c - t THE POLK OOUITTY ITEWS, SALUDA, 11. 0. Servian DSS3t0G6tS ',-'; '' '" V'V.- ' ; yf THE POLK COUNTY IYSWS, SALUDA, OA - ? v.-. MY;! 'p '".-'St V ? . 1f!f -; 6 ' t x' -.!; a-,:-. ,,y . ,-. t' ' ,4 '. I I. t I h if 1 I 1 .V, :i ! ? -s a : n i is- i. i i v-i" H 5 ' j. ', ('J - v !.;: I:-, t .'": 1 ' : r 1 1 1 I H. L. CAPPS NOTARY PUBLIC. " Legal Blanks for 8al t CSlee with Q. C. Sonner & 0 SALUDA, N. C. Jf. B. Maybry Co. OSTO-DATE LIVERY, FEED SALES STABLE. AND Caddie and Driving Horses A Specialty With Us. CTaftle Opposite Depot. Phone No. 18 Finger Lumber Co. Dealers la Building Material vlltwrjthlng necessary to build a home Pbon 1. Landrum, S. C SwannV livery At Fisher's Barn. TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Saddle and Driving Horses. " Hacks meet all trains. Baggage and Cxjgrftsa looked after with Special Care Pfcuea Stabl, '106; Residence, S6B Dr. J. E. llAViTHORHE DENTIST f Ashevllle, North Carolina -3 bo at his office over Orrs Store, Friday and Saturday of each AJoRICI!COr.lPAY :S ft, Main St. Phone U4 ASHEVILLE. N. c lazDMng tloaf ing Tinning T7e) fear the oldest ploznblns and VtmxStnz house U the SUte, and art tflsmiUMUod to aire' prompt, satisfactory smilt. Call on us when in need of sasythinx in our Has. Wo gtrm free o ttaatos en new or old work. The Famous Ford" TSowthxt rood road building is go oil orer the county, erery up farmer and business mas 4a automobile. iZba Ford car can go anywhere that other car can go and a good manj ESSacee that the other cars cannot go flChey et about half as much to keep an a horse and buggy. They get you anmnd about three times as fast, and et tired or too hot to trareL eost less to buy, cost less t 2hd cost less to run' than anj good car on the market for Touring Car. S560X0 for the Roadster iDR. Ej M. 8ALLEY ? Saluda, N. C. 7 Agent for Polk County. JSrilODA PLUKlBinG CO. JOHN T. COATES, JR., President Practical Plumbing PERSONAL ATTENTION TO JOB WORK. . All Work Guaranteed. Estimates 'Furnished Free'. . CSembers 8aluda Board of Trade Osrser and HaRT 8TREBTS Tin : Ford Car : A great many people have Fords and more of them wish they had tTbxds. Now is the time to buy, and th supply Is limited. . Gall me on the telephone and I can xowflj you with a Ford. E. M. SALLEY Agent v SALUDA, N. C. X A. BOLICH, Jr. AGENT KAHN BROS. World's Greatest Tallora. Cnom $15 up. Trousers $4 and up, Dr. B. H. Teague -J DENTIST. ' : Office Over v the Postofflce, July to v - xOctober . SALUDA, N. C. . f ' " - - - ' ' ' .' , ii ' ' ." ". - '- , W. L Thompson? General Contractor and. Builder All Work Guaranteed. ; , ,s Office in E. B. Goelet Bldg. SALUDA, N. C. Bob Johnson Saluda, N. C. PAINTING CONTRACTOR Would like to bid ori your work. Headquarters at Thompson & Pace'a L, Henderson CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. JOB WORK AND REPAIRS. Saluda, North Carolina Dr. W. B. Somers OPTICIAN GLASSES SCIENTIFICALLY ' FITTED. Office over L. R. Williams' Grocery Store TRYON, N. C. PACE & GOWAN ; , EXPERT COBBLERS. Repairing of Shoes done quickly and Cheaply. Work Guaranteed. Shop in Anex to Livingston's Stable North Trade Street TRYON, ' North Carolina Saluda Pressing Club 1 E. L. Waggoner, Proprietor DRY CLEANING and DYEING. Kid or Silk Gloves, 25c to 50c. Straw Hats, 25c. Panamas, 25c to 50c Felt Hats, 25c to 50c. All Work Guaranteed. Called and Delivered. for Phone No, 51 SALUDA, North Carolina, ORGAN & UARD ! OLD ORIGINAL EAT MARKET Successors to THOMPSON & PACE Fresh Meats, Ham. Bacon. Sausaae and Fresh Fish. Phone No. 7 for Quick Free -Delivery. Give Us a Trial. SALUDA. North Carolina, O. B. Garren SALUDA, N. C. REAL ESTATE CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. PHOTOGRAP.H STUDIO. KODAK DEVELOPING A SPECIALTY COME TO SEE ME MAIN and CAROLINA STREETS. GiTY RESTAURANT -: . - - Next ; Carol ina State Bank Saluda N. C. only restaurant in saluda for white:trade. Regular Meals. Short Orders Dressed Chickens on Ice, . Call In. and see - Me j. a. maim EUROPEAN CRISIS IS HARD TO FIND Diplomats and Observers Unable . to .Understand the Attitude v of Austria. RECENTLY STRONG FOR PEACE Count Berchtold, Only a Few Weeks Ago, Bitterly Criticized the" War Party,, and Hla Change of Front Has Not as Yet . Been Explained. "Coldfusion worse confounded", is the one phrase that aptly characterizes the war situation In Europe. " The leading newspapers and the most experienced observers are unable to agree on any explanation of the crisis. And the rea son Is not far to seek. , , Only a few weeks ago the .foreign minister of, Austria, Count Berchtold, was earnestly defending (the pacific and moderate policy hie had been pur suing toward the Balkans and Russia. . Berchtold for Peace.": In a speech to the delegates at Buda pest he vigorously answered criticisms of spokesmen of the war party, "partly cularly of a delegate who was sup posed ..to be expressing the sentiments of the then heir presumptive, the late Archduke . Franz Ferdinand. ", Count Berchtold spoke of the aged emperor's sincere and resolute devotipn to peace; he gave arguments of his own, more over, in support of a policy of patience and neace. " " Feared Loss of Prestige. The frankness and directness of that speech s impressed everybody except those who feared, that Austria might be accused of timidity and weakness, might be misunderstood and In conse- quence might lose political and mili tary prestige. 