IflE FOLK COUNTY tiEWS, SALUI5A, If (J. "' " ' ' ' t w h S . .1 H if i ii , Y I 1 J ' It h . 'r - !' THE, POLK COUNTY NEWS Published ' every Friday at i salota v . ; H POLK COUNTTTr ' NORTH CAROLINA. -! The Land of theNSky, By W. F. and G. R. Little. (Co-Partnership,) W. F. LITTLE, GEO. B COBB, Managing tailor Editor "Enured as second-class matter May, 21 .iorti at the post office .at Saluda, North Carolina, under trie Act of March 3d, 1S79. t SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In A dTance. One Tear... f.. ... ... ... .1.11.00 Six Months... ... ... ... . . . .i. . .50 Make .all checks, drafts, and money orders payable to . The Polk County s News. VOL. XX. NO, 42 FRIDAir FEB. 20, 1915 And the right of a man :o labor and his right to labor in joy Not all your laws can strangle that right, nor the gates of Hell destroy. For it came With the making ot man anil was kneaded into his bones, And it will stand at the last of things on the dust of crumbled thrones. Edward Markhara. North Carolina will lose three votes in the national Republican convention under the new plan of representation adopted by the national Republican organization. Tryon's large hotels are filling up and March will see them fill ed to capacity. Prospects are fine for Saluda and Tryon to have a good summer business. - Please Remit We are putting the date of subscription expirations after each name on our list. If you are in arrears we want you to pay up. We can not afford, to send but statements, the postage item would be a large expense if we did that. Look at the date after your name aifltf you are not up to date send adng the money by check, money order or 2 cent stamps. Noted Eewpiticn; The ' 'American Fore s t r y ' ' magazine, published by the .American Forestry Association, Washington, D. C. carries in its February issue several pages of fine illustrated and descriDtive articles on Western North Caro lina mountain scenery including mc. Mitcnell and the lumbering operations now going on in the "Land of the Sky" of more than ordinary interest. It also gives a half page review of the first Township Forestry Club organ ized in America, at Tryon, Polk County, N. C. in 1913 that has , attracted the attention of fores ters everywhere byi its practical efficiency. G. B, C. COLUMBUS. C. E. Waldrop and family of Sandy Plains, spent the wk-end with Alex Fea gan and family. , Miss Hunter visited her sister at New Hope from Friday until Sunday. Kenny Shields spent Sunday with home . folks at Green's Creek. I Miss Ida Sisson spent the week-end visit ing Mrs. M. N. Hall. The Teachers A.ssociation of Polk County will meet at the high school building on Friday, the 26th. A good program has been arranged. After the meeting is over an informal reception will be given to the teachers of the Couuty bythe pirls of the Iomestic Science department. This recep tion will le held at the Girl's Dormitory.' On Friday evening at 7:30 Rev. K B. Rankin will give an Ululated lecture showing the slides sent jonby the State Board of Health on the subject of tubercu losis. This lecture will be free ad it is hoped that the attendance will be large. On Saturday evening at the Presbyterian church he will give a lecture of the same kind il lustratiug Bible iacts and sacred songs the series of pictures being -Christ frum the Artist's Viewpoint." This will also be nee , to all.' J J. G. Hughes and wife went to Aihevilli Friday and brought back from the County 0 umc meir uewiy-adoted daugh ter, Inez. , R. F. McFarland has recovered from a recent illness. 1 F. L. Weaver and family have moved to the county jail. . T. A. Rippy aud family have returned to 1 their home at Lynn, and C D. Elliott has :. inOTed into the house vacated by them. , J. E.Shipman and family of Henderson- ville spent several days at the home of J. P Axledge last week. k " harHe Constance of Lynn ha re-entered B IT Li Li ET IN r Word reached Saluda Thursday rhoining from Congressman Gud fcer that he had endorsed the ap pointment of J. B. -Cullipher for Postmaster at Saluda- j j, SALUDA. Friends of Jim Pace say he has abandoned the rabbit business and gone in for chick ens. The M. E. ladies cleared 19.30 at their box sapper Friday