niuiFi sir fhs t DOII'T STAYJIUOUS, CONSTIPATED larantee "Doasons Liver iune govvei iicaiii"i vm i muw i makes you sick; you lose a lorneIk Calomel is quicksilver tlalivates; calomel injures your J bilious, feel lazysluggish W nut If vour bowels h rated and your head aches consul' H,1ot talrA a RTvnon. .nrtPKrU v-f r v ,oph IS u' - -Mr omacu nwlaftnH T J vpr Ton ' f wmiess , ad 01 u- - , m i i L-i Dodsen s Liver xumj m irea IB .. . ...or. vnn -will wake uO r- . in i Ing o vour niii wv. . ' j.,nV.o and dizziness eonei' vhur neauv T i ill h sweet and vour In regular xou .wm xeei lute i - r YOU 11 " viicciiui, iuu ui an(j ambition. . - . -,. ; r , n-ict or dealer sells Vou a bur arufcfc T vnttlp of l'oasons A-iver J.onq Its Weak Point. ! J that is its greatest iauu. 1SU u. ....ii,c TrrmsCriDt orL: teut? I0K, GLOSSY HAIR RttFROM DANDRUFF , Beautify Your Hair! Make It Lft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist tiioin. 1, - PA 11 11 v as you win, alter im ayyuciiuuu handerine, you cannot find. a single 6 of dandruff or falling Hair and r scalp will not itch, but what will ise yOU mosi, ui ue anei a lew ks' use, when you see new hair, and downy at firstyes but real- new hair growing all over the little Danderine immediately doa the beauty of your hair. No differ how dull, faded, brittle and jaggy, just; moisten a cloth wita Iderine and! carefully draw it lough your "hair, taking one small fend at a time. The effect is im- iate and a dazing your hair will liht, fluffy' and wavy, and have an earance of abundance; an incom- ble luster, softness aaji luxuri- e, the beauty and shimmer of true health. T ' et a 25 cent bottle of Khowlton's derine from any store and prove your hair is as pretty and soft ny that it has been neglected or red by careless treatment that's At last reports there were 3,846 p-mg rms in Great Britain. It's Foolish to Suffer You may be brave enough to and bacfeache, or headache, or lzziness. But if. in addition, ur-1 ation is disordered, look out! if you don't try to fix your, sick ioneys,: you mav fall into the Hatches of kidney trouble before oa know it. But if you live more awfully Jand help your kidneys un Doan s Kidney Pills, you can jtop: the rains you have and avoid pie danger as well. A North Carolina Case C. H. Rogers, 299 Lindsey ' St., Relds ville, N. C, says: "Kidney trouble clung to me for many years and I had bad back aches. ' The kidney secretions passed Ir regularly at times. T"iv' 'hnTa nf Tinnn'S YX Kidney Pills complete ly cured me. I nave als?Q given Doan's Kidney, Pills to my children for kidney weakness and they too have been bene fited." Get Doan'a m A C en. Tlm OA A TVJ C KIDNEY ko PILLS MILBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. The Reliable Remedy iur lumoago, gout ana RilEUUATISn 1 GETS AT THE JOINTS FBOM THE INSIDB or sale by all druggists ADVICE TO THE AGED iwpirlnars, ,nf,rmlt,e uc sluggish C?. Weak kidneys and torpid liver. Imiii 1 ct,,lc eneci on inese organs, "una visrar to the whole svtsem. SALTER'S EYE LOTION CURES 50RE EYES HV.6S M. ItmaH. ATI. A NTA.fiA. "Rettan of Imitation . INTERSIVIITH'S V." ILL TONIC oniy the old reliable remedy f OR MALARIA huSI p IP Ips s re. Inflamed eyes In 24 to 48 hours, o-ai. r f,r,yt!s;c.urin4 without pain. Ask druggist mmm wui uive you the Best Liver - hwi i uuac d. uay s work under my personal guarantee that It will clean, your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; It won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist-guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you can have your money back. . Chil dren gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because It is pleasant! tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. J am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant,1 vege table, liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist or storekeeper about me. A good listener1- is nnpi who nan .o C W ww MVP vmu pi s tend to be deeply interested when he i i. i important to Mothers Eixamine carpfnllv cvDrir Kttio x CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy f ot uiittuui ana cnuaren, and see that it Bears the J? m Signature ot CCrM&J&il In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Honest, now, did you (ever see any body take the advice-you offered? Memphis Commercial Appeal. DO NOT HESITATE To Use Cuticura on Skin-Tortured Babies. Trial Free. i A hot bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Oint ment at once relieve, permit rest and sleep and point to speedy healment of eczemas, rashes, itchings and irri tations of infants and children even in severe cases. Sample each free