i' THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, SALUDA, N. 0 - Money Works for Y911 Every Day deposited.in the Savings Department of T rrHE BANK 4 per cent per annum on certificates. : Better begin a Savings account this month. Subscribe for the News ANNUAL STATEMENT OF C AR O 3li in a state bank SALUDA.N.C." . AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS AUGUST 31. 1014 'RESOUKOES I-oatfs and Discounts'. IV. . ..... Overdrafts.; . . . . ........ ...... Stocks and 1 londs ; . . '. .,".ir Banking house and Fixtures... Other Real Estate Collection Items Cash and in Banks $28,185.74 14-22 3,800 OO 1 ,156.5 7 ? ' 35.00 .8,769.4.8 $44,4151 LIABILITIES Capital Stock . ......... . Surplus and Profits . ... .... . Cashier's Checks.". ;'. . . .'Deposits.; . .V. i i . $ 5,000.00 1,747.83 . . 428.58 37,239.40 $44,415 Si WITH A COXSEK'ATlVE AND COURTEOUS MANAGEMENT Vv i VJS SOLICIT YOUR BANKING BUSINESS , . " AQ. HONNKR, Vice-Phwidkut W C. ROBERTHOX, ViolPiiEsitii.T HKSRY B. LAMB, Cahriu ... -"". - v.; The fsew The "(Jews must have 1500 sub scriber' Will you help get them? HAMMOJN JJ ; :U - , . ; VISIBLE - m . J -i' - 'r-;"-:,.;.-"-V. , ; V. ' carries TWO STYLES OF TYPfi AT.0NCE "JUST, TURN THE KNOB' " . . ' - and change instantly from Pica type to Italics, or from English to German' Greeks Russian, etc. TWO DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE ALWAYS IN THE MACHINE " THE MULTIPLEX HA&OND IS THE MOST PORTABLE STANDARD TYPEWRITER ; . Takes any width of paper Does the most beautiful work The Hammond 1 Ty pewriter Company, ; tith. Street 6c East River, lew York, A. Y. Leap Prolific Wheat. Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats. A report on this wheat from Dela ware shows a yield of 3,430 bushels on 74 acres, and 881 bushels on 17 acres. N - , , In Maryland it leads in popularity ; has proven its superiority m all parts of Virginia; is the most popular vari ety, in North Carolina; heads the list in South Carolina for v profitable yields; in Georgia ranks far above all others; Tennessee growers discarding other wheats for this; at the head of beardless wheats in Kentucky, and equally well suited to West Virginia' ' Therefore we are justified in recommending Leap's Prolific Wheat for all sections. We are the original distributors, of Leap s Prohus- Wheat.. "-Write "for DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATALOG. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, ' - Richmond, Va. ' FIELD SPORTS When you keep" a tby interest erl in football,- baseball, tennis and; the like, you lessen the chances that he wilt get interest ed in things not so good for, hi m t . 'I he Youth's Companion, since its en largement, gives generous spacc,to this mat ter of athletic traininjr aud gets' the: best coaches in the country to write for it. , How to practice, to become a '', firt-rate pitcher, how to train for a race, how to learn ihe newest strokes in swimming these nd a hundred other topics of the greatest interest to , boys to girls, too, for that matier are touched upon in this im portant 'depaitraent of The Companion., ( And this is only; a small part of 'tWfe ser vice which The Companion renders inwiy home which it enters. It ha points of con tact witli a hundred interests. If you do not know The Cpmpanion ws it is today, let us send you one or two current issues free, that yon riiay : thoroughly test the paper's quality. 'WJe wil! send also the Forecast for 1 9 15. - Kvevy new subscriber who. sends $i.oo for the fifty-two veekly ftsiies of IQJ wjll receive free all the issues of thertaperfor the remaining weeks of Tgi4; also- The Companion Home Calendar for 1915. . THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, , ' 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mas. