8BE KkPORT LAYS BARE I V:W A ?V, v s," 1 fe ' - Y CORRUPT F.1ETHQDS y- - new.- haven "DUMMY" DIRECT- ORS SCORED FOR PILFERING THEIR CHARGE. MAKE THOROUGH INQUEST v.'--- v. I Interstate .Commission Powerless to Aid Stockholders to Recover Bulk r of the Millions Lost v - tif.' . - .. ' ...'"'" wasnington. The, story of the feckless and ; profligate" financial operations ; of the New Haven Rail- roaa, on or the moat remarkable chapter : In ' the railroad ': history of America and the history of "American finance, was 'revealed in" part by the interstate Commerce Commission to the senate of its investigation of that road. ; It told of millions used 'like stage money, or corporations as pawns in a monster, game Jwith all New Eng land transportation as a prize, which led the New Haven in the ten years just passed from the height of pros perity to the point where a dividend has been passed, where a dissolution suit - is threatening and where . crimi nal. Indictments of many of -the di rectors who figured ; in deals are a least a possibility. Hampered by. unwilling witnesses, by jurned books , and by all the mazes ;wnlch ; lawyers , invented - to cover the trail, the commission estf- Edwani Meyers, a wealtty hotel lonopxxlization "of New England irausporcauon oz xxew Haven stock holders have lost between $65,000,000' and $9Q,000,000, but little of which they ,m4y.. recover. In return, 'the re port said, they ; have on their hands properties -which pay no dividends, which: -eat -into the... earnings of 'the parent road and which will be. a bur den, on Its capacity for many years to come. - Of the present directing head, Chairman Howard Elliott, and Wal ker - D.' .Hlnes, special', counsel, - the report says, "they have co-ooerated with. the fcbmmlssionvandrendered rit substantial, assistance throughout this investigation ,;. .Jhe New Haven combination, rearf ed by Charles S. Mellen and approv ed bv the late J Pieroont Moreaii and Joute to United State: H-Critic l"TtrT. ri -11 u-X i i tmm u . i . GARBAJAL SLATED Polk County Hotel Directory IDRULEEIGO In the Land of the Sky Charming - and Captivating SceneryLife -3 Giving Ozone. -t- Si. ' You will make no mistake In selecting one of these excellent places to sped your vacation, In The Land of the Sky.w HUERTA WILL RESIGN AND HIS - SUCCESSOR WILL BE' , SEATED. HOT PLEASING TO REBELS Crnnza Will Not. Stop Fighting Be y cause Another Leader Takes the Place of His, Present Enemy., ' '-sV .V; ; ' :; t;8hing'ton.---Events in Mexico are shipiag 4hemselyes for a termination of the civil strife that- has kept that country in a turmoil and threatened at' one time tQ provoke . war with the tJnited States. General Huerta against I whom ; the v Constitutionalists have overthrew President Maderd 18 Vnonths .ago; has given up the struggle f at last -. ' v.,v - : k ' A : Perched on the edgfe of Uie SALUDA t Appalachian -plateau;- with. t:fi: altitude of 2,250. iest, and grade'-Uaf calls for double locomojtiy.9 fte 4001111 riOllie service irom Melrose; a lew miles dis- Mrs. W. C Robertson, Proprietress. Central location. Baths. Commer cial rate $2 per day. Weekly rate $? to $8: - , , . : SALUDA, N.,0. iant, is Saluda, the second point of in terest on the southern approach of "The Land of the Sky." The ascent is made amid scenes of absorbing inter est, -dark ' and " repelling" forest, being replaced in quick succes sion by sunlit openings where passing glimpses can be caught of the flora of this most exquisite section. Rocks rise suddenly to alarming heights above the railroad ted, almost within reach of the startled traveler, to give place with just as startling ra pidity to gorges through which' dish some bold mountain stream on its way to Join the silvery Pacolet River-winding its way along the valley below.i ; .Here and there "can be caught glimpses of the recently constructed and splendid automobile' road connect ing the' South-rthrough a scenio land-, scape of wonderful loveliness with the older ; thoroughfares -through Flat The Charles . , - - MRS. J. W. LaMOTT Rates: ' Commercial $2 per day. Weekly $7 to S10. Special Family --rr y v. , , Rates.; No ' consumptives taken. ' . SALUDA, N. - V. "TtSS6? 