CICKQ PflRTQ p lie uLLIUJ I UIIHJ OIST TOWNS on r.iilM'.Q CHIEP FOR EAPORT NEW CAMPAIGN. 1AAV CAPITAL TO HAVRE MOVE Flee From Ostend Before geffl!ans Who Are Now Sweeping Gtrrnans Across Country. 1 - The headquarters of the London overnment were transferred ... . v. iUn avanHnn rf TTIncr 1 Havre. " ilu L civ-vtiuwu v- Albert n0 remains at the head of I. army aad the minister of wa I members of the cabinet with the (,or eovernment officials and th this day diplomatic corps ien ujr steamer ior mo fcuvu iiey will carry on tne auairs oi state jjd where nosyiLd-uij uoo uccu ui.i.cit i them by the French government. w i t 1 A !n; r sels! are the only diplomatic repre- jntatives accredited to Belgium re- laiBing In mai luuuuy. xm ia aW-jnove . of the - Belgium-, capital of Liege. The government moved from Brussels to Antwerp thence to tencUind no w . across the line to This final change followed quickly upon the German westward. advance, irhich was begun- immediately after the fait of Antwerp." .' Success in "tak-; tag the chief port of Belgium opened the way for a new plan of campaign.. i3 This embraces the occupation ,f the rhole of Belgium, including the coast towns, and if possiblet some of the In accordance with this plan, the - . - v - . invaders have begun to .sweep , across northern Belgium. ,' They -occupied hent without oostCn'-)r afe aid to lt weirvaced toward to ltd to well valiced'r Bruges, as the Belgian army is being reorganized and has been reinforced. All dispatches from that region are being censored strictly so nothing has been learned of the operations jmce'G'henrtelTinto the hands of the germans. .The people are fleeing be-. 'ore the invaders and the steamers from Ostend were crowded - with refugees. , " ; ; The Germans are making a simul taneous western advance in'Southern Belgium. Across the border in France unole .array corps has ... occupied e. Cavalry has been seen as far t at Hazebrouck, which is on the "way leading to both Calais and Dunkirk. Fren6h forces haye been-- sent to rat Off. if nnssihto fhla attemnf tn me coast and a nnnrAin tr t p , . o v i w uuiciai communication issued. lasen tne offensiv i. I vub wvaiuo ui ! c n bMn? a. the allies' left 'vrtrie. iff ""aessrul would arouse reat nthu ... tj ' m in Germany as an Indication the promised ,t areial "attack gainst England , is about to be -car- ut. Already bombs have been PPea on Ostend from aeroplanes once Germans reach, the coast, Lijcff ltlsh coast ports "and ey eii . .. . b-irr- v '"uvcmeai promises .10 a V vi-v' "i. tne Ai&uef"Wiui;u i . utt,n m progress frr a mnnth Art J a T.V . v' - ... W U wu, -f. WW i Fy. conclusion.. . . i : KM v.. . berrnans, although thftv liavfl uro'jsjhf k s'u neavy reinfoTcementsi.; frm Part n?ytuand now an use at least a jjtu the-oops'Vhic;h-,pattIcipatd. tohav Antwerp, -are known German attempts to, cross .net-riv-er e withdrawn many, troops from ixierden. it is said, has been repulsed. ont alonS ttie Oise-to rein- p been nght wing- where they have Thes JK IDCr r, J a At a m m . - II ftli rm apparently nave met I rtuJ - 41e succesa "for the : French "ur rjna vn I - uiaiacu yiugmsa i 8aine timt Arras and Aivoi.t At fon . '" uirarawai rrom tne r n..-v : t. t , . . i i er Of thft r!crtv.n' j I naa . . - wiuau liuul's HriKRifHii ".'eu ii 'Allies make ad- to th "erry-au-Bac district, trh.,Tinvest of Rheims. and also . . Q bouain, west of th Arnnta Ar rth of ''Ulancourt: he.twpn thp v "n.e arid tlie Meuse:""- : f fic'iarr;p sad in the. French of- 11 1 IT h 4 b . I ADrpmvs:; 2. me fighting 'around be v;7 Lna St. Mihiel,' which -has ffieJ ueavy for some time' Here ery hfeavy-for"! -Villi c naVe ! been .making .-de- 81lions nn' l maintain tneir. po- io tT,a t . tnis. is now secondary sm. in tha 7 Di-r which forms tie Az;r Calak .!"a p of :oise. - Fas ide auV: Aisnp.. -, 11 c CI. Wans are in mmta oV 1 A vine of - y 1 ae nf. AQlwerp, but it is said t, - ".il (UO UU1U1UK UUb I ni. . 