t r i it ir lie, JOHNSTONIAM FIBUSHF.D KVFK Y THURSDAY von. v:;. REVIVALS ARK NOW POPULAR IN THIS COUNTY SKI-MA. NOKTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY IK, mi. M'MiiLK 9. "err, "- '" the 9it FAii.U MEN AND WOMEN TO GATHER AT COLLEGE All of Johnston be mid, r tie- ncedc Ugll'll. Mlllil COO, I done and .ill i tmt i In math of several hir ii'vual county. Selina's Ilililo Kcili'intion linty SCC,!IS to in, 'men, C iif re work has In on : feel the aftor ri'vmili. in the darted Friday lioliliii", early morning prayer service in tin- Kiwani, h.ill and all churches -are putting extra effort, to be benefitted by tin; now interest stirred up nor tho soul's welfare. Rev. C. H. C.r hw, 11, pastor of Baptist church at .Selma, will be in a revival meeting near Godwin ne'l week. The Laymen's Federation of Selma and Smitidiold abided by Dr. O. P. Fitzgerald, Rev. C. II ( ashwell and Rev. Mr. Mitchell, all of Selma, are holding a very interesting and lai'm ly attended meeting at the Methodist ehuivh this week. A "lively t.-nt iiii- ting started in the suimihs of Selivia la d week Vi undei land it, is by The Chun h of the Living Cod. John -inn's Chapel will boll one day serviie under the Men's Federa tion next Sunday at ) o'clock. Wilson's Mill r.ipti.-t Chureh Forest Weaver, lil'te, n-year-old hoy preacher is now in an evamreli -tic campaign with Evangelist Roy E. York of Foil Worth, Tevis. Peacock's Cross llond. Rev. M. F. Booe of Columbia i - holding revival meetings at Trinity F.aplist church. Fairview Chunh (Coihetl-lla'cher school)---Rev. A. M. Mitchell, pastor of Presbytei iun rhur, h at Selina i holding ovaii;,cli.-.tic service every evening at o:'M o'clock. New Light Ch.i.dian Advent church a: Smithfield tails ievi'::l July 21 by i;.-v. .1- M. Moore. Four Oaks Kev. T. F. Calloway of Georgia holding , otic-; of meet ing at llupii. t (hu)ib. Divine Street M. II. church at Dunn Dr. Fred C)i n mil of Ri h niond, Va., holding revival uiceiue;:;. BOARDS WORK ON S ilOOL Rl DC! T The County Hoard of Education and the County Board of Commis sioners met in joint session here Monday to consider the, .school bud get and to fix the tax rate for schools in the county. With the ex ception of J. W. Jones, chairman of the board of eommi vionors, w ho is ill, there was a full re pro ent uion of the two hoards. The binlivet us prepared in the office of the county! superintendent if schools culls fur j approximately SI 11,000, and the nvn I boards are re-checking in detail the j budget to find some possible way of ' reducing thi s amount. Monday only1 two or three town hips were . heel ed j and it will piohablv '. several days' before the two board-, are ready to fix the rale. .''mil hlield lie, aid. The two sides of the Scope trial which Men! to be developing and which the trial judge will have to pa;s upon, it seems Lo piovent too r real a prolongation and the deal ing in generalities, i: first by the prosecution as to whether Scope leally violated the laws ,,f Tonne. : er when be per-. i.. led ill tea, bine; that man niginnleil ana ovuh.ii iivm a I wer oiiler of nrcaiiicin or animal. The stale of Tonne.-, ee ha.- pa.-M'd a law to the oll'ert that such t Henries must not be taught in its schools and that such teaching is contradic tory to the plan of the creation of man its outlined in Genesis, and therefore contradicts the lahle. On the other hand the defense claims a wider latitude in the pre sentation of its case, i burning that ,-ience and biology have clearly proven that man's origination is the lo.-ailt of an evolution from a lower species of animals. This it is aliened by the prosecu tion ami seems Hue, will if allowed, throw the whole matter into a laby rinth of speculation and contradic tory opinions on both ides, as they ;oar in the realm of science and re ligion to prove their respective con tentions. The first duty of the justice will ie to establish the ludaniental basis on whii h the trial shall proceed, if he decides that only the law and he facts shall apply and all else h ill be excluded the Scope trial will not last very lone;. Of coune if he should attempt to onfiue the case to this limit which will be characterized dty the lawyers for the defense as very narrow and unfair to their client, then ilie mat ter will probably go farther and the Supreme Court will decide the con .titutionalily of the question on the point of law and violation of the Constitution as to whether Tennessee has the right to say that evolution .