son polk ootoot'b m'rio czzjSy -r; . 4lR; i Jb2YJ; elw:?. : . :;: wt mo. 13. 8Ai,DDA;;poLi.o6miT!r,'n. 6, feiday.'.atoust 7, i9ii . vv esti I r .v r. ,. 7 : 1 i H I hr A...N n ... I tne Land of the Sky Charmlno I YV . . ts SiWff - a n o n jf .V - : - I I llf. ULI IMII " LL ULII captivating Scenery-LIf :Ujr-tR mallow- - - - v : cSL' Z.r Sfw-. n 100 TO AID : THOSE IN EUROPE m . . i mmm - v V' , W ""J'- V FULY PREPARED WAR IF' DRAWN INTO- - EMBROGLIO. Perched on tbe edge of tlia Appalachian plateau, -wltn . - altitude of. 2.250 feet, and approached from the south by a steep Tea In telectlna se . excellent placet to tped your vacation,- In TTh ib- Land of the Sky." tant, is Saluda, the second point of In terest on the southern approach ; . of MM. -P . ' ml a . Ma U ' m . - I 1 ine ijana 01 me ary." The ascent is 1Mb UtKMAM bttK PtAUt pPWe amid scenes of absorbing Inter- being : replaced in . aulck succes- ...... . -r' ' passing glimpses can be caught of the flora of this . most ' exquisite ' section. grade tHat calls lor double locomotlTe I he UafOllTia rlflTri A ox vice uMia meirose, a low mues Gis- Mra, W.'Cj. Robertson, Proprietress. - bral location.. Baths. Comnio cial rate $2 per day. Weekly rate IT to S. Effort to Induce the British to d Hold Aloof Price of Neutrality SALUDA, N. & ILL tiOndon.---Great Britain - has mobil ized her forces ; and ' awaits events. She is not a belligerent power nor she a neutral - one. ' - VThe "government has: given France .assurance that the British fleet will not permit the German i fleet to at tack the French coast." ' It has not yet Rocks rise suddenly , to aiartnl-ng heights ,aboye. the railroad bed,' almost within reach of the startled traveler. to giro place with just as startling ra pidity to gorges through' which1 dash some bold mountain stream on its way to join the silvery Pacolet River windV ing Its way, along the valley below. Here and there can be caught glimpses of the receniiy . constructed and splendid automobile road conniect- pledged Itself to contribute an army ing the South--hrough a scenic land- to wie v,onunen-cai ?war. ; : v sc&ta of ;WoBdrfnl IataHtim! xHh , v 'ine Britisn government regards older thoroughfares r through Flat with the deepest vdistrust Germany's Rock. Hendersonville and AsheVillA. violation of Belgium's 'neutrality, but i to' tne Tennessee line, and mere is not pnakesfno declaration as to wnere it one inch- of ' uds steen ascent that is RUSSIA CROSSES FRONTIER Is Repulsed In Skirmish Column With Artillery Enters German Ter ritory at Schwlnden. ; Berlin. A Russian column of artil lery, has crossed the. German frontier at Schwlnden,-southeast of Bialla. Two squadrons of Russian Cossaks are riding in the direction of Johannes burg, in EaM Prussia, . 15 miles from the frontier; .-y - ' ' ' The Russian patrol which entered TRftllR! TO" fi FT' H 0 fl rt har j2ichenrtatla guara at tne rauroaa onage over tnej Warthe.' ' The attack was repulsed. Two Ger mans were slightly wounded. The above information was given out by the Imperial staff. k Tlie staff ' at the same time said that the invasion near Sohwinden showed, that war had act ually begun, - SMUCH APPROPRIATED FOR HANDED AMERICANS, MORE IF NEEDED. , . . V n Thinks There Are Enough utral Ships to Bring Away the Thousands of Visitor. v i-yy ;,' : - ' ''"r considers mat' ' measure provocation for.war. - . ,. -" ' ; -This pronouncement of government policy the result of two days of al most . continuous deliberations -was made - to - the house of 4 commons late today by Sir Edward , Grey, secretary oTiState for foreign affairs. -There-forethe .trying hotlr of suspense for the .British people is .prolonged in- cennitelv. - not filled wim promise ; of - beauty, amply fulfilled when the traveler reaches his : destination on, the sum mit.