t .'I ..v : A. - i ''i oioouirv nnuo M bead arWiwioo -' xmmL7 iicwopapiiii fdlli v. t . v - -' .; , ... -it ' , ;-; MK QCAU Ldtsu SALTOA, POLK COUNTY H.X FRIDAY, .AUGUST 21, 1914. - "--yi ,AuUST 21, 1914. ,1, , J"-;..:. ESTABLISHED, MAY, 1894. BELGIAN COURT HAS y utnmAHTWKBn 1 1 ui ii i i UN i iiiirnr iw i u nil i IMLIII DIRIGIBLE HOVERING OVER BRITISH FLEET llp - - r ; - ; ; V'?' - - ; . ' - r : :- Plk County 5 . . . . ' . " .- in the Land , of , the Sky Charming iu uapuvating Scenery Life Giving , Ozone. i THE BELGIAN COURT FLEES FROM BRUSSELS AS ENEMY ADVANCES. GERMANS CROWDING ON Perched on tha'Adra nt t ?ALMDA AppalacUan plateau, v wld : r altitude of 2,250 feet, and approached from the sonth h-r a Ktaa-n rade that calls for double locomotlTe Bwrnce irom Melrose, a few miles dis tant, is Saluda, the second point of la- west on the southern approach of muiu oi tne ajqr." The ascent la made amid scenes ,of absorbing inter eat, dark and repelling forest, being replaced ' in nv . ,n. -..n rveep Keportecs From Front BWU UJ sunut openings where Brazilian Government Has Ask- Pa8sm smnpses can be caught of the . f ;ted For Explanations' -v London. That the- arTYiT.fl ' W forcing their war through Belgium is indicated by-the Brussels report! that German cavalry is approaching . the flora of. this most exauiaita HAHrt Rocks rise suddenly . to ). alarming ikubuu aooT me railroad bed almost within reach of the startled traveler, to give place -with just as startling ra- w-8"xes mrougn which dash ame Dow mountain stream on its way y APAN TAKES HAND IN THE WOR GERMANS GRUSHING ULTIMATUM FROM JAPAN GIVES SOON THE ALLIED. FORCES WILL GERMANY A WEEK TO LEAVE BE CONFRONTED BY THE nit. unoi, TIICTAMA WAR EXPECTED TO FOLLOW TO BE NEAR OLD WATERLOO COTTON OF SOUTH CONGRESS OF SOUTHERN STATES M ET I N WASHINGTON VTO PLAN SOLUTION. Belgian Capital; that .measures for H i v uniam stream on its way the defense of Bru ? lJ J0.30.? sUTery Pacolet River wind- 1-1.. ..' w MViUS l iny IrO VAV ! IV. 11 . . aaaienea and that the seat of Gov Antwerp.. 4 I pm; or; the recenay constructed The British press bureau announce fn BPnoio: automobile road connect that any. action wE5 t "1!! to? .South-Through scenicland- Rock, Hendersonville and Asheville, to tne Tennessee line, and tnere is not one inch of Auls. steep , ascent that is not filled with promise of beauty, amply fulfilled . when the traveler reaches his destiitation on the sum mit -r. ' . - beyond the China seas. exceDt for th projection of, Japanese shipping. " Tne British- War Council , has de cided to exclude correspondents; from the forcesin the 'field and it is an. nounced that the French War De partment intends to. lake thftVma action and that probably war corres- pendents in Beiirinm Wni Ka wyu 0i tne ascent Jit'Ar-Ai- -:.7 . nnngs not. only fulfillment of nmmiM 'T: , - ' of vearniiiM after th hf:: with it comes a sense of reUef from the depression brought on by the NANY SCHEMES SUGGESTED hlStoS wo now v at '..the Final Note From Tokio to Berlin De mands Removal of Warships anc? Evacuation of Kiau-Chau. Somewhere Between Courain and Diest Decisive Battles Will Be , . "! ' Fought . Nimerous Offers of Ways and Means For