tfHlf POLK COUNtY NEWS; SALTOA, THE Money Works for You Every Day 1 deposited in vthfe: Savings Department of : f TRYON BANK TRYON 4 per cent per annum on certificates. Better begin a Savings' account this month. Subscife for the News "On the Book of Tiqie Your Days are Charged off One by One" - " .... ....... ,v f , Build a Bank Account with your dollars one by one. The quickest way, to 'independence and .comfort is a bank account. It is easier to start a bank account than to earn money and it seems easier to earn money when you have a bank account. Now is the time to start this account. "Procrastination is the thief of time." WE PAY 4 PEK' CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N C BUSINESSMEN'S ..... .-.. DIRECTORY OF SALU IM, IS". C. 1914 FACTS WORTH KEEPING MANY 7 V PEW R ITERS IN ONE i 7ie New MULTIPLEX HAMMOND i VISIBLE . . . carries TWO STYLES OF TYPE AT ONCE "JUST TURN THE KNOB' and change instantly from Pica type to Italics, or from English to German, Greek, Russian etc. TWO DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE ALWAYS IN THE MACHINE THE MULTIPLEX HAMMOND ' IS THE MOST PORTABLE STANDARD TYPEWRITER . Takes any width of paper Does the most beautiful work The v Hammond Typewriter Company, 69th. Street & East River, New York N. to The News must have 1500 sub scribers. Will you help get them? Leap's Prolific Wheat. Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats. A report on this wheat from Dela ware snows a yield of 3,430 bushels an 74 acres, and 881 bushels on 17 acres. In Maryland It leads in popularity; has proven its superiority in all parts of Virginia; is the most popular vari ety in North Carolina; heads the list in South Carolina for profitable yields; in Georgia ranks far above all others; Tennessee growers discarding other wheats for this; at the head of beardless wheats in Kentucky, and equally well suited to West Virginia Therefore we are Justified in recommending Leap's Prolific Wheat for al 1 sections. We are the original distributors of Leap's Prolific Wheat. Write for DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATALOG. T. W. WOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. The Polk County News' BIGGEST OFFER V -r'f v"-!y i.: -y "v"6i sir V5 ! Um r i 553 ha . -S THE GENTLEWOMAN TIC fWlONAl. honthot fern r NIIIM AM rwn mm runa JULY 1913 Kimball's T Jkw MU j. These bubs$1.25 $1.25Our Paper and Any One of SEVERAL leading publishers of magazines have joined with us in one of the greatest subscription bar gain offers ever put out in this country. Through this combination everybody will be able to get a yearly subscription to three magazines in combination with our Weekly paper at practically. the price of our paper alone. In this list yotf win" find forty different periodicals formed into thirty-five different clubs Each club Has 3 magazines, except one Special Cluti which has four magazines; some of these maga ;Qo.u rnr a much as &1 a vear. They are all good and cover si, large variety of Choice reading matter, including History Music, Religion, Education, Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Illustrated Current Events, 1 riome Decorations, ricuon, j-iicriuic jLyiu.ia, m wvitit, - j. - - Live Stock Vegetables, Fruit and Poultry. On account of the splendid contract we have mVde with the publishers of these magazines, we are able; to give our readers a choice of anv one of the clubs in combination with our paper on year for $1.25. Jus? 25c more than the price of our paper alone. This offer is made to everybody. If you have never subscribed to our paper before, we ask you to take advantage of this offer. If von are a subscriber to our paper we ask you to renew so that you too, may get 3 magazines extra. Look over the list and select thHuib you like best. Send your order today or give your ordet-to ouT representative or call at our office when m town. If you . nnJr InlUrriber to anVof these magazines and want to renew just send your order to us