- The acoomplisnment of tne'ascent brings not only fulfillment of promise of yearnings .after the beauuf ul, but wrth it comes a sense ; of relief from th depression brought on by the heated spell in . the lowlands. The rarified air - from ; the : surrounding I rurm,n in plays in constant currents, la- ; -; . , - . ' .,: Tne Charles : ! MRS. J. W. LaMOTT dates: Commercial 2 par day. , Weekly S7 to S10. Special Family Rates. No consumntlTes taken. ' . SALUDA. N. a . - Melrose Inn A quiet and delightful family hotel. Modern. Rates upon application, SALUDA, N. a Poplar Glenn s FRENCH ARE CONCENTRATING M ALL UNCERTAINTY OF, WAR - -1 . IS ENDED. ; V A London - is exerting everyjeff ort ; of diplomacy to induce Great Britain to hold aloof - from; the conflict and ; to bring public opinion v to Germany's side. - The cpunsetor j of the German embassy, issued a strong appeal for the neutrality of-Great Britain assert ing ' that Germany would i agree to keep .: her; : fleet; from attacking the noittem(ana,westetri' coasts of ozone, and the incense of flowers, and there never occurs a night during the hottest season of any year when warm covering-can be dispensed with. Tlie scenery is repletelwith never-failing charm and variety, and the visitor , to Saluda need never be at & loss for points of delightful interest, in quest of which to utilize tho rapidly stored , 4. L. RENTZ, Proprietor. V SALUDA, N. 0. ' Large outside rooms. Hot and coll baths. Delightful breeze. Mountain spring water. : Rates: l to $2. Spev dal to families. uhington. Plans were complet 'or the care of Americans in Eu Congress, at the request Of Went Wilson, appropriated $250, to care for the immediate needs erlcans, especially those with- funds. More will be granted if ted. . A French. aviator has been dropping bombs from an aeroplane in the neigh borhood of Nuremberg, Bavaria, ac cording to an announcement made by the military authorities. In making this announcement authorities , added that this action was a crime against perlcans who have letters of .the rights, of man, as there has been or other forms of money credit I no declaration of war. The .Emperor, who arrived ; here from Potsdam was followed " in other automobiles by the crown - prince, Prince Henry of Bavaria, his brother and other princes. Later in the afternoon, Dr. Vdn V . i i uvbuiuiuiu Aivtin v5 buv m P can deposit any sum with the cellor, drove to the Imperial Palace. -qidnment nere and an Em- He .was heartily cheered by the pop- ei CneClt fnr ihA amnnn will ha I . : ; :'."-" : . v"w MW uiace. . ' ; - "i Europe. - The receipt of war news hare gave iy mane permanent arrangements I occasion of enthusiastic : patriotic m financial a-rrnmmnHntfrm t Aomnr,atratnrn. V-- . Fcan citizens in Europe, Secre- . A telegram fmm Koenlgsburg says r Bryan and McAdoo havn or. a naih matrol has advanced to P with New York banking houses I Bfldetweltschen, near Eydtkuhnen, on .-rwU1TJ wun American Em Das-1 the itussian Doroer. woaa. The Dlan was discussed Aether - statement 'declares Russia conferences betvun Rcrtnrr I iw invaAetl Oermanv dnrine a time Secretary . . yi.i ...a. I ilUUUJM W - . ucunUe arranepmanta Viava 1uun assisted by American Embas having them cashed. Instruo ? were issued to American dlDlo- it p officers to issue "ambassadors' p" in exchange for Tetters of cred' mi checks or money orders. C aDd relatives of Americans r wui ships. Army and Navy. sav tv,( L-.. ' ",c" transports are n r ate and manv nn) & will discuss the sutK W. .a rePresentative of the In- rwi Merchants Marine. Stock Markets of "World Closed. New YorkThe vast and r complex machinery of the securities markets th world came to a complete halt for an; indefinite period." It was an occurrence unprecedented; in history. ary believes there are with J1 Eurooe seemmgly v on ; the tin ' u.uvi uiuer ubuu m i vama-Af . . war. - tne uuuuubuum -.