'V There were some among these who thought, moreover, that Russia, whose recuperative power was wonderful--whatever might be said of Its efficiency and actual strength when pitted against a more civilized and free pow er was getting too mighty and too confident, and was enjoying too much opportunity for rehabilitation and con solidation of its financial and military naval resources. These vaguely favored a bold and aggressive policy even at the risk of war, which had better come sooner than later, they held. Sweden Takes Up Cry. But Ckrant Berchtold V view pre-" vailed for the moment and excellent observers cenclnded that Austria, at any rate, was not going to add to the troubles, complications, and dangers of Europe by tempting fortune. " At that very moment Sweden was excitedly discussing "the Russian peril" and demanding new measures of defense, , while a section of the Ger man press was pointing to the "bear that walks like a man" as the foe to reckon with in the near future. ; ., Yet the peace of Europe is broken not by Russia, not by a Balkan power desirous of revising the settlement Imposed by Roumania and the concert of Europe at the Bucharest conference, but by Austria, and seemingly under Count Berchtold's direction. What has happened In the short In terval? If peace was necessary and desirable to Austria-Hungary a few weeks ago, why is war inevitable to day? ' . . .To understand the situation it Is es sential to distinguish between glitter ing generalities, fanciful aspirations, literature, and rhetoric, on the one hand, and hard, grim, concrete facts on the, other, tt is essential to know what the conflict is not It is not a war between Teuton and Slav. It Is not a war between the Pan-German world party and the, Pan-Slav world party. It is not War for the preserva tion of Hapsburg monarchy Move Is Anti-Austrian. The' Pan-German movement is anti Austrian and cannot fail to be so. - The success of that movement5 would de stroy Austria as a political entity. The Pan-German extremists have had to be rebuked and repudiated by responsi ble German statesmen. As allies of Austria they could not countenance a movement which assumed and labored for the disruption - and disappearance of- Austria. .':-::y7 The Pan-Slav movement hi Russia Is manifestly anti-Austrian, as well as anti-German. It dreams of Slav rule ffrom the Adriatic. sea to the Pacific ocean." It dreams of Slav union or confederation under the i gentle and benevolent sovereignty' of Russia, 'tl Czar's Interest InServla."..-.-;' s Pan-Slavism Is, however, in J a lim ited sense, unmistakably in evidence in tb-3 czar's profound interest in "Servia" and Montenegro. The czar's ministers have often blundered' Jn : the Balkans vj . J 1 mis ss )t All new, patterns. ; Styles that are yon $3.00 to $2.00 and you are well dressed. 00 'Notice the bis two nase d in o.... are the Ai u 4i that-best mnitm vnti th rl i. .v. . 14 4 There Is no better dothln . . . r-vifciuii iron it. anv tnvn 1 I ixr m .mull A : Dl V. w wiu wo guarantee vPn, 1 "mi. Crown Prince Alexander of Stsrvia, who made a gallant record during the Balkan war, will lead his battle scarred veterans against the Aus- trians. and have atltimes caused estrange ment, gravitation toward Germahy, bitter feeling against Russia. But the blunders were - personal blunders of bungling politicians. Russia has al ways posed and often acted as, the pa tron.frlend, and protector of the Slavs everywhere, arid especially of the Bal kan Slavs. It has had rand still has Its eye on its "estate In reversion," Constantinople, and it cannot' hope to plant its flag there without the consent and support of the Balkan Slavs. It is good "Pan-Slavism" to support Ser vla.' ' ' But in facing Austria, Russia con fronts not a German power, but a pow er that is itself largely Slav. Slav will thus be fighting Slav and the Ger mans, whatever their colors, will be fighting for Slavs and with other Slavs and postponing the ; realization of the Pan-German ambitions and dreams. Jealousy a Great Factor. " Here, : then, is a strange