X OMN PULL FOR SELMA LET US ALL PULL TOGETEK -.V IF YOU CANT PULL F( SELMA, TBY WALK IN QJJ A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO SELMA AND THIS COMMUNITY VOLUME VIII. NO. 4. SELMA, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1926 PRICE, $1.50 YEAR AN 5 ! ON II II II Summary of Advantages That; Selma Has to Offer to Those Who Wish to Locate Eire Her Commercial Advantages is Sur passed by None in Eastern North Carolina ooe-ofihe Established Concerns That Are Already Here To the Editor: -I have been asked to write some thing about Selma. As I pause for a moment to consider wVat to say, I have decided to give some of the reasons why Selma should grow, and be one of the most important towns or cities In this Grand. Old State of North Carolina. To begin with Selma has an . ideal location, -'. where all kinds of - crops are grown with the exception of a few semi-tropical plants. The oil of hv surrounding ' country is very rich aid capable of the highest J0 winters '. are mad; f -w past-.... tHml via.- Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro, and on to Asheville, thence winding its way westward, and connecting up the North, West, South, and East. It also directly connects ' our - porta and Summer Resorts " on the Atlan- tic Coast with the .beautiful scenery and mountains of the West and North, a'nd bringing into our midst travelers occupying every walk '. In life. ;,';-' While these two roads are not fully completed, yet the unfinished links are fast diminishing. Those roads, together with other State Highways which are being agitated for hard . surfacing will bring visitors from afar.. These facts are calling to the charming maiden to wake up, adorn herself , and make ready to receive her company.. Some of the visitors will 'doubtless make love to her after they have rested within her borders and are better acquainted with her chants, and coffers .Jadened with hidden gold. S will oling to her more closely f W;&A''&-4fc,i important assete. -.o make i..i roses ajd a",th West tender flowers bring forth, their sweetest fragrance as they whisper to the ep' ir breezer which cooL caress, and gently kiss you on either , cheek. , The evenly distributed rain fall, mellow penatrating sun, to gether with the highest quality of land and cultivated by thrifty and industrious people, cause our crops to yield in great abundance, with plenty of reserve. . I Home Demonstration Club, and the Chatterbox Club are three " ordors among' the women which are used for the welfare of the town, and to cause her people to reach out after greater and . better filings, which would tned to make one feel they could not afford to make any other town , their home. The Woman's Book- Club, ,which I ami about to forget to mention, cornea In-' with more glory for the good women. It helps to replentish their - attire houses of knowledge, cultivate broader fields of - usefulness,: and stir the very .foundations of - our little city to still greater activity arid greater accomplishments. . It also helps them to tell tho world about you city so that " those who are .seeking homes, investments, and new locations for industries, may know where to go. Our women are also active in auxilariea ' of the Church. r vis: Woman's . Fed eration, Missionary Unions, Epworth League, B. Y. P. U. :-; V v-rJ Some of the orders of the men are the Masons, Junior Order, Woodmen of the World, Maccabees, and the Ku Klux Klan all of which are do ing their part of the uplift of their fellow man. . The Klwaniana and the Chamber of Commerce are supposed to be the real corner stone of the A Serious Auto ccident in Selma GARS COLLIDE AT ANDERSTON AND WEBB STREETS Woman Seriously Hurt When Gar Turns Over A very serious accident happened at Anderson and Webb streets, just south of the Johnstonian office about 1 : o'clock Wednesday after noon " hen two cars collided. ' A Chevrolet, car was coming from to ward the railroad, driven by J. P. Crocker, and another car a Ford driven by Beacher Worlds, was com ing from the east on Webb street. Just as the car driven by Beacher Worlds was passing the corner, the Chevrolet, driven by J. P. . Crocker came up Anderson street from the south. The Chevrolet hit the left hind wheel of the Ford, and turned it over with the occupants Mr. Worlds and his wife pinned under the car. Rescue parties came im mediately to the rescue of the 'un fortunate couple, and raised the car from over them. When the couple were taken from the wrecked car, it was found that Mrs. Worlds was hurt very seriously and to what extent could not be as certained at that time. However, it Was known that she had received injuries to her .left leg or thigh, and waa otherwise bruised. ' Mr. of any town are its commercial ad vantages. Low and quick freight rates from every section of the country and from foreign ports is one of her pearls of great value. She has 22 passenger trains daily. Selma is located at . the. intersec tion of the two greatest railroads in the