- l oci v rn ,v i . a iae v American and other neutral , oervice to tfllra awov hn- I . i..xj ....tora birn wltV hen ; 6 t0 ieave. Tnede- the London market following suit the ! UVuuvouiom.r i XSeW IQrii tiiinimio jyt wiaa juw.v wvw , ui siate nas recAivAfi m mi near vuo woism ui from tVia A - l i . .. knfitans T vlrtllSlllV fjifTi , mcricaa Amoas- worms uuiuiuw uuiuo-b.' , - i rano ir, i i . . ..... i . - . u i.. kii ho tMnv0 v wnica he states that had done so au weea, tur the Ja uo cause lor alarm London marxex was , vye .v citv 7 1 inose no . remain In T tions were nominal - Tne un iomuu ' lUr Iho t a . v. . . I ' m L ...UvlnlrArt h:n. ieves a Fic&eui ana mat neios stocES nere imiiv.-pvvBw -r Americans will h kMa n IW- nrin the" last four days and, the v ROTYirt . : " .vyw c , ., . . J 3oiH iaier aate if any desire consequent collapse oi juices? -mau history in Wall Street. To Prot Preside ect Price of . Ga -Hervie Jordan of this Peace In Mexico,. Washington.-rRef erring to the Mex jociati, nt of the Southftm rwtvn h vflUtirtn" eenerally President f8 of thfi o telegraPhed representa- Wilson .-described the : outlook for U i- association thrnnirhnf fh o.n '-..cjntlrelv encouraging, - Ad- on throughout the peace as . "entirely encouraging,' essity tor . ltf sugesting the i vices from every quarter to the. Wash- rcharr T85 meetlnK i farm- lngtotf CJovernment noweo,i : itidan tr' bankrs, manufactur- ation of tranquility throughout the ?on , aUied intert nt kX T?hH The ZaData faction now is iarw be 'held In New Or- working in harmony with the Consti- I thft L Dtember. ; The' pur- tutionallsts ' and- an agreement bas ?t b u uPt such measure th ;nnnort of the Southern revoiu 1 j. vflRlrtn.fcJ . ' I - . ...J''.MlM Pricp Z uec83ary to pro- tlonary forces is promised iu ,u or cott mnrit. ' '; the cotton. REPUDUCr:PR0f.lPTJ TCACTf J rahceViE trality : : and argued, that Grand Duchy of Luxemburg Entered By f Teutons, Who" Threaten For-1 tress, of Longwy on Border. energies evolved from .eYieteuce Ul Enriand thDower ioy aiadV health. f g n,.1H .rfn trmr U th And hv stand. OJUUU " M Up-WWiaW : and' PPO- ing outside the European war and using her influence as mediator when the . moment was "ripe Referring to this suggestion the British foreign The Eocedla London.- The Standard publishes a report that a French aviator," Ronald Gerros, rammed and destroyed a Ger man airship in mid-air, but fails to give the source of its story. - ; - - The Standard's Berlin correspondent sends; a message from Boxtel, The Netherlands, thatv 2,000,000 men) have been called to the colors. ; Each man hastens to the appointed place, gives his registration number .and receives his -field outfit -with the regularity of clockwork.- . ;. ' Many railway lines, says ; the- cor respondent, are reserved for the trans port bf troops who are being conveyed in open and closed trucks. The men are in -excellent spirits,' all of them singing. The ' authorities have taken oyer the control of all the necessaries of life, as well . as petrol, all motor cars and most of the horses in ' the country. " The proclamation of martial law has crushed the Socialist opposi tion. All lighthouses have shut off their lights. ' -S1 - ; . v Liege, Belgium. -According t to an evening newspaper published here 20,- 000 German troops crossed the French frontier 3 near Nancy,, . . 1 They encountered French forces and were repulsed with heavy losses. - London.