1, i .. i - j ij ing t. s;.,iue of the citi- ( . ..a:;ES3 with I IILKIXG AND LOAN of Commerce Commlti.ft wit Uineouragem'-nt in '!SC Stork 1ik SUiterprisa... . . a meeting on the Chamber of e held last Friday night i. A. C. Allen '.and R. W. Eth were named las a committee . nek to,- this building and Nation, sponsored by the 'tlemen are meeting with nt on evey hand - and of the undertaking., fe 'y 268 shares of stock - value have been sold :i to increase this to li another Ineettng of this evening, at i fe Interested in the . ' -in association and ' a for Selma are , i t whether Ituey are of i a Chamber or not. Iy after the business ol ill. ,..i.ber the officers (or the f tan association ".rtlh" be l and other details of organlza- niileted. . '"' . "IE BUILDING IS , on Railroad t Raeford and S; house .moved", this raeford ' street , to i: is something of a 9 ws originally r f Railroad and - la the latter 5 as a store by ? "'td from Its r-wfli for -the s residence. i t mean, se new build i si te. The "r. -Pat" . i i s lot on tionul !! :i, po x- '" ho W'l-;:. : of : :,e -Uifeed. Lucli. Bi-hiiul or schools combined are invllod to do this. . " . ' . -We stand second to none in the Red Cross work, especially .in service rendered 'during the war. Then by ill means a Red Cross float by the united, county organizations should be presented, ... Twenty years ago we had no banks in" the county, today there' are thir teen, so the banks, ara Invietd to WOULD NEySjITT.!S f ? 4 5 r t If The report! that; 4 pnlon between Hungary 'and; Ramatiin la the; form .if a dual kingdom was being planned has been- formally 4enle4, a Berne Jispatch declares.. - .' 1 rr-rivHr'X ". Fifty, persona were" killed during listUTbarices Saturday1 near Chem nitz," Germany,, a railroad suvtion 33 utiles southwest f Dresden. Troops wars overpowered and disarmed by $ tnbb! , I " ,, -f'. p-" - ; Eight persons were, killed jind a icoTe- wei-e JnjiiTed, reveri of them iriously in an explosion which wreck je the large government graiii eleva- lor on.the Welland canal nt . Port rolbornetiOit , ." '"rda.i'' In the faceof k hriusiitg- shortage,' which has bronrrht dfipair to hnn- Jreds of h-ome seekers in the big slttes of thef east,; figures' -wemnade public Sunday showing that all high records . fur. , building , operations in the United States east' of the Missis sippi river h'-e been smashed during the last 'seven mouths." ' v .' ..f Ji- , ' ... . " .General William, B. l''-'1n, -V f of staff United Conf.-' ' Vf n Has announced that t o i . efa'te reunion will 1 1 ; October 7. 8, 9 si. 1 13. meeting of the Con fed "! ? Memorial Association f i of Confederate vetertti;s v ' in Atlanta oft the sam j eraf; Mickle announced. - .:A world's record for (' tion was established at I the first year It was in c; e'-i'l careo cftrr: g r ;"".7,7" " 1 i : r' t si . : ,i s c.f i . , i s of tvi ,n"i!iim and ! . 1 f Lithway, tax m.i j ,. . t raitsions, tof'-'-'r v Uvea of county coninii.. anl ct rrespondiug county :.. v..i participate. ' The purpose of the con ference is to unify the work of State and county officers: and boards .and mftlcularly to discuss Important leg islation passed by the recent general assembly In reference to schools, health," piibltd welfare," highway Con struction add taxation. - . The. conference will last for a period of six days, during' which ' a regular, dally program of conferences wtl be carried on,. President H. W. Chase will officially welco'me the vis itors and Governor Bickett will make the opening address Of the confer ence on Monday night. Representa tives of the State aryj county officers will occupy the morning and after noon hours and on the five nights of the conference distinguished speak ers from other states wilt address the conference. " la order to take care of the large number of representatives expected, the Untversity will utilize its dormi ttrles' and dining room and is pre pared tp entertain all who may come at -the rate of f 1.25 per day. T'-e local committee' rn charge of arrange ments is composed of Professors E. C. Branson, I. R.- Wilson and ::. V.'. Knight, The program is bei, ; i pared by Governor Bickett, Pnu.-. r Branson, : Superintendent E. C Brooks, Dr. W. . Rankin," I.! Commissioner Frank Page, v Commissioner R. F. Be y, b.. '. Crmmissioner A J, Jtnxwoll. UTKI 1 T ) '. A3 r. u:t Of Cs I h lis-t wc(k f. - '! Cm, ( ) . of l.rrte .vUua and . is fetish "Removed. 4 is ta receipt iJuCarolini. Bureau, a eastern; Under arl'ng the good .ants that as a f insurance en y made j ne ad a new g.rad herefrom Helms n" of full thin ntlle and real $u states thai ;t-ratlng of the" alble, at whjh d will be re- this' saving i r tax hat insurance, nor Of k ur m In iSonrtS .. 1-..