Holding" Up Market and Giv ing Credit to Growers, b : great : fortreaa : of Mainz. v The Emperor's denartnt-A from Berlin for the front has evoked enmusiasm In the German Capital. ine Brazilian "Government ,has in jieaiea- spen m tne lowlands. The rarified; air from tho k surrounding heights plays in constant currents, la den with a wealth of HfA-vin- Hotel Directoiy You will make no mistake In selecting one1 of these excellent places to ped your vacation, In Th . Land of the Sky." Carolina Home Mrs W. C. Robertson, Proprietress. Central location. ; Baths.'" c6m&e cial rate 2 per day. 'Weekly rate ST to 8.' ' - ...... .' - ' . v , SALUDA, N. O. The Charles i MRS. J. W. LaMOTT Rates: Commercial 2 per day. 'eekiy:$7 to A i Special Family Rates.: No consumntlvA Mrn . SALUDA, n. a . Melrose Inn A quiet and doilghtful famUy hots! Modern. Rates upon v application. SALUDA, N. OV ' Tokio. Japan sent an ultimatum to London pLmt,- of7PZndranMiDS ,the withdrawal weight of.nJmbers,. the German ad- Washington'.-The problem or German warshins from thA nrfonf .vatia w.L- - . 7 ttU I nrvA . ... v. . fl( J 4V' 1.. v -m. ' ' structed ns;MInister.atBerlina' r10 for explanations and the ounishmnt wLrrl! founng the r - of. those enmv of th Bii -: :Lrr-r..yw:wnrawarm warships from the Orient vance t.r InthA ' ITbrl. German j soldiers on o Be! 4rtLrw? and the evacuation of,KIauChau id ateadiiv: V W,Q v ,;. V wuiw waicn, according to an official -y f ooutnern uotton congress 'y -"r'-Zi ttuu xurcr points of delightful interest- in on out wise, the ultimatum stafp Tqtq -btiii I .rTit- u, i . . I ed across ttiA SwU ft.AnH : : , "iwrcott in quest wwHwktf, BF WW 111 IM I I 1 . I II III r T- I L.U111IIIII I M W II I T Fa - n WM. f " waw . V AUk Lf Al. KL Cj A - f I Vrffll n W -' M mm A 1X Aw take action . III MUU1 are in i- 1 r " Sfi VAi.a , w rapioiy stored Kiau-Chan. from wmk t. .r.'' B"lue Pi unnamed. represenung; tne nor . - - .r-' - " evonrea ,nom existence In i : -aVau iiaa Belgians in the outDost aklK siaces organized, listened to . " yicuiiauaye uusoower of Jovand with nrHk . . .t - . i . - i invarfoH unHu i .it. . . i "j.w . mmuittwai oi trer-1 uiisuuiK are rm tn -h.-j memoer or ftnnsro mhft nnu u,ucu imi mu mo itussian aa Poplar Glenn J. L. RENTZ, Proprietor. - SALUDA. N. 'a 1 Large outside rooms. Hot and coll Delightful breeze. Mountain Bates: ' "U to $i"8pV baths. pricg water.' cial to families. demanded the wr " ! , n fn PfnInsular of severe checks on the German forces- ,sIave plans for meeUng the'eotton ritnrVK n wun aojoming ter- Dut on the whole the German wing crtsla discussing the 13,5000,000 bales tZr.J Geany In -1898. and. soon has kept on its way and has reached of cotton which will "soon be harvest- SmT ?S ? a Protectoe- The a line from north of Namur to ed ta th cotton states: ' " 2Voqua hr " f -bUt Saelen- suggests thai' the first Representatives r. Lever of South w square miles. Germany also con- big battle will be fought. . fiomwh Caroltn a qqt,0 tt o-nt 1. i . I hflf . IT . .. "... . I . , con- the all ortl- the roj and nr Tr, . .