and we will have your subscription VJtJZZ If Vottf subscription to our paper is past due, we advise you to pay up and take advantage of this bargain. If you are m rf&wSW through other channels, we ask yjou to justly compare our clubs and prices with that of any .S SL Siive You rid doubt, are now a subscriber to some of these periodicals. You can save money by sending your rinew!?order to us. Here is a chance to get your home paper and a yearly supply of good reading at a real bargain. If you want one o7more of these magazines sent to different addresses, just menuon it. one or more oi mese g YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT THIS BIG OFFER . GREEN'S FmitGrower -T . MSaiOH. ' CLUB No. 1 , MeCall's (with free pattern Farm Life . " ' i: Everyday Life CLUB No. 2 Woman's Wold Peoples Popular Monthly Gentlewoman CL.UB No. 3 Hearth and Home Farm Life Household Masrazlne CLUB No. 4 American Woman Farm Life Household Guest CLUB No. S Today's (with free pattern) Farm Life Household Magazine CLUB No. 6 Today's (with free pattern) Everyday Life . Gentlewoman ' CLUB No. 7 Fancywork Magazine Everyday Life Woman's World CLUB No. 8 Farm and Fireside Woman's World Home Life CLUB No. 9 Farm and Home Woman's World Household Guest CLUB No. lO Today's (with free pattern) " Woman's World , Home Life .. CLUB No. 11 Good Stories Farm Life Bveryday Life CLUB No. 12 Green's Fruit Grower . ' Everyday Life Farm Life CLUB No. 13 Today's (with free pattern) Prairie Farmer . v Household Magazines J CLUB No. 18 Today's (with free pattern) Gentlewoman Home Life . CLUB No. 19 Successful Farming Home Life Everyday Life CLUB No. 20 Farmer's Wife Home Life Everyday Life CLUB No. 21 Happy Hours. Farm Life Gentlewoman SPECIAL CLUB Same Price as Others Mf,an Aforld Poultry Item Homo Llfo Farm Lire CLUB No. 14 People's Popular Monthly Farm Progress . Woman's World, CLUB No. 15 Poultry Item Today's (with free pattern) Farm Life CLUB No. 16 , Boys' Magazina , ' HomeLi fe " Gentlewoman",. CLUB No. 17 Kimball's Dairy Farmer Home Life . Gentlewoman CLUB No. 22 Farm, Stock and Home Woman's World Home Life CLUB No. 23 Vegetable Grower , Today's (with free pattern) Everyday Life. - CLUB No. 24 Woman's Wijrld Farm Life Today's (withfree pattern) CLUmNo. 2S Woman's Home Weekly ' 1 Woman's World Home Lite CLUB No. 26 Fancywork Magazine Gentlewoman Today's vwith free pattern) CLUB No. 27 Kansas City Weekly Star Farm Life Everyday Life CLUB No. 28 Gentlewoman Woman's World Home Life CLUB No. 29 Kansas City Weekly Star Everyday Life Home Life CLUB No. SO Southern Ruralist Home Life Gentlewoman CLUB No. 31 Farmer's Wkly. Dispatch (St. Paul Home Life Farm Life CLUB No. 32 Rural Weekly (St. Paul) Gentlewoman Everyday Life CLUB No. 33 American Home Woman's World ; Gentlewoman CLUB No. 34 MeCall's (with free pattern) Everyday Life Household Guest - i Wls5K MMMM0 i HOUSEHOUD, EBj rpfe . SALUDA,N.C. Besides being one of the most delightful summering places in North Carolina is the best trading .point in Polk County. This place with ai altitude of 2,250 feet is the center of the Apple Growjngp District and all the fruits and grapes flourish. Splendid opportunity for fruit, vegetables and grain growing. 4,oqo visitors in summer. InvestigateJ - ' cmr OFFICERS MAYOR: John Pace. COMMISSIONERS: Q. C. Sonrrer, E. B. Guice, M. A. Pace, R. B. Staton. CHIEF OF POLICE: R. L. Newman. CITV CLERK: C. L. Hill. ' COLLECTOR and TREAS. : James A, ace ATTORNEY: Staton & Rector. SECY WATER WORKS: Dr. E. M. SaJley. RAILiROAB. TIME TABLE SOUTHERN RAILWAY - ; V.; . EAST No. 42, 8:47 . m. ' No. 28, 11:55 a. No10, 6:15 p. m. WEST No. 41, 9:18 a. m. No. 27, 6:15 p. m. No. 9, 12:25 P m ; The E9seola - Mrs. Julia K. Campbell, Proprietress .... Saluda, N.'C. , ( One-half mile from depot RATfiS: TW dollars ' per day, $8.50 to io.6d per week W. .B. WARD, XI VERY AND FEED STABLES Hacks" meet all trains. Baggage and Ex- press looked after with special care Phone connection Saluda, N. C. BOARD OF TRADE SALUDA, N. C. PRESIDENT: J. C. Bushnell. V.