-ii'. Covrt . j . This Some figui - .4 war" servi . ." , North Carolina v the Statte mo mission re;- headquarters of la ion in Atlanta, , "Tell us what the this State," the c planning to' 4rai t Carolina for a m! Carollna clt'Ts lives, servivt-s a... end thatHlie war The" figures "wfjl i , paign handbook ef the Some 'of them foTtow: The ' Red ' Cross Nvrth Carolina inr' ' tersr'360 branches . rles,;. with a memU from 166,620 in Ju ' 626 in January, li 3 in 1 when ; cora ; a the i dlvis- ( did in ';ed ) . i North f "1 Kon fieir . y to the 3 von. j U.e c m commit cn. ...in 126 t chapters 120 have i fanlzntion of that 1 s. ' arttiieiit, a lor In the second T .-ive alone i'.e I-. ( ro-s collccte.l 1." V ' nt!'8 l"--"1 i." I i . t e , - a i c ' : fro ,.v CiiI2NS'' ATTENTION r. fcait'or: t ' M , y It seems that no 'better, time can und than this for the people of county U" start thinking earneatty about-' the 'conditions' of our eu. At the prt onta county supers 116 Instruction and the an -, v " ' inr conducted as best they cauv4 without him. - H Is true, and we are all proud of the (act, that we have as well' trained and equipped count supervisor and other school; workers as are to be found In the State, -but when we think about it our schools and our school conditions over John uton county are not .what they should be. At this time, as never before, the whole' of our country, as well as the rest of the world, la trying to And Itself at the close of this great world war. "We are being called upon t: face some of the most serious anil complex problems we have ever been called upon to solve. , Our wagi scales, our high cost of living prob iems, our foreign reiau-Jiu. aim yu own small oui, equally ua impi uiuj problems' right at home are calling for the best and most thorough con sideration at our hands. ( "When we take Into consideration the fact that a spirit of uneasiness il unrest seems to have a grip upon r "business" men to the point where r have transmitted this to ouij ' s and girls to such an exten . ere willing to forego an order that they." migh ; oney. We should stop at' least, and con- place and to, - i'VA great t to say; i their ii a ! ! re icy-1 j cb.i.i re try- ' t ) county' need the ful and prayerful x ut each " ! and v. every ,.i la e oh school district. - When x cl.ild en' -rs the school,' the- parent should bey made to feel', that It Is' In the'c:.ar 4 of a 'teacher" who "Is the best' that could be obtained 'with th-j amount of money to be expended. And no doubt this is true" ' in the' icbjoolsjlor this county. StUl, when we take Into consideration the faci Mint tMe're are ninety-nine schools In Johnston county and" a good'matiy of thm are one-teacher schools, tre cannot but come to the conclusion that the time has come for some thing radical to be done to give our children the best training that; can be found anywhere, it Is a matter of physical impossibility for one t cher to teach successfully the Drat ven grades lot a school. No really experienced and successful teachers fan be obtained for this kind of work j(oT a good many reasons. As a re- suit oi mis we nave to put up wun the poor teacher. Without experience, very little education and practically n i professional , preparation. ; . ' ' What can be done, and how .shall we overcome these serious deflclen i in bur present school system T Hi .;-e are questions , over which, we ould ponder for aome time. There te way to overcome them and I 1 mention one so that we can k of t..e manner In Which we will . "e to bring' this 'about. .i , . e is no raison or excuse, In ' nd t: i.e, for 'the one f " .!r. Our Children should i i the coif'ry ss fo4 t!n t : to r .ive. in t'.e ve It if e v. ; i t r i ; - it f 1 JS CALL i W V'ji. iv.v. Into consideration' the fact, that my child' Us' not getting what he, W she should get 'because. I 'm not willing to put forth more energy and money into its education. When we bear in mini) the fact that for the young. mah or young woman of today to succeed, they- must' be; better prepared;: than we "were, we .cannot help but place r-ithe blame of lack ot preparation oil J "'"Tvqwn snouiners wnere ii oeiongs.. i e. child a fair showing; keep 4orr the entire term ""'tfool in his reach by comu.. .some othr district J: let hlmsN.i.,1f that, you'sre; giving him his chance now and then in afr ter years you can look back on the extra efiip'rts you 'made with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. ' j While I am a comparative strangei in Johnston county and do not know ninny nt its tttnn1n, neraonnllv. vet i . ,uUrt,ted that boy and that girl of each father and mother and wish to pee this county takeSts placf higher up in the scale of educational work than it has in the paBt. Let us all back up the county board of edu cation in their efforts to secure a J competent man as superintendent - , and then when sha haye tak , we wn ghow t0 nim that tepj have been taken that are 6nly the first of many .that we will take in c aking our boys and girls the ones