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. Old papers cheap, News Office State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I aQ Lucas County. f ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh- that cannot be cured by the use of HATJS CATARRH CURE. . FRANK J. CHENEY. ..-Sworn to before me-and subscribed fn my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. J (Seal) A. "W. GL.EASON. ! ' Notary Public. - Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, .fiend jfor. testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's -Family , Fills for constipation. & & & & 0 U K S C II O 0 L S " E. IT. 8. COBB . .V. " -O- V Polk County Superintendent & k , . Columbas, Xorth Carolina & - . The first "meeting of the Polk County Teachers' Association lor the school year of 1914-15 was held at Columbus High School -Oct. 23rd. K. ' V ; ; : The. meeting was called to order prompt- . i ly at 1 1 o'clock and the following officers -were choseutMiss Sal lie Hunter," President; -' Mrs J. V. Jack, Secretary. ; " , ThePrcram Committee chosen by tlie " president aje: John Gilbert; Chairman. Miss Mary SchwarbergV Miss Ida Acker. : N A Round Table discussion by the teachers ob plans for "thfir work for Uxe ;year was " also- conducted by the : Superintendent, X "Their plans were good, practical and pos sible; strictly in harmony with the teaChui Mr. Boy ce Weave. represented 4fe School -N Board. with a. few remarks. ' . -Following - plans'-of Teachers'" Commit tee s and lioard, Supt. Cobb gave his ilanSi ' giving much force and emphasis on the-., teacher being the'ihiuative in it all. Twenty-three teachers were present, quite, a number of committeemen and two mem- berS of Count School Board, Among the-committee and teacheis-was distributed State literature and blanks North Carolina Teachers jlfading Circle Books were in the hands of the Supt.. ready ' : for all teachers who are now ready to bein the work. '.- V Miss Sallie Hunter, ' . -. y . President. . . - Mrs. J, W. Jack, ' . ". - Sec'v. Try a Nevs Want Ad. The Polk County News9 BIGGEST OFFER "EEL Wimm me kossxht woman) hacazckc 1 THEGrMLEMOMAN Tilt wwc MnoMr. htKmst Sill T Our Paper and Any One of These fi.. .l irtT"- a. iubs$i:25 i IMIIIII Kimbairs DaLfyFarmet Fruit GREENS Grower SEVERAL, leading publishers Of magazines nave joined wun usin one 01 xnc greaiesi suostnijuwii Kain offers ever put out in this country; Through this combination everybody will be able to get a yearly subscription to three magazines in combination with our weekly; paper at practically, the price, of our paper alone.- J In this list you will find forty different periodicals formed into thirty-five different clubs Each club has 3 magazines, except one Special Club which has four magazines; some of these maga zines sell for as much as $1 a year,, They are all good and cover a large variety of choice reading matter, including History, Music, Religion, Education, Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Illustrated Current Events, Home Decorations, Fiction, Literature, Drama, Art, Science, Inventions, General Farming, .Dairy Farming, Live Stock, Vegetables, Fruit and fouitry. Or choice 1 uiRi H ' .sv vou to renew so thar you too. may eet 3 magartnes extra. IfyouareasmDscnDcr f-f- - . order to our representative or call at put office when in town. If you the club you J IS want to renew just send your order to ua and we will have your aubscription ate now a s u,bscribeVLnf to our Moe"is past due, we advise you to pay up and take advantage of this bargain. If you are in extended. If your sub"" ?0rtS' " iSfcr channels, we ask you o juady compare our clubs and prices with that of any the habit of buyin your mSa'nOUCa 8Ub8Criber to somVof thie periodicals. You can save money by sending your rewafoX V U J?tnri these magazines sent to different addressesjustmenuon it. On. or more of these raagaxinea YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT' THIS BIG OFFER f CLTJB No. 1 McCaH's (with fre pattern; Farm Life. Everyday Life . CLUB N. 2 Woman's Wdrld ' Peoples Popular Monthly Gentlewoman CLUII No. 3 r Henrth and Home FarmLifs - Household Maeazlne CLUBNo.4 American Woman Farm 1 ife , ... Household Guest CLUD No. 5 Today's (with freepattern) Farm Life , Household Motfatlne CLUB No.C Today's (with free pattern? Everyday Life , . Gentlewoman - CLUB No. 7 Fancywork Magazine Kveryday Llts V Woinan'S World , CLUBNo. 