south, and is on their main line. The Atlantic Coast Line and Southern roads are powers - of her strength and ought to cause her to -,:l7L ".T,: grow. These lines of J railroads wiiimw, iuic water, m gicav unuiu . penetrate every . section ; of ' our ... . .. i " . country North, Cast, South, T West, calling to the brave and . ' .... ." ' ..' record and other natural advantages are gentl; true and allthose can and should function in herutstanding advan tages in almost, everyone of endea vor. V ". : Possibly there is no town in Eastern North Carolina which can offer better natural or' commercial advantages than Selma, and the reason she has not grown quite as fast as some other cities in the East Is because she is younger and her' foreign ports, along the Atlantic Coast, from Norfolk to Charleston, and are some of her keys - which unlock the door to success. : ' ' -Richard T. Fly, famoua land economic, was recently quoted in a newspaper article as sayfng: . "The greatest need of the time is to bring about greater concord be tween town ; and country between Worlds received a heavy lick on the town's activity, aiwi acmplishmentf"lleft shoulder, which was giving him which wja.-result into gniwia iira nuaiL. JB. iff 7 ,i you ine ume lor waning la ftasf the1 occupanU warwnro nun ai an, anu im i lasHnf , great 'deal of pain when inter T .Mrtd y a, rpoir:y-,'f'1'v. natural advantages are so great andtythe farmer and the city business man." - ''-'.. . . .- : And this is true of Selma, since varied, her people become some-what wanton and have not put forth their full energy and strength in business her great central and commercial as they should have.. advantages should . enable her mer- No town or state can grow faster chants to make it the best market, r be greater. In development than j and place to. trade, in all. the coun hr people. Big people are always. try. A farm is valued for its pro behind big achievments. Selma is jductivity, fertility of .its soil, con Urge In all of her superior advan- dition of its buildings,' and other tages in scores of ways. Her great- appeartainances; . but one of its at seed today are capable men with greatest assets is being located on broad and Godly visions. I ?ood road near a live town like and that you must go ahead into thV great .future with stout hears and a determination to do great things, They will charge you to love, boost, and try in every way to be worthy . it oi: i . mi can oeima your nome. Our churches, for the whites, are. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Episcopal : ' Selma's modern, ($250,000) thou sand dollar fire proof high school building, together with her beautiful 11 acre playgrounds will continue to grow . in usefulness, : power, and re main the mud sill of her greatest success. - Selma's light plant is a station of the Southern Light and Power Com pany, which furnishes lights for the town and her factories. The . three modern cotton gins located in our midst gin something like 6,000 bales of cotton each sea. son ' and their payroll is about $500 per week. Her lumber and manufac turing plant -supplies ' largely the local trade and odes a toytoff busi ne88.:T ;Her V. C. Plamwas estab lished in '1905 with a " payroll of $2,000 per week. It made 30,000 tons of fertilizers per year. The oil mills were established, in 1900, with 46 employees, and with a payroll of 800 dot week, crushing 4.000 tons of seeds each year. Its capacity is now doubled." ; The A.'Tw and T. Test Station is located over the ' First National Bank, and has grown in importance with outstretched Selma. It is ,;-She stands haads appealing to her boys." Do net get discouraged, however, she is ojT dead, but only slumbering for thtf want of suitable companions to work with her in love that she might flourish as a tender bay tree byhe brook and become one of the inaat delightful and : beautiful cities In.all this great- and wonderful tete. V",;. '" No, it is not yet too late for her ta;tome. forth h her real beauty and glory," add wonder why her sons and daughters have neglected her in twit a willful way, while she had so mack la store for them! . - Tm bard surface highway, No. people wlS pay more to be situated to second in the state, and is the "" atj,t5nn nt lt- HlMi : Eastern more valuable because ." . , ., ... ; . ,. . aurouna. n oeing on uie inom n- m . . v rn j J -S.Ha near good churches, good schools, "m - Z ZTt j t . - k .'