J- in , . -Uam r-iffrip-A-rff-n supreme court a man over 65 years: niiril nrni IJ llTII II 1 , rrm TCT TT "O.TPlT TT fi s, - IC I III llll 1U L I-f I ' ' - I , - I 'I ' - - - XI III - H. L. CAPPS NOTARY PUBLIC. - . . Legal Blanks for 8alt Office with Q. , C, Bonner & Co. SALUDA, N. C. . , j. B. Maybry Go. UP-TO-DATE v LIVERY, FEED SALES STABLE. AND Saddle and Driving Horses A 8pecUlty With Us. Aoe of Justice Clark May Debar. WashingtonPresident Wilson told Senator Simmons and Overman he could not consider - for. the VI . S.v sunreme court a man over; bo yeara old and would not consider if he could help it a man oer Bixty, yea" f age. This eliminates Chief Justice- Walter Clark, of North Carolinar.for consider tionras he is 68 years old, and.makes TARIFFS RECOMMENDED WILL BE I doubtful the prospects of Judge -B. F. Lone, of StatesTlile. whos friends. HIGHER THAN THOSE OF , . - JUSTICE ACT. . AUSTRIAN OFFICIALS I HOPEFUL THATJVAR WILL BE KEPT IN - - BOUNDS. haw hAPn nrtlTA in his hehalf.1 ; The senators asked the presidents to ; con sider Judge Long whose age Is 62 if TAR HEEL CAPITOL NEWS not go beyond the 60 year limit; Sena- ALL SERVIANS UALLtU UUL tors isimmons. asjcea mm w oxamiuo the .record of Associate Justice Wil? General News of North Carolina Col j uam r. Hen, of . Goldsboro. r AH new pattaxnt. , Stylai that are correct. You that best aixita your the price is the same sdway. n you JS.00 to $8.00 and you are well dressed. Notice the Mr two page ad in the Baturj ETenin i There any town la bo better clothing proposition th&a thi. v . large or small, and we guarantee ererr mh 1 lected " and Condensed From the, State Capital That - Will. Profe of. interest to All uur weaaere. u -' Raleigh. " Lieutenant Governor Daughtrdlge is on dutv here as eovernor for a few Several Sharp Little Fights Havd' Oc- "ciirred Killing arFewwSL,Petera-c Stable -Opposite Depot Phone' No. 18 Finger Lumber Co. Dealers In, Building Material Everything necessary to build a home Phone L Landrum, 8. O. SwannV Livery At Usher's Barn. . TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Saddle and Driving Horses. Hacks meet all trains. Baggage and express looked after with Special Care Phones StaJbU, 100; Residenoe, MB Senator Overman 'presented the en dorsements- of Judge I Clark, which have been - forwarded to him. Senator Simmons brought; forward Judge :A1: len's name, after, the'presldent had announced his policy, of apolntment. In stating his ' obectlon ' to appointing a man over 60, the president is f ol- days while Governor Craig is out of lowing a precedent which he and the the city until August 10 filling -en- attorned - general ; have adhered to gagements for addresses in , Pennsyl- strictly In the making of judicial ap- vania and Ohio. ifr'H: polntments. -r-';y '-i'-- i.c noMtrM aTnMt thst tha A. W. McLean, of Lumberton, and rtA rmfRAinn wilf file its reoort J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh, followed the course In the slightest. on the Justice act declaring what the North Carolina . senators : into the -News: of the formal declaration of intrastate rates shall be as between presence of the president ; to discuss war through the city "before ex- the reduced rates prescribed for ap- Judge 'Clark. . They accompanied the .tra editions of the papers could reach pllcaUon in this state by the act and senators to the White House. After fjw';vndei-V'axid was everywhere the present rates, which are about 24 these conferences Representative Pou greeted with a spirit which might be per cent, higher. It is generally con- was asked If he Intended to, keep his degcrfbed as , close to religious exal- ceded that the rate commission will engagement with the president, when tatlon. -: declare an entirely new scale of rates he Is to accompany a Raleigh. delega Vienna is absolutely without news that will be nothing like so low as tlon to the White House, in behalf of- troop movemenU which the papers burg Is Center of Interest . vienna.The neonle - in the dual' monarchy look forward to , a war with Servia, which formally was dSclared, with a feeling of relief. ' v High officials are optimistic that the war will be connnea to inese two countries. Certain r knowledge that Russia would Intervene, however, would not cause Austria to alter her THE Trybn BALLENGER CO For Everything r . " ... " : NortCirftj Dr. J. E. IlAViTIlOnnE ' DENTIST ref Asheyllle, North Carolina win be at his office over. Orri Store, Tryoa, rrtday and Saturday of ead J.R.RICE300GPAHV the Justice rates. ' : Furthermore, the , rates that the commission will report will not In clude the 25 per cent extra "moun tain division" charge for freights handled on the Asheville. Murphy and Old Fort divisions of the Southern that have been in force for many i years. eiiminsLtAd bv the commission is