-r I xij ill 1 1 u r t r Mk.. a m t tu secure a nrm ana renaer worth Beleium untAnaWo with satAr p.iiii T .,.f.ii.: which will o 1 .it. . - I . .. . ' I " O ' . v.vv"i -eietsmeiu, tne japan going to tne relief of their neighbors plates the establishment of standard vance in Galica. has been - checked. Brussels admits., that , the French casulties In the fighting - between Namur and Dinant were heavy, as tne Germans were strongly entrench hols an PTtoT. ; , ' " X. , " v i "V1 D9 Jougar- somewhere Carolina and Senat Tau, the eart inTw a"s" w c,tf vAX,uvain and -Dst. where Georgia, who have had charge of the ui SeaDOrt In thA tArrttnrv onn. tha allfon iM.t..vt it. . .. . i.j . .. - trolled bv r rmin, i T 1. u V """V-.wm try to diock legiiauve. ena. or. the movement- to iiea by Germany is . strongly f ortl- the roads to Brussels and Antwerp provide Federal aid to meet the situ- uuuiiag peace m eastftm Aala I PartViai. C..l, n i . I - estahiiohn, , . . ' I kjuulu r i ouca troops nave i lormuiaiea - tne scneme ofthTS Ch 13 the aId enteri Belgium through- Charletroi, probably be put through: mnAw;i - - uviAuuvid i vvvw caiauiiDiiiiieuL til KiHinmni l. ia government believes it to and to aid in anv attav 1t-0ma Uotton i..... movements Imneriai V adv,ce to the ward v Namur, while" in the East -the cotton warehouses and the issue of my8 e17" f. u,01ujuCUI iu i ncutu ar reDortea to huva tniran i shit flient Amors'onnv ..t - r- i - v- o v i.a.uv auuut Saluda Is an up-to-date and too. eoMT i.wwu, wiur possiDuities that are apparent at a glance to one who cares to look. It is - making rapid strides, and keeping - pace "with ed and their artillefv canspd t " r, "tcuv :arw Tivo o.-. "-yiww. uus enure qeautirui and The British ofiicial news bureau who visit It : im.nf.M- a -h I ' " w WWVWMJ . UUUS1B HTin bays tne ranch. fleet in the Mediter- boardine housAi. Ht aThAI3 ,made n?WeeP UP the 8tancy r after year, its Quaint and Adriatic as far as Cattaro. Four Aus- Quiet allurements grbw' with each trian warships are reported to have turning season.' been sunk. , : r v "There is more ozone in the atmos- The British military - and naval Phere , in and around Saluda than at are still shrouded ' In other points in the ranee of thfl nin mage Mountains owing to the ' condi Mm, ..i ..j. : 1 . " . vui LCVA tu AltlTO LillLtSU sitions Rowing two propo- possession of ridges in the Vosges $300-,0OD.OOO to be loaned on . cotton, SWITZERLAND WANTS U.' S. GOLD Mount a in a an A r V tvl - m t 11 e 1 . . . .... w v.. A. a Ull 1. Ill 111 III! Ill .4 II2.M1.UI. .11 I II. ..IIMIIIU III U fill T n MAI I - W UMMUU I w . wmwm.W .UU UUUU1 l.U 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 III. - Mill Uemanrla Marl. , I Daiv; ... i- . . I . . . .. ' -. First-T w,a7. Jf , " ' 71, na oainie Mane au pius or. tne crop unui market condi- Swiss Minister Asks For Loan of Gold from To "uaw iuimeuiateiy mines, mrougn wnich Important roads tlons become . u tivi v All .LI Cot? more nearly normal. From Washington. .Washington. Dr. Paul Ritter, the . n.s o, -m.ii w ttwiirw gvea .mem , A flood of smrtrAStions anrl ine Germans again are hammering posed by delegates to the congress, tations to the state department In be of an kind VnTt T.rL; r" situaUon were : pro- Sw minister, again made represen- Zc ii1osg which cannot be CArvn A m ... latrthan