7 tne: struggle of the .ock Hendersonvllle and AsheviUe; w w J eminent; and cut off from financial o--. t, - , 1Y1C1I UOC Hill Rafael Zubaron Is the . new head of the Carranza junta in Washington. ,. ; 'Taxogh realizes -then mot fllhd wlta. promise of beauty, amply fulfilled, when f the traveler reaches his destination on the sum mit. . -;; ", . :',.V..; The accomplisnment of '. tne ascent brings not only, fulfillment of promise u JLs VAJasuiuiionaust army, augmentea in; Henry B. Harris, widowof -the atrical magnate who went , down a 'the,' Titanic, denies the , widely ited report that she is engaged to 1 Edward Meyers, .; rietor in' Chicago. MEXICO'S SECOND CITY IS CAPTURED I the threshold of the' Mexican capital. Fearful that an invading army may. commit excesses which would end an e- L :. . ' : " -i.uiui&a uui umy. xuiuiiiueni 01 promise jrjne lires; or an innocent population. f yearnings after the beautiful but uiuueairoy. property, persons mnuen- wih it nnmoe- , anaA n.f fmm tiai witu the jhah who has dictated affairs in-Mexico City at owa whim have ; p ersuaded him td abandon . his t GUADALAJARA FALLS BEFORE hopeless position. , "''ComprehenslTe messages to Wash- ingCbn diplomats from Vlegations and consulates in Mexico City thus de scribe '"'the'' situation.::-' ' V Withiha few days. General Huerta IS expected to resign in favor of his. the; depression brought on by, the heated spell in - the- iowlandi The rarifled air,; from - the 'fiurrtunding" "heights plays in constant currents la- nen with a wealth ;" of r life-giving ozone, and the incense of flowers, and there never occurs a' night 'during the hottest season of any year whein: warm covering can be dispentUL.Trhe.- scenery is t-eplete with neiHPailin ' A quiet and delightful family hoteL Modern.., Rates upon application. ' - SALUDA, N." 0. - Poplar Glenn j. L. RENTZ Proprietor. V SALUDA,, N,. C. - ; - " . Large outside rooms. (.Hot and cold: )aths. Delightful breeze; Mountain I tl 1 SEIQE OF - MEN UNDER OBREG0N. WAS AN IMPORTANT VICTORY NOR QUERIDO MOHENO, A ROMINENT MEXICAN v IN-, DICTS PROGRESSIVES; - J3 INVASION IS K CRIME Rebels Are Exuberant Over Success of Arms and See Visions of Oc cupation' of Capital City. 4. ' Saltlllo.v Mex. General; Carranza. was officially advised of the fall of Guadalajara ";beXore, the Constitution; .. r. : . ' " iw --.. j-ll 1 cently r chief : justice of the ' Supreme Court of Mexico. Difllcultles: between the United States and the Huerta Gov ernment were composed at . Niagara Falls Huerta would leave the internal problem to be settled by, his successor. Carbajal' L it is , expected, .would bring the gap from the Huerta regime to a .new provisional administration controlled , by the. 'Constitutionalists He . has, not been active in politics and i anxious for. peace. ; - HORACE H. LURTON, DEAD. ' . --'T-I UtUUU MWVACiOUCl . HID UiXLliaiaSlULi. 1 1 ...... r- . 7- . V .', s l ' ( rrcsiaeni wiison'srfMcy j nds.tO; be clearly In Violation of te ausis iorces. ine news was receivea Justice or Supreme court unexpecxea and Shakes Fist atjFajJ, ; l3h'ernian Anti-trust act and 'a mo- with-the utmost elation at Constitii- lyirccumbs to Heart Failure.. m Cruz. Mptiw iS6t)blvf in bractical control of vthe truz, Mexico. yueriqp - , MO- trahSnortation of: five atatea iormer Mexican , Minister--- of perce and Labor, before depart- on board the EsDaene."' virulent-1 pcised the policy ; of - the United ptoward3 Mexico. As .he- sat in ward, saloon of the . ... French Senor Moheno looked throueh pole toward the. American flag f a vera Cruz and' shook nis ja raze . 