8 Farm and Fireside Woman's World Horns Life ' CT.UB No.0 Farm and Home Woman's World . , - Household GueSt l 'WJI'f IK "Cl.UBNo.10 Today's (with free pattern) Woman's World Home Life . . vCUfB.No. 11 Good fetorls1 j Farm Life- - Everydoy Life CLUB No. 12 Green's Fruit Grower' Kveryday L""e -. Farm Life -it,' CLUBNo. 13 -T Todsy's (with free pattern) Prairie Farmer Household Magazine v CL.UB No. 18 Today's (with free pattern) Gentlewoman Home Life CLUB No. 19 . Successful Farming Home Life Everyday Life V CLUB No. 20 Farmer's Wife ' -Home Life , Everyday Life ' CLUB No. 21; Happy Hours. Farm Life - Qentlcwoman SPECIAL, CLUB Same Price as Otbora ur.. m War-lei fOUtzrjr iwm Home Ufo rmrm Llto - CLUB No; 14 People's Popular Monthly . Fafra Progress ;f ; ' v Woman's World :, v I i CLUB No. 15 " ; Poultry Item . . ' Today's (with free pattern) Farm Llle- . CLUB Noi.10 Boys' Magazine -HoateLi fe v J Gentleworoan CLUB, No. 17 Kimball's Dairy Farmer . Home Life . Gentlewoman . CLUB No. 22 Farm, Stock and Home Woman's World Home Life CLUB No. 23 . Vegfetable Grower Today's (with fsee pattern) Everyday Life - CLUB No. 24 Woman's World Farm Life Today's (with free pattern) . CLUB No. 25 Woman's Home Weekly Woman's World Home Lit CLUB No. 2 Fancywork Magazine Gentlewoman . -Today's vwith free pattern) CLUB No. 27 Kansas City Weekly Star . Farm LKe , . Everyday Life CLUB No. 28 Gentlewoman - Woman's World Home Life " CLUB No. 29 Kansas City Weeklytar EverVday Life ' Home Life . i CLUB No.3Q Southern Ruralist . Home Life Gentlewoman CLUB No. 31 ' Farmer's Wkly. Dispatch(St. Paul Home Life ' ,' Farm Life "i , CLUB No. 32 Rural Weekly (St. Paul) Gentlewoman Everyday-Life . . CLUB No. 33 , American Home " i - ; Woman's World ' - Gentlewoman CLUB No. 34 McCaH's (with free pattern) Kveryday Life " ' Household Guest L. C. PACE ' J. V. PACK PeVCS MOBT MARKET , CITY MARKET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SALDD4 Native and Western Beef, and Vegetable ' We pay highest market price for fat cattle, hogfe and : sheep " . - FREE DELIVERY ; - Your business solicited -A- FRESH, GLEAN STOCK ol GROCERIES. 8 Feed, Lumber and Building Material. Distributors: Richmond Stove Co., Chattanooga fjM BuiLDifq, Sic; ..C. For many yeAffs at No. 5 Cortlant St., New York City 1'hey havd just removed to Asheville - and offer an : M GELULA & CO., The Pack Square Jewelers, 7 H. W. Pack Square Phone 687 ASHEVILLE, N. C. Up-to-date New York slock of Jewelry, -Silverware Watches, etc, jat much .lower prices than the same goods can be bought for anywhere else in the -South. We offer:' . ' ' ! Ladies' Soli.l 14 K. Gold Watches $14 and up. Gold filled $6.50 and up. X Men's Solid 14 K. Gold. Watches $15 and up. Gold filled $7.50 and up. A cotrrplele line of watehes guarartteed-to pass Railroad Inspection.. ? Call altd Comcpare. You are iot obliged to buy and it will be a pjeasure to show you Ferti 1ZCTS that R 1 1 " ' J yj B frlft3 L!f?H 3 :vB StH- I L i- fcMrau liaa 'asKd, a av m n&s j tmmmlmmmLLLi'mm" '''jjimm invite everybody, to take adWntage of .Ws Big Offer, ring your order Or send it to.the o.tice of :. . - . - ;The:News, Saluda, N. u . ; . Fertalize Te be$t op tly cffEPEF TW1 PY Our " Tryon Truck" brand, 4- 5- 9, is . a special mixture for Polk County soil . Call and talk with our Agent, J. B. Page, at : Gash Hardware Store, Tryon N. C. .Prompt service Liberal terms. . -and :tUc LanSrum MercantilelCo.; LandrumV C. - Spartanburg Oil Mill, r " " , " ; Spartanburg,-S. C. - . 1 3 V