learned from an authoritative source. As soon as the report comes from the commission it will be sent from' the governor's office in the- corpora tion commission to be promulgated by the commission as the ; established rates for the intrastate freight traffic and 60 days from this promulgation by the corporation . commission the new rates will become operative un less there is appeal taken to the courts by the railroad -companies. There is a strong impression that there will be no such appeal. Judge Clark. He said he wouia Keep the appointments unless he was ad vised by the president that; there is ho hope for Judge Clark or unless the Raleigh people tell him they have given up the battle. Ex-Gov. Jarvls heads the list of en dorsement of Judsre Clark in Pitt are forbidden to print. . A aharp cen sorship has been established over all ' means of 'communication The even-, ing papers published t the followina; inspired statement: "In well-informed circles the view Is held that so far as Sir Edward Grey's proposal to localize the con- That this extra charge will be county, which reached Representative flict betWeen Austria-Hungary and A bv the commission is I Pour " y Servia. the former can declare her self entirely agreed with Sir Edwfcrd Grey's remarks, but regarding what he has said 'concerning the suppres- trvn rvf milltarT ooerations affairs WAV . w - W Successful Combat of Army Worm. 1 ; The department of agriculture con tinues to receive queries concerning . . I h lafA.tltls (tlB ine army worm wmuu fn far to allow. crops In this secUon of the state ana YZ kiMdr ii i. - ..tlM Aimna rT I1UJUUUK W - LA-vintm fmm Belgrade say the .FU.R'NITURE ; No matter what you need it will pay you . N ; to look us over. 2 Solid Gars of Furniture ; just Received W. p. LAMBRIGHT & CO. QZAIl DEPOT ' UHDRUH, U t1 N. Main St Phone tU ASHEVILLE. N. G. Behind in Exposition Plan. North Carolina is far behind In the matter of participation' in the Pan ama-Pacific International Exposition certain farmers. Mr. Franklin Sher man, state" entomologist.: addressed the Farmers Institute Normal in re gard to the methods which may .he used to stop the march of the worm. Mr. W. A. Smith of Neuse. Route 1, recently forwarded to the News and Observer a suggestion which he de clares has been found sucessful In combating the inroads, of the pest. "To destroy army 'worms," -says he, "take, a pitchfork full of pine straw and nut Diles of straws in the rows ...... - 1 m I aillB w Clf -nKinA iinflTinfy Tinrt" to be held next year during 10 months about twenty feet apart .and ahead of iiuiuiiwuii ..M...u Francisco. Various plans have the Worms. Sprinkle "one-quarter We have the oldest plumbing and been looked at in connection with the I pound ' of sulphur on each pile of la the SUte, and. art participation ny mis siaie m ine straw. Set nre to piies oi siraw jusi. greatest of all expositions. - after sundown, when the wind is ' The other Southern States will be 1 calm. This has been found to be a represented but North Carolina, which I successful remedy. - heating hoase prepared to give prompt, satisfactory erric. Call on us when In need of anything in our line. We give free e tlmatea on new or old work. "The Famouo Ford Now that good road building la go lag on all over the county, every up to-date . farmer and business aas needs an automobile. . The Ford car can go anywhera that any other car can go and a good manj places. that the other cars cannot go They cost about half as much to keep mm a horse and buggy. They get yon around about three times as fast, and do not get tired or too hot to travel They cost less ' to buy, cost less t keep, and cost less to run than an other good car on the market. 600.00 for Touring Car. -. $550.00 for the Roadster DR. E. M. SALLEY 81 uda, NL C. -Agent Tor Polk' County. certainly is In the very front rank in opportunity and development, Is very uncertain as a participant at this writing. The. Virginia building is un der construction. That of Florida is arranged forand this Is also the case as to the other states in the South. A telegram from the members of the say Servian capital Is now located at Nlsh where the Skupshtlna (National As sembly met today. All Servians be tween 18 and 60 years,; able to bear arms, have been called out and mob ilization is proceeding rapidly, i : The Mllitaerische, Rundschau re ports sharp fighting along the river Drina where Servian volunteers who attempted to cross were opposed by a untrtan frontier troops. - It -also re ports that Servians fired on their own river transports by mistake, Killing wounding several Servian sol diers. j - ; -V r, The ministry of foreign affairs has addressed a verbal note "to the for eign representatives informing them of the declaration of war and declar ing that Austria will, on the assump tion