-German troops hav " ' in vaded France,1 according to ' news which reached London from the Con tinent. This ; intelligence was con veyed; in ."ans official - telegram. One German force crossed the frontier at Cirey ,a French ; village . half-way be tween Nancy-and Strassburg, and an other German detachment, probably secretary said: "J had only heard that shortly be fore I came to the house.' He raised his voice and rapped the table before sharply ""declaring : "But mat. is. far too narrow an engagement." gressive town, jrith possibilities that are apparent at a glance to one, who cares to look It is making rapid the startling j development apparent l9au, cated. , Rates: S8.50. to 111 inrougnoui mis enure Deauurui ana per week. - MR 8. J. K. CAMPBELL. s Fine view. Lithia Water. Conve favored section, but to . the thousands I who visit its hospitable hotels and. boarding houses with unfailing con stancy year after year, its quaint and quiet allurements grow with each re- SALTJDA, N. C. ;::Sir Edward Grey dispelled the turninr sAAshn shadows of doubt which flickered over "There is more ozone in the atmos- the ? Triple ; Entente in the midst of phere m and around Saluda than at many Liberals by exposing some mile-1 other points in the range of the Blue stones in the history or the , reap-1 Ridge Mountains owing to the condi prochement, revealing it as essential- tions Created by the currents of air ly a national one with France, with out defining obligations. ; CURRENCY IN CIRCULATION. from the higher altitudes in passing into tne rryon vauey below Saluda.' From Engineers' ; reports to U. S. Geological -Dep't ' - Tucked away among the TRYON - foothills of the Southern Appalachians, : 1550 - feet New York. The financial position above sea level, on a geiitly undulat- of this country to all appearances was Ing plateau of exceptional, beauty and appreciably better than 24 hours ago. fertility, Is ; the charming village of Prompt relief measures composed , a Tryon, one of the most delightful all- situation which for a time threatened year-round resorts in America,, to become -omninous , and-bankers who j The plateau is pierced by the gorge last night admitted the ' outlook was of the Pacolet"1 River, the waters of troubled, expressed; 'confidence that I which, turbulent at times as they turn- Financial Outlook .'Better; Prompt Action. Brings Results. V the energetic, steps taken would' meet all needs. : TThe same opinion was expressed by John Skelton Williams; .comptroller of the currency, who spent the 'day at the subtreasury; ; ; ; " Mr.: Williams said all was serene . ; "The finances of the ; country,' he added,' "are A in excellent shape' We have the: situation well - in handC All the : currency; that v is necessary is In ble. down the mountains in their tortu rous course to the valley, shimmer in the brilliant' sunlight like a giant rope of silver. A This lovely hamlet, which looks for all the world as if It were a bit of English; landscape transferred "to the heart of heroic American mountains, forms the lower gateway to the "Land oi . the Sky Hmd ; the "Sapphire Coun try.? It is the first station in ', North Carolina on the Spartanburg Division of the Southern Railway twenty-eight Pg.ce House M RS. H. H: FU DQEf Proprietreas. . . s . ." : ... .... ...(, Rates: $8 per week and upward." Beautiful i grounds. Tennis com. . - . ' SALTDA, N. a .f. t . j1 ; Iona Lodge 5 MRS. 8. 8. OEHLER, Proprietress. U Located in Saluda, near Piney Moun tal . ... Fine water and scenery. Modern house. Rates: S7 and us. Soeclal rates to families. " The MRS. M. E. LEONARD, Proprietress. circulation, atthis time., "There probably ; never; was another miles northwest from Spartanburg, thA Twntv-nlnth Infantrv. invaded the day. In the history of the country on- S; C, . and fory-two miles Southeast Grand Duchy -of Luxemburg neutral which Buch a variety of comprehensive from Asheville, N.Cthe routet ; of territory between Belgium and; k Ger- measures was put: into iorce.