ft -7 THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, SALUDA, T. C. s fa i Money Works for You Every Day deposited in the Sayings Department of BANK of TRY ON TRN,:N.G. 4 per cent per annum on certificates. Better begin a Savings account this month - . Subscribe for the News , : ANNUAJj STATEMENT OF C AR OlilNSTAT E f i'ANK AT CLOSE OP BUSINESS AUGUST 31, lofi TRYON. I RESOURCES' IwOans and Discounts. . . . , .,:. . .$28,185.74 J uverdralts...., .14.22 btocks and Bonds Banking House and Fixtures. . . Other Real Estate.. Collection Items. ...... Cash and in Banks. . . . . 3,800.00s 3,454.8"' 35-OP. 8,769 48 $44,415.8 MABIIiiqJIKS Capital Stock.... . .... .. '....$ 5,000.00 iirplus and Profits. f . .j ; 1,747-. 83 Cashier's Checks., 428.58 "JJi .m ' r- -' ew 1 Deposits ,; ;.f ...... 37.239-40 I $44,41581 WITH A CONSEKVATIVK AND COURTEOUS MANAGEMENT WE SOLICIT YOUR BANKING BUSINES DAVID C. BARROW, Piimsn W. C. ROBEHTSN, Vici-PRKstDEir Q. C. SONNKR, Vici-Pkuidkhi' RENRV M. LANE, Cb'him J MANY TYPEWRITERS IN ONE The New MULTIPLEX HAMMOND VISIBLE 1 carries TWO STYLES OF TYPE AT ONCE "J.UST TURN THE KNOB" and change instantly from Pica type to Italics, or from English to German, Greek, Russian, etc. TWO DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE ALWAYS IN THE MACHINE THE MULTIPLEX HAMMOND IS THE MOST PORTABLE STANDARD TYPEWRITER Tikes any width of paper Does the most beautiful work The Hammond Typewriter Company, Wth. Street & East River, New York, A. K The News mustliave 1500 sub scribers. ;Will.you elp get them? b: Leap's Prolific eat Most Proline and Dost off Milling Wheats. A report on this wleat from Dela ware snows a yield f 3,430 bushels on 74 acres, and 88h bushels on 17 acres. .y f In Maryland it leads in popularity; has proven its superiority in all parts of Virginia: is the most popular vari ety in North Caroling; heads the list in South Carolina :i for profitable yields; in Georgia tajiks far above all others; Tennessee growers discarding other wheats for this; at the head of beardless wheats .113 Kentucky, and equally well suited, t West Virginia Therefore we are1 justified in recommending Leap's Prolific Wheat for all sections. We are the original distributors of Leap's Prolific Wheat, Write for DESCRIPTIVE TALL, CATALOG. T.W, WOODf & SONS, Seedsmen, - Rihmond, Va. The Polk County News' BIGGEST OFFERS MAfiAZKS U t: i'A aeaf -1 Kimball's DaifyFarjgietJ GREENS Fruit Grower 7 "-vSE."?.?1 . i v J S THEGENI1BWMW Vft WHV6 M8VML MOMTMOf JULY 1013 fete v ;v,.-"-'i!''i.i 7 $1.25?Our Paoer and Any One of These Clubs : EVERAL leading publishers of magazines have joined with us in one of the greatest subscription bar- Oeain oners ever put out in mis cuuimy. x muui . v. -- - yearly subscription tohree magazines in combination with our weekly paper at practicallythe price of our DaDer alone. I In this list you will find forty different periodicals formed into thirty-five different clubs Each club has 3 magazines, except one Special Club which has four magazines; some of tse maga zines sell for as much as $1 a year. They are all good and cover a large variety of choice readug matter, including History, Music, Religion, Education, Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Dlustrated CurreEvents, Home decorations, Fiction, Literature, Drama, Art, Science, Inventions, General Farming, DairvjFarming, Live Stock, Vegetables, Fruit and poultry. . On account o choice of any one This offer is r If you are a scno" WJ-or -gWe your oder to our represeudve or call at our office when in f wn. If you the club you like best. Send 7" tft nttw ,ust A vour order to us we will have yourlsubscription " j . ... . t . extended. If your subscription to our ri . t a m mspaTiiica aim wsui aw w w w j - w- - - v - are now a suoscnocr w jr T a A,A n n.v mnA t.V .avantacre nf this harp-ain. If vou are in paper is ps uuc, jw -f - o - . . through other channels, we ask you to justly compare our clubs and prices withitbat of any r . 