evening. . J Misses McMahn and Berckman were in Hendersdnville Saturday. Miss 2ti T. Blackman was in Spartanburg Saturday. Campbell Carnegie, of Tryon, visited Sa luda friends Sunday. Miss Julia Hey ward, of Columbia, S. C, is the guest ol Mrs. C. H. Leland. " Mrs. E. WV Barber, Mrs. J. T. Coates, Mrs. Leo C. Pace, Mrs. W. Chas. Wanl and Mrs. John C.. Thompson spent Friday in Hendersonville.v Little Miss Julia AveriU. is visiting in j Tryon this week. D. D. Grooms, of Marshall, N. C, has bought a farm near Mountain Page aud moved his family there. I B. C Jordan, of Spartanburg, has moved jhis family on the Robertson farm near Mt. l-iige. , Dan W. Pace and Miss Lilly Pace spent Thursday in Heiidersonville. 'j Robert Barr, of Tryon, was a visitor here Sunday. Miss.Arra Lankford is visiting relatives in Brevard. TWiss Ida Justice, of Hendersonville, was the guest o Miss Annie Bishop Sunday. Renzo Forrest", of Hendersonville, visited E. L. Patterson an l famitv Sunday. j : John C. Thompson and family visifed relatives in Greer. S. C . Monriav anrl Tn,. day.l Jolm Metcalf Jr. was in Columbus 'Mon day on business. U. G.Jones and family were in Hender sonville Monday. ' Frank Page,, of Landrum, spent Sunday j in aluda. Cluef Newman is working a large -quad of men,; putting the streets and gutters in order. f- Mrs. P. A. Bishop visited in Mat Rock Sunday. Miss Octavia Moody has returned from Stateiville from a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. J. Stewart, who recently underwent a serious surgical operation. Hosea Vaughn, an old and wejl-known I Saluda citizen, who 1ns been ill for some time, died at his home Monday afternoon Funeral was held at the home Tuesday af J ternoon and burial at Macedonia. 4 -Uncle ' Hosea worked hard all his life, in later years he carried coal up the mountain. m Dr. P. P. Chambers, of Landrum, was in Saluda Tuesday. Friends in this city were very much sur prised to learn of the marriage of Miss Sue Annie Leland to Mr. George W. Flowers, of Hemingway, C., on Sunday, February 14th at Kiugskree, S. C. Mri. Flowers is an accomplished' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Leland, of this city', and although here but a short time, woo many friends. She ms oeen teaching .n the ctty schools of ..emmgway wnere she met Mr. Flowers, I a ousmess man ot mat place. The w. ic Wupjc wisn loem a - long and happy wedded life. Ml. LEBAN3N ROAD Ml J. B. Constant has completed the rebuild ing of the Mt. Lebanon road eliminating that steep grade and connecting with White Oaks new road! We are told that this is a good road and that Mr. Constant deserves the gratitude of 'all his neighbors for his de termination to put this road through even at a financial loss. We hope the Saluda Trus- o... ...Ill 1 . I . wane anomer appropriation cover Mr. Constant's loss. to TUT TO SPEAK IS SALUDA Rev. Marcus L. Taft, of New York City, a missionary of wide expeiience and ex tended term of service, will preach in the Methodist churji in Saluda on the lourth Sunday morning in February. I)r Taft ha3 lived long in China anS has visitld man-v la-nda- Hc man of distinction and scholarship, and is very pleasing in his address. You are cordially invited to hear him 011 February 28th. LYNN. I 1 M.ss Ruby Hood, ol Flat Rock, is visit ing friends and relatives here: V F. o . 1 mauc a Dusmess trin ITni,.n C r . " made a buis , S. C. Sunday. to Misses Winifred and Bertha Henderson made a flying trip to Saluda last week. ur. Hooper, of Saluda here last week. Visited friends Miss Mrv vc, : . - . home in Southern Pines N. C - "'mvoiuuii; uas Pone Tit hoi - Curtis Shields, of Columbus, visTted friends here last Saturday and Sunday. T. A. Rippy has moved his family here from Columbus. We are glad to have them here again. 