- uanas wnicn iouows; almost Without devla many, and' continued its march on the of largeclties throujrhbut the country Uon from Charleston, S.; C. to .Ashe- Preach fortified town to Longwy. A decided o issue clearing house certif- ville, N.' C; the historic Wlhlerness dtenatch fnoiri Brussels said there was lcates to furnish additional medium Trail over which m.e "pioneer "of . early o6d reason' tb believe that this force of circulation in settlement -of transac- days trekked from the sea to the val-. later in the day entered France'.-"-' - tions among;banks,1 Many; millions of ley of theOhid. ; ; , - The German force which came Into dollars of Aldrich.-Vreeiand emer- -. Times, not alone, but methods have prance near Clrey,, which Is 40 miles I ency. c irrency were shipped to . finan- changed since those days of the early from Nancv is renorted to have been l iai. ceuiers. : j. ne rewui' wwumD uuus. ww co ui wouuenui repulsed with . heavy; losses, but this has not yet been confirmed. ' recent ? enormous outflow of gold to Europe was belleyed railroad trains 'speed every: day along to, have been stopped effectually. v - the bid Wilderness Trall bearing eag Vi?.' ". ' v - r '. v'V er and' busy passengers and the pro- b. A O. .Refuses Export Shipments.: ducts of rich mines and fertile lands. ' Baltimore. The Baltimore; & Ohio I Through that great gorge of the Paco- ' A mAAtfnff- nf amiiaions Biaung mav ;udui aunuef iyo uuiutLruuLtiu auvuiag'une DOUl- ... w - fn 'rhlh" -nOUCe- it Wiu reiuse auipiueuu ivrr i eyara vi s scenic ueauiy, connect- I v t exDon wrouga caiumore auu uwer t ins tue'reai ouuuieasi jrivn xieuaer-1 T:r . , Threaten Strike to Avoid War. TtAmA SnciaJists. -Rennblinans and anarchlstTof Italy are conducting a railroad Issued an embargo notice to let River, in, Tryon Township, the en campaign .to prevent .' even military Its connecting lines and other traffic terprising 'citizens -of Polk County" preparations ;ln Italy protest . has - heen convoked ullimii' uriA wnrlrmnn.'a . nntnni .. -will take part It is intended to issue an AUanuc ports.. - i sonviue, Asneyme, .ana me upper ulUmatum to the government to the . - ; ;- : :;' r",'wv" . ; . i . . . effect that either Italy shall abstain . Fort Halifax Manned. : v - The ; Tryon : platean . is sltoated from any warlike, attitude, of the Halifax The. First Canadian ? Artll- within a great topographical liorse- rirnian in all industries wtif strike, leryj Sixty-third Halifax Rifles andnhe shoe,formed by.the mountains which The authorities-have declared :that Sixty-sixth. Princess Louise Fusiliers f nearly turround It Theropenlng cf .yi rwosaarv meA.uirea tn face this of the Canadian militia were - aetauea i me snoe is towara me boutheaaL v situation have, been taken.,. v to assist in 'manning they fortress here. -Hot and cold bath. Central loca tion. ' Rates: ' S7 and uo.'v Snedal rates ' by the month and to families. '.j 1 SALUDA, C. " Ftiirview ; v MRS. H. D. LOCKE, j , t , SALUDA, N. C. , --. : Modern conveniences. Fine ' loca- wioni.' Good table, fine water, near pottedce and library. - No : tubercu lar patrants received. Terms: $3 t $10 per week. Special rates to partica. 0-. . . f '...':. .. i, ... - The Mimoca TRYON. N. C 4 "! varoiina i v Where you can get the very best faro with all the "comforts and convent . ' - ences of a - " MODERN HOTEL;-; c! At Reasonable Rates 's An Id tat Place to Spend, the Summer v r , JOHN A. MACRAE Constitutionalist goyernment.

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