' -5'. she polk codoty nmro 13 coAD m tuns polk oeonzv eoi5 x iiiraS sftri arnr or - 'c n TRIDAK.AUGUST 14, 1914. ESTABLISHED HAY, 1894.: I ti i l ' I I'll. f i I e H n : ( I l III rl I.I I I -. I ' I . ... I I I . I I .' I I I . I I- 1 k . - I !". I I ' -V - 1 LI r , - . - - J- VOIi WV - JfUWA, mJi COUNTY, N,C, M i - 11 . . J ' w SERVIAN INFANTRY MARCHING TO THE FRONTIER i:IiCH RELATIONS aviTH AUSTRIA: BID my. .S..;.V.w ' V ' ft Alii HAS 11 HADED ALSACE -" f V ' li l -ITU, Fplt Cauhty Hotel Directoiy In th Land of the Sky Charm In p - and Captivating -Scenery Llf ? , , . Qtvlng Ozone. -Jr You will make no mfttakt In selecting i one of these - excellent places to . sped your vacation, In Th t ;, s Land of the Sky." RJDERSeHAMBA8SATORTO a , RETURN AND --'AUSTRIAN"" LEAVES, PARIS. - - r Perched on the ede of the 8ALUDA Appalachian plateau. ; vrith . -altitude 'of 2,250 feet,. and grade that "calls for double locomotive 1 : f ViSTOllllSi TlOlXlO seince zrom meirose, a zew mues us- 1 f , V Psris-.r-vla .London.It was official' y anhoijhced that France had broken off diplomatic relation with"" Austria lIuhgaryThe French : Ambassador at some bold mountain stream on its war .nennaf has: .left the Austrian Capital ) to join-.theilTery-Pacolet River wind' fcv Ausiro-ttuiigariaa.r jvniDassa- s w :y uio tuubj . www. IVENGE DISGRACE OF HALF CEN TURY AGO. FRENCH ARE " WELCOME. MARTIAL LAW ESTABLISHED N VESSELS WILL BE ADMITTED RELIEF FELT OVER FACT THAT SHIPS MAY ENTER FOREIGN . . J PORTS.- ENGLAND GALLS. HALr-r.1ILLI0Hr.lEN REALIZING BRITAIN FipHT IS TO DEATH ISSUES CALL TO SERVICE.- - WAR HEWS IS ONLY- PARTIAL KITCHENER .WAR -MINISTER French Losses "Not Excessive" But German Loss Said to Be "Very, iSerious." v S" : Paris The Invasion of lower Alsace German Side Not Received on . Ac count of-Cables Being Cut. Look Toward Mediation. 1 s- Washington. Observation of strict neutrality by the United States in the $500,000,000 Appropriated By Parlra- ment British Fleet Has Engaged German. Sank British Cruiser. -London. -The passage of ,a war bud- by a French army under General Jo- European" war. especially as to the Set for $500,000,000-, in the House if 'ianii Jpffrft th French commander-in-. I!"" " , . ... . - jchlef, has awakened great enthusiasm throughout France. -. ky:' French military authorities,' while Teconizing the occupation of AltMrch and Muelhausen by French. troops is not of high strategical importance. believe the successful advance of the French army far across the .German frontier will have considerable moral effect. It is reported unofficially that Kolber, farther to the "north, has fallen into the hands of the 'French. None of these three places was strong- lj fortified and all lie outside the line of real German defense, Being guard ed as outposts of the strong fortified cities. Their German garrisons - nu merically were fairly strong but it was understood that in case' of attack they, merely would endeavor to hinder the French advance before falling back Neu Briesack, where they are said to have retired is east of Kolmar and Is strongly fortified, while Strassburg, some distance to the north, the cen ter of a great aggregation ofGerman troops, is strongly fortified and sup posed to be prepared for a long siege. Official reports of fighting" between movements. of foreign ships in Ameri can Waters,' gave the Washington gov ernment ; .coacev4-H::-'iv? The department of commerce issued. special instructions : which may have an important effect on the movement of reservists from the United States. What amounts to military expedition from American soil will be prohibited in accordance with President Wilson's neutrality proclamation. State," treas ury and commerce - department offi cials were' absorbed In deciding the numerous -technicalities which have arisen n conection with foreign-own- tant, Is Saluda, the second point of In- terest on , the southern r approach.; of FRENCH POSSESS - ALSACE made' amid scenes of absorbhiff inter- est, . ..uarit; -. anu ; repeuiag v xorest, being replaced . in quick n succes sion by sunlit v openings " - where passing glimpses can be caught of the flora of ;thls. most exauislte section. Rocks ' ;iise suddenly" to alarming heights, above .the railroad bed, almost within reacn of the- starUed travels, to give,place,with just as startling, ra pidity to gorges through which, dash j5ensorship ' , Pivvents i Publication ?, of asuItleV of the- Trr-Color Status offfaJrs Pleasing to Belgium - Mrs. W. C. Robertson, Proprietress. : ' Central location. Baths. v Commer cial rate $2 per day.