. .. . - Salma. Test Station is the first gwu wwmeia, ana. uve, wiae-awaice, . .. . . .. . , , ,u lt merchants. j station withiri the bounds of the At- . , ; I lank - division and furnishes service, . Some time ago, within a radius of both telephone and telegraph, by the this gracious town under considera-1 ghortost route from the North to tion, a friend Was relating his ex- the South. perienc. m aeffing if.rm. He h and thriv- "I told many propects about theing eotton mills Just on the outside condition of the buildimrs. the'. v.. mt. Umita. Thev are: home, the running water, and all the other features which I consider ed important I v interested many men, with money, but I did not make' a sale. Then 1 changed my selling1 style a little,' an4 1 also began to Mill at Selma Mill (1904). Lizzie (1907), Ethel Mill (1909). . Selma's-: payroll is estimated about 11,000,000 per year. These are some of . the reason why Selma should grow. Selma baa its own ice plant, which fe surpassed by none. One of the best fire department in the state. ... ' Thero is one eight-page newspaper and Job department, whien can r!. TT.i anrfmrm Rnul. which Man. from the first nU nandla all kinds of printing wore, m ml her borders, is . also of .on without Woman, and oven naw.'which any town should be proud. rat importance. It commences at she remain his gjory , and helpfj' Theiro are three large' I ooBnecte np with No. 9 maie in- w-iuiipsr aense of the Selma. r-es through the - center of heri"" more Dl u near-by-town, 1 -Jers, nd.it is the. most direct possibiliUesj I mentioned Jte a t shortest line of road reaching schools, churches, societies,, sd oth f..H the Northern shores of Maine)8 chlevemente fct-tonnectioa with to Eey Wast, FU. It wifl be fte-8 rods nd that - did the arest and best route connecting ( " uyer -ana at my tU North and South. - No. 10, or hotels in damage done to the car was the right hand front tire mashed somewhat -and the bumper bent to one side. The Ford car, in addi tion to having the top torn near ly off, one wheel smashed, the steer ing wheel broken to pieces, the wind shield . broken to flinders, many other parts were completely wreck ed. - In other words, the Ford was just about torn to pieces. It was a narrow escape for those who occupied : tho seats in the Roadster. Mrs. Worlds was taken taken immediately to the doctor's office, where medical aid was given her. BIG SCOUT RALLY HELD AT fiOLDSBORO LAST FRIDAY PLAN FOR BOY SCOUTS TO HELP OUTAT FIRES When Fire Truck Stops at Fire Ropes Are Used by Scouts Some weeks ago Fire Chief John son, Mayor Aycock and Scoutmaster Mitchell worked out a system where by the Boy Scouts could be of real value in 'helping the fire company in time of fire. For so long that che memory of man runneth not to. the contrary people of Selma have been following the fire truck to the fire and then rjarkincr their cars where thev hv I ffnffan in ilia wav nf tho firnman ' 'Several more- than one occasion. prevent this certain scouts have It Was a Great Day for the Scout Boys Picnic Dinner Tendered by the Goldsboro Rotary Club to Boys The biggest and best Scout Rally ever held in this section of - the country was held last Friday, June 11th, in Goldsboro. The Troop from Snow Hill carried off the honors j but they were closely contested by other troops. There , are In ortftr. to wenty-mne troops . Council and out of a in Tuscarorft that number hoon fWo-nntnl tn anuist thirteen entered the rally. The men. It is the i duty of these ,Selma TroP took sbcth Place which scouts to stay away from tho fire 01086 ,n charSe thought was very proper and to keep others away ood owinK to the lack of equip also. The firemen have been paid ment and --training that the boys to flsfht the fire and can do better. nere nave naa- owever, next year work if people will keep out of their ma way. , When the truck stops at the point where the fire is the Chief throws out ropes to the Scouts, who have gotten there in ways known only to them. The Scouts take these ropes and tie them across every street approaching the fire and then, re main with the ropes until the fire is ottt Another scout is .designated to orderly for the fire chief . By the stretching of "the ropes cars at kept oft, the JtyMf ,U- ' ' firJaie dOVflpSa4,n?rcTO on the- alert to am W. vlr- aiv not run over by some careless driv er, " This is done are the local boys say that they going after someone's scalp. The local troop met in front of the "Johnstonian" office at nine thirty and from there were taken in cars to the Fairgrounds in Golds- ' boro where the fun started. Several of the townspeople offered, the use of their cars for this purpose and Scoutmaster and Scout all . appre ciate this - thoughtfulneas on. their parU ' t . rV -, '"r"'- 'l.' ATier, ine arnvB i; ye- -; -.v." , voluntarily on then)' panb a ijpamuMKn events of the vairnoon. ' At eleveei- y,e thirty they were addressed by one of ? Eastern N. C. Exhibit At New York at Southern Exposition tm VUmtagtea at XWdsboro, thai word. The &'s ..C Tb' If Eastern North Carolina is not represented at the Southern Exposi tion to be held in ' New York this fall, Oct. 2-19, it will not be the fault of the Eastern Carolina Cham ber of Commerce. The Directors of the organization went on record at the May meeting as favoring an ex hibit at this Exposition and the Secretary was instructed to make a campaign for funds for this partic ular purpose. It is the hope of the directors that at least 1,000 square feet may be had. ' However, it is the plan of the organization to be there in some