bymail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Fiction and Reality. It is a simple truth to say that many things happen in fiction which would be quite, impossible in fact, as any censor knows. It is in failing to dis tinguish between, these two that many artists and most critics blunder and this error is in effect the same as that of the ambitious actor who, having once to play the" part, for " the first time, of an intoxicated' ruffian in a certain melodrama, went to a neigh boring tavern and intoxicated himself, He thought that this would storm the house, but on the contrary he was im mediately fired by the management for a fool and rightly. F. H. Martin, in the Book Buyer. j The Lush in Luscious. "Why do they call the oyster a luscious bivalve?" "Is not it customary to refer to in toxicating beverages as lush?" asked the learned but ' unsophisticated citi zen. "Yes." ( "Then 'luscious bivalve,' no doubt, refers to the oyster cocktail." !. ! The Real Article. Little Lemuels-Say, paw, what Is an instrument of torture? Paw The piano in the flat upstairs, son. A i scientist states that fully two thirds of a woman's pleasures in life are derived from her ability to snea tears at will. . . CHILDREN SHOWED IT Effect of Their Warm Drink In the Morning. ! "A year ago I was a wreck from cof fee drinking and was oh the point of giving up my position in the school room because of nervousness. "I was telling a friend about it and she said, 'We drink nothing at meal tlmo hiit Print n m and It is such a COm- f ort to have something we can enjoy drinking with the children. "I was astonished that she would allow the children to drink any kind of coffee, but she said Postum was not coffee, but a most healthful drink for children as well as for older ones, and that the condition of both the chil dren and adults showed that to be a fact "I was in despair and determined to give Postum a trial, following the directions carefully. It was a decided success and I was completely won by its rich delicious flavor. "In a short time I noticed a decided improvement in my condition and kept erowine better month after montn, until now I am healthy, and do my work in the school room with ease and pleasure. I would not return to nerve- destrdyine coffee for any money. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must be ; well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum is a soluble : pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly In a cud of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage Instantly. 30c and 50c tins. . Both kinds are equally delicious and tsost per cup about the same, "There's a Reason" For Postum. Gowns of American Design - F the new spring styles in gowns are strictly of American desi there is every reason, to congratulate their creators. After a study of them one might be pardoned for quot ng ! from the song which bids us heartily , rejoice in the strength of our salva tion and adding "from foreign-made modes" thereto. The street costumes are cleverly shaped, comfortable, and clean cut. Their tailoring is a thing of faultless beauty. Skirts are short and just wide and flaring enough for comfort in walking and for style. Jackets and coats are easy and smart, improving the figure which wears them properly. One may bave a choice as to length, as they are shown in both long and short models. Materials are durable, old favorites .being to the fore in the smartest garments. Decorations are few and elegant, buttons and straps and the introduction of outside pockets pro viding most off them. But- it is In amazing cleverness in cutting both skirts and coats that this season has distinguished itself above others. In party gowns Bklrts are more am- The Motor THE motor bonnet of silk continues to stand at the head of the list as the most practical of things designed for the headwear of autoists. From the standpoint of comfort, service, low cost, becomingness, and the ease with which it can be made, the silk motor bonnet has no rival possessing all of its advantages. There are, however, many bonnets that combine the soft millinery braids, like those of hemp or silk fiber, with silk in their construction, that are just as durable and becoming. By means of the braid the element of novelty In design enters into their composition, but they are less simple to make than the silk bonnets- The latter will not tax the ingenuity of the home milliner at all. . Taffeta silk is the most satisfactory weave to use. Its body gives the bon net a chance to remain shapely; it sheds the dust easily and it is made in most appropriate and pleasing col ors. Patterns by which to cut