-hall not be taught in ihe schools of that ."date. Wilson Times.. Raleigh, July 15. The continued heat ami drouth over North Carolina need not worry those farm men and women who will attend the annual state convention of farm folks at State College, July 2S, 2tl and 30, reports J. M. Gray, secretary of the convention and assistant director of A ir, iciilturiil Fxtension at State Coliece. "I!rint your bathing suits," says Mr. Gray, "and take advantage of the new, modern bathing pool in the College gymnasium. We will set aside plenty of time for swimming and the beat will be forgotten in the joy of swimming in the clear, cool, clean water of this pool." Mr. Gray states also that a num ber of speakers of state and national importance have been secured for the speaking program, in addition, two string bands from the country will provide music. Mr. Gray is now trying to get a third band, con sisting of one family from Forsyth county, in which the man, his wife and seven children each play an instrument. The youngest child, a boy of five, leads the band. Headquarters for the convention will be maintained as usual in i'ullen Hall and all joint session will tie belli there. The sectional meet ings for the Federation of Hume Demonstration clubs will be held in the Y. M. C. A. building. Mr. Cray states that rooms will be furnished free hy the College but heals will be charged at 25 cents each. Guests are required to bring their own bed linen, towels and toilet articles. A silver loving cup will be ward ed to the county bringing the largest total attendance the greatest di-dance. Many letters have been received from Cleveland, Cabarrus, r.ertic, Chowen, Duplin, Polk, Col umbus and Pitt counties stating that a good representation woutu ne ent. I!NK liFl'OiiTS SHOW THF. t orXTUY IN .-.!'!. i:mid SHAPF. Record breakinc; prosperity is re vealed by the bank statement issued in answer to a call of the comptrol ler of the currency for the condition of national banks as of June MO. Resource:-; deposits and undivided profits f tho large New York iuatitutic-r.s exceed the previous high totals of 1911) and 19'cO boom years. In Chi cago, stale and national banks show ed combined increase in deposits of .-;.i;':7.000,0t)0. The deposits of the National C'ty bank, the large;'! in the country, ex ceeded SaOO.OOO.OOO for the fust time. The total in the statement nboiitted to the i oioptiolh-r, is :,'!U0, 'i0.'i,P0" n gain of more than iXO, 000,000 since April . RF.CORDF.US COURT HAD BFSY SF.SSION' LAST WKFK T. ,). Kind of an average of wheat per acre Stanly county made OS 1-2 busbils of in six acre:, of land Nearly 1st) si ion! M: have given their lives in re ;i-aii h work to foul a cure for cancer. tin ; ipung by following a careful crop rotation in which leoiunos were included, reports County Agent 0. 11. Phillip.-.. KING OF THE RODEOS ;, li I I ' Vs- v if ; rS r-i ft I 'I "2 4 'V'V t t -3 f J - it f - -l A I a r:t. :-i -..jr-a " K 'hi ui t ) To. Smithlield, July 10. The Record ers Court had a busy day here Tues day. Several cases on the criminal docket were disposed of and some were carried over to Wednesday. The cases attracting most atten tion for the day were as follows: David Flowers, white, a - young man of Wilders township, against whom there were three charges: re sisting an officer, disturbing public worship and assault. He was found guilty on every count, but due to this being his first appearance in court judgment was suspended upon payment of costs. Kelly Peedin, of Clayton town hip, a church official of some pro nounced dignity, was in court on a charge of drunkness and disorderly conduct. He was found guilty and was discharged under suspended judgment and payment of costs. Foxey Holder and Robert Hast ings, two negroes of Wilders, well known in court circles here, were here this time on a new charge, that of trying to get their good friend, the venerable Tom Wiggins, in t collide by taking a still to his home and asking permission to leave it there while they went in quest of repairs for same. But instead of returning with repairs they notified a local officer that Tom Wiggins was in possession of a "big fine, bully till." They were fuund guilty ind the prank cost them a twelve month road sentence. They up scale,! Jasper Pleasant from Selma got a sixty-day road sentence for currying .be cheapest pistol ever exhibited in ourt here and called a concealed weapon. He was bound over to the superior Couit on another count, that of larceny. Kddie lee, well known darkie of SmUdield, gut sity days in jail for violating prohibition laws. He ap pealed to Superior Court where he vill be called up. in to face another charge, an assault with a