iflfsPio (01 TfflSJffOBflflft , price She Paid for Lydia cPinkham'sVegetableCom. pound Which Brought P Good Health. : Mdf sM1f 0VAm4 f ATI Vnrr medicine and I feel so dollars onJo!niJlch better than J di3 when the doctor was treating me. I don't sufferany bearing down pains at all now and I sleep well. I cannot say enough for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pills as they have done so much l forme. I am enjoy- Z health now and owe it all to ingrCm"ii4. I toke Pleasur in1te11 your rem p . 0j nP;Phbors about . r. Tririiu-5 - o ,n.g " Mrs. Mattie Haley, 501 Col- ne Street Danville Va. - Ko woman suffering from. any form iP foubles should lose hope un J e has given Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. irL famous remedy, the medicinal rpdientf: of which are derived ' native roots ana neros, nas lor ?rtt vears proved to be a most vahia We tonic and invigorator of .the f Women everywhere male . - . r , . . wtri r.2 testimony w wio wuiiuciiia of LydialEy Pinkham's Vegeta He Compound, f .. , . Tf vou have the slightest doubt vi. r-Affl noun (I will help you, write toLrdia frPinkhamMediqineCo. confidential) Lvnn,Mass.or ad ijce your letter will be opened, read and answered byajsvoman and held in strict confidence. THE POLK COUNTY HEWS, SALUDA, N. 0. Taking Away die Stones nyvr Mother's Solicitude. "May," he said, "what would you do if i should die? Tell sme." "Please don't suggest such a thing," said lis wife. "I can't bear the thought of a stepfather - for our little boy ,The Club-Fellow. GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIB Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove Dandruff Real Surprise for You. Four hair becomes ,light, wavy, fluf fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and beautifii( as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this-moisten a cloth with a little Danderiae and carefully draw it through "your hair, taking one small traid at a time. This will cleanse the flair of dust, dirt and excessive: oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifvine the hair at once. Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, mirifies and invig orates the scalp, forever stopping itch es and falling hair. - But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you 'ill actually; see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new nair growing all over the scalp. If lea care "for pretty, soft hair and lots cf it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderfne from any store "ca just try it. Adv. Gentln Hint. X He Once for all, I demand to know wno is master in this house? She You'll be happier If you don fiDd -out .-Philadelphia Ledger. TRY THIS EASY WAY TO HEAL YOUR SKIN you are suffering from eczema, M A VUUlUi A VU) UU 8lgutly skin affection, bathe the sore Places with resinol soap0 and hot wa- ter, then CPntlv nrmlva HtHa roalnnl ointment. You will be astonished how instantly the itching stops and healing Quickly becomes clear and healthy a8ain, at very little cost. Resinol oint- . nt and resinol soap also clear away i"1"'15. DiacKneaas, ana aanarun -"j ail urugglSlS. AaV. Safety First. 1! let you into my scheme on the "laerground floor." "Are there ant exits?" r F' fouls in cattle use Hanford's Adv. ' I-- !.-..- v sermons are as broad as they i,:u. Chicago News. 1 . BwSv WW 1 aif Croup Relieved in Fifteen Minutes Noeedtodose delicate little stomachs, nauseous drugs or alcoholic syrups, rvmply rub a uttle Vick's "Vap-O-Kub", Jaive over the throat and chest. The va pors mhaled loosen the tough, choking'' pniegm and ease the difficult breathing, une application at bedtime insures a sound c;ght a sleep. 25c, 60c, or $ LOO. GC"WNe HAS ,1X13 WADE MARK ft VICK'S Croup and Pneumonia SALVE Br rev. Howard' w. pope Chicago TFVT Tlr. 11:39. v away the atone.John There are Inntiv afJ Perplexity, and belief which one en counters in Chris tian work, and it often requires great skill to re move them Occasionally we meet a person who claims that there -are so many con flicting opinions among Christians that tie does not know what to be lieve. Remind him that the differ ences of opinion, as a rule, relate to minor matters. such as the mode of bannsm or the method of church governmcat,land not 10 me vital question of sai ration. While they may differ Rnrtlfl inn tn forms of worship and methods of gov ernment It is foolish for one to I allow his attention to be diverted to these side issues, and lose sight of the main Question. Besides, it is an indication J wi menwi laziness when one is not ! willing to search the Scriptures and form an opinion of his own. God has given us the Bible which reveals his will, and . a mind capable of under standing it (John 20:31). God's will concerning the way of salvation is re vealed so clearly that even a child can understand it What excuse have we then for deferring our duty? we have no right to hold this mat ter of repentance in suspense simply Decause there are some things in the Bible which we do not understand. There always will be thlnes in the Bible which we do not understand, and li we wait until all things are under stood by us we shall never be saved. If we will obey that part of God's word we do understand, we will soon get light on some of the obscure things. 