September th TT wSTr.m Iaen--Js denied currency against it;, to plans for the vSwitzerland, in Perial Japanese tSt. by the Belgians, who tell of another dstruction of half of the crop, to practically her i tionsPaonreS o lS r"h5 XL! they maintain the price All of these'plans tion under arms, - asea territory of Kia Chau tin 1, w luc eventual restora w me sam to nna Gov, say, attempted to rush the fortress. AGREE ON CREDITS PLAN. )ve The Imperial Japanese Cotton Congress Adjourns After Vot ing on Means. tions created by the currents' of air from the i higher altitudes in passing into, the Tryon Valley below; Saluda.' From Engineers' reports to U. S. ueoiogicai Jep'L, 1. - Tucked away, among the rRYON loothills of the Southern ' r Appalachians. 1,350 feet above sea level,, on a gently undulat Inxr nlatean nf.ATMntinnai h.... o o4; u . ..... T : . uottuijr una c i-i OIC6C, wuu- ierUUtV. IS thA nharrriino- ll entire male ooDula- Tnmn m . " , vw wun uirvst ueugairm a il ls racing a serious vear-romM M.nf. i a. were referred to committees elected question in regard to feeding her b The plateau is Dierced hv th by the various state delegations, v army. The ImputaUon that his conn-1 of thA ParoUt Tjtl -5.. rl-OT8t The congress adopted, a resolution try might implicate the United States which, turbulent ,i-.' v, endorsing , the amendments to the in a violation of neutrality by using ble down the mountains in their tortu emergency currency, act proposed by the acquired, money as a loan to bel- rous course to the vallev ahimmAT. in" The Esseola. V L- MRS. J. K. CAMPBELL. . Fine view. LIthia Water, .'conven lntly. located. Rates: . 8.50 to Slf per week. ' SALUDA, n! a Pace -House ; 1 MRS. H. H. FUDGE, Proprla'tress, ?8 per week and upward. Rates: Beautiful grounds. f Tennis SALUDA, N. C. courts. so with- away at the Liege forts and accordine - . ; . I JOU6CU uuiu uiuyu-cvia mat tne w. a iuou tof tneir accounts one of the forts, (mvominonf voinJftA. cold from thA TTnJtii stotoa I Vm, u w A AJL 111 r JL k. W C1U1 XL.F I I Kill. Ill I M Mil wm 1 v j w w W V. m-t MJtliVkJi ernmoi-if . . . - v Uli II I III II I'UU n 1- i a --- that in- x .. I .'.Trrl.v.. mv' ci x :. I Slenator PansAll which wmiiii tt.- 1 ligerent nations was declared nrenna. thi h4inn ..n ' . Inb hv -;ruc cveni 01 h not receiv- .u6t.u.u ovutueru, cotton i 'T.Trr, tProns hv Mii.tA-; wff- xr. Btt giant rope m, uuu on August 23 1914-.'an f congress after endorsing various f"s"w vo"w.;.:ftvlllDIB;...on----.r --u.;,a-Mau ,vl UTer. w tt r-1 tv a j - i. m. .- 1 Tira vc r n a a k -i . vw 1 1111 m iiiiiiiuu i m nn a ti ni n 1 a r v 1 , m. m . crillTiQnf : t .. .. I i aa .a . - I -?nritv Sirfr Pgnorlolr Kency was SUCH that Shft TTmftt : hA'-VA ?a 11 -.r.i. : mm .a , vul cnirtrinM jfi 1 rnn . fTrnn tti ariror roan rino1 twatm 1 r -m - j . -' w ,w miuuvhi luiu 1. - - . . . . : . ' v 1 aua cui uin wixnii n a t it -r z . i acceptance of the above adyicej European war, concluded its sessions congress, that although the treasury fluidcurrency to restore normal ;con, English landscape : transferred to ih ernmPM T ImPerial Japanese, gov. here. . The -congress authorized var iu us vu 1U11LI.CC3 ivj vuuyetaio Willi LiiC Federal and state authorities in their Ioha Lodge MRS. 8. 