'insisted that hA was In a nrtsl- to Produce proofs that there ex- Secret Dlatfnrm' tho PT6 Oartv in V. TTV Pl.t ctl Colonel Theodore Roosevelt puizant and in whiclm he con booking to the diariinllnn nf 'tad the acaulR'tinn iiltfTTiotolir J Lnited States of all the terri- peen the Rio Grande . - and said that Frannleri -irai- wjs Minister of Foreign Rela--Mnw anza'8 Cabinet, has let- Ttllcll t0 him nro . 111 ? Rations, and declar- - to be able to produce r ui only were the leaders of kM hTl1!! Party PWge to this r' "8 added " ... . . uul DOiitir.ia.nn nr and Democratic ' PREPARE TO INVADE HAITI. tionalists , .headquarters .where it was i regarded' as preliminary I to the occu pation 01 Mexico -vty, ltseii. General . Alvaro . Obregon," Constltu Atlantic City, N. J. Associate Jusr tice Horace Harmon Lurton "of the United States supreme court died sud denly, at a hotel here from heart fail- 11 ' '60 t - r uaa Ms.; uut vvnson nimself tn iLi. .... Mence 7 iniquitous cor to.-.;: c!luenced by his atti Secretary Bryan Prevails on Navy , Department ,..to ; MoWiize Blue ". " jackets. " vvasnmgton. -seven Hundred ma rines were ordered assembled at Guantanamo, Cuba, to be held in readiness for service in revolution- torn Haiti and San Domingo. The- Navy 'Department acted at the request of Secretary Bryan, who asked that the fleet be prepared to deal with any emergency that might arise on the turbulent island. The marines will be gathered from those now on duty in Mexican waters, and from the marine barracks in Phila delphia and Norfolk. At Guantanamo .the force will be only-a day's sail from the North coast of Haiti and San Domingo, and their proximity is expected to impress upon the I revolutionary ; leaders , the determination of the American Gov ernment to terminate their activities brf forcible means unless they listen to ! the warnings already given. Hie situation in San Domingo has come to be regarded as almost hopeless of a cure from within, while . in Haiti, are little better. tiohalist commander , in his dispatch I ure superinduced by cardiac asthma. to General Carranza, reported that He was ' 70 years old. " the -Federals had been completely The justice, who came here July! routed and that he was in control of was. in his usual health before retir the entire city including the Federal ing the -night before and nad taken Palace. Five thousand Federals had been taken prisoners, according to Obregon's report and the retreat to ward - Mexico City of those " who es caped had been cut off by troops of the commander of General Blanco, his : customary evening outing on the boardwalk, v Shortly after midnight he complained- of feeling ill ' and al though his physician, Doctor Ruff in, who" arrived from Washington; was summoned immediately, - Justice Lur- detoured from Ameca to destroy the ton died at 5 -o'clock. His wife and Federal lines of communication J son, Horace H. Lurton, Jr., of Nash-- Tryon, one of the most delightful all- . a . I , a LJ,' W '. I A. 1 A ' t mucn ammunition, arms ana supplies vine, renn., were at tne Deasiae. mrs. points of delightful interest, in quest ot which to utilize the rapidly stored energies" evolted from existence in this bower of joy and health. saiuaa is an up-to-aate and pro gressive town, with possibilities that are apparent at a glance to one who cares to look. It Is makm f rapid strides, . and keeping , pace" " with. the startling development ' apparent throughout this entire beautiful :and favored section, but to the thousands who . visit Its hospitable hotels : and boarding houses with unfailing con stancy, year after year, its' quaint, ah quiet allurements grow with each re turning season. : . "There is more ozone in the atmos phere in and around Saluda than at other points in the range of the Blue Ridge Mountains owing to the condi tions created by the currents of air from the higher altitudes in passing into the Tryon Valley below Saluda.' From Engineers' reports to U. S. Geological Dep'U ' 4 .:' - . . ".