1 ..4. I mom n mo nnrvmnr ULItl tITY OF ANTWERP temporary Capital of Belgium Falls Be fore Onslaughts of The Germans' , Mighty , Guns- OELGIAIIROYAUAMILY FLEES Garrison Defending The Forts Of Ant werp Escapes Before Entry Of " The German Invaders The past week in the European war has been one of very important devel opments. Antwerp, one of the strong est fortjned cities in the world ajici the temporary, capital of the Belgian government was captured by the Gar- man invaders. A great natriotic dem; onstration has swert Germanv over victory of their armies. On the following the fall of Antwerp the Germans on the Belgian border fight ing the allied armies suffered reverses at several important places and in east Prussia on the same day the Rus- Bians captured Lyck. UU IUC 00.111 a German city It required only eleven days for the giant siege guns or tne German invad era to reduce, to. ruins the strong forts of the Belgian port. The greater pi$rt of the garrison of British'and Belgian troops who defended the forts of Ant werp escaped from the city before the entry of the Germans. King. Albert and the royal family also escaped. The queen and other' members of the royal family of Belgium are believed to have fled to England. With the , fall of Antwerp another phase of the v war -situation in Europe is being placed by military efforts. t believed that, the kaiser has abaci doned his campaign against Paris an$ will center . the energy - of his fighting forces in an attack -on the British Isles; t -Using" Aitwerp. as a base - of attack it will he possible for airship flights across the English channel, to England.1- Some have ventured the as-. serUonXhjthe Germans wfjl,attjpt land ,Torceson Btitisn sou ror.xne purpose of invasion. The fighting -be tweqn the allied ar mies and the Germans in the north of France , has developed into siege oper ations. It was hoped for a time that the allIes'wourd be-able to turn the right wing of the Germans in time for the. allies to go to the relief ' of Ant werp,. but Gen. Von Kluck and his sturdy soldiers succeeded . in holding the allies in check. Although the cas ualties have been very heavy on both sides during the fighting the ranks of the allies and Germans were filled with reinforcements as fast as they, could be brought up from the rear. During the past few weeks the allies have succeeded in forcing slowly but surely the. Germans back, close tothe Belgian border.' Every inch of -ground Qg toil IU lives was yam iu cici; VOta e-ainpd. In their effort to en t-ii v. - e y,a. n.armara th I iiao arraii'i pii i MKir iiallik imr: until it extended over a territory of more than a hundred and fifty miles. It has developedintd one of the greatest battles in the history of the- world - German Defeat In Prussia A veil has fallen over the operations of the Germans against the Russians In east Prussia and Russian Poland Russian ft0iivitie), jRaUcia, ..against tne Ausirians wim me wvcjuu laconic message mat iue continuing liieir utv-an. vu. mo x.t3- ot ' tr Amsvl. The Russians Mir JL1 U .. . - - claim a vlctbrv over the GertfaawVar mfa. -'.in ' th a. 'vicinity of Suwalk'iahd liui&o v i - -, U 'vonnrtn- from 'PetroRrad.i the; RU9- Bian capital, say that the. city oXyck, in tastPrussia has beeh taken. The. Recruiting In England Skw The conditions in Austria are report . 9 niltf Most of the industries . in -j wunwJ: ,. v Aind down. The hospitals afe filled Wlul tiitJ yyuuuucu. w. , i I a. a mnn n an . linn iiiiiih. ill uci n. kHpvm1 to be better-: tnan in anv oi uie umci "r a i.i v. n v nati Ana ox .war i- ..iatfiii anH -tTip' nricfis . of wiirK is uicuuiuj -v rv--, . , food have advanced put utue buu;b uic pwur started. - Kngiana Jias riuw ic3 Rilidi disposition and the war,qi. r,Qtrin its difficulties in arousing fv vnnne men of the nation to enlist - h British army. France remains A ? -v - confident of, ultimate victory.