deadly weapon. Wright Turr.age, an aged citizen af Giabtown, was in court charged with .slandering the name of a young girl. He was found guilty but his advance years modified matters in hi; favor, ami be was released under ! uspi aided jink'-meid upon payment !' .o ;ts. .Smithlield Herald. i 'ft X in ICopyrlnht br II. It Doubled.) Tex AtiKtln, ntinie tbnt Is known In every locality In the country where horses are bred or cuttle raised. Such Is the ninn who will draw on his jeiirs of experience lo iniiiuige the t'lilciico Itoumliip mill World's Cliuiuulonsldp Itodeo to be held Cor nine dnys, hcKlnnlnu August IT). "King of the Kadeo" Is the title Aimtln bus won. Burn In the greiit siHt for which he whs mimed, he wiih raised In the atmosphere of the range, lie participated in the thrllllni; deeds of the 'unions contests of the Far Weiit and then hei-miic ii ranchman himself. Wherever the roundups have ben staged, Austin'.; inline iuis become synonymous with the cowhoj upon. In the effort to perpeluate the Hplrlt of the West, he maiwKeil mid directed Ptli'iber les redeos In the West, also (thing the Hast Its (lrst thrills from eowi'oy content. Then. -'ii nolnc. the fume of t'ncle 8. an further, be put on the great International rwdtio at Weuibi7, F.iirbtul, under the auspice ot Uie ridbfc fomuiueut. ...... I-AKI. KST HALF OF COTTON AT NEW YORK New York, July 15. The first bale ..f new cotton to reach New York this season was received today by the cotton broke) age firm of Bond, McKnary and Company, from Sa vannah, Ga. It will be auctioned off an the lloor of the cotton exchange tomorrow or Ftiday. The bah1 was produced by J. C. Gel -'or, of Webster, Fla., being ship ped here by Cooper and Griffin, of .avannah. Its receipt was earliest than any bale has been received in .,r years. Tom Tarheel says he is making u i aiigemeuUi to grow gome mule colU on his farm now that he has a good pasture growing. THE SMITH FIELD HERALD SUFFERS WITHJTHE HEAT (By H. F. Hutihens) The Smithfield Herald seems ter ribly "upsot" over the election of Mrs. D. J. Thurston for County Superintendent of Vuhlic Welfare. In discharging it- load of hot air on the front page of Tuesday's issue, it charges a good many things that we do not see any rea son for The Herald to get so "Het up about." We want to say that we have no ax to grind in this matter. We will not tickle anybody in the short ribs or scratch anyone's back with the expectation of getting to put our No. 10's under the pie counter. But this front page article in our esteemed contemporary, and also the editorial in the same issue, got the rusty cog wheels of our thinking machine to turning over, so we seized our old fountain pen, and started to write our thoughts. The front page article that we refer to was headed in box ear letters, "Republican OUST Welfare Superintendent Roe.' Not having much "larnin' " our selves, we wondeved what these "horrible" republicans had done to Mr. Rose. We did not know whether they had lynched, jailed, murdered or kidnaped him. So we grabbed our old reliable 98i dictionary to see if we could get any information as to what the word "oust" meant. We found the word immediately, and the definition was "to eject," then we looked up the word "eject" and found it meant "to evict," and when we found what "evict" meant it was "to expel," and "expel" was to "exclude," and when we found the definition of "exclude" it was to "debar." By this.- time we were getting very nervous, but we finally summed up courag. enough to look for the definition of the word "de bar" and found it meant "to pre clude." When we come too after this shock, we decided to make one more effort as we were so anxious to know the fate of Mr. Rose so we looked into tbs wonderful dic tionary again, and found that "pre clude" meant "to hut out; hinder from access; preveyt." So we be came a little morjiyuiet, thinking maybe mat after "Sua it only meant that Mr. Rose had been prevented from holding office any longer. Yet we could not get entirely reconciled as to the fate of Mr. Rose. Of course we knew this t)8i dictionary was entirely reliable, be cause we purchased it from a news paper office. (And by the way, if we only had time to study it and to read a few more articles like this one in The Herald, we would yet be educated before we die of old age.) However, after all this strain we had to get out into the fresh air. So we walked down to the post otlice and to a drug store. Seeing a very intelligent looking gentleman in the drug store, we called him asi.le, anil inquired as to the facts in the case. This