paradox, but not the only paradox in a situation full of anomalies anomalies insepara ble from the very nature and complex ion of the Austro-Hungarian empire, an empire, to repeat, that has been held i together quite as much by the jealousies and differences of outsiders as by, the dynastic and personal in fluence of, the Hapsburgs. If Austria cannot and does not rep resent German interests and German culture in this fight, what is it fighting for? ; Pan-Serviari agitation did not "endanger its existence, while the war does.; Its own Slav elements at no time displayed an inclination I to ex change its rule for that of the czar, although they were not averse to us ing Pan-Slav slogans In order to secure better representation and larger recog nition. , "7 .'JV ' ' . Danger to Dual Monarchy. :f-- The opinion of the soundest students of politics has long been that If Austria-Hungary, was to be preserved, only a : policy of peace, liberalism, greater autonomy, and home rule? conciliation of the various races and elements by reform, measures, political and social, contained the promise of such preser vation. j',.y ';-V'V'7:'' : r'V ' The war actuallyendangers the ex lstenceof the dual monarchy,, for aside from the chances of defeat and disas ter, there is the tact that the Slav sub jects of. the , emperor cannot sympa thize with it. - The separatist and par icularist , tendencies .feare'd by the court and government ' can only bo deepened and strengthened by the con- flict y: f.r -r The army and navy may be loyal' and ' obedient, as . many "assert. . The army and navy may be "Austrian, if the nation Is not. But popular senti ment is a potent factor in war and popular sentiment among the Austrian and Hungarian 'Slavs does, ont favor fratricidal strife., 4 , ":.;No wonder the 'Intelligent world Is puziled and utterly at a loss to explain wa TO- GREAT WARS' COST IN LIVES AND P.10NEY Duration v Loss of rV'; Mn :days.: - lifer:! :,' . .8,1 63 1,900,000 734 England-France, 1793-1815 ... . Crimean war, 1854-56, . '. . unitea states civiM war, 1861-65,; ,1 2,458 ' Franco-Gernian; v 1870-71 i. . . . K; tr. . U V:i . ' 405 RussoTurklsh, 1877-78. ; 334 ' United States-Spanish war; ri893.. ;v.nVi 101 ? Boer war, 1899-1902:;. .T;'; vU 92 : Russo-Japanese war, 19C4-C5........ B6' Balkaa wars tv. .wv m.V, vf; HZi. ? I'ii V ;1 V 802 :-" United -txttt'pMytil: 485,000 656)oo 290,000 180,000' 2,910 9098 ; if55,900l 14500 ; . Cost. ; ; In money. $630,000,000 1,525,000,000 3,700,00000 1,580.000,000 1 950 -000,000 ; 165,000,000 1,000,100,000 250,000,000 C30,00000 CO, THE BALLENGER ; For Everything Tryori - - , - - Nnni varoi lit F:U'f N I T U RE No matter what von i . .11 need it will pay iocr us over. you to lock 2 Solid Cars of Furniture Just Received W. M. LAMBRIGHT & CO. -3- mm mm m mm mm mm m. a 5 utAII UtrUI - - - UNDRCH. 1 1 Ranges CASH OR CREDIT. INSTALLMENT PLAN. V We are now prepared to sell you Ranges and Stoves and mfc me payments so easy mat you can Duy ana pay tor a Range or Ston and not be conscious of the fact that you havo done so. FIFTY CENT PRESENT FREE. With every . two dollar cash purchase made at our store lor the next fifteen days, we will, give away absolutely free, a beautiful ror and hair pins and ladies' dress pins that will cost you fifty centi anywhere to, purchase. BARBED WIRE, SCREEN WIRE AND WIRE FENCE At the lowest prices ever known. Don't be troubled wiil chickens, dogs and flies when we can supply your every need it Bucn remarxaoiy low prices. . 'ITila . la (t)A istcnn fnr lna HnMim and tktcl Vi o ttq tVia o1ahnl n White Mountain Freezer, in all sizes, at low prices. This freeset needs no commendation at the hands of the public. Every gib . knows what It Is. ' ; FOR ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, CALL ON The Gash Hardware Company TRYON, N. C. MMHIMiHiHm? The Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N. C. 4 PER CEHT PAID C.3 SAVSS Strong" . Courteous . Progressive EVERY BANKING FACILITY It has , been the constant .endeavor of the management of tWi of it dfr batik to furnish every possible facility for the convenience positors,, together with absolute safety for their money. in mttK V.ab wrill - l,ioMa c ac.pt tO am avwuui niui buio uaua wjui yiurtJ a .oiuauit poratlon, firm,' or Individual requiring the best banking facilities We solicit your account. u. u. uarrow, Kresiaeni. ; Q & sunken, W. C. Robertson, Vice President H. B. Lane, Cashier. SALUDA PHARMACY C. R. LITTLE, President Exclusive Distributors; . Eastman KoHalr anrl SuddHcs, W' trolla arid: Records, Crouch's Kn ville Cut Flowers; Racy's Creamery Ice .Creamy Temptation Chocolates. Pre::ri?tl Dajlrtagnt la Chxf RsiUtered ?harm-c!i P?t:nt csd'ftc;rl: Percel Post Pwp Pharmacy .-jo