'aiihaeriber to some of these periodicals. You can save money by ending your ?newtl ordeMo M. Here . ctanc. to get your home p.per and . yearly rapply of good re.ding .1 a real bargain. f yo -an, "". of the rn.ga.tn.. ..n to TS, r, n.r. nrn . i TELL ALL TOUK rK.JW3 mis nuunaww wvrw . " Jhimw rJ lit Mi A CLUB N. 1 , McCall' (with fre pattern; Farm Life Everyday Life CLTJB N. 2 Women's World Peoples Popular Monthly Gentlewoman CLTJB No. 3 Hearth andHome Farm Life household Magazine CLUB Ni.4 American Woman Farm Life Household Ouest CLUB No. 5 Today's (with free pattern) Farm Life f Household Magazine ' CLUB No. 6 Today's (with free pattern) Everyday Life -Gentlewoman , CLUB No. 7 Fancy work Magazine Kveryday Life Woman's World CLUB No. 8 Farm and Fireside Woman's World ., Home Life CLUB No. 9 Farm and Home Woman's World Household Quest CLTJBNs-lO Today's (with free pattern) Woman's World Home Life CLUB No. 11 Good Stories Farm Life - ' Everyday Life CLUB No. 13 Green's Fruit Grower' Kveryday Life -Farm Life CLUB No. 13 Today's (with free pattern) Pralrl Farmer Household Magazine CLUB No. 18 Today's (with free pattern) Gentlewoman Home Life CLUB No. 19 Successful Farming Home Life Everyday Life CLUB No. 20 Farmer's Wife Home Life Everyday Life CLUB No. 21 Happy Hour. Farm Life . Gentlewoman SPECIAL CLUB Same Price as Others Poultry item rmrm Llfm Woman '9 World Homo Ufo CLUB No. 14 People's Popular Monthly Farm Progress Woman's World ' CLUB No. IS Poultry item Today's (with free pattern) Farm Life CLUB No. 16 Boys' Magazine HomeLi fe Gentlewoman CLUB No. 17 Kimball's Dairy Farmer Home Life Gentlewoman CLUB No. 22 Farm. Stock and Home Woman's World Home Life CLUB No. 23 Vegetable Grower Today's (with free pattern) Everyday Lite CLUB No. 24 Woman's World Farm Life Today's (with free pattern) CLUB No., 25 Woman's Home Weekly Woman's World Home Lite CLUB No. 26 Fancy work Magazine Gentlewoman Today's iwith fref pattern) CLUB No. 27 Kansas City Weekly Star Farm Life -W Everyday Life.; CLUB. jjSTo. 28 Gentlewoman Cf. Woman's World Home Life ij CLUB o. 29 Kansas City Weekly Star Everyday Life Home Life I CLUBffo.30 Southern Ruralist Home Life . 1 Gentlewoman Mf CLUB Ho. 31 Farmer's Wkly. Despatch (St. Paul Home Life ' if: Farm Life ,- ' ' CLUB Ko. 32 Rural Weekly S Paul) Gentlewoman M Everyday Life, ; CLUB o, 33 American Home j. Woman's World $ : Gentlewoman - pi CLUBfo. 34 McCall's (with, re pattern) Everyday Life . iff ". . . . Household Gueci ' . Tryon, N. C, Sept. 7, I9i4. To the Editor of the Polk County News, Sa luda, N. C: At a meeting of the Superintending Com mittee and the Teachers of the Union Bible School, called to consider the problems for the coming year, the successes and difficul ties of the past as well as existing conditions were fully discussed. In February 1911 a strong, union Bible School was organized with the hearty sup port of all the Churches and Christian influ ences of Tryon. The Public, Graded School building was selected in which to hold the services, both because it was particularly appropriate for 'a union, popular Bible School a school of ai d for the whole community and because it was the only building of sufficient size and suitable arrangementof rooms available. The enthusiastic backing by all the Chris tian bodys was delightful anJ. showed a sweetness of spirit and breadth of view that was most inspiring. The large size of the school made it possible to so grade the scholars that the great truths of the Bible could be taught over and over again in ways to appeal most strongly to the minds and heart of pupils of all ages. It truly set med that the broad reawaken ing of interest in Bible study and Sunday School work, which has, during the past few years, swept over the whole country, had also come td Tryon. Reports of ourl house on Sundays, to protect the literature and materials of thcBtfele School from van dalism by 'unVnowu people, to keep the various rooms elean and in order, and there by surround our pupils with an uplifting and spiritual influence, and iV Whereas we see no " way of correcting or even, improving the above injurious