orslmilar observances Dy servia, Din DUInn Cluha Far Bova. ... hnvo ft ! I .Hhoro in thi nrovlsions : "of - The tha; UnA of the corn Haeue conference of October 15, 1908, L n( , to h formed and the declaration of London of under the direction, of Prof. Dan T. 1 February 26, 1909. Gray, head of the animal industry de partment of the state agricultural Florida commission, which has been aeparxmem ou u-. t some days at San Francisco, is to Mr. Jfror. uray saia ww"V-; W W OUara. who is in charge 4 of for the formation of :ese clubs had the representation by the Southern been completed. The boys will be in stated iTnehalf ;of lie Florida com- structed in .feeding, raising, curinof nTsston It - thanks him for having the ; meaV the growing of crops .for aroused Interest In that stete to bring the raising of Vf about its taking part in this greatest This work-will be done in co-opera-anHest international exposition ever tion With the national " OTernment. A . eraduate of the Pennsylvania State So then the question of the hour is College of Agriculture wfl J polnte in many of the high grade is- ni xTriT-t ramUnn hft renreaented at as the representative oime ueaera noWiHnn . P.lfl scorine a max- tt... A,v.vU r , n norrvnff nn this great exposition, which lasts al- government iu - ; tnis worn. ' . : EFFECTS STOCK EXCHANGE. t Violent decline In Quoted Values of Many of Leading Issues. , New York. Austria's formal decla ration of war against Servia was fol lowed by a violent decline In quoted values, on the local stock exchange preceded by convulsive disturbances at leading financial centers abroad. Price here dronoed from 5 to 15 Ranges and Stoves CASH OR CREDIT. INSTALLMENT PLAN. ' We ire now prepared to sell you Ranges and Stoves and m& the-payments so easy that you can buy and pay for a Range or Ston and not be conscious of . the fact that you have done so. - FIFTY CENT PRESENT FREE. , With' -Wverv two dollar cash purchase made at our storeffortti - TiP.Tt fifteen davs. we will give away. absolutely free, a beautiful m!r ror and hair pina and ladies' dres pins that will cost you fifty ceni anywhere to purchase. - BARBED WIRE, SCREEN WIRE AND WIRE FENCE. At the lowest prices ever known. Don't be troubled via chickens.' dogs and: files when we can supply your every need H .euch remarkably -low prices.- - iv V " ? ' :'vv ICE1 CREAM FREEZERS. This is the season for Ice Cream and we have the celebrated v whit Moiintain Freezer, in all -sizes, at low prices. This freest 'nAmmoTifiA'inn at thfl hands of the public. Every knows what it is." " - FOR ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, CALL ON The Gash Hardware Company TRYON, N. C. The Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N.C. most ten , months and which, is esti mated to be attended by at least 15 000,000 people. Governor Craig says it is the South' and North Carolina's opportunity to show itself. - - - SALUDA PLUniDHlG GO. r.f v... ; . tJ . The State Laboratory of Hygiene Is junn i. UAifto, tin rrcnuvnb Practical Plumbing PERSONAL ATTENTION WORK. TO VOD All Work Guaranteed. ' Estlmatea Furnished Free. v -Members Saluda' Board of Trade Corner MAIN and HART STREETS The n in ita neck with orders for anti typhoid vaccine. Everybody seems to want to be immunized against ty phoid. The laboratory people haven't time Just now to even count ' up the number of treatments-sent out, but they estimate, that it averages about 9,000 doses a week, or enough to im munize about 3,000 people every week. Within another week they hope to catch up with their orders, and after that they will be able to fill all ? re: quests the same day or the day after they are received. Governor Touring Several States. Asheville. Gov. Locke Craig " left recently for a trip of two weeks which will be spent in Ohio and Pennsylvan ia, announcing that at the close of the trip he wijl return to Raleigh to take up his . duties at the state uapitai. While away he will make several pub lic addresses, having accepted invita tions to appear at - several cities .- of the states named. During the absence of the Governor, Lieut. Gov. E. L. Dautridge, of Edgecombe county; will be the Acting Governor. sues, uanaaian racinc scormg ma.- imium decline of almost 20 points. Selling for foreign account was incal culable. Of the more than a million shares that changed hands here, it was estimated that fully 200,000 rep resented foreign offerings. , - v " Immediately after Austria's attitude became known there -came "an - ava lanche of liquidation.' The sharpness of the decline betokened enforced sell ing, materially assisted by bear raids. Outpourings continued to the close, a few issues recovering a small part of their loss. . ; Foird sent out free ot charge. Glass Jars For Exhibits. fc - Curator - Brlmley, of the state mu seum, has a large supply of large and attractive glasscars in which to place fruits and other products for intended The vaccine is display at ;the Panama-Pacific expos!