gentleman in formed us that Mr. Rose had held that office three terms, and that the time had arrived last Monday to elect a superintendent of public welfare, and that was the way Mr. Rose was "ousted," his third term of office had expired, and the Board hud seen fit to elect Mrs. D. J. Thurston as his successor. By this time our anxiety for the well-being of Mr. Rose quieted down, and we felt like hunting up Lawyer Bob Ray, and asking his ad vice about entering a damage sui against somebody for being the cause of getting us so excited. The Herald says "That the re publican party means to run this county government while they are in power strictly along party lines without fear or favor, or without consideration for efficiency, was molt clearly demonstrated here yesterday morning than has been since thej assumed control of affairs last December." We would ask The Herald wh the republicans who were elected by the majority of the votes east last November should not run the county affairs. Were they not elected foi that very purpose? Now, if The Herald voted for any of these republicans expecting them to turn the reins of county govern ment over to the opposite party after they were legally elected, then we are in sympathy with them, foi being so deceived. What little we know about the republican party, it is not customary for it to do as The Herald seems to think they should have dune. We look upon The Herald's story as casting a reflection on the ability of Mrs. Thurston, as they say in speaking of her appointment "That it was done without consideration for efficiency." Mr. Rose may have made a good and efficient officer We have no criticism whatever to offer of the way he has conducted the office of Welfare Superintendent in Johnston county for the last six years. This is no reason whatever that there are not other people who (Please Turn To Page Two) SYNOPSIS OF FACTS IN SCOPES' TRIAL c;:riti y di.fk it of s'j,.i..s,.-,:i .i Plaintiff The People of the State of Tennessee through their legal i officers, who have the aid of volun- l teer outside counsel. j Defendant -John Thomas Scopes, 24 years old, native of Paducah, Ky., teacher of biology in the Rhea coun ty High school at Dayton, Tenn. Ihe Charge That Scopes taught his pupils that man decended from a lower order of animals, in viola tion of a Slate statute forbidding uch teaching. Penalty A fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offen.se. Counsel for Prosecution William Jennings Bryan, ex-President can didate and ex-Secreary of State; General Ben McKenzie, ex-District Attorney of Dayton; J. Gordon Mc Kenzie, hi son; Sue and Herbert Hicks, young Dayton lawyers; F. T. Stewart, Circuit Attorney General; Walter White, Superintendent of Schools and County Prosecutor; W. C. Haggard, Dayton attorney; Wil liam Jennings Bryan, Jr. Counsel for Defense Clarence Darrow of Chicago, noted criminal lawyer; John It. Neal, Knoxville, former acting Dean of the University of Tennessee Law School; Dudley Field Malone, New York attorney. The Jury W. F. Robertson, ten ant farmer; J. W. Dagley, farmer; James Riley, farmer; W. J. Taylor, farmer; R. L. Gentry, farmer and teacher; J. R. Thompson, farm own er (retired); W. D. Smith, farmer; W. J. Day, retired farmer; Jesse Goodrich, shipping clerk; J. S. Wright, farmer; J. H. Bowman, far mer; R. L. West, farmer, Trial before Judge J. T. Raulston of Winchester, Tenn., Judge of the Eighteen Tennessee Circuit, held in Rhea County Courthouse, Dayton. The Law in the Case Be it enact ed by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the universities, normals and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to which any theory that lenies the story of the Divine crea tion of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals. Be it further enacted, That any teacher found guilty of the vio lation of this act, shall be guilty of a misdeameanor. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage, the pub lic welfare requiring it. Questions of Scopes Trial Will the tiial in Dayton, Tenn., be con ducted along purely legal lines, or will William Jennings Bryan suc ceed in having it a debate on the question, "Is there a God?" How wall the jury interpret Sec tion 12, Article 11, of the Constitu tion of Tennessee, which says "it shall be the duty of the General As sembly in all future periods of this government to cherish literature and science?" What will these twelve good men and true say of Section pt of the Declaration of Rights that says "the free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the inalienable rights of man and every citizen may freely speak and write and print on my subject, being responsible for i.he abuse of liberty?" What interpretation of the word "evolution" will the jurv of Day toniaua accept? Will they under stand it to he a word indicating change or will they consistently as sociate the term with a simian an cestry and family tree ? I Raleigh, July la. Slate Aminm Baxter Durham yesimday rcitijirtl a deficit of il,,4'!