tha body of bonnets aro furnished by any of the standard pattern companies. Usually only about a yard of taffeta and a small strip of crinoline are needed, except when plaitings of the silk gfe used for trimming. An extra allowance must be made for this. Ma chine stitching, with silk thread, helps out in the finish and decoration of the all-silk bonnets. The veil, of washable chiffon holds its own with the silk bonnet as the best friend of the motorist. . Chiffon veils are so essential that they form a part of the' design in most bonnets and are always reckoned with, either as a part of the decoration or an ac cessory. - pie, but made of the airiest fabrics over satin foundations. Bodices are inodestly high, and satin bindings are used to finish the flounces and over- dresses of net or crepe or chiffon. Wilil all tnis fluffiness there is a lit- tie touch of the austere in the bodice usually. In the picture given 1iere a street suit of swell shepherd's plaid is shown. Plaits at the sides of both front and back produce slightly flar ing panels, the skirt being made up of four of these. .The jacket opens in a "V" at the front, with revers terminating at the bust line and an inlay of velvet which is carried to the high turnover col lar. A strap at each side of the back is finished with a simulated buttonhole and set, with a lone button, to the narrow, shaped belt which defines the slightly high waist line, j - The cuffs are odd, with the sleeve turned back from a band of velvet and fastened down with ;a button. The front of the jacket Is almost straight, and cut with a dip. Bonnet of Silk Several special kinds of hats appear among the spring showings of motor headwear, among them exquisite cro cheted hats of silk fiber braid, and patent leather hats. The last are wholly rainproof. But the crocheted hats, and silk bonnets like those pic tured here, are not much damaged by rain. When the silk bonnet has served its day it can be replaced for so little money and is altogether so at tractive that it is likely to remain a favorite. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Velvets for Little Girls. Girls from twelve to sixteen are tol lowing the example of their elders for afternoon in the wearing of velvet frocks. These usually have over- blouses or long-waisted effects, with the top skirt of velvet and the short underskirt of satin or plaited chiffon. A collar of real lace and a satin belt or sash completes a very smart little costume which can be worn without a coat as warmer weather approaches. Rice in Pincushion. Rice makes an excellent filling for a pincushion. Take a yard of five- inch dresden ribbon, double and sew Into a bag, stitching a quarter of an inch back from the edge along the sides; to leave for a finish. Fill it snnelv with rice grains and you will findf it keep its place; even heavy hatpins do not turn it over. Soiled White Inexcusable. Clean white will cover a multitude of faults in style and material, but soiled white on a .woman is quite as inexcus able as on a man. The Shot That Missed. In controversy it is better to be in tellectually honest than to be consis tent . In an ecclesiastical discussion that occurred at one of the general assem blies of the Presbyterian church in th United States Doctor Krebs was press ing his antagonist, Doctor Bracking ridge, hard with his authorities, and at; last, as the New York Times relates, came down on him with this: "And now I will proceed to quote Breckin ridge against Breckinridge." Without rising from his seat, Doctor Breckinridge instantly retorted. "And you could not possibly cite an author ity that would have less weight with me!" Free to Our Readers Write Murine Eye Remedy Go.. Chleacro. for 48-page Illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the Murine Eye 'Remedies la Your Special Case. Your Drnggist will tell you that Murine Believes Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't bmart. Soothes Eye Fain, and sells for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Adv. Cruel, Too. "I'm saddest when I sing." "You're a durn fool to sing, then." Boston Evening Transcript. REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A JtVEIX KNOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST. in reference to Elixir Babek the great rmmedy for chill and fvr and all malarial diteatet. "Within the last five months I have sold 3.600 bottlesof EllxirBbek,forMalaria,Chillsand Fever. Our customers spealc very well of it, Henry Evans, 922 F St., N.W., Washington, D.Q." ISllxir Babek 50 cents all drusrsists. or bv Parcels, Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski it Co., Washington. D. C. Really