- Weekly rate $7 to fLr . 7 " ' - SALUDA, N. a s ' - . dor;4t:?aris" . has asked for h4e pass- ports:;. -.i." i ..i..;r ,; t: - .-. . . . Jhc announcing the breaking off of relations with: Austria s the French Foreign : Office - made - the "following tsleet:; . V"Contrary . to assurance ; given by Austria lip the i French C Minister cf Foreign Affairs ' that no Austrian troops werja taking part in the Franco Germanl War, thV French Governmfait - Here "z and - tbere can; : be caught glimpses-; of. the recenay. constrtrCTod and splendid automobile road connect lng the? South through a scenic land scape of wonderful loveliness with the older ' thoroughfares - through , Flat Rock,,. Hendersonvilie and Asheville, to the Tennessee line, and tnere is not one inch of mis steep ascent tixat is not filled with - promise '. of - beauty, amply fulfilled - when 1 the & traveler. llxas. ascertaiided beyond - any possible" reaches . his destination on ; -the ' sum- doubt that certain Austrian troorwi are i OUt. present In. Germany, .outside the Aus trian frontier. These troops which havei set , free certain'- German troops destined to be employed in fighting the The accomplishment of the; ascent brings not only fulfillment of promise of yearnings after the beautiful, but with it comes a sense of relief from The Chsurleo . , , MRS. " J.' W.rLaMOTT,- v ' .Rates: '.Commercial: $2 " per day. Weekly. $7 to ! 10. - Special Family Hates. No consumptives taken -SALUDA, 0. 7 Melrose Iiin- quiet sand delightful family hoteL Modern. - , Rates . upon ' application, .. ",-.' . - ' SALUDA, N. C. . French, ought indubitably de facto and depression brought- on by the de; jure", to be considered as acting tv-The Austrfan Ambassador at Paris, on being informed of France's decis ion asked' for his "passports." aginst; France.' In these - circum stances the- French -Ambassador twas oidered to leave Vienna ; " -v, -.v. ii i ii -i ii 1 - ViO-STARTLI NG BATTLES YET. Commons without . a rdlssenting . voice and the granting Of -an Army increase of 500,000 men Maccordancelh, plans 61 Lord ; Kitchener; the neV War" Minister; shows that Great Britain is in deadly earnest. : Call to arms issued ; by, the War Office says an addition of 100,000 men War of -Seven Nations Are Devoid "of. V -V y. Big Battle. ' heated spell cin the lowlands. -: The rarified air from" the surrounding heights plays in constant currents, la den with a .wealth ; of life-giving ozone, and the incense of flowers,' and there never occurs a night during ;the hottest season of any year when warm covering :can be dispensed with. The scenery- Is replete with nevf-failing charm r aariety,, and the visitor to Saluda- need never be: at a toss for points : of delightful ' interest, in quest . of which.to utilize the rapidly stored Poplar r . J. L. RENTZ, Proprietor.' " - SALUDA, Nl a - . ' Large outside rooms. Hot and cold baths. Delightful breeze." . Mountain spring water. Rates:.. $1 to 82. Sp cial to families. r tondon!