-oyi.i;i in ihe ., . era! fund of the State for Ma- !: . ai year ending June H0, PCi. 'tin , uijte of the Budyet dasi.c i rtitich provoked a -trei.uou- a'la. K frOlll fill IIICI Vic, .11.., I k....!!'!.!,: VllM iisoii, was tor a iletu it on u,.u of $!),0lj,7.s7.:i. The Budget Commission'.- ri-jM-itj lis on its face was oil' $?."0,0IM), win h . I t';, in it.-elf would be a remaikabb- piece j who lu of guessing, but the State truin-d f ' pa t S0,000 on its appropriations to in- j I i aneet.ui ; titutious, which cuts the di-, r, p- . 1 iaytor.. ancy down to $a,0(0 and makes tin j 'Ha giiesswoik a mailer of almn.-l uu- i -. , i t i ! - - .,. canny accuracy. J:.,;,l ,,i . State Tieasurer B. R. Lacy wa- 1 "!-- i f yesterday authorized lo go lo Ww : -1 1 . t . '. a- York and complete the dobveiy o!,..ii i'hiii the $7,000,000 ill notes to mn.l ila ireco,,,- a v deficit which were -ohi lo the Fii -t Mr. .i e National Bank of New York and j .nil , s,,i,;ih associates at an interest rate of 4 fj,.,j ,,,- i j WOMAN ELECTED SUIT. OF COUNTY WELFARE MON. 1-2 per cent. The sinking funds of the Slate which now amount to owr .4.tHNi,('iiu will be used to absolb the remain ing $2,4:58,031.01 of the- deficit. A payment of $400,000 will be ma le on the deficit this year, $-lfil,0U0 next year and after that $Sa0,000 a ;ai until paid. In computing the deficit Slate Auditor Durham deducted tin ;l. 254,500 taken into account Budget Commission which repi.-.-ent i principal and interest 011 the p. 1- j manent improvements made out of j j-iai in the ) Houston of Clayton i iioty Superintendent '. i. Monday by the o! County Commis- d t'oiication. o-iccy 0! three people wu iiuai.i, viz., 11. V. Rose, er ed in thi- office for x i-.n; W. C. Maaary of Mr-. 0. J. Thurston of aid uf Film ation voted n-lain Mr. Rose and the 'oioliii. -iolier; casted four V. June-., chairman of ah . -ill due lo illne.-ia ) for ion. Ml. Ma.s.iey did not itc i- a licen.-cd lawyer and opo: ati olf'n e in Smith- practice of his profes earlv fall. inliM K 1 1 I I II MAN; ill R11D UN W CODING DAY SmiihlioM, Juiy 14. As indirect i -all of a tornado which swept an aii-a MoO yards wide ami two miles lig "ear Four Oaks Saturday after noon. Hubert A. Allen, 18-year-old or, of air. and Mrs. K. G. Allen of he! t.'.'.o.iap, mod n.otaiitly at 11: 10 0VI0, 1: Saturday night, with a hi du n neck and crushed chest. Tin si, the general fund by the llicketi ad ministration. News and Observ, HARRY W. CANDLFii IS IN TFNN1S DOFBLFS SFMl I INA!.! Mcht Fort Bragg, July 13. The zeus 1 raining t amp ai Bragg is now well under and the young men from ihe southeastern Stales are browning up like veterans. The out-ol'-d.,or.; life is evidently to the liking of the young men. Visitors' day will be July fV'th. and an interesting program has hi eu arranged which will appeal to ihe parents and friends of the candi dates Among the trainees from Selma who has particularly distinguished himself is Harry W. Cundl.a v, a...- i,. in the tennis doubles semi-finals. aic. which urose about 3 lock S.uuioay afternoon, wrought , o; in ;iie ,'. 01, ,!.-., blowing a huge V a. it ,ao. a. r....- the road about Hide .f Blackmail's Cross Roads ! :' !-? !!( from Four Oaks. I'lVaM lers who pas-.e,l that way in CKj. j the late afternoon and early evening . ,,H j iiiive around ihe obstruction, but way i . Hubert Allen, returning home OBJECTS TO PR AY Kit AT EVOLUTION TBI L Clarence Darrow, chief of counsel for the defense in the Scopes evolu tion trial, sprang something of a surprise when he objected to 11 ravel in the courtroom, contendimr it hat 111- i ful to his side of the cae. Jiceo j 'll Raufstoii overruled the objection tiiaui 11:30 that night, failed to se it until too kite. Persons in the road .ie.iKile.l the boy to go around, out iiiicuiidcr. taudiag them, and lliiiikiii'., perhaps, that they were hold-up men, the young man increas ed his speed, heading straight down :1k 10:1,1. Walier Dunn, a friend who was accompanying Mr. Allen home, says the driver saw the log just before the car struck it, and cried out, but the next instant the era?h camp, the impact hurling the two young men backward. Mr. Dunn was only slightly injured, but Mr. Allen died instantly with a broken neck and crushed chest. -Mr. Allen had been to call on a voimc. lady. Miss Moore, whom he expected to marry on the following lay. funeral was held from the .,f tin- parents of the deceased, 0 Sunday afternoon and was ted by Rev. Mr. Lee, of the IT. ! holm We want to see a large icpro-i-n-tative of the progressive farmers and farm women of North Carolina at the annual State Convention held at State College, July 28, '.!! and 30, says Director I. O. Schaul, the Agricultural Extension Servi "apti.