- Tucked away among the TRYON foothills of the Southern Appalachians 4,350 tfeet above sea level, on a gently undulat ing plateau of exceptional beauty and fertility, is the charming village , of The Esseola MR3. J. K. CAMPBELL. Fine view. Lithia Water. Conven iently located. Rates: $8.50 to $10 per week. ' .SALUDA, N. C. Not a single Want Work For Sufferers. Washington. In response to n ap- kon , 1 hundred million peals male on behalf or tnousanas or au.f. ne United States can men and women tnrown out oi worn. . ouswer as to why I ' ine urv oaicm iu"oi',i vb are wiiann tflUeranhed textile and boot iu vera " ' .-'-,' a and shoe manufacturers of. New Eng t y resIient Wilson' ha land. New York! Pennsylvania, New "icilrr .v --"w I . ... m n.i V of mZ - greatest in the Jersey, Delaware, Virginia ami mrjr- fc -r"cta nations a k land askine whetner tney can give umn.i . ux- i 01 Senor Mohentfs employment to any of these people JW :ore Rerve.. lir-V. is ,7 uase Dy the gov North' n-..: s nit was captured. Horace Van Deventer, a daughter and The Federals were reported scatter- her . husband arrived from Knoxville, ed in all directions and ereat nun-1 Tnn.. arid' other members of the ishment inflicted on them in retreat I family came at once. but no figures of losses on either side were available: Tenn for interment, the funeral par The line of combat, it is stated, ex- ty leaving here at 2 o'clock. It was tended over flyety-flve miles with Gen- at that city that Justice Lurton began eral Blanco in command of Obregon's the practice - of law and lived for 20 advance guard. - General Obregon years. Funeral services were" held personally led the main attack. . there. Chief Justice White and sev For several days the Constitution- eral associate justices of the supreme allsts hammered the' Guadalajara gar- court as well as many friends from rison, which came out from its de- different parts of the country were fenses in i the effort to scatter the - be- present. slftcors. Aftr adisAstroiia :nnnfll.t I " '' " in which the Federals lost ten troop V ' Kicks on McAdoo. trains and mbre than ; six ;; hundred I Washington. Representative Good, prisoners they retreatd, leaving ah Republican, 'of - Iowa, made an attack unobstructed .road to the second larg in the house on the use of govern ment revenue cutters as "pleasure crafts by Secretary McAdoo. Repre- year-ronnd" resorts, in America, The plateau is pierced by the gorge' of the Pacolet River, the waters . of . Which, turbulent at times as they turn ble down the mountains in their tortuf The body was taken to Clarksville, rous course to the valley, shimmer fti. House MRS. H. H. FUDGE, Proprietress. Rates; $8 per week and upward. Beautiful grounds. Tennis courts. SALUDA, N. C. Iona Lodge fMR8. S. S. OEHLER, Proprietress. ' ' . V ." t' . v- r.- -is. .. ,' .V - v -Located 'in Saluda, near Pine v Monn. ttaU v.Ffrieater and scenery. Modern houieS Utes : ; $7 and up. Special rates ' to families. - est city of Mexico. V First Bale of Cotton. ,."' Houston, Texas. The first -bale of 1914 cotton marketed in .; the. United States, weighing 392 poundsJ' sold on the' cotton exchange here for. $500, or $1.27 1-2 per-pound. It classed as strict low middling spotted. It came from Lyford, Texas. sentative Good declared that the reve nue :v cutter Onondaga made regular ! week-end trips "lout of Boston to ac commodate "parties