-Na great- battle V has t yeittBrrf0s-VolVed from existence in --. been rougnt on lana or sea in me war of . seven ; Nations, unless r.the German assaults' upon" the fortresses at Liege eventually assume 'the ; proportions; of dlately and that LordT Kitchener is confident' this appear- will at"; once be responded to "by all-who .have the safety of our Empire at heart."; The -term of, service for the new men is to be three years, or until the claim victory, there," with the .Belgians still holding the forts and the-Ger mans occupying the city. The w situation -is s uniaue. There is no confirmation of The Daily Mall's", this bower of Joy and health. Saluda is an up-to-date and pro gressive town, with possibilities that are apparent at a glance to one who cares to look It is making rapid strides, ' and: keeping pace r-with the startling . development apparent throughout this entire "beautiful and favored section, but to the thousands who visit its hospitable -hotels and Jbcseola reportthat the French have engaged boarding houses witKunfailing xon- .. MRS. J. K. CAMPBELL. . Fine view. Lithia Water. Oonvs ientty located. Rates : $8.60 to $11 per week. " " " - " SALUDA. N. will be between 19 and 30. ed ships such as the Olympic and war ig ended. The age of enlistment vaterland, so that it may be estab lished, definitely whether they are be ing -"converted for. war purposes." Relief "measures for Americans Jn Europe are working, smoothly. . The state department cabled $100,000 to Paris and $25,000 to Rome for imme diate use of the American embassies pending the arrival of the Tennessee's gold consignment. - - Assurances that the Tennessee and North Carolina as well as vessels to ; bring' Americans out. of : Europe would Te " admitted 1 to , ports - of the countries at Mtx, brought relief to the the .Germans -and cut off their .re treat; Inflicting' a loss of 8,000 men. The Belgians i claim - that they have The naval estimates " provided; for taken 8,000 prisoners .on Belgian: soil, but; military; men regard all the esti mates of the belligerents as great ex aggerations- K: -;. ,'; :.: ' -! ,; -; - Apart from Liege i, the fighting of the first week, when resolved to the one. - Tne :; people are nroDer nerspective eventually , ooudx- long - and exhuastlve less will be considered insignificant.. stancy year after year, its quaint and quiet allurements grow with each re turning season. c , . . - "There is more ozone in the atmos phere In -and -around Saluda than at other points in"the. range of the' Blue Ridge Mountains . owing to the , condi tions created by the -currents of air from .the higher, altitudes in passing Into the Tryon Valley below- Saluda.", From ; Engineers' reports to . U. S. Pace the French and German .troops state I officials. The two warships are that the French losses were "not ex cessive," while those of the Germans we declared by the French to have oern "very serious." The Alsatian. in habitants are said to "have been so overjoyed at the appearance of the bound, it is understood, for Falmouth, England. One - of the vessels then will go to Northern. Continental ports and the r other H to Mediterranean shores. ; : :v?':"'-- "": ""; ; DiDlomatic disDatches contained lit- French Army that they tore up the I tie information about flghUng; in Eu rope ; beyond- what had; been publish ed. The French and . Russian gov ernments ' acknowledged receipt. : of the tender of good offices" looking toward mediation, but gave no hint as to their attitude. It is v not known whether. President Wilson's message . . irontier posts. Reports of the arrival of an" Aus trian Army corps on the Swiss fron tier near Basel were the object of close attention by French military au thorities. it was said that several toore Austrian Army corps were - be- - organized in the Tyrol ..whence they later would be sent toward the 'rench frontier - Tn viv nf thi-th Uench Government asked the" Austro Hungaria a Ambassador to , France, - remans at his post, to explain the to Emperor. William reached him. v 25,000 GERMANS KILLED. 