who arH prepared for life. . Yours truly, W. B. CRUMPTON, JR. Supt. Selma Graded Schools. Selma, N. C, August 11, 1919. HVW BY THE BAPTISTS Three v Huudrvd "il and Womer IHacn Plana for the it , v. ' 4 t& ! Million Campaign. - Great ' 7r. . . r By T.: W. ,Chambl1so) Balelr' JS. Mond-y "'ire? In ' fr f tle canspait.i," . ,h. "is startii g off w.. organizations are being per 1 H every state. What t ant praying for," he said, "is that on te ilr"t.,day;,o the final dash, Sun day, November 3.0,. Southern Baptists wil) pp abl report the entire 176, 009,000 pledged .and leave' the re- niainiug seven, days for raising' 925,- 009,0.00 additional. putUng the cam paign 'over the. top' .and giving for missionary operation 1100,000,000." OimWCAROUHA John Merrick, of Durham,' presl dent, of. the largest hegno' insurance company la the world and head of the Mechanics and Farmers' Bank of Durham, ; and .who leaves an estate valued at 200;000 or more, died last week", , September 29 the members of com pany K, llth Infantry,' of the Old Hickory division, will erect a beauti ful, monument" on the" court house lawn in .tGoldsboro In memory of their comrades who paid the supreme sacrifice, i f ""' Judge W. P, Btacy at' Wilmington Friday again hande down t ' i lon In the' rehearing of t o t - a that the Individual sl -uc'u i jn the Atlantic Coast tine nt t 1 y the Ux assessed agf.;,,st the fc .Ungs by the corporation. couiui;&on.. , .' David Warden; nerro .seaman aboard the s ; oc r Fr icst 'of the Stone To;,.g C, . u ivay. -was lout overboard Ve ay oft -the Cape Fear br, nt.r WihuiniKton, when the car-- of luu.Lur shifted undnr n. tlo of hi, h winds' and rough wa-. t -r. C 1 of the lumber- went over- h i a-J the nexro went' with S 1 "i liL.iie was at Little River, 8. C. 't on CtUsboro' new lertillser " ' 1 ewted in this city by the i Ilosphate pompany ts It f'"nt is being ere' 1 .yne cvity fair f- - I tt. s t f I t t ft r - 'OJt a c asics Aid o? food ADanasTRATor ' , ' ,y . i I Attorndjr General ralmer For" Hell to Combat 4 ' . C II. c. oM ; ; hi; . i "1 ; t i I FAltt XIST COMMrrTEES: , FOB COOTIES FLAKStp Win Not have power to Fix Prices, JJut Are Exported to Publish Kit sonable Price List Where Dealers Alt Charging Tob Mucb-Appeal to Public Opinion. ,'(", , . Attorney ' General Palmer ha in- voKeu tne aia or me oiaie toua uu i itniBtrators wartime and through . liiem the county; administrators in the government's efforts to bring tie tops. . , Mr. Palmer has sent a telegram to the" State administrators requesting appointment" of a fair price commits tee in each county to investigate prices and' publish a "fair i list" wherever they .are found to be ex- cessi ve. The text of the ; telegram ' fellows: ' , "In order to secure accurate An- : formation rejatl've to chargCs' bf profiteering bV dealers in necessary commodities It is the desire ol the , govern mat to' ascertain whether "or not such dealers are making more than, a talr margin of . profit. Will you assist In your Stately Tequet ng those persoflB who ' "have ..been county tood administrators unlr your Jurisdiction' to appoint fir pries committees, .including" one re tailer 'of groceries, one of dry r'' a representative of the proi' organized labor, -of honwv i or three repreKentativ. ; ( generally' .ai:J a v i. practli-nblo J l1" "Any , evidence . . other violations Of t: act which may be de. j 1 work of such oonvmlttet-a' s'm. turned over to the United Stat torney who will he Instructed to ploy all Ms resources as well as i of the bureau of Investigation iii c operate with you and your conn., . tees in seeking out and punishing a'.l violators of the law. ', "There is a pressing 'necessity 1 ' the restoratjton of normal conditn.us and It It believed that throue-h the federal food administrator you ancf - your auuiiuiHtruLurui, vuKvitivt m . cneir appointees, can renuer a. valu able service to the country at this time, and your'" co-operation " .a'ndf theirs, without compensation,, will be greatly appreciated. The widest pub-. Ilcity o this movement and the re-, k suits optained' by the county coin-' mittees, it is hcMwed, will be an im- . portan,t factor in Its success. ' Please wire irhether the goVwiffiluilan counj; upon your- active co-operation " " ' f" - '-' J ,V 1 Lr .'JOB IlAtLEBS CIVEX ,' SENTJENCES OF ONE TrAT" l. Vv; ( . . Two Slen Go fo Boads and 1 K to Jalt Of Party Appreliemlt.1 , ' In June., ,; , In superior court at Smlthflel! t week, the partyipf four, coir two, white men. ,one white r and 4 negro antomobile .dri put on trial and the result v Vf. A. Brady and . Wil'.i.m I ton were sentence I to twe' each, on the roads and,! drew a, term oMike dura' The negro, Earnest Coopc , (eased, it being. e;". l."s' i aras only employed t ? and bad no part in il 1 These are the j-' ' at the union s'u:i,'n ! middle of June by ( ' " H. Griffin, v'-t ' to a tf 'i r "