-, possible. Will Not Filibuster Against Trust Bill. . Washington Senate Republicans, in conference, decided not to filibuster against the trust bills; They are op posed , to them and . will r say so in speeches but thir main purpose is to bring abeut adjournment as soon as tlon. Car A great many people have Fords and more of them . wish they had Fords. Now is the time to. buy, and the supply is limited. - - Call me on the telephone and I can supply you with a Ford. , E. M. SALLEY Agent SALUDA, N. C. General- School Funds Are NeL I New Outbreaks of Army Worm; Holding that' under the. general .New outbreaks of the army worm, school law the pro rata share of tax the crop pest that has given consid receipts due ' the county education erable concern by its : presence v in funds-is net and is without; "quallflca- nearly a dozen-counties, of the state tlon for payment therefrom- of v any the past two weeks, were . reported part of the expenses of making ipthe to the state department of agriculture tax figures, Judge Bond has ruled in from Wayne and Duplin counties, the the case of Wake County Board of localities being Dudley, Wayne coun- Educatlon -vs. the County : Commis-1 ty, and Weekfiville, Duplin county, slohers that the county education fund I The department " officials ' are-1 still is entitled to $5,16$ additional funds much Inclined, to the opinion that the that the county commissioners had pest will not gain any serious headway. J. A. BOLICH, Jr, . : . - Ad NT -Sifi: KAHN BROS. The World's Greatest Tailors. v Suits from 15 up. Trousers 44 and up, - - . , . v. Bee, me at i - Saluda Pharmacy withheld on the ground that , the school fund should bear its expense. Work . of Assessing' Corporations. ' v . In their work of assessing the taxes in the. state as it is being promptly eradicated wherever it appears. Text of War Declaration. ' Vienna. The text of the,' declara tlon of war follows: "The Royal Gov ernment of Servia not ho ving replied In a satisfactory manner to the note remitted to it by the AustrO-Hungarian Minister in Belgrade on July 23, 1913," the imperial -and royal Government finds Itself compelled to proceed it self, to safeguard its rights and inter-. ests and to have recourse for thl3 pur pose - to force of arms. Austria-Hungary considers itself from this , mo ment in a state of war with Servia." PER GEI1T PAID OH SAVIMS. Strong . ' Gourteous . Progressive EVERY BANKING FACILITY -It has been the" constant endeavor of the management j babk to furnish every possible facility for the conrenlenci positors. together with absolute safety for their money. i An Account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to. poration, firm, or individual raquiring the best banking f We aolicit your, account. . C. R arrow. President. 8U',"b" W. CRobertsorir Vice President H. B. Uani J ARMAtf SALUDA PH O. R. LITTLE, President Mr. Broughton In California.. IMr. J. M. Broughton, who is spend- Cows Like Tango. Tunes. Port Jervis, N. Y. A committee 'of farmers has announced that the tango agaihst.the 5,000 or more corporations I jng some time in California, and who I airs played in phonographs make the in the staten now unaer .way tne cor: i3 now at Mill valley, a suDUro oi poration commission is touching these gan Francisco, writes to his son, Mr. institutions in most "vital; spots" and j. M. Broughton, Jr, of this city that they are squirming considerably. at the probing and assessments that. the commission s Is making is indica ted by the increasingly large number -of the heads .of : these Corporations that are coming to Raleigh from day to day "to see -the commission on a Uttle matter of business." This work will not be completed before Sept. 15. : that he is taking hikes and .auto trips oyer the mountains. The tempera-, ture there he says Is like -that- we have; here during - the Thanksgiving .season. One of the interesting fea tures of this trip, he'says, Is the? meet ing of old acquaintances who went out there Jn '49 and remained. He expects to return about September 1. cows give more and better milk. They are now endeavoring: toascertain which tune the cows .like thesbest- Who Would Do. Menial Work? - Chicago. ;"If 1 we", get ,a race made up entirely , of Sir' Isaac Newtons and Charles Darwlns," who . would remove the' garbage r asked Professor Towner of the University of Chicago in a leo ture on "Heredity and . Eugenica." Exclusive Distributors; s - ;rims Bull Dog Segars, Victo. trolla arid Record Crouchs m .Vlliv : VJitlt 1T IUWC13) vuv; - -. :: V team, Temptation Choooa ' Pfc-rbtbn D2asrf.iiiaf In Charffa of Rsristarad ?hjr ;:j PcUn end Proprietary Wedlcinet by Parcel Pod " J)