67,000 additional officers and, men. which will make the navy's strength 218,000. men. There are no illusions in England that the war is certain to be a swift and " decisive steeled "for a struggle. '.7 .Cr" : - : ' - ; One" of the most important develop- Geological Dep'L The Aamirauy ; notmea tne .puDiic ments In the 'eyes or experts is tno that tne first news irom tne wavy i general tesHmony tnat tne uerman m- --.. Tucked away among the might not be good news. Swift upon fantry formation is obsolete and in- fRYON ioothills of the Southern the heels of this intimation came tne effective against-the weapons . oi Amialachians. : 1.S50 feet tidings that the cruiser Amphion had day and means an enormous slaughter abpVe ' sea level, on a gently undulat- been, sunk Joy a mine witn tne- loss if retained. , : : ' i X; ing plateau of : exceptional beauty and of on officer and 130 men Great Brit- - .France and Austria cnauy are; pi- fertility, is the charming village of ain's first sacrifice to the war. ficially.at war, the Ammbasadors ha v-j Tryon, l one of . the most deUghtM all- It ;is considered that British ships ing left the respective Capitals.- ine year-round resorts in America. in the North, Sea -are running greater French Government broke Off aipio-1 -.-The plateau is piercedby the gorge risks during the first days of the "war I matlc- relations with- Austria- on tne of e Pacolet River, the waters of than the Germans.; The Royal family J grounds that Austrian troops were re- which, turbulent at times as they turn- shares with; the homes of .its manyl inforcine the Germans. . ' ; ' . - Me down the mountains In their tortu- sublects the suspense Of waiting for Austria appears 4o have abandoned mus eourse to the valleyshimmer in pews or tne iaie oi ine.amereni ;uuiis, tne aayance on servia lom.iuuo a tne Drliuant sunllgbt llke a giant rope of the fleet. .Prince Albert, the second, f apparently is co-operating wiur uer- 0f silver. ; . . son of the Klne: aboard the battleship manr in the supposed strategy oi ax- This lovlr hamlftt. wbfrb lnnk Coyinswood, is one of the many boy tempting to crush Fra:beforeus- tor. all the world as if it were a blt of ,; mldsshlnmen afloat sharing the perils sla can mobilize. ' f . : - Enrlish lahdscane transferred : to the of their eldersJy - LEONARD, Proprietress. ... j- UJJ4 In I --x j " . i. . u1 A Itfinn.ffh-' tharA 1 . - V . . I " : .. ... , . ... ... , . .... mere - was ; & r urnuitiui; , nicivieiit. " i returmag - iu uun.j."k"wB" i iorms tne lower gateway . to. xne uana ' MR8. H. H. PUDGE, Proprietress. - Rates: $8 per week and upward. Beautiful grounds. Tennis courts. SALUDA, N. a T ' - -1 Iona Lodge MRS. 8. 8. 0EHLER, Proprietress. , - - Located in Saluda, near Piney Moun- tai Fine water and scenery. Modern house.- Rates: 1 and up. .Special' rates to families. Z '. -:" :. JTlie Pines the House of Commons when the fued is "a great disorder in many trades the Mulshausen oas of Austria-TTiiTieftrv .in p aara.to France. . : Before retiring- from' wnnan troops are said to have set to numerous , buildings, especially Rehouses where food and forage Je stored. The forest of Hardnear -.mar, i3 Paid t0 have been razed - t"T, law has been established acP, where it is gaid the Ger s announced that any person sus ' ot sympathizing with french would be executed - Official Statements-First Story F.rom , Berlin. London. The seige of Liege is;the outstanding feature Of the :European war. -Latest advices, received by way of London in, official dispatches, .say. Liege "still " holds out against- the at- f a nica' nf the German Army - of - the Meuse. between Lord ' Charles Beresford and Winston S. Churchill, First Liora oi the -"Admiralty,- was buried Admiral Beresford shook hands with the First Lord and said:' "Well done.1 "The torpedo-boat destroyer- Lance, which - sent, the- Ham Durg-American Line steamer KbenlginLuise to the bottom with four shots, only come out prices of foodstuff i -have risen only slightly. r ; . - ' . 1 - France is Happy. -Paris. The invasion of lower Alsace by a French army under Gen.