-PRESIDENT: J. A. Bolich. SECRETARY: W. F. Little. TREASURER: H. L. Capps, Directors: Dr. E. McQueen Sal Icy, W. C. Robert son, Q. C. Sonner, M. A. Paee Dr. J. O. Hooper, II. M. Slaughter. Correspondence invited y O. B. Garren Contractor and Builder Landscape Artist and Real Estate We develop and finish kodak work &c Cor. KJain and Carolina Sts., Saluda, N. C. CAROLINA HOME MRS. W. C. ROBERTSON, PROPRIKTRK8S RATJSSi S7.00 AND DP Distance from Saluda to ' ' Judd's Peak ; . . . . . Y. ...... . . Bradley Falls . . .'M '. ; . . . . . . '.. . 4 Hightower Falls. . . . A.i'. ............ 7 Pott's Shoals. .. ; : . , . . . . . . ...1 Green River FaHs! , . t . ..... . .6 Hallam Heights .-; 2 Hanging Rock . ...... . ... . ; .. .....J Cedar Fountain v. 7 Tryon Mountain i: J Pacolet Falls.. A. 1 Hadley Tower. . 12 Ward's View A 1 Frost Place i. .. .... t Skyuka Inn. . ... . .' . 12 Flat Rock. .-. . .!. . i .9 Hendersonville 1 2 Caeser's Head. .25 Bat Cave. ....18 Chimney Rock .22 Columbus.. 12 Mill Spring 18 Mount Mjtchell V. ..... 50' Rave Cliff (200 t high). S Cedar CreeK Falls! rr. 31 Buck Forest. . . . . .22 E. M. Salley, M. D. J. T.' Coates, Jr. . M. Salley & Co., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE VVe Sell Dirt Cheap Phone 7or Office, Saluda, N. C. CHURCH DIRECTORY BAPTIST Rev. T. M. King, pastor. Preaching ist and 3rd Sunday 11 a. m. and night. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School, io a. m. METHODIST Rev. V. C.Jones, pastor. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays, n a. m. Sunday School, 10 a. m PRESBYTERIAN Preaching by appointment. Sunday School, 3 p. m. EllSCOPALRev. C. R. Cody in charge. Services every Sunday at 1 1 a. m. W. C. ROBERTSON & SOX Dealers in Cleneral Merchandise and Feed Special Agents for Hamilton Brown Shoes Fresh groceries arrive weekly Phone 6 COUNTir DIRECTQR5T COURT MEETS: 6th Monday afterthe 1st Monday jn March 2nd Monday after the 1st Monday in September Each term Crim inal aud Civil and holds two weeks. OFFICERS: Sheriff: A. L. Hill. Register of Deeds: F. M. Burgess. Clerk of Court: J. P. Arledge. Treasurer: VV. B,. Feagan. " Coroner: Burton Williams. " Surveyor: Marvin Hall. Attorney: S. Gallent. County Commissioners: Js T. Waldrop, Chairman, H. G. Cannon, W. Y. Miller. W. LAUGHTER, s ' Livery, Feed and Sale Stables . Saluda; N. C, ' Good Teams and Prompt Service Phone Connection H it to the office of invite everybody to take advantage 01 zws ri. - vb ; : J . The News, Saluda, N. U w . 1 - r,- Carolma State Bank SALUDA, N. C. We solicit your account r; 4 p?r cc.nt paid on time deposits LODGE DIRECTORY A. F. & A. M. meets every 2nd and 4th Sat urday night of each month., . i I. O. O. F. meets each Monday night. W. O. W. meets Ist aud 3rd Thursday night of each month. J. L. HART General Merchant Will sell you reliable goods at reliable prices and give you courteous service ' v We Appreciate Your Trade Good things to eat Visit V Forrest's Barber Shop Nothing i-dds to. your good looks more than a nice shave and haircut,. We run incon nection a ist; class piessing'club for ladies, and gentlemen's clothing. W. L THOMPSON, Contractor and. Builder General Repair Work and, Dealer in Build- ; ing Materials of AlfKirfds ' Lst us make you an estimatij . Phone connection Saluda, N C. - 1 . - v v v-; - y - .-" r ' PARCEL POST RATES FIWST ZOJSTt-150 MIJLKS I pouni 2 pounds 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 11 12 3 1 4' 15 16 17 18 19 io t , 44 t 4 ' l i . (I 4. b5 06 07 o 09 IO II iz !3 14 15 16 tx ,9 "29 21 22. 23 Salufld Plumbing Co John T,, Coates, Jr., President ' PRACTICAL PLUMBING " rf Personal attention tojob' Work All work guaranteed ' " - - Estimates furnished free Members Saluda Board of Trade '' . , It pays to trade'' with -r - Sdion & Hilll We can supply you with 'the highest giad i V "- goods in town Always fresh and cUan 'y " - -r- 'ft- - 24'

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