- '-; ; . - Manv 4 Insane Belgians London. The correspondent of the. nontral News at Amsterdam, describ ing ' the wild flight of (the people, of Antwerp into Holiana, says one yi i - .a nnmher (ir insane uersuua icjww a from the asvlum. Many of these are now roaming . the country creating oriMnsr disorders. - Many r.tnh- towns are filled with Belgian refugees. , .Flushing, Breda, uotteiuam TJraonnaal. The Hague, Ainautjiuaxxi T nnnnnil'l'll Terneuzen, Maestrlcht and Pordrlecht IWABOUuwi are crowded vith strangers. "TAGGED" 71 (CopyrlghU London. Germany has Imposed a fine of $100,000,000 on Antwerp as a war indemnity. v - London. Antwerp and the forts sur rounding the city are in complete' pos session of the.Germans, but the great er parts of the Belgian army has es caped. J: A - ' . It took the Germans just eleven days to capture the strongest fortress in the ' world. - ' - ,' The fall of Antwerp is evident that even the'1 most powerful forts'- are no. match for the colossal howitzers which the. invaders have successfully em ployed against every fortified place that stood in their way. " These huge open gaps through which the besiegers find an entrance for their flefd ' artil; lery and Infantry! ' . ;; ,?u The Germans,' after; shelling the: city itself for; many jors making it - uh tenable, entered -he-town through ihe suburb of Befchem; to the ' jst. They had made jft breach, in the onier line Of fbrtsc sonie of ' which' were" destroyed bythelr big guns and otherg tna ,oeiender8f-i nv jiermensv oi- ' -. -.4" - 4-- .-. .. - ' V. . " owea similar pians m : oeanng.- witn the inner belts of forts and at the same time threw shells into tne city,' Which set fire to many . places. . ' - ' . - The inner . forts, like ' those" farther out; soon Succumbed to the enormous shells, and on Friday morning several of these forts had fallen, opening the way for the Germans" into the city. By midday they were in occupation of the townand at 2:Su p. m. the war banner on -the cathedral was. replaced by a white flag. - King And Roya Family Escape A few forts continued' to hold out and it was not until Friday" morning that the Germans, according to their own official report, were, in complete posseesslon of the city and fortress. When they arrived they found that the Belgian field : army and at .least tart of the garrison, ha.d anticipated , them, a'ndix like - the iking and-royal family, had escaped. , . . -' The death, roll, resulting frpm. the at tack on and defense of Antwerp,, has not been ' compiled and probably ' the full details never will be" known, but all accounts, describe it as being ter ribly heavy. ' The Germans, although their big guns cleared a path for them, had to sacrifice many lives in crossing the rivers and canals and in riving out the defenders' : who held thei en trenchments until the last.;. . ' The stubbornness. rtQf -. tlie , Belgians and of those who went to their as sistance cost them dearly also, so thajt both sides will have long casualty lists. There is no, reliable informa tion as to the loss of life in the city v King Of Roumania. Is Dead Amsterdam.-A:?!-telegram received here 'from Vienna says Uhat King Charles of Ro'umariia is dead. : " Recent "dispatches, have described KihgVcharles of; being seriously . ill buC from other quarters his indisposition- has been; declared to be entirely political; ; . It has been pre dicted lately fth-a hewas" preparing to abdicate. .v; ':. ; The succession to the throne of Rou mania. . in the event .' of;1he king re maining childless, was settled by- the constitution uboh : his . elder brother, Prince Leopold of Jiohehzollern-Sig mnHr s-pn LeoDolfl -renounced nis rights in favor of hlsson, Prince wn - . t , T ..... . i helm. andPrihce WUhelm, in 1888, re nounced his. rights in his turn in favor f of his brother prince- eroinann, twnu was born in "U65. ; ' s J Gen. -Voir MoItke VNot Removed "Rome.