THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYPAN. C. THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Published every Friday at ' I , TEYON ! POLK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. The Land of the Sky, By W. P. and G. R Little. (Co-Partnership,) Saluda Office in Saluda Pharmacy Building. W. F. LITTLE, Managing Editor 'Entered as second-class matter April 28, 1 9 15, at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Adfance. One Tear... ...$1.00 Six Months... ... ... r0 We are not responsible for the opin ions or expressions of our correspon dents. Communications intended for publJ cation must be signed by the sender, name and address. Three Months. 2 Make all checks, drafts, anJ money orders payable to The Polk Oounty News. Advertising rates quoted upon re- f quest. VOL XXI. NO. 8 FRIDAY. JULY 2. 1915 Only those icho do nothing at all never make mistakes. Balzac. Saluda will welcome you Satur day. The County telephone service is coming, some time. Tryon will not be happy until the golf links are completed. Crucify him! Crucify him! but Governor S la ton did not wash his hands. Insurection promotor Heurta would have better stayed over in Jersey and fought themosquitos. He has spilled the beans. Saluda wants all of Polk Coun ty to turn out next Saturday and attend the Independence Day cel ebration. There will be thing doing. some- President Wilson made a wise selection in naming Robert Lan sing for Secretary of State. He is a skilled diplomat and has the reputation of being level headed. The poorest man in the world is he who 1 has , nothing except money, says The Youths Com panion. The man who has every thing else except money is just as poor and less thought of. The Asheville Citizen has start ed a "Wear White Socks" move ment. They say it is quite sty lish for men and women to wear white hosiery. So be it. Then remember that all hosiery must be cotton to be in style as silk js passe. If this is generally carri ed out it will help solve the cotton and dye problems. From now on we propose to be ultra stylish, in the matter of hosiery. In telephone service the fee system for county units is a relic of by gone days. How long will Polk County phone users stand for a toll tacked on to calls with in the county? There should be a universal and comprehensive county service if we are to halve any good from telephones. The fee system cur tails calls, lessens business and hinders social activities, v We suggest that the telephone com panies of Polk County get togeth- ; er and give Polk County a real 1 telephone system. I have often wondered if the diplomatic affairs of the world could be carried on without the cigarette. A celebrated inter- - - viewer was working out Secre tary of State, Lansing and . the secretary looked at his cigarette before answering the interview er's question. The secretary of 1 f ered the interviewer a cigarette at one stage of the proceedings. V I can remember at Teddy's Russian-Japanese Peace Conference, at Portsmouth, the diplomats all lighted cigaretts before proceed injwjth the work in hand. Wish the European war could be finished by the combatants puff ing cigarette smoke at each other. - JJ would be a degree less brutal Nthan the gas bomb. It is surprising how few people know anything about the flora of their native states. Here in Polk County there are so manv species of wild flowers. I have asked many people for the names of some of them and in most instan ces can not be informed. I know most every wild flower in my na tive state. This knowledge was acquired by very little effort and practically no book study, In little journeys through fields and woodland, with a companion, ob servation and classifications were made. Most all wild flowers yield nectar, from which bees make honey, and the pollen from flowers is gathered by bees to feed their young. Scientific bee keeping is a sti mulus to study the flowers, trees and field crops as well as the ha bits of bees. There id a strong facination a bout the study of bees. If one cares to keep bees the financial returns are sufficient "to make it pay." From the amount of wild flowers here, bee keeping should be developed. Bees are necessary for fruit culture as well as vegetables and and grains Polinization in many instances is done by the honey bee. It is charged that bees damage grapes. They are not. the offen ders. Some other insect stings the grape or from other causes the fruit skin comes open and then the bees work on it, with out injury perhaps, for the fruit would rot anyway. -The honey crop of this country runs up in to enormous sums. Polk County should keep more and better bees, arid like any thing else, there must le intelli gent effort and modern methods, then it will be very profitable. mi i l- i? j ; mere is no orancn oi iarming that Davs so larcre returns for the capital and labor expended. A LITTLE SKETCH Of the Newly Appointed Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, of New York. As in the case of John Hay in Spanish war datsthe troubled state of the republics relations with European nat'ons has caused the ele vation to the hiighfcst post in the ad ministration, next to the presidency of a man whose proficiency is not political influence but the art of diplomacy. , Although employed frequently on diplomatic missions by Republican