8. OEHLER, Proprletresa. Located in Saluda, near Piney iota fine water arid scenery. Modern house. Ratea:.$7 and up. . Special rates to families, , offered by l Q Tif . f m m m take v u win pe compelled to neces,. 1 wuu a3 sne may deem sar- to meet , the situation; pANAM CANAL NOW OPEN. Made efforts to enable the cotton grower to Weather the financial storm and se ciire a fair price .for the present cot ton crop, ' ,. . After enaorsmg tne worK so department had decided such receipts would be proper security under the present, law he was anxious' to make sure of. it. dltions at home. Pines Immigration Halved By War. Washington, War's effect pofc m- migration .into the United States rwits indicated by official figures' showing a heart of heroic American mountaina M R8 .M. c 1 Fn w a . ' .! ' forms the;loer gateway to the "Land , j;-..-. -pn.xre.. of tje Sky-" and the "Sapphire Coun- Hot and cold bath. Central loca. try.-- It is the first station in. North tir5oiftL.. - ' Carolina on SrrfJI tlotL-Raea: - $7 and up.,-Soectar o Caring For Tourists. London. The LondonFresldertT com- f decrease' of 'mbre '.than' 50 -pen c&t in '.r mittee;paid out $10,000 to tourists son tne! number of aliens coming ht -'during' Carolina on the S partanbursr Dl visinn of the Southern Railway, twenty-eight yates ,by the month anj to famlllei.' miles .northwestv-ffbxi. Spartanburir: ' ' " ' -;; J in. 'Official Onninn '' I initcetj-.jtiaiu wui XUVV.W IO lOUriStSSOn -i! y. oiicup vvu6 m uuung p Xfirough Locks. ;; 4 V r10? xne feoutnem representatives Cable orders from their home banks. the Arst hlf of August compared with- J TV-1 n Mllf -' T(. . a aiiH rna n 1 , vauai , AO vTcu to the commerce of the world, Weforfh -- ngh th y pass to atld fro blighP great watprway which trade a new cean highway for Th in congress in tne matter or rurnisn- in needy cases hoter bills were paid, ing transportation for the export The various commi tees formed to help traae, ana proviamg currency to u- Americans, having , found they were the same days lajit year: . nance the crop, the congress endors ed a bill introduced in the House by Representative Wingo of Arkansas, authorizing the issuance of Federal uaitPH "ia,"P Ancon, owned bv the m nta.'n--tfn-'- nofM . . apartment, with Later the report from the resolu being victimi?ed - established' a ' com mon Investigation headquarters to eliminate imposters. A society of col fit n-n' x. - ' . --v-., iMijr-iwu xaiies soutneast from AsfaeviUe, C, the route ' of which follows; almost, without devW tiott; fromrCharleston, S. Cito Ashe vllle, N. C, the historic rWilderttAaa Trail over which the pioneer of early- 1 SALUDA, NC? Faiiryiew House MRS. H. B. LOCKE .; - sXluda; N. C: People on board, made tlons committee was adopted outlin- r8 canar& 7- ' which eIsnalized ing a plan to meet the entire situa- C at 7 o'clock i Crlsto- tion. : This provided for the appoint fached Baiha" morning and ment of a committee of five members 41 o'ciftM. , d0 0n the Pa'ciflft.Ani. r-.o-- Ahe a "cluuon- : Treasury -DeDartment and- the Fed- -iii'fm ..!n - . ' ' i t Transport Moved. San FranfclscO. " Ca-Thft Armv days trekked from thA AAA to thA val. transport Buford received - orders -from OhioC - tho 4. Wai WnaKtmanl l A I .TIm Tint 1vn k..