1 Misses Mae and Nell WUson visited friends in Mill Springs Sunday. Rev. F. B. Rankin will fill his regular" appointment here Sunday evening at eight Dr. G. B. Simmons, associated with Dr. Montgomery in Spar tanburg, has opened a - modern dental office in the Missildine building. Dr. Simmons will be in his Tryon office two days of each. week. ' R. F Jackson, of Jackson & Son, returned home last week from a trip to eastern markets. Miss Essie Pennington, of Spartanburg, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. L. V. Brown. Charles Kil Patrick, of Spartan burg, was a visitor in Tryon Sun day. B. Cam Livingston spent Sun day in He.udersonviiIe with rela tives and friencfe Ralph C. Erskne has returned from a business 1 trip to New York. Uncle Daniel Pace, 81 vears old. is at the present time verv low and little hope is expressed of his recovery. The very interesting reminis cences together with her charm ing manner given at the meeting of the Lanier Club held at the Li brary' on Teursday by Mrs. Elia VV. feattie of Chicago, a writer of much prominence was greatly enjoyed by all so fortunate as to be present. Miss Amanda H. Fisher left last week to accept a position as "hello girl at the Ashevilie . - -UI5SI0M STUDT CUSS On Tuesday February 6th. a Mission Study. Class was formed at the residence .! Rev. King, it is proposed to meet once in two weeks at homes of members lirx- King kindly 'offered bis home fcfri any or all of the meetings and Saluda Seminary has done the same. A goodly number have de ciced to join nd all others interested are iuvsted to do so. Oil February 15th another meeting was held at Saluda Seminary. Home Missions will be taken up first. The looks on this subject can be had of Secretary at 37 cents each. Mrs. Henry P. Grwith has been elected leader, Mrs. E. McQureu Salley, Assist ant Leader; J. U. Cullipher, Secretary acd Treasurer. v Home. Missions have bad so prominent a place in the development of our country in Southwest and West, giving' good educa tion aod religions training to many at a' very low cost aud in other ways influencing civi lization. Our own Saluda has b-uefitied by the location of Saitida' Seminary here as it gives our young people an excellent training by an exceptionally good corps of teachers at minimum cot. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Leonard's on Henderson St. Monday, March I, at 7:30 p. m. The second chap, ter ef-New Home Missions" wiil be taken up af this meeting- 1-1 - II MELVIN HILL. 11 H The new school house wis. burned down here la.ct Friday forenoon at II o'doci The fire was discovered in the roof bv a man who lived near and gave the alarm and alth'.Higb too jate to save the build'rng, was. by the presence of mind and prompt action ot the Uacher and larger students in lime to save everything that was inside, even the stove, windows and doors were saved. The furnituie was moved to a vacant house of Mr. Johnson's which was not far away ,,d school was resumed on Monday nioduing with the loss of but one half day. 1 MILL SPRINGS. Rev J. M. Walker tilled his regular an poi.ument at the Baptist church Sunday thej Misses Mae and Nellie Wilson attended church here Sunday. Our school is progressing i.icely. Misses Mac and Gladys Smith, .Nellie 1 -a m ..... ana .viae Wilson were guests of Mis Esther and Sue Gibbs Sunday; ss Misses Mary .nd Lola Guffey, Messrs I esse Lewis and L"o Urisco had a pleasant trip to I ryon muuntain Sunday. Miss Ksther Gibbs spent the week-end here. We have had a few days sunshine which has dried up some of the mud and the farm ers have been ploughing some. iV. . 1 TT 1. r, . . , r v u u a u H O 0 L S E. W. S. COBB ouniy openntendent iv. .v. .v. .-v. u The Teachers Association of Polk County will a.f IT-SJ -r-1 ... , ' m. in the High School at Columbus, following is the program: a. The Drill in Grammar Miss Ida Sisson. Hygiene and Sanitation.' How they may be improved O. B. Jones. Bird Study in the School Room Miss Ida Acker. Address Re. -P. B. Rankin. 1 Telephone Exchange. Z W. H. Brock, of Henderson ville, spent Sunday at his father iiv law's home, J C. Fisher. ? Mr. and Mrs: Rust, of Flint, Mich. are at Mrs.C. A. Nor man's on Whitney Ave. for the winter. ' -;-ZZ Z-i'.: .-; , Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Taft and two little daughters, of New York City, have taken rooms at Mrs. A. E. Grady's oh Melrose Ave,, - for a couple of months. These-distinguis hed guests were missionaries in Chi na for a number of years and have traveled extensively in various- parts of the world. . Dr. Taft is a linguist, a ' scholar, an author, and a preacher of dis tinction. Mrs. Taft crave evi dence in her address Sunday evening of being a highly , educa- wtu Avomaii oi grac power. . W e take pleasure in welcoming these oriiooto to nnr mAct- T.. ne will speak at the mornirnr service of the Methodist church on next Sunrlay, Feb. 28th, at Saluda, N. Knitting is the occupation of the time. Everybody's doing it. The r.f acts .are recognized in the popular songs of the day, and "Scotty Smith's a-Knittin' Socks for Soldiers," fs the ditty, which is being sung by the British .'Tommv" and bv Enrrlif?hmpn at home and abroad. It bids fair to supersede even "TipDerarv WALKERS We have had one wjek of fine weather Farnicrs are getting ready tcrplow. Our school is pioressing fine with Miss Llizab&h Thompson of Saluda for teaciier. She hafS won the confidence ot the patrons. The majority of tlie best citizeus say that it is one among the best schools that has been taught in years at Walker. W. (;: Hill and R. K. Walker have just returned home from Mc Dowel where they purchased a rule load ?f apples. Mrs.'M. C. 1 1 i 1 ! spent Saturday night with Mrs. W. P. Jackson. Frankl Williams is keeping plenty of good w"oud for our school. ' , Jesse 'A. McCraw of Dana visited his sister; Mrs. Sarah Constant, who is very ill. Rev. Z. V. Thompson is erecting some fine'stal Is and .shelters. U. G. Walker is'carrying the mail for E. D McCrain who has had a srvere attack of lajjrippc.i . , .'.'. ' . W. G. Creen took a photo of the school childreu, a'group of 32. Misses Rachel and Ann is Ownby, of Mill Springs, Route 2, visited our school last Friday. We had a tine spelling match with Mestrs- iiviiutn Hill and Jeter Thompson for Captains: K- Mi Constant has been plowing some. Miss Amanda Jackson has returned home from Saluda Married, at the home of W. G. Green, anuvy 31st, Mr. Mlnter KVel, of Mill Spiiiigs, Route 2, and Miss Mary Jackson, f Walker. We wish them a hapv life. D. II. Thompson has just returned' from ' market and rej crts some bad roads. Bynunr Hill and E. V. Bradley have been to-market. T. C, Laughter, 1. D , Sheriff, has been serving some papers in this vicinity ot late, E; W. Bradley is just through digging Irish potatoes! He has some fihe ones for sale. SALUDA, X. C. Besides being one of the most delightful summering places in North Carolina is the best tra-d tug point in Polk CoiiuTy. This place with au altitude of 2,250 feet is the center of the Apple Growing District and all the f raits and grapes flourish. Splendid Opportunity for fruit, vegetables and grain j growing. 4,000 visitors in summer. " Investigate! ' CITY OFFICERS I MAYOR: John Pace. ' COMMISSIONERS: Q. C. Sonner, E. B. : Guice, M. A. Pace, K. B. Staton. CHIEF OF POLICE; R. L. Newman, CITYl'LERK: C. L. Hill. COLLECTOR arid TREAS. : James A. Pace ATTORNEY: Staton & Rector, SECY WATER WORKS: Dr. E. M. Salley. Stock "Owners have placed with us the full line of Devereux Turner, D. V. S. Veterinary Remedies. Colic Cure, saves 95 per cent. Renovator, for worms and in digestion. ; : HcK?f OiC a boon to the horse; Black Tongue cure foy dogs. .,-' : i r . I .-Call;-. for: booklet "Practical Hints for Stock Owners." It's free. r ' 1 - The ; above are sold at Saluda Pharimacy Btanch. . tf PEiinv coLonri ' Advertisements will le inserted iu this column nd under this head at one cent a word each insertion. . - WANTED Overcoats dyed and-pressed and made to look like, new. Our methods are modern, uj to-date and perfect: Woolen suits for ladies, also silks of all kinds clean ed and pressed. A postal card', will' call us toyour door. Ira M. Arnold; 23-at FOR. SALE Am nowtaking orders of nursery stocky for spring delivery. Cut rates on several varieties of apple trees. Address, F;. J. Bradley, Saluda, X. C. . FOR EXCHANGE New Hallett .& Davis $350 piano for one or' two lots in Tryon within one half mile of business sec tion. Address, Fiano, care of News Office, Saluda. 