condi lions, r ';. Therefore, with sincere regret, we resolve that the Union Bible School shall indefinite ly suspend its services. ' , . Signed by v Superintending Committee: J. Foster Searles y ' john Or r T. T. Balleiiger Teachers; Mrs E P Erskine Mrs Johu Orr Mrs Annie Missildine ' Mrs O S Missildine Miss Mabel Mc Tee Miss Mabel Smith Miss Mary Mayes J li Hester W F Smith Ralph C Erskine G H Holmes TRYON ROUTE 1 Picking cotton is the order oi the day, in our section. Rev J C Richardson delivered a fine ser mon, at the Mill Springs Methodist Church, Sunday. Misses Lola and Cora Edwards leit last successes highly commended by the great week for Hendersonville, where they will bodyof earnest Sunday School workers in spend a fortnight with friends and relatives.' many States. , Miss Mattie champion was the guest of The enthusiasm of success filled our j Mias Bessie Hamilton, Sunday afternoon; "'i Hearts until certain physical conditions, over which we had no control, began to bear down upon the very 8oul and spirit of this movement. These unhappy conditions are too well known and loo sadly felt to be repeated at length but it is most important for everyone to realize that these physical conditions' are the real and vital causes for the suspension of the Unioa Bible School. At this meeting, after most careful con sideration, the following resolution was unanimously pased; Whereas, for the past two 'winters it has been impossible to safely heat the School J J D Carpenter is erecting a nice home. Rev J C Richardson and daughter, Mrs. L A Tomlinson were pleasaut callers on the route last Friday. Mrs Lester Pack rtl Utile daughter, Lill ian were guests at lhe hutte of John Goforth last Sunday. Don't forget the ice cream supper at Fox. Mountain School House, next Saturday night, Sep't 19th." Ice Cream Supper at the Fox Mountain School House, Satur day night, Sep't. 19th. It Fertilizers that Fertahze Our " Tryon Truck" brand, 4-5- 9, is a special mixture for Polk County soil. Call and talk with our Agent, J. B. Page, at Gash Hardware Store, Tryon N. C. Prompt service Liberal terms. and the Landrum Mercantile Co., Landrum, s. C. Spartanburg Oil Mill, Spartanburg, S. C. at -.A-lar j .IT li t .4 THE tmxmwm mi ltllwyi.aaat TstBy.rp.s-a. THE GUARANTEED HUSTLER SAU MILL The word ''Hustler" stands for rapid work, light running and consequently1 small power can be used and good profits assured. 2,500 feet in a day with 4 h. p. and greater capacity with increased power. A good 8 h. p. gasoline engine will do good work. Five sizes of "Hustler" Mills built to suit all requirements. Has more labor-saving and time-saving devices and better fee4 works than any miU on the market IF INTERESTED, WRITE FOR CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE. gJZ HUSTLER PLANER AND MATCHER Don't give a big part of the profit on your lumber, to a better equipped mill. Install a Hustler Planer' and Matcher and get that extra profit yourself. It will surface, match flooring and celling, make moulding. Capacity 20 to 40 lineal ft. per minute. Write for full . particulars of this maehine that means bigger profits . to you. We invite everybody to take advantage of this Offer. Bring your order or send it to the nce of - The News, Saluda, N. C. : " J 'nncTirDwcnirii? cirr ctnr rnrn uuijiutu aUiiuuj on if vutu couu m if NB anCL dumbu "BBfctaaildtawi Is fitted with a quick adjustable trance. to set board up parallel to saw. The iron table over the saw mandrel Is fitted with an adjustable guide so machine ean.be used either as a cut-off saw, or as a rip saw for ripping pickets, etc. It is simple, Ught, durable and guaranteed to do satisfactory work. "Hustler" Swing Saw Saves belts, power and labor. It swings from an independent shaft, is ad justable in every direction, automatically tightens the belt. Guaranteed to do first-class work. Cir cular No 66-A gives full description. Write for It. i 1 Manufactured by SALEM IRON WORKS 317 South Liberty St. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. I ".lis m t - -V : I'.