- .". ' witHpaP?Mr? Galveston, Tex.;' via the Panama Canal hanged since those days of the early Modern conveniences. - Fine' lbc dan and others to atTrA as soon aa she can be' made ready. Pioneers,' Now;a ecoie , of 'wonderful t10 J1004 t&Wftane watery - near uau duu oiuers 10 guara me interests -vr 0Tnuni . ,. .x. i ioiiiw i--'uj : . . i notofflo ; n iihMM . ?. ..-.... xt. vAiiouauou ttt-tuuipauieu m or-1 uauia syeeu every aay aionsr 1 r . j.-Ai-A lUDercu- .i ilj.u ' ..... . . o I 1.. . ijmA 1 ' . mm 1 . dcks remain at the Bal- f eral Reserve Board to seek means of . c ,me "me, discharging "financing : and marketing the crop, ercial .vnv. eing the first ' com- without unnecessary loss to the farm- , mafia i. w uiuugu tne of stranded American school teachers - ' .O - ' V ' ' . .. , ' Peace Plan for Mexlcp City.; Mexico City. -A ; formal peace pact between the Constitutionalist Army ana, iub r euerai , vrovernment was signed by General Qbfegon, represent- der. the old Wilderness Trail, bearing eae- r. Ptieufa received. Termsi $1 ti- er and. busy passengers, and the im I 1U Pr week, bpecial rates to parties. Americans Treated Well. A uucts 01 rich mines and fertile lands! London. -Prof. Jeremiah JenkS, of nrngn erezt gorge of the Paco- Cornell University; reached London RlLT,!' iTLTJOn Township, the en- from Berlins r The Mimosa TRYON, N.:C. anal, j er.' V: (Greece Suspends Use .of Wireless. ade V aS tHp was the fastest yet ierfB,i :, "v-CttU steamer 70 tilled ,, ' . sPeed never hoforo I Ktn i a. ta-'r-itorlal wfttera. arrnrd- J M..nnXtn t r-. Qlloli Ae ntV 1 ( v.v.v ouiiii iu ue i,vmv" " ------ tyiuuiioco pcav.ct at vuuyaiiuu. ; 1 fle- I u rai C1 ocKages were Inar to announcement by the Commer- nnrf uraa: drawn n at. thA rAnnoat --rif ""'u, I - . . - - - ... . fr " . - , r. w- - -m. vx cial Cable Company. terunsine j mzatuv of ; Tni He says (Americans ' in 1 ha-A a.-.A -x. . ng f 9ns"tutlonalIsts' ad Eduar- Germany are suffering no indignities evard of great scenic beauty, connect, A ,Most 3WIWf Su'mm.r Resort in do lturbide. Governor of the Federal and that they are heme; treated with insr the c-rAat Sothaa I7 ITh ri.i- PMn., dlsWct;,: Thet.: docttmentr.f orms the considerati'or.i: Many6thek;r now-l sonville. AshAviiiA : ' . rrn- baslsunde. ; which the Constitutional- ever, are penniless Ambassador Ger-1 inountairi Afmr " v - ' "y Whra von Vi nt .h k.., -. Ists wl entef -the .CapitaL..It ysets ard is supply ing'the actual needs of The !IWn -nlatAn - with all th -oniforto .-a wL , - r . , X . . ml w W l L3 ' I l I -. I M I I " 1 ! W A M lAX V C J ences of a Whlh ' MODERN . HOTEL - - Rotterdam is :being;rtsumd. Tourists nearlr' turround. it The opening t V V .Af Reasonable Rates ' r Summer .asSe?f "5.,P !':C!tf!"?.' v.celbetwe?Iiport;.i : Germany ,o ..hoe. torU py theSS. & ' tha State Department' at Washington travel on these trains without mole j the sboe la 'toward the Southeast Anldeal Place to Speridthe tation. - J w '.'-C'-V ,.V" ' .VrT-; . - .! - ' . ' JOHN A. MACRAE f ' v -T. 4 ii.

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