.; He said the shortage of fuel used in the operation ot . trains was becoming more acute daily and that the trams probably soon would stop -running which would make difficult the depart ure of persons in the Interior. , Sir Lionel said he believed, it to .be his duty, tc urge all British subjects to leave th e Capital immediately, - tie especially advised that the women and children be removed. The Minister declared he had no desire to frighten the'4 members ; of the British colony. He said he had -not ordered them to go, such a course only- being. advised. ; Eight hundred British subjects are registered at the legation as now re siding in Mexico City. ! ;'" Thfegatidn was crowded with British ubjectsl? .-'A meeting of the members of the British colony, was called for the afternoon with the ob ject of making arrangements for those who decided to depart. after It had destroyed the oil com- L pany's plant and 13 houses. When the flames were under control at 11 o'clock at night all.' the historic and literary landmarks had escaped destruction. These included the Pea- body JVtuseum, Essex Institute, custom house, where Nathaniel , Hawthorne did much of his literary work and the "House of the : Seven Gables' made famous by the novelist. : ; Thousands of homeless were camp ed 4 on Salem common and the city was policed by militiamen. The' great distructlon was due to poor water pressure.' - 7 The burned buildings .include the from a bomb hurled at the royal auto- year-round resorts in American mobile, - The two were slain as they The plateau is pierced by the gorge were nasaine through the city on- their of the Pacolet River, the waters of annual -isit to the annexed provinces which, turbulent at 'times as they tum- of Bosnia and :Herzegovinia. ble down the mountains in their tortu- ;-The"archduke was struck full in the rous course to the valley, shimmer in face and the Princess was shot the brilliant sunlight like a giant rope through-: the abdomen and throat, of silver. Fletcher in v Washington. Washington. Rear Admiral' Fletch er reported to Secretary, Daniels on his return from Vera' Cruz and was later received by : President Wilson. The Admiral ; takes command of the Atlantic fleet, sueceeding Rear Ad miral Badger on August 1. Admiral Fletcher was greeted .very warmly by President; Wilson ;. .who told - him v he greatly admired his conduct at Vera. Cruz and 'the' conduct of all the offi cers and men under; him. V Secretary Dniels said Admiral - Fletcher would remain ia Washington , , - : They died a few minutes after reach ine the Dalace to which - they were hurried. ; Those responsible for the assassina tion too kcare.-that it should prove effective ' PrinxiD and a fellow conspirator, a onmnnsHnr from Trebinje " named This lovely i hamlet which looks for all the world' as if it were a bit of English landscape transferred to the heart of -heroic American mountains, forms the lower gateway to the "Land of -the Sky" and the ,"Sapphire Coun try.", It is ', the first station in North Carolina on the Spartanburg - Division Gabrino vcli, barely escaped lynching of the Southern Railway, twenty-eight hv the infuriated spectators. : .They miles vnorthwest .'from Spartanburg, plants of a score of " manufacturing finally wore seized, by the police. Both I S. C, ; and fory-two miles southeast are natives of the annexed province of Herzegovnia. companies, among them the big rac tory of the : Naumkeag Cotton Mills, twice as many business places, St Joseph's Roman' Catholic ChuTch, re cently efected at a cost of a quarter Of:v a million dollars,.-: iu .uiyudu r, orhans fatallv in Uot 9A r00Moti.M WBIB'.auicu, uuy i-v.--r- - Negro t Excursion Train TTnokinsviUe. Kyw Two Wreced. trainmen I jured : and many negroes" hurt . when a Asylum . and' more - . ' - ' J. ' 1.1.11 J t MM K M and tenement umm. . -- nnrslon train on the Louis these residences were coipmai nouses Na8hVille Railroad, whicn-anisisiiavBu.iu tu u tuo spreading' rails A. i thnt - oihltattllTQ in T no I . " nneSl Ljri"3 Ul. kuav cuvmwvvi.ufi country. was. three Wounded by Mayor Mitchel's Pistol. New York. W. HReyncJfds, a form er state senator, may be confined , to St. Luke's Hospital fo ra week or more by the. wound inflicted; by the accidental discharge of Mayor Mitch el's pistol, which slipped from its hol ster, and fell to the sidewalk. The bul let entered Reynold's left thigh and shattered the -bone, of a finger. The mayor explained that he was with a narty which 'had been shooting at a j target and that the accident occurred later upon alighting frcrni.an: automobile- " ' . miles south' of Trenton, Ky. . .Paris. Frank Moran," of Pittsburg, who was defeated on points by J ack Tnhnson here-in a 20-round bout for the world's heavyweight' champion- ciin rpstpd tnHar at his camp. John- son also remained at his training Quarters, nursing a badly swollen hand.! He received many- visitors. Johnson attributed his injured fist to the fact that he wore for the .first time four-ounce instead of five-ounce gloves. Johnson has agreed to fight Sam Langfotd .in October.; For this battle he will receive ; $30,000, win, lose . dr draw. . . ' ' ' ' from Asheville, N. C., the route of which follows almost without de via tion from Charleston, S C-, .to t Ashe ville, N. C, the historic Wilderness Trail over which the pioneer' of -early days trekked from the sea to the val ley; of the Ohio. Times, not alone, buf methods, have changed since those days of . the early pioneers. : Now a score of' wonderful railroad trains speed everyday along the old Wilderness Trail, bearing eag er and busy passengers and the ; pro ducts of rich mines and fertile lands Through that great gorge of the Paco let River, in Tryon Township, 'the en terprising citizens ( of Polk County have constructed an automobile boul evard of great Scenic beauty, connect ing the great Southeast with Hendef- sonviiie. Asheville, ana the upper mountain section. ' . ' The Tryon : plateau is situated within a great topographical horse shoe, formed by the mountains which nearly, surround it. The opening of the" shoe is toward v the . Southeast , MRS. H. H. FUDGE, Proprietress. . - .1 L ' . I Rates: $8 per week and upward Beautiful - grcrunds. Tennis ' courts. , 7 SALUDA, N. C. ' ' Iona Lodge : ' MRS. S. S, OEHLER, Proprietress. Located in Saluda, near Piney Moun- tal - Fine water and scenery. Modern house. Rates: $7 and in) Sneclal rates' to families."' . . , y ; The Pines, , MRS. M. E. LEONARD, Proprietress. Hot and cold bath. Central loca- tion. Rates: $7 j and up. Special .rates by the month and to families.1 1 SALUDA, Nl C." The Leland Home ' A delightful private boarding place in avmodern home. Large yard. Hot and cold water - bath.- Rates from $7 to $10 per week. , ; , SALUDA, N. C. - Fairview House I MRS. H. B. LOCKE,, C. . ' ' . , SALUDA, N: Modern conveniences. Fine , loca tion. Good table, fine water, - near postoffice and I library. " No - tubercu- iar patients received, i Terms: $8 to $10 per week. Special rates to parties.' ' v.- " s V A ;i-".j - V