SUPS of All Types and Sizes 97c to $3.98 f 311 - 313 W. Market St. V " We Are Receiving Shipments Daily New Merchandise, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Jackets, Skirts, Blouses, Etc. See Us Before You Buy. IIDiree For all occasions... 2-piece Dresses, Prints, Pastel Shades, Black and Navy. 9 to 20. $9.95 and $10.95 Ladies' Dresses, a good selection to choose from. 12 to 52. $2.98 Just Received Several Shipments, New Prints, and Pastel Shades. Sizes 9 to 20; and 30 to 50 $3.98 to $7.95 House Goats New Shipment Ladies Alpaca, Crepe, Pastel Shades. $8.95 to $9.95 Ladies' All-Wool and Part Wool Suits Just a Few left. $16.50 to $29.50 dsmI Dadies' New Spring Coats, all Good styles. $14.50 TO $29.50 lLadies? lack SUITS ' See Our Selections. New and Crisp for all occasions. $4.95 UP Just received New Shipment. Nice for play or work. $1.98 TO 2.48 Ladies' and Children's Linserie Department. All Types. GOWNS New Shipments. Lively Material, Prints or Plain1 $1.98 to $4.95 BED JACKETS New Shipment Just Arrived i $1.98 s PANTIES i I With and Without Elastic 39c to $1.25 .BMPs Depaurtaeiil: mm0 SMmiFIELD, N. C. -.V A- .is .Vr---1'" 4' 1 7 ' ' VI :';' tFt r r r ' , T .si. 1 1 V it .2... as v ,i i "IP ; ; vr ' I