-Inaulries made in German military circles with regard to reports that-Gen. Vdn Moltkehad l)een"remov - ed as chief of the general staff of the German army, , brings -forth the state ment that the report is . Incorrect. The report, it H -declared, probably was caused by the change of officers made in the German quartermaster general's department where Gen."" Von , Voight Rhetz was appointed to succeed Gen. Von Stein. Gen. Von . Moltke retains his postj - . v ' r. p P British Airships Raid Germany i-6 London. The following official statement was issued covering an at tack by-a British air squadron on a German airship shed atDusseldorf. "The .secretary, of the admiralty, an nounces that Squadron Commander JGreyA: Reports, thaas authorized, he carried?' but -with- Lieut" R: L. G. Marix 'andLieut S. V. Sippe, a successful atr tack, on AaVDusseldorf airship - shed. Lieutenant "Marix's bombs, .."dropped from a height of 500 feet, hit the shed, went .through the "roof and destroyed a Zeppelin.' . o ; "Flames were observed 500 r feet hlgh the result ot'the igniting of tne gas of Jah airship;: ' -. ; K -'All three officers' are safe; but' their aeroplanes have' been lost. ; ' "The feat" would appear -to be ia ev ery respect remarkable; having" regard to; the distance 'bf dverohVi hundred mBsehefra,ted into , country held -by l theBemyiajidto;he; factvthlata .prej f xyv 9ws.-H-uwf cuBuij vy their guard and enabled them tp mohnt anti-aircraft guns. - . '" ''May Force Turkey Into War Washington. The alternative the Ottoman empire, faces as to whether the Dardanelles aretq, be swung open in ahswerjto the demand of the triple entente for ' whether the key to ; the Black sa is- to remain in Turkish pos session, promises to force tne porte to join the European - struggle, according to 4opinioh .expressed in diplomatic cir Qies 'here. !At' the Turkish embassy it was admitted that it might prove high ly embarrassing to the sultan to be forced, to :commit nimsen on ,. sucn a request Officials stated. :that unless, no other course was open It was. high ly unlikely that Turkey would submit to a change in 4ts policy because of outside influence.' ' ".' ' Russians Repulse Germans Petrograd. The general 'staff has given out the following official com munication.; -''-'' "The. Russian troops have , continued to. repulse the enemy from the bounda ries of the. governments of Suwalki and Loniz , t.:,The engant has . been very, iicruc weai ui omuw. "The German troops, that were at tacking Ossowetz are-retreating hasti ly to the north. Considerablie forces of the enemy, of which the bulk arrived from the west- are concentrating in the districts west of the governments of Piotrkowv and Kielce. t . - "The Russian cavalry and vanguard are : reconnoitering energetically through" all that region, impeding through vigorous attacks the move ment of the.enem' ' ?An? 'attack ?by thevKussian cavalry against the German :yanuard in front Of Andrew, and marching on Kielce, was crowned with - great' success; The German infantry was caughtuna wares and is retreating in disorder; pursue by the Russian cavalry. - 4 -Lyck In 'Prussia 'Captured retrograu, nussia. ine .xuaowmg communication : has ; been ; made public by the Russian general staff: - -r V '.'The combat on the East ' Prussian frontier continues with the same ob stinacy. The German troops are re tiring from" Lyck and are blowing up the bridges; behind them '-. ; ' - , .' VIn several passes'5 between Ivan gcrod and Sandomir artillery, battles are, occurring ;with the enemy, .which is approaching the Vistula." -; : t Germans Unsuccessful In Africa Washington. The British embassy made public this statement cabled to i Washington by tne colonial : During September there was - consid erable, activity along Anglo-German boundary of the East African protectee rate, due to attempts to raid British territory and cut the Uganda railway. All these attempts have been repulsed and raiding parties, defeated in every case except one,, where an unimportant frontier station is still held by a smalj German party. - BRAVES CAPTURE WORLD'S SERIES YIAKE A NEW WORLD' RECORD BY WINNING FOUR CONSECU TIVE GAMES. FROM BOTTOM TO TOP PLACE i. Mackmen Take Defeat in Sportsman .like Spirit, Offering No Excuses. Outplayed in Every Game. Boston The Boston National Lea gue club; completed the most -sensational record in modern baseball his-, tory by defeating the Philadelphia Americans in the fourth and final game of the world's series at Fenway Park 3 to 1. . , Beginning with their rush from last place in the. senior league in the middle of July, the Braves have bro ken traditions and records with speed and abandon. They emerged cham pions of the world leaving a trail of startling surprises and upsets in their wake.