..: M 5 I.. ,5 - 1 1 3 . THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON. ,N. C. SALUDA r NORTH CAROLINA COLUMBUS NORTH CAROLINA County Seat, Polk County vFIve miles inland from Tryon over a beautiful cenic drirCi Fine' farming sectioft. Home of an excellent County High School. ' A quiet summer resort With 32 hotels arfd boarding houses. .. - Gome To The Blue top.. Cl. la the Land of the Sky i 4 Store '.4 r t 1 - i 2 itt . ' t r - i, i. j. a - i J. I' ' : ; t ' ' V"' frit 4 3 i ii 4 I i i 'I : 'S - , f ' 'i-'t- ;v , 1 I: b 'if ' ! i;1 FOR PAINTS, HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND PLUMBING We Carry a Nice Line of Shades and Crex Rugs . Choice Property For Rent or Sale Phone No. 70. Saluda N. C. For Spot Cash We will meet any ones prices anywhere on same quality of goods for spot cash. No need buying away from home. Come get our prices on groceries, feed meats Etc. ; PHONE NO90 SwinkHudson Co. W. Y. Wikins, Mgr. TRYON, N. C. "On The Book of Time Your Days Are Charged off One By One" Build a Bank Account with your dollars one by one. The quickest way to independence and comfort is a Bank Account. It is easier to start a Bank Account than to earn money and it seems easier to earn money when you have a Bank Account. -Now is the time to start this account. 'Procrasti nation is the thief of time." WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES Carolina State Bank , SALUDA, N. C. Sue and Esther ; Gibbs . of Mill Springs will mak their home at the dpmitory during : the remainder of the school term. - ' Miss Irene Hunter of Leicester High School' and Mr C, M. Boyer of Knoxyille Tenn, spent the week end with relatives and friends . at the dormitory. On their return they were accompained as far as Asheville by Lucile "Hunter who . returned to her home at Alexander. Miss Elizabeth Hooker spent Mon day night with Miss Odessa Mills. The meeting at the Presbyterian church is being well attended con sidering the rainy weather. The pastor was unable at the last mo ment to secure assistant, but there seems to be no lack of interest on that account, and we hope forH great results, from' the meeting. Born on Tuesday to Mr and Mrs E W S Cobb, a daughter. : J T Gilbert and II W Hill spent the week-end in, Rutherfordton. Several teachers were presnt last Thursday and Friday to take the county examination. J W B Feagan, visited friends and relatives in Greens Creek Monday. B B-Blackwell, a former student of Columbus High School was a visitor here Wednesday. A B Cantrell, of Charlotte visited h's parents here Sunday. , Mrs A B Cantrell of Charlotte is spending, a week with her mother-in law, Mrs. Ellas Can,trell. Rev F B Rankin made a very helpful talk to the students of the High School on Wednesday morning at tBie chapel hour. Lewis Denton has this week. entered school Miss Myrtle Cantrell of New Hope spent the day here Tuesday. ' The social, committees of the Plila thea and the Baraca classes met in joint session on Monday afternoon and made plans for a Holloween par ty to be given Friday evening Octob er 29th. A j W Newman attended the horse sale at Landrum Tuesday. J Marvin Hall, has been elected to teach school at Sandy Plains. Jchn It Burgess is having a suc cessful sale of some of his pure bred registered pigs.' , We are glad to report that Mrs Lola Edwards - Mull .is recovering from her recent serious illness. . On) Saturday a small party con sisting of Misses Ellen Erwin, Carol Runnion, Irene, Sallie Willie and Lu cile Hunter, Mildred Hyde and Mr C M Boyer' walked to White Oak mountain, visited a few of the plac es of interest and returned hy five o'clock. They witnessed' a shower of rain, in Tryon ana .uynn wnne uie was shining brightly upoA the sun mountains. ,1 ! Mill Springs There' will be a special meeting of the W. O. W., Camp No 682, Sat urday Oct, . 23rd. V. E. Grant, Head Advisor, is to be present. Mr Grant will also deliver an address, Sund: morning at 11 a m, on Fraternalism and Woodcraft. Every body invited ladied especialy. Rev M Walker filled his regu lar appointment at the Baptist churc. last Sunday. ) Misses Armecie Green and Mollie Dalton of Columbus :- High School spent the week-end with their par ents. ' A large crowd attended the birth day dinner of Mrs Dicy Gosnell, last Sunday there were over two hundred people there. Mrs Gosnell is one hundred years old, being the oldest one liveing in our settlement. Messers Johnie Walker and J H Gibbs are attending the WOW meet ing at Black Mountain at this writ ing. : Notice The 3S0 acre estate of John Ward will be sold at Greenville court house Monday Noveber 1st, to highest bid der, for division, lying on the head waters of Saluda river, land well timbered adapted to fruit of all kinds and very productive also beneficial for stock raising, for futher informa tion, apply to A. Blythe, atty, Green ville, S C. 23-2 pes 1TIV .Y TO ' BUSINESS prices that daySo QUIl We will close out- everything in owe stock and are making should wind -up the olae in the next 30- REDUCTION OF 20 TO 50 PER CENT FOR CASH ONLY. NOTHING CHARGED We Can Not Name All The Big Bargains Here are a few: -Galvanized wash tub at 40 cents. v Horse collars at your own price. Galvanized coal scuttle at 30 cents. V Coal and wood heating stoves $1.50 up. Enameled bucket lOqt, and dipper at 50 cents. Command See What we IH ay e to Offer TRYON, No C. I The News will be glad to have personals and news items sent to us direct or left at Saluda Phar" macy for publication. Send in the happenings", we can not collect it all. ? ' E. J. Bradley, an old an exrerienc apple grower