36-tf TO EXCHANGE $20 shot gun, $10 Autd Harp, $$ Men's shaving and toilet set &20 La Trance Fire Extinguisher. Will trade for Sectional Book Cases, Fire Wood delivered in Iryon, or what have you? Ad - dress. Trade, care News, Saluda, N. C. 36tf FOR SALE Small, printing outfit con sisting of 2 5x8 presses, stapling machine, type, cases, and' lull equipment. Will print ! yog witir.a CHpacity Ql press. Bargain $ Ukew. l ?ucc Address, wess, Care'of I ACW5, aruaa, iN. v FOR SALE New late model typewriter at a very low price, with small monthly payments. Address Drawer A, Saluda, N c. - There Is more Catarrh In this section of tlie country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was i supposed to be Incurable.. For a fjreat many years doctors pronounced it a ocal disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment;. pronounced It incur able Science lias proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J". Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is -the only Constitutional , cure on the market. It is taken Internally. It acts directly on-, the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars "for any case ft fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Add rets: F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. ' Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. InprUnl Notice. Your subscription is paid to the date after your .name on this paper. Look at that date and please remit if you 'are in ar rears y "On the Book of Time Your Days are Charged off One hy One" 1 Build a Bank Account with youndollars one by one.' .The quickest way to independence and comfort is a bank account. It is easier I 1 to start a bank account than to earn money and it ee.ns easier to earn money , when you have a bank account. Now is the" time to start this account. "Procrastination is the thief of time." - . ,-'.-' v PAY 4 PER CENT OX TIME CERTIFICATES V - Carolina State Bank SALUDA, - - . NC J. L. Hart FRESH, GLEAN STOCK oi dHOGERIES. . Feed, Lumber and- Building Material. Distributors: Richmond Stoy Co.,- Chattanooga Plow Co IZf- Youq Business. ffWT BuiLoilq, $4Ludj, J. C. The News, $1.00, Per Year SALUDA TftX PAYERS To the Tax Payers of the City of Saluda, Polk County, N. C, l . , ' - - 1 - ... , : ' . - , " - - ; - ' . , - ' " . ' . ; ' - : - ' All who are not satisfied with tliVvaluation on their property will meet the City Commissioners Friday, the 26th day of February, i9l5, at : 90 a. m.,' at the Mayor's Office, who will readjust any mistake that has been made in the'valuation qf their property. " This 28th day.of, January, 1915, OF SUMMONS - Mate of North Carolina, Countv.of u,t In the Superior Court, before Qer:; ' Walter Jackson and Viw t .i. ' j c jc son Rabbitt Jackson,' Lbvey "Jane Jackson trtnc Tori-c.r. r i 1 . ' Vs. son, Nathaniel Jackson, Manue and Lola Jackson. a ,h 1. Jatkn i Notice of Summons. The defendants ahov . . ueu ;0 Vt- Precious Jackson. Bell Jackson, lAian(,J Jackson, Nathaniel Jack9on, Manuel fac son. and Lola Jackson, will take ri0r that an action in'itA ' 1Ce .. aa dUUVtjlias commenced in. the Superior Court, of CountV. North Parfllin -i .1 ' Polk j, iW i,,c purpose or ol.taining a decree from said court to sej' the lands of the late Amanda Jackson Partition, which said lands are situate jjn the Township of Columbus, County of i and State of North Carolina, an..l are bounde t with the lands of Uenrv 1 ,'. j Rabutt jack5on i 1 T ,T., James Ullson and ovey jine Jackson, contain fourteen Rcras more or less. And said defendants will ther take. notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior 'cort of said vCounty at his office in the Coin ,House in the town-ot Columbos, North lina, on the 25th day of March, 191 5; at u o'clock A. M and answer or demur to ihe complaint of the plaintifis now on file in the office of said Clerk. - This,' the 28lh day of January, 1915. 39-4 1 j.-p. arledge; Clerk Superior Court. Cash Better than Traat I will pay highest market pi ice ia cash for chickens, turkeys, guineasj - ducks, gcrse, eggs, and atl ktnds of produce in. any quantity. ' J. Starr Sternberger, - opposite Methodist Church, Saluda, N. C. 30-tf The News must have 1500 sub scribers. Will you help get them? xr-M I VU BT TtJIOU la-! SATE TOU SIOTTIT It r! srxD rrn otr CATAlWTTB. Frm Vrpm" 5nlmB Irl-. TTa Crinr vA wi,Jion. Heal PV-i n4 Out nit 'wl Ir AREriW HARDWARE 4 CTPLT M TnS:hir. c" ACS- Co, J0HNPACE, tfayof NOTICE 1 n r i 1 wwoo i rtaatn & i"- r t 4C V

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