1 once met a man on tho train who claimed to be a skeptic. He said there were so many different religions that he did not know what to believe, "One claims that we ought to worship Budd ha and another Confucius. Some say that Mormonism is the true religion, and I suppose you would say that Jesus Christ was the only Saviour. In the midst of all these conflicting opin ions, how is one to know what to be lieve?" j . I said to r him, "My friend, did you ever embrace any one of those relig ions?" "No, sirf" "You remember the fable about the. horse which stood between two stacks of hay. He was about to take a bite from one when there came a smell of clover from the other so ' inviting that he hesitated; then he caught a whiff from the other which led him to turn again, and finally he starved to death between the two stacks, be cause he could not decide '' which to eat from. "Now my friend, are you not making the same mistake which the horse made? Here you stand in the midst of all these religions starving your soul because you djp not know which one to choose. Had you not better em brace some one of them, and do It quickly? If you think that Buddhism is the most promising become a Budd hist If you think Mormonism is from God, become a Mormon. If you find salvation from sin in these religions continue in them, but if not, then ac cept Christ as your Saviour, and I am sure you will find salvation in him. He is the truth; seek no further. But by all means embrace some religion, and do it quickly for you are starving your soul for the lack of some one to worshipjand obey." "I believe there is some truth in what you say," said the man, "but this is my station and 1 must leave you. I am glad we have had this con versation and I hope we shjUl meet again." Apparently the man was convinced of his mistake, and was becoming in terested, but he was leaving the car and what could I do? I thought of the little package of leaflets which I usually carry, and selecting a couple I rushed out on the platform and gave them to him. One was the Christian life card, and the other was a leaflet written by Dr. J. W. Chlckeilng of Washington. D. C. Before he died the author had the names of over seven teen hundred people who had written him or told him personally thut they attributed their conversions to this tract. Daniel Webster states his position very clearly in a letter written - to a friend: "I believe that God exists in three persons; this I learn from rev elation alone. Nor is it any objection to this belief that I cannot comprehend how one can be three, or three one hold it my duty to believe, not what I can comprehend or account for, but what my maker teaches me. I be lieve religion to be a matter not of demonstration; but of faith.V God re quires us to give credit to the truths which he reveals not because we can prove them, but because he reveals them." Attain thyself to the good and thou wilt become one of them. Cervantes, Dentists ness to Doctors appetite affirm teeth attest its helpful and gums, its aid to and digestion. the kiddies all they want. Use it yourself regularly. Keep it always on hand. Cultivate the saving instinct with the fUBBSHetll IProtiM SBdSJcnBog (BoBBipoBdS around each package, good toward high-grade merchandise. Have you seen "Wrigley's Mother Goose" newest jingle book 28 pages in colors? (Here is a sample verse and illustration) There was an old Spear-woman Jived in a shoe For her many young hopefuls she knew what to do! She made them most happy with WRIGLEY'S for all It kept them in trim at a cost very small! The "Wrigley Spearmen" vvuut, jvw iw see ou lucu a quaint antics in this book, jh free! Write for it today to VJL1. WRIGLEY JR. CO., t304 itesner Bldg., Chicago 50? "(Shew M HEY5RUFUS COME OFF THE ROOF Strange Conclusion. "It is the vote that does the talk ing." , "Yes, especially the silent vote." ENDS DYSPEPSIA T NDICES 0 . AS "Pape's Diapepsin" cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes Time It! "Really does" put bad stomachs in order "really does" overcome indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn $nd sourness in five minutes that just that makes Pape's Diapepsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your insides filled with bile and indigestiblt waste, re member the moment "Pape's Diapep sin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your home should always be kept handy in case of sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Adv. As Ever. "Since the war began the women have beeni taking the places of 'the men on the1 Paris street cars." "Well, they'd do it here, but the men are too ill mannered to get up." Wanted More Help. "To guide a key to a keyhole in the dark there ".has been patented a V shaped! strip of metal to be fastened to a door with the point surrounding the hole," said the studious man. "That's all right so far as it goes," replied the convivial one; "but who's toP be on hand to find the key for you?" IF BACK HURTS CLEAN KIDNEYS WITH SALTS After 10 Years of Suffering, Show Man Finds Relief in Tetterine. "I have been troubled with a severe case of Tetter for ten years. In Colum bia last week a druggist recommended Tetterine. I bought a box; it gave me relief, so I bought another and am en tirely well." Lew Wren. Chicago. Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Itching Piles, Ring Worm and every form of Bcalp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c; Tetterine Soap 25c. Your druggist, or by mail from the manufacturer. The Shup trine Co., Savannah. Ga. With every mail order for Tetterine we give a box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pills free. Adv. - J Feminine Charity. The Man I understand that Miss Angalar comes of a very old family. The Maid Well, she certainly looks' it. I Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of Outyf& In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria ' Some bachelors are bachelors be cause they understand women.' Oth ers because they do not Drink Lots of Water and Stop Eating Meat for a While If the Bladder , Bothers You. Meat forms uric acid whlchexcites and overworks the kidneysi rntheir efforts to filter It from the system Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must re lieve them like you relieve your bow els; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue! is coated and when the weather is f bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sedimenti the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night To neutralize these Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop' bladder irritation.' Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions" of men and women s$ now and then, thus avoid ing serswa kidney and bladder dis eases. Adv. TOO MUCH FOR TENDERFOOT Discovery.That Western Life Was Not What He Had Anticipated Proved Fatal. "Tough luck about the last tender foot that struck town," said Chuck-: wagon Cal. "What happened to him?" "Well, you know he come out here in fear and tremblin', thinkin' some cowpuncher here in Cactus Center was sure goin' to shoot at his feet and make him dance." "Yes." ' 'And likewise he was sure pome body was goin' to git him on the hur ricane deck of a pitchin' hoss and bust his neck." "Uh-huh." And he was dead sartin that the fusttimehe stepped out on the street some frolicsome blade was goin' to rope him and draghim half a block jest for fun." "Of course." "Well, none of them things , hap pened, and we buried him today jest nachelly killed by the shock of dis app'intment." Judge. Curious. "Curious thing about human van ity," said the costumer. N "To what do you refer?" "The more knock-kneed a man is, the more he wants to appear at a mask ball as a Scottish Higlander." If a man is miserable it is usually because he thinks he is. na H You won't like heavy tobaccos after you once try the plenty mild but fully satisfying taste of FATIMA Cigarettes. They outsell other 15c cigarettes by millions! ' Distinctively Individual" Fruit and Produce Shipping Agents Wasted to represent us at all stations. FRKD TOST A CO, Commission Merchants, 190 Reade Bt.Jew York.Clti German school children are taught to swim by going through the motions without entering the water. Rub It On and Rub It In. For lame back, stiff neck and sore throat, apply Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh, and be sure to rub it in thor oughly. It is guaranteed to cure or your money will be refunded by your dealer. Adv. . ' . One's good opinion of one's self should be maintained in silence. If your skin is scratched by a rusty nail, apply Hanford's Balsam at once. It should prevent blood poison. Adv. How much easier to make mistakes than to unscramble them. ; A simple remedy against coughs and all throat irritations are Dean's Mentholated Cough, Drops 5c at all good Druggists. The widow of a henpecked man can look as sad as any. - joofing that must lastlH .Yon can't tell by looking at a roll of roofliur how VJonsr it will last on the roof, but when voxj&r Lget the guarantee of a reiponsi- ble company, ybn know that1 - ' JiTlir oofing mast V SJamal atutactory The only real test of roofing quality is on the roof. Buy materials that last C f k7 Ask your dealer for prod ucts made by us they bear our name. Asphalt Roofings tAil grade and prices) Slate Surfaced Shingles Asphalt Felts Deadening Felts Tarred Felta Building Papers Roofing 1- ply guaranteed 5 years 2- pIy guaranteed 10 jean 3- ply guaranteed 15 years 4 General Roofing Manufacturing Company WortiP largest numufaetvrerm cf Hoofing and Building Paper RcwTsrkCBy Bostoa . CUcage Pitbbars Ptfladelpaia 7 Ananla CkvsUai St Lsais fy-Stasia Ctj aSaaeapaSs I Ssa Frsadses flftls Insulating Papers Wall Boards Plastic Roofing Asphalt Cement Koof Coating Metal Paints Outdoor Paints Shingl Stains Refined Coal Ta Tar Coating Just Off the Presis Our New Catalog OP RUBBER STAMPS. STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES i of all kinds. It is fully illustrated, complete and up-to-date in every respect, and Is something that every business man should have on his desk. It is yours . FREE for the asking, with no obligations whatever. Write us for this cata log today, you will receive it on the next mail. j POUND & MOORB CO., CHARLOTTE, Ns C

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