was in town Saturday selling a-fine flavored Cling Ston "Stinson's October" peaches. .He has only a few of these peaches 3Ms season. " ( C. D. GTrooms sold his farm . near Saluda to James A. Pace, and has moved with his' family to Canton N.' C. ' . - ' ' , .; T S Averill is visiting his broth er, TTV1 Averill iu Chesaw S C Mr and Mrs W..M. Brown and Miss es Lucy and Nona spent Sunday in Naples. Mrs R. F. Cline, of Asheville was in town Thursday.,. . t Mr and Mrs Leo C. Pace spent Thursday in Hendersonville. M. T. Whipple, left Thursday for Jacksonville to srend the winter. Mrs Olenia Oppelt, of East Flat Rock spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs H. L. Capps. Mrs J. E. Abrams and Marshall Abrams and Miss1, Emma Boyd ol Rutherfordton spent Sunday with Miss Julia Abrams at the Seminary. Almost" everything is beginning to look like fall except Constantinople. Jas. A. Pace is thinking of estab lishing an orphanage for homeless 0 stray donkeys. Miss Margaret Orr' of Henderson ville spent Sunday with Miss Jose phine Patterson. E. R. Burneett and H, D, McCallis ter of Asheville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs E. L. Patterson. Miss Lora Ward left Tuesday for Newbern N. C, where she will enter the Jones and Patterson Sanitorium to train for nurse. The best wishes of her many, many friends in Salu go witjh her. ; f E. B. Hume, Jr has returned from Ireat Barrington Mass. Mioses Lucile Garren and Lila Mae Guice are home after several days visit with friend in Inman, S. C. Mr and Mrs W. H. Pace and fami ly are spending several days in Statesville, visiting friends and rela tives. Misses Lila Boling, Venna Norville and Julia Abrams spent Saturday in Hendersonville. New Carolina H ome Propria : Mrs W. C. Robertson contract with con t ThomDSon fnr tho. IjUlh - - " -'uon of , uuuniun id tug. na Home. Work t0 be The completed building v 'ni , Ollop rooms. a sDacicus iin . room fc modern in every wav t, ing plant will be installoa 'th. .V "Ml ton ing wired for elect ricftv cold water Ihrejagliotit l"4 hot Hie Saluda is to be congratulated ing this high class resort and viai uoiei. ine work will pleted in early Janury. FISH TOP coda,, be aro of Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and. completely derange th whole system when entering it througl the mucous surfaces. Such articles shoulc riever be used except on prescription? from reputable physicians, as the damagt they will do is ten fold to the good you ean possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no. mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon-the blood and mucous sur-t faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure vnn e-pt tho tann ine. It is taken internally and made in' loieao, unio, Dy x j. Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle t Take Hall'a Family Pill, for constipation 'Thunder showers occurance. Miss Ussa Jonrs is 0n with her mother, Mrs .Martha JoU! and relatives. Mrs Raneno IIr,H;f(,.i 1 ner parents ana other relatiy Walker, this week. Oscar Crane passed t sect'on Saturday with route to Saluda. ' Prsey Henderson rough tl. ' team tolls his father has 300 bushels me tha for sale. Thomas Price went to the 'ng at Friendship, Sunday ee aia-. The Price bovs are erecting in if. BUSINESS BUILDERS ELMO McLEAN CONTRACTOR Call Saluda Plumbing Co., Or L Hart, SALUDA, N. C, u cii uu(j ana are d, tearing down the old ones eitt,, They have the best i,0K8 in ,hiJ' 3ection. They rai. e the Tamwu; variety. Govan Constant and T. E. PrkP so have very fine hogs and plentf of potatoeis to go with thm. Eli Paty passed through the-c.r. MonTlay with a load of women. Mrs Whitmire of Rosman, Trar vi vania county, has been on an extin.;. ea visit with l.er daughter Paty. J. W. Arledge, wife and phiU.vn visited relatives in the Cove lit week end. Joseph Newman of Balfore, Ht-ii-derson Co., visited his mother aci other relatives this week. . Mrs C. C. Jones was quite ed one day last week when she m magined that her" child was drown ed. ! : t The Pace boys are having a tine time catching opossum' and racng "the giant coon of America" over the mountain and across the river, back and forth. School Bond Election WANTED Chickens, ducks, geese, butter and ggs. No quJfnity too large for us to buy. Bring them whenever you are ready, you are sure of a cash! purchaser for your whole load, you le-'d not reddle them around a few here and there. Telephone. No 75 O. Drawer J, SALUDA POULTRY FARM J. Starr Stern borger, Saluda, N. C, Upon petition of the County Eoard of Education of Polk county it i hereby ordered that an .election. W held in1 the special school tax dis trict, embracing the incorporate! town of Columbus and the Columbui Public High School, to ascertain whether the voters in said dist.it1 a-e in favor of issuing bonds in thu amount not to exceed $8,000.00. for the purpose of constructing and qiiiping a school building in the s ti.t town of Columbus. The said bon.U to run for twenty years r.nd bear m- terest not exceeding the rate or - i -itil in- percent per annum, pavanie nually, the tax levy to he tn:rtT cents on the one handred dollars and ninety cents on. the poll. It' Is furtner ordered that paid t?on be held on 9th day of Xoveffl, 1915, after thirty days notice is fa at the court house door and l'n- f four weeks in The Polk County Neff E. McQueen Ralley, M D S. B. Weaver P( C. Jackson Ordered. W. B. ArledeP- Tp"istrfl'. W. E. Hill, Chas. Devenprrt- Exclusive Dealers fo this high grad flou Q.CSonner&Co. SALUDA, N. C General Merchants

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