-r ' ' '' '? Last and far from the least of their accomplishments was the overthrow in four consecutive games of , the world famous baseball machine of Connie Mack, with its hundred thou sand dollar infield, home-run heroes andy corps of skillfully blended " veter ans and youthful pitching stars. The new champoins ' gathered under the management of George Stadlings and celebrated their ascent to the cham 'piohship : while the wreck of the Ath- ietic baseball luffgernaut were on their way home, stunned and stupefied. ' : Unexpected as was" the .defeat, the Mackmen took it .in ; , sportsmanlike spirit; praising the .winners .and offer-' ing no excuses, InL fact, none is avail able, .for the Bostonians outplayed .thelr opponents ' in every i game and jjebartmeht of nlaviii'The' Vfiesl ihat ii twuiu j)e. saicuot-tne Atmeucs. xyj. tneir warmest admirers .was that the team; neither collectively nor as individuals, appeared to play In the manner shown in previous world series j. To" crush completely and decisively the great combination which has rep resented .Philadelphia in the Ameri tan league in recent year is honor enough for . , any . rival baseball club. but the Braves in their youthful ardor and 'speed did even better: for they established a new world's series rec ord, by winning in succession the four games necessary-to clinch the title, r ' WANT CHANGES IN' LAVV. - ' Bankers at Richmond Are Willing to ; , Aid the New System. : Richmoad, Va. Savings; banks and trust companies represented in the American Bankers' Association spec ificialiy outlined their attitude toward their entry into the Nation's new bur rency ; system when hey recommend- ecL tnaifine general convention ap point a committee to confer with the Federal Reserve Board over jchanges fn. tho lour tVi4t urnnlH mo mnmKn. sWp more. attractIvev -Several speak. ers v at ' the joint meeting of the - two sections; urged that state banks be permitted to enter the hew-system and continue their . business " along the' lmes it now t is . conducted. Others contend1 that regulations of thejreserve board should permit examinations by officials of; regional banks. whj; under stood local conditions. It also was asserted that unless there '' were changes, in the law state banks entering thevsystem might face a con flict between state and federal ,exaix ers,' . ;:-v v;: " ; Officers elected by; the various sec tions were":';:-' :. r ; ; v-;"; Trust " company Ralph; W. Cutler; Hartford, Conn., president; John H. "Mason, Philadelphia, vice presidents 'j v Savings " banks :Wi .E,-;-Kiiox, New York. Dresident: : N. F.. HawlevI Min- ineapolis, vice- president: Sr Clearing : houser-A. Oryille vy tlso.n; St Louis, president ; J. D.Xyresttff- burg, vice president. ;;, ; State "secretaries W.: W- Bowman Topeka, presiden t ; Hayhes - McFa4 den,: Atlanta,, first . vice president; George D.- Bartell, Milwaukee, second vice " president r George H. Richards, Minneapolis, , secretary-treasurer. Mexican CohventTofrHarmbnious. . Washington. Official reports to the state .department . reiterated that spirit of - harmony prevailed at the convention at Aguas Calientes, Mex ico. vMotions by Villa, delegates are '- being sec6rided by delegates; from other divisions, representing Carranza more ... particularly.' Thus far the im portant problem of the conventicjn the formation of a provisional govern ment has rot been . reached in rthe discussions." General '"Antonio Villa real and I Eduardo Hay are being mentioned prominently as candidates- SHOULD CLAIM LESS SOUTHERN ASKS CORPORATION COMMISSION TO POSTPONE IMPROVEMENTS. CONTINUE DOUBLE-TRACKING unds Provided Before Business De 1 pression.