form; preferably . with a large exhibit LETTERS BEING MAILED OUT. Rather than go to the expense of sending a representa tive to see the various firms and individuals in Eastern North Caro lina the sectional organization is mailing out 1,000 letters to as many firms and individuals ' with the re quest that as large a check as pos sible be sent back immediately to be used in defraying the expenses of this exhibit. The letter says that every cent of the -funds raised ' in this way will be used for this pur pose and every firm and individual is urged to make' his check. Just as large as possible. The plans . call for an Eastern Carolina exhibit without any particular ' county or town being featured. . However, any town may have .literature there for distribution in the booth. "We are appealing to the progressive busi- men of Eastern Carolina to help us put Eastern North Carolina first," t said President John W. Holmes while discussing this mat ter recently. The exhibit will be Just as elaborate as the part of the boys, simply as a good tur; in being of real assistance in combatting - fire in the community. The people are asked to cooperate with them in staying away front the fire. ' At the Fire last i uesay, by the time the ropes were gotten up, which was before the firemen had the water turned on, there were more cars inside the ropes than there were outside at any time dur ing the fire. Such conduct as that hampers the firemen and should be stopped. From now on the Boy Scouts have orders not to let any one pass the ropes from either side, their car inside the lines it will j have to stay there until the truck is ready to - leave.1 They have asked that the public Jbe so notified in order that they may take notice and be governed accordingly. The fire men MUST have the right-of-way. the Goldsboro men who is interested in the working of Scouting and his address was very interesting for it dealt mainly with the eats that were to be passed out shortly. . The Goldsboro Rotary Club had made arrangements for a picnic dinner, which was topped off with soft drinks and ice cream cones. After partaking of this repast the boys had that satisfied feeling which is chareteristic of well-fed youngs ters. The events of the rally proper be gan as soon after dinner as was consistent with the gastronomic functions of several hundred Scouts. - The events and those entering from Selma were as follows: General Inspection Whole troop; Rescue Race Wm. Roberts, Adron Godwin, Abe Bnrhani, Sam Hfcod, Hayik-ft Wifrgs,. Fred Godwin, Chas. Newberry and Earl Lane; First Aid this ordinance and furnishing names of witnesses will not be used as a witness unless he be- an. officer of the town. - The mayor is also determined to 1 Ralph Woodard and Haydeh Wiggs; enforce the ordinance which imposes ! Fire-by Friction Fred Godwin; Sig- flne of not less than five dollars InaliiiR Ralph Woodard and Abe for driving in the block where the'Baiham; Knot Tying Ralph Wood fire is or driving over the hosa. 'aid; Pyramid Huilding Sam Hood, Any one reporting a 'violation of.Kaiph Woodard, Sidney Price, Fred Godwin, Hayden Wiggs and Norman Screws. Owing to the flight of time w necessary to cut out several of the events, so that all could get home before dark. If it had been possible to complete the list of events Selma . would have probably have had a better opportunity to show its stuff but as there was an unanimous ap proval of the motion to cut some outr there is no kick coming from from anyone. The Troop got. back to Selma about' six-thirty tired but all de-7 daring that they had enjoyed a big day of it. H as Large Balance to Credit Last Month of Fiscal Year The State of North Carolina en tered the month of June, the last month of the fiscal year, with ; a credit balance of $2,824,395.66, the combined treasurer-auditor state ment issued Saturday shows. This balance of virtually, three million dollars practically assures a healthy surplus at the close, of the year. Receipts for the month of May were $60006.95 while disourse ments totalled $810,617.70. Receipts for the year totalled S14JM8.67625 art Mav 31. while dis-: bursementa- for the year totalled $12,08480.60t . A balance of reported in the highway and other special funds. ; During the eleven tho present 'fiscal year. MRS. VICK TURLEY DIES AT HOME IN CLAYTON Mrs. Vick Turley, of Clayton, died at her home there Monday night at t .1as.1t ftliA Is survived bv her " ?M I husband and by her mother, Mrs.1 It ... D.naa i Tsthnatvin Mauntv. 19,182,347.99 was i fiye brotllOTm. She was about 46 years of age. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon R. TEMPLE. , Eastern Carolina make it. mown or uw pre ;at white 0ak churai ,t j:8o, uie nignway wmmi"w" " eehred 78477,79J9 and has spent 369,045,449.40. The total State debt on nay si sa tlS&fi8.00 of which $123,766,- people of 600 was funded and $lt800.000 un- funded. The hog outlook continues good. Many North Carolina farmers are cashing in on this farm crop this I 1 " . "