-Joseph Joffre, the French -commander-in-chief, has awakened, great - enthusiasm, throughoot France. " " " ; ProTi nh mil itarv authorities, wnue of . the Sky", and the ."Sapphire Coun try. It is the first jstatlon in North Carolina "on the Spartanburg Division of the. Southern Railway, twenty-eight miles northwest from. Spartanburg, S C, ; and. fory-two miles, southeast from Asheviile, N. ; Cthe route . of which ' follows almost' .without devia tion from; Charleston, ; S. "C.", to Ashe-vllle,- N.TCi the ; historic Wilderness Trail over; which the' pioneer of early Hot ; and . cold batlu . Central loca- . -tion, Ratei: $7 and up, Special. rates by the month and to families. SALUDA, N. C r ,' : FairviewHoiise On the -.aulhorlty of the ' BelgiSn of the shipyards only a'few days before nizlng the occupation of. Alt- days trekked from, the sea" to the val- War Ministry the German casulties in the i battle around Liege 'number 25.000: according :to their own; ad mission. Ah official statement issued French Capture .German Steamer, Paris. A -French, mine ship cap tured and towed ' into r- Cherbourg-, a Cnfiscate Money. largp ree motr - cars - carrying se sums of money were captured v I Wi pArUn dfiRcribed the attempt on the Liege fortress as unsuccessiui i o.wvwu.uciuiau v. a . aasonit nf the Germans as I - - " : z " .. i,vwotY. rA added I . China Is Neutral. -:s unique ,,- n,ir, vimh nn.i Muelhausen Dy? , UTencn trooDS is riot of strategical importance, assert that the successful advance of. j the French army far across the Ce man frontier will have considerable moral effect. - " - ''''-' -: sliehest - Peking, China. China prociaimea wai- u" wm . ' ;;Hfv in rnnpction with the influence on tne .larger oyciwy u r Caring -For Tourists. . - London. ThejLond&n Tesident com mittee paid ouV $10,000 to tourists -6n Of the German Army. ... . . , v.-rn.m.n;,; Tna0o.inr . of h..MAi nrprs. frftm their home .banks The work of for- of- Vova hfn usinc tifviner the. German .. eriuf" win-Tta.lv to 1 Tsine Tan continued and the authori- in needy cases hotel bills were paid. tneir, utmLv . , t e .-there added 'to Uheir. accumula- J The various commit tne Uerman Bnuc, M7 a-- - - .a,An(1 -i?ftr(lun pntArnrise 1 i frtrinH thfv TTPTft direct' appeal. iu, 1 . - nnMivzfl(: manv Chin-1 v 4 Mf Wished a com- trying to cross the. Russian fron imperini r ess and Princess v of: the tipino: ltumiy personally are -par- vfaL rr . - s reservut, n , g d 2'' STnhassador "at London, thank- esejhave been affected already and.are taTestlge;ttoeuarto. lin. T2lsts Passing through Ber- Italian, Ambassador at z0. eliminate imposters.-Ar society of cheprpH k ere enthusiasUcally AnZine troops. but com- to eol- g;a greai av. Parliament bankB bontrolled by financiers repre- lege w shoe, J s those who have pnterert the I which: gathered W ironi.ai,iuv- , . nn(i Tonan wiih '.hithflrto .i. -u, "Mi..rtnA-'tn'tArnt i thA ah uian harri.- .i . .. - t I . i . Ttw haiT declared- ner 8uPerior p , r..8 l..t?BDWn? a TZ!,r.J1;nH- .adhere rto." it Germany and Japan which hitherto j dan and others to guard the "interests had commanded every - confidence. : ; 0f gtranded American school teachers. ley of the Ohio. - Times, not alone, but methods, have changed since those days of the earry pioneers, ..Now. a. score of. wonderful railroad trains speed -every day along the old .Wilderness Trail, bearing eag er and busy passengers : and the pn ducts' of rich mines and fertile lands. Through that great gorge' of -the Paco let River, in Tryon, Township, the en terprising citizens of . Polk " County have' constructed an automobile .- boul evard of great scenic beauty, connect ing the great. Southeast with Hender sonvilie, Asheville, .. and the . upper mountain section. 7;;.:- 7 The - Tryon. plateau- Is situated within-a great topographical ' horse shoe, formed by the mountains which surround iL The opening - of the shoe Is toward the Southeast ;t. MRS. H. B. LOCKE, - , SALUDA, N. 5 r - Modern : conveniences.' 'Fine, loca Jon.- Good table, fine, water,-neab . postofice and - library. No "Jubercu"" lar patients .received. : : Terms;' $8 . tci $10 per week. Special rates to partita. L 'P1 Mimosa ' , TRYON, N. C." - , A Most Delightful Summer Resort in The Blue Ridge -Mountains" of North " -. Carolina - Where you can get the very, best fare with all the' comforts and convent- . ences. of a. , ' - MODERN HOTEL -. At-Reasonable Rates- . An Ideal Place to Spend the Summer , JOHN A.-MACRAEi-V,. o,aU uuiciai. i ueuirtuikjr . - 1 r