of Democrats J He quoted an article from a newspa per saying Mr. and Mrs. McAdoo had made a cruise to Matapoiset, Mass., in. the Onondaga: - ' J Foreclosure is Desired. St. jlouis, mo. foreclosure AOr a mortgage of $68,666,000 on the St. Must Be Complete Victory, M of i,T,urcna8e by the gov- Chihuahua, Mex. Jenerai rancis- lU Nw '0'0 acres of fna co Villa, in commenting on me pro a Was aTlnrnr. posed retirement of uenerai; nuerta T , anigan Francisco Railroad was commu0i al Forest Reserva- and the creation of ar provision! pres- asked in the United States district k . - wan m ri - . . - l rs t.v Ae acauUiHnn idencv at Mexico City, sam sucn a rnnrt here bv the Guaranty -Trust tn Bunpnlv acts eleven of course would, hot be acceptable either Company 0f New York. The - Frisco 1 Pfti,-.. Yflnnv J -mm. I in niuiAral PorTOnTO Or himself. nO I I. t.s h.nif, fanalirara Thta. f an a tota1' area of Matter who the provisional president t4 1.17S a: tue otaer with an might be. Nothing but an eniry un- tbe tracts Macn county. Uer arms of the Constitutionalist Previou r federal res- forces would bring Jtne . revoiuuou w petition asks that the mortgage be declared' a valid lien against the property- which It covers, which in- Carbajal Was Suggested. New York: That the name of Fran cisco Carbajal, Huerta's'new minister of foreign affairs; was proposed at the Niagara Falls ' mediation conference of provisional president of Mexico was confirmed here by Emiliano Rabasa and Augustih' Rodriguez, the Huerta delegates. They declared Carbajal's name was , first submitted to the con ference by J the American7 delegates and accepted ,by the 'Mexican ! delegar a..., . . ' ..,.1 laV nnHiisloJl. I" . rm.. - : OH as uaiw a man wuo Bwouiaeu- timoer. , I cause must; ue cuiuywi " . u,mm i cent ooaas . issueu m j.vi. . .. .v- the - brilliant sunlight like a giant rope of silver. This lovely hamlet, which looks for all the world as if it were a bit ef English landscape transferred to the heart of heroic American mountains'; forms the lower gateway to the "Land, of the Sky" and the "Sapphire Coun try." .It is the first station in North Carolina on the Spartanburg Division of. the Southern Railway, twenty-eight miles northwest from - Spartanburg, S. C, and fory-two miles southeast' from Asheville, N, C, the .route of which 1 follows : almost " without devia tion from Charleston, S. C; to Ashe ville, N. C, the historic Wilderness Trail over which the pioneer of " early days trekked from the sea to the val ley of the Ohio. - - -' " .Times, not alone, but methods, have changed since those days of the early pioneers. Now a -score of wonderful railroad trains speed every; day along the old Wilderness Trail, bearing eag er and busy passengers- and the pro ducts of rich mines and fertile. lands. Through that great gorge of the Paco let River, in Tryon Township, the en- terprising citizens of -Polk County have constructed an automobile boul evard of great scenic beauty, connect ing the great Southeast with Hender sonvllle, Asheville, and the ' upper mountain section. . : The Tryon plateau . Is situated within a great topographical norse shoe, formed by the mountains which nearly urround it " The opening of the shoe is toward the Southeast f The Pines MRS. M. E. LEONARO, Proprietress. Hot and cold bath.' Central loca tion. Rates:, $7 and up. Special rates-by the month and to families. SALUDA, .N. C. The Leland Home A delightful private boarding place in a modern home. Large yard. Hot and cold water bath. Rates from $7 to $10 per week. SALUDA, N. C. Fairview House MRS. H. B. LOCKE, SALUDA, N. C. ' Modern conveniences. Fine loca iivu vrsvva , iauic axaxu vr nvci $ i m?m postoffice and library. No tubercu lar patients received. ' Terms: $S to $10 per week. Special rates to uartrea.