---More Than $4,000,000 v Will Be Spent in State. ' : Raleigh. L.' E. Jeffries, special rep resentative of President Fairfax Har rison in" presenting the plea of the . Southern Railway - to the Corporation .Commission that there be a cessation; of .further, demands on the revenue of the Southern for physical and other' mprpvements that can; -possibly- be held up until business depression, due to the. European war .is passed, declar ed-that fortunately funds had- been provided ; prior to the' business depres-" sion' for double-tracking the line from Washington to Atlanta and that with in .the year 1915 it is expected to ex pend more than,$4,000.,000 in this work. North Carolina to get the largest por tion and that -ultimately., as fast as the money can be provided. as much as $25,000,000 will be expended in the South ih this : double-tracking work. Treating phases of work . from. which the Southern ask temporary re lief, Mr. Jeffries said that demands made authorized and under construc tion on the system aggregate $4,095,- 196,' with $358,225 ; Jjeing expended in North Carolina; and that in the face of this there; are demiahdsr "pending, over the system forew;4tations,;depot'fa- cilities, .overhead crqssings,; viaducts a,n4 ote;- improvements of this class aggregating $8,370,940, with ' 3L359,- 013 of such demands pending in North Carolina alone. He assured the com mission that if these demands were held upfor ;the present,' it was . the purpose of the; company to as fast -as tlpprevehjiewpnld! peftnitmeet ; all-" just"ahdJ1rll6i:abl uuiiv k 1 " J " He pointed, out that the Southern has in the past three years expended for new stations; viaductsand similar non-revenue producing equipments $13,283,789, making an enormous drain on the resources on the; com pany. During the next few months the; best the companyNcan hope for i that freight revenue from cotton alorte wilt not' decrease more than. 10 per cent ;frbinf those of. the same period last . year which means" $1,200,000 de: crease,' witlarge falling off in lumr ber freights and revenue from other sources diminished. ;l . The Corporation Commission took the p lea. of Mr.TJeff ries under advise ment. " . ..V - : " ; ' " - -! Illinois i Farhiers Seeking Homes. Wiimington.-A delegation ;. Of .1? representative farmers from ' nine widely separated '"Congressional Dis tricts of Illinois spent a few; days Th Columbus County making' an investi gation of .lands and climate with a view of determining the advantages this section has to offer jto the farm ers of the Northwest. . They are guests of a North Carolina company; offiAred by prominent ' Chicago busi ness men, who cotfol seyerai ;hou-? sand acres of land in the viciniV, jot Boston. ; Doctor ,KllgQr.e, .Qf the North Carpplina experimental station,1 is ac companying the ' party - arid " 'pointing1 out to them some of the advantages of North Carolina, "this section Jn, par- ticular, for farming and stock raising: It is understood that the visitors have ' been most favorably impressed and it is exnectedi that as a Result -of their visit a large number of farmers.; of the -NTystViTiraa-f mill octtlA In thia PfMoTI ;' Dyestuffs Are" Short ' . - h s 'lTroy.The Troy Knitting ; Mill, while ; not yet ready to start up: its new " plahti- is r receiving -orders for hosiery, and the management ,is . anxi ous to get to work- as , scon as possi ble tto fill the demands. The lack of dyestuff sf is a serious handicap. . , The .new electric ..plant ,of the . Smitherman Powder Company on Lit tle River,v eight miles v.sbuth of tbwn. Is vab6ut half completed.' A large force is kept onthe job.- The project, it Is estimated, will cost about $50,000 when finished.- ;.; ; ... , , Wiimington;Tort;Receipts Increase. ,Wilmingt6n,--Col. Walker' Taylor, collector of the pbrt of -Wilmbigton, believes that the present much dis cussed ' business depression, 4n so far as it applies to vthis particular sec tion is largely 'psychological" to p ara phrase a remark, of President Wood row Wllsonc Al)d; In " support? ot this belief CdloneJ -Taylorisodms' figures dise entries at thls port-f orythjeVmonth of July, August and September 194, is approximately, 14 per cent X over thoKA last year. ; , '-s .,',. , ;