administrations and closely associa ted with his Republican father-in-law former Secretary of State John -W. Foster, Mr. Lansing is a Democrat, but it was because of his ability as an international lawyer, not his political affiliation, that he was chose counselor of the state department to succeed John Ba&sett Moore. The other members of the cabinet unanimously favored the elevation of the counselor to the premiership.. They believed it not only just, but wise, to make Mr. Lansing in name wfriat he has been in fact the sec retary of state. President Wilson and Mr. Lansing wrote the notes to Germany and Great Britain which Secretary Bryan signed until he resigned. The administration is now in the midst of negotiations with Germany and Great Britain which, the presi dent and Mr. Lansing have conduct ed. Mr. Lansing will continue to col laborate with the president on this correspondence and will handle the other diplomatic business of the state department. None of the many strange changes effected by the war in Europe has been more remarkable than the rise of Mr. Lansing from the compara tive obscurity of a practicing lawyer to the post of chief adviser to the president. Whten. appointed counselor to the de partment about a year ago Mr. Lan sing was serving as agent foY the United States in, the American and British claims arbitration, an ap pointment given -by Secretary Knox under the Taft administration. Since 1892 Mr. Lansing frequently has been engaged in representing the interests of the United States in claims, arbitration proceedings, and at international gatherings. He is 51 years old, having leen born at Watertown, N. Y, on Oct. 17, 1864. He practiced law at Water-town for several years. He is a graduate of Amherst college and is the a.uthor of Government Its Origin, Growth, and Form in the United States, apd of several artticles on diplomatic subjects. In 1890 hie married Miss Elenor Foster, daughter of John W. Foster, Secretary of State under Harrison. Some Climates. The northern parts of Norway and Sweden extend well up into the Arctic circle, while the southern parts come down to the latitude of Glasgow; so there is a wide range between the winter temperatures in those coun tries. The same applies to Canada. i Notice to Subscribers. On September 1st The News will not be mailed to any person whose subscription has "expired. All ' siub scrlboirs, who are delinquent on that date will be dropped from our list. We find that selling a paper for a dollar a year that we are' losing mon ey . , on circulation because all sub scribers do not pay. If we are to be:; successful publishers we must do one of two thingh : raise our price to $1.50 or stay at $1.00 and get the" dollar. We hope our subscribers will ' see the justness of our position and; pay up their arrears without further; notice J Beginning September 1st all subscriptions must be paid in ad-, vance. ' 1 tf i Attention Young Men In this time of industrial opportu nity, it is gratifying to see what a firm grasp the men trained at the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege are taking on the industrial life of the State. These men not only knovt hiow to do things, but they are doing them with credit to them selves1 and to their college. They are making over old farms and dairies. Many of them are directing cot ton mills. On our railways and high ways you find them with transit and rod. They are sought by men why need draughtsmen nad machinists. Young men who are ambitious and determined to make headway in life are in increasing numbers making their way to this busy.Jnstitut.ion. The fall announcement in The News will interesst scores of young men. STATEMENT of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc., required by the Act oT August 24, 191 2, f The Polk County News published week ly at Tryon, North Carolina for April, i( 1915. Editor, i Y. F. Little. , J Managing Editor, W. F. Little. Business Managers, W. F. & G. R. Little. Publisher, W. F. Jk G. R. Little. Owners, W. F. Little, Tryon, N. C, and G. R. Little, Saluda, N. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding I per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: C. W. Ballenger and Geo. B. Cobb. W. F. Little, Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of June, 1915. (SEAL) Geo. A. Gash, Notary Public with Seal. (My commission expires April, 20, 191 7) The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. Young men seeking to equip them selves for practical life In Agricul ture and all its allied branches; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical En gineering; In Chemistry and Dye ing; in Textile Industry, and in Ag ricultural Teaching, will find excellent provision for their chosen careers at the States Industrial College. This College fits men for life. Faculty for the coming year of 65 men; 767 students; 25 buildings. Admirably equipped laboratories in each de partment. County examinations at each county seat on July 8th. For catalogue, write, adv. ; E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh., N. C. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LQCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take In ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quaclc medicine. It wag prescribed -by one of the best phy sicians in this country "for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. l J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, price 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. WANTED RED CLOVER FLOWERS We want a supply of dri ed flowers which must be collected at once. We will pay high price for supplies. Instructions and contract price on request. S. B. Penick & Company, Marion, N. C. 45 Barclay St., New York. 'l 5-4t. High Grade . PRINTING We are equipped to do the highest grades of Commer cial Printing, j Orders will be delivered promptly at prices that; will please you. ; Call or phone. W. F. &Q.R. LIl TLb, PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, Tryon and Saluda North Carolina penny column Advertisements will be iuserted in this column and under this head at one cent a word each insertion. For timbered or farm lands in Eastern Carolina iapply Box 58, Council, N. C, 1 ... . i-8t. FOR SALE: I am now readv to take or Ar fnrnurserv stocffor fall delivery. Will ive a special discount on several varieties Vof apple trees. Your business solicited. E. J. Bradley, Saluda, n. U. t WANTED TO RENT 1 We have a number of inquiries tor furnished, 5 or 6 room cot tages with bath, also for furnish ed rooms, close in. If you have Jeither of the above, list with us. J. Leonard & Co, Tryon, N. C. 41. 3 I' Tryon Lumber Co. .if ougrh and , finished lumber of all kinds TRYON, N. C. Walter Jones Attorney at law Office up stairs in ' Swink-Hudson Building. 5j- , Office Telephone Tryon, N. C. Residence Phone, Call Saluda. A Why it I s .1 ,V S: The Sunday Tribune has approximately 600,000 five readers, it is estimatad, to every subscriber ft- Sunday Tribune, therefore, has 3,000,000 readers. have 5,000,000. ' Here Are Some of the Reasons: The Sunday Tribune is the world's greatest newspaper. . The Sunday Tribune is a greater magazine than any monthly. The Sunday Tribune has the best national capital news. The Sunday Tribune has the world's greatest comic section. . The Sunday Tribune has the world's greatest sporting section---includirjg Ring Lardner, America's f oremost sport humorist. The Sunday Tribune's color printing superiors and few equals. The Sunday Tribune's new rotogravure process of printing pictures is unexcelled. The Sunday Tribune's society news embraces London, New York and Newport, as well as Chicago. I I The Sunday Tribune has two best dramatic critics Percy Hammond in Chicago, Burns Mantle in New York. - The Sunday Tribune has the best' household department, including Lillian Russell, Marion Harland, Bessie Ascough and other authorities. The Sunday Tribune leads in war news and features, pictures and maps. It has six special war correspondents in Europe,, including two photo graphers of still and moving pictures. These are only a few of THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE'S features. Limit of space forbids enumeration of more. "' '- -'..-. The only ad that can tell The, Sunday Tribune's story adequately is The Sunday Tribune itself . I "s j ft H rrriT ihe The World's Greatest Newspaper (Trademark RegUtefedj Many of the above features arid many more are by The Tribune Syndicate. They help make The Tribune what it is. As The Tribune grew, so YOU can grow. Write for samples and terms to 5 tv The Tribune Stoves and Ranges! We have been experimenting for years, trying t0 get -. tove that would cook on the bottom. l - We HAVE IT! ' The Knox Stove will do all that we claim. A "Better" Stove for "Less" money. :. . . ...... W. M. LAMBRIGHT & GO Landrum, S. C. THE IATBT FASHIONS - EASILY COPIED Whether it is a party frock, an afternoon gown, or simple little mornin? dressyou can make them with the aid of a Hall Borcbet Adjustable Dress Form more easily and with bet ter success, because you see how the dress will - look when it is on you. It saves the bother of trying on, or wailing to be fitted. "The Queen" is the most perfect Adjustable Form. made. It is adjusts ' to duplicate almost any woman's figure. Planning fitting, tiimming, draping, nil the difficult things about dressmaking are made easj', and time worry and money can be saved. The cost of the form can be saved on a season's sewing. J It's always ready when you want it; it adjusts quickly; it stays adjusted until you. chang it, and makes home dressmakeing a success. Thon sands in use and giving satisfaction. Write today for illustrated booklet giving full details and prices. HALLBORCHET DRESS FORM CO., Department P. C, 30 West $2d St. N. Y. Dept. P. C, 163-17 1 No. May St. Chicago 3,00000 Read Tlie Chicago Mudlay Tribmie tacago Syndicate a Plant Wood's Seed Potatoes In June and July FopFailCpop, Potatoes planted now mature in the cool weather of the Fall when they can be harvested to best advantage for use or sale during the winter. , Wood's Seed Potatoes are choice selected seed, put in cold storage early jn the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition for late planting. Write for "Wood's Cro Special,' giving prices and infor. matioxr about Potatoes for lata planting:. Cow Peas, Soja Beans Millet, Crimson Clover, etc. ' T.W. WOOD & SONS, : SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Send in a new subscription. if subscribers. There are of a newspaper. The It ought to, ana wi 11 y Chicago People Tribuhe 1!

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