-t chinch. There were about :."( people pre.-eiit. The Smithfield Herald. I ii tine, e of th. 1 , the Sltlte '. ! State I 'oil cotton by airplane will be feature demonstrations of Farmers' Convention at ee this year. THE OLD WEST IN ACTION mtv mtn mni u jh t u iiwtw-w. WYATT AGAIN SEEKS DELAY IN TRIAL ON TECHNICALITY Raleigh, July 15. Fighting again for delay in the case against Jesse Wyatt, suspended Raleigh police aptain, who was reindicted for the murder of Stephen S. Holt, of Smith field, yesterday by the Wake County grand jury, attorneys for Wyatt made a motion yesterday afternoon to challenge the array on six counts, all hut one of which were overruled by Judge W. A. Devin. "The public is interested in the speedy trial of criminal cases," de clared Judge Devin in giving his de cision on all but one of the counts of the defense action. "The solicitor has acted properly in bringing cases to trial as speedily as possible. The defendant is entitled to a trial ac cording to law." Both sides made repeated thrusts at opening counsel during the hear ing on the motion. The defense con tending that the prosecution was pressing Wyatt into a trial before he was ready, while the State main tained that the defense was using every technicality as a pretext to delay the trial. Solicitor Evans traced the proceedings at the June term when the indictment against Wyatt was quashed by Judge Daniels on a motion by the defense on the grounds that the boy who drew the venire from which grand jury was selected was over ten years of age James H. Pou explained the action of the counsel for the defense as necessary while the prosecution "was demanding its pound of flesh." I News and Obgerver. ! Iff r r f .""""" -N.jv. fits,; rr 1 T- -a r i (Ph'itn of cowboy copyright by Doulilsda.J All highway! Hnd hywnys tills year loud enticingly to the Chicago Roundup nd World's Championship Itodeo, which Is to he held for nine duys, beginning August 13. Ky cut rule train, hoot or iiiitoiiiohlle, with parties of friends mad up to share the trip, thoiisHnds of tourists are expected to be transplanted Into the atmosphere of the real West. Chi, -Hue's new $0,000,000 stadium on Luke Michigan Is to become the cupltol of American sport through the ell oi l s of the domestic and foreign commerce committee of the Association of Commerce. The story of the roundup and the rodeo Is the story of romance of th real West. Into the nine days of the Chicago event will be packed more during feats and dynamic action than Is the privilege of inuny to witness In a lifetime. Tex Austin, producer of the most successful oowboy contests, will organize and immune the Chicago spectacle. Cowboys, cowgirls and bull doggers, champions all, mid bronchos uiul loiighorn steers which have scorne4 Blustery, will tight out the buttle royal for supremacy. From the "brush" of the Southwest to the ranges of Canada, the chal- lenge bus passed umong the buckuroos who buve fought out old rivalries at the famous cowboy events In Cheyenne and Pendleton. Not only seeking the glory of victory, they also will compete for more than $;10,0)0 In cash prbtea put up by the Chlciigo association. This Is the largest amount given unywhere this year for cowboy contests. "Outlaw" horses, culled the worst on tha ranges, already ure under contrmt with Tex Austin. They can't be ridden, 1 the promise of their owners. Carloads of steers, conditioned through the sum mer Into their grestest strength, will defy the wits of the "bulldoggers." The stadium Itself Is the world's wonder work of architecture. It mas sif colonnudes took down upon a huge arena mid tiers ot seats for 76,000 persons. It la set in the ring of boulevards and purks mid on the lake (roat, which hare won for Chicago the title of the "vacation city." The roundup and rodeo will solve your vacation problems, so tell Motbat and Sister and the Kid Brother to quit fretting over the summer's plana an4 ft readj for the thrills ef their Uvea, u

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