Reliable. "Is your maid trustworthy?" "Trustworthy? Why, I even give her the key to the bread box!" Every Household Needs It. For cuts, burns sprains and bruises, Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh should give quick relief. These may happen any day in any home and the prudent housewife will always keep a bottle on hand. Adv. Unbecoming. "How do you like my new. hat, dear?" "Off." Boston Evening Transcript. Coughs and Colds cannot hold out against Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops. A single dose gives relief 5c at all Druggists. How She Considered It. He So you are going to consider my proposal? i She I do consider it a joke. For any sore use Hanford's Bal sam. Adv. Flashes of Humor. f "Why are you wearing glasses, Blinks?" "I was nearly blinded by my daz zllng wit, Jinks." Those of Middle Age Especially. Wien you haye found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: , From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. , Buffalo, N. Y. "I am writing to let you know how urach your medicine has done for me. I failed terribly during' the last winter and summer and every one remarked about my appearance. I suf fered from a female 'trouble and always had pains in my back, no appetite and at times was very weak. 44 1 was visiting at a friend's house one day and. she thought I needed Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better everyday. Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia EL Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will see it and get health from your medicine as I did." Mrs. A Hornung. 91 Stanton St, Buffalo, N, Y. Made Me Well and Strong.1 Macedon, N.Y. "I was all run down and very thin in flesh, ner vous, no appetite, could not sleep and was weak, and felt badly all the time. The doctors said I had poor blood and what I had was turning to water. . I took different medicines which did not help me. but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and strong, and I am recommending it to my friends." Mrs. Ebxd Chace, R. JNa. 2, Macedon, N.Y. The Change of Life. Beltsville. Mb. "By the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I nave successfully parsed through a most trying time, the Change of life. I suffered with a weakness, and had to stay in bed three days at a time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health, and I am praising it for the benefit of other women who suffer as I did." Mrs. W. S. Duvall, Route No. L BeltsyUle, Md. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many suffering women to health. p "3Write to LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. Lr (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Just Off the Press Our New Catalog OF RUBBER STAMPS, STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES of all kinds. It is fully illustrated, complete and up-to-date In every respect, ; and is something that every business man should have on his desk. It is yours FREE for the asking. -with no obligations whatever. Write us for this cata- log today, you will receive it on the next mail. ' - POUND & MOORE CO., CHARLOTTE, N.C Colds Relieved Without Dosing HwasaMa ' f If you have tried "Internal' medicines without success, we wantyou to try th "External" treatment Tick's "Vap-O-: Rub' Salve. Apply hot wet towels over the throat and chest to open the pores, then1 rub Yick's in well and cover with a warm flannel cloth. The body warmth releases healing vapors that are inhaled with each, breath, ana, in addition. Tick's is absorbed through the pores. 25c, SOc, or $L00. ZHE GEHU1NE HAS THIS TRADE MARK? VICK'SpoSMVE Rheumatism Just put a few drops of Sloan's on the painful spot and the pain stops. It is really wonderful how quickly Sloan's acts. No need to rub it in laid on lightly it penetrates to the bone and brings relief at once. Kills rheumatic pain instantly. Mr. James E. Alexander, of North EarptweU, Me., writes: "Many strains in my back and hips brought on rheu matism in the sciatic nerve. I. had it so bad one night when sitting in May chair, that I had to jump on my feet to get relief. I at once applied your Liniment to the affected part and in less then ten minutes it was perfectly easy. I think it is the best of all Liniments I have ever used." , 'SLQAKS IMMEM Kills Pain At all dealers, 25c Send four cents in stamps for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. DepL B. Philadelphia, Pa. W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 12-1918. 4rB naswe as adults. Sold for 50 '--sold by Grocers. ou: and $ l bottles at drug stores. "T '

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