PAGE EIGHT THE JOHNSTONIAN . SUN, SELMA, N. C. THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 1946. Beasley Seeks To Avoid Road Term By Taking Appeal (The Smithfield Herald) Counsel for Charlie L. Beasley, who was fined $500 and given an 18-month road term after he pleaded nolo con tendere in SuDerior court two weeks a on a charere of possession of gambling punchboards, have resumed offmsi in 1cpm the Smithfield mer chant from going to prison by filing written notice of appeal to tne state Supreme court. Th notice was served Friday on Solicitor W, J. Hooks, who said he was surprised at the action in view of an open court understanding that Beasley would be allowed 30 days in which to arrange business aiiairs oe fore beginning the road term, provid ed no appeal would be taicen. Probation Asked A a .TnHp-fl Henrv Grady was about to adjourn court three days after Beasley had been sentenced, Defense Attorney E. J. Wellons asKea mat me Beasley case be reopened for a change in t.h opntpnce to a suspended road term and probation. The lawyer pleaded that a road term 'was too harsh for the offense committed. Judge Grady, resisting a pressure move for leniency supported by puDiic officials and other prominent citizens, announced that he was not going to alter the punishment. "The defendant gives notice of ap peal," Attorney Wellons then an nounced. T 1nn'f tnnw what vou've ftt to Kaea cm anneal on ." the iudce declar ed. "The defendant entered a plea and his sentence is within the statutory limits." A ttnrnev Wellons remarked that his client needed time for straighten in sr out business affairs. "If that's what he wants. I'll give him 30 days if you'll forget this ap peal business." replied Judge Grady. The defense attarney turned to Beasley and conversed with him in low tones. The defendant nodded his head and Attorney Wellons rose to inform Judge Grady that his client would be ready to serve his term if given a 30-day stay of the sentence. Beasley was placed under $2,000 bond pending start of the road term. Not in Minutes As soon as the notice of appeal was served on him, Solicitor Hooks check ed the court minutes kept by Superior Court Clerk H. V. Rose to see if the agreement that there wnuld be no ap peal had been officially recorded. There was no mention of any agree ment in the minutes and Clerk Rose, who was questioned by the Herald, said he did not recall that such an Discharged ir - " -j MAKE OUR STORE YOUR " A I SS! I mvftnui i w- n MmiiMiiHi murmW GORDON HOWELL. Boatswain's Mate, second class Gordon Howell, son of TVTr. and Mrs D. P. Howell of Selma, has returned home after receiving an honorable discharge from the United States Nnvv: Fphmmrv 20th at Norfolk. Va He was in the Navy three years in the amphibious force serving aboard an LST. After receiving his training at Bainbridere. Md., he boarded the LST Blfi at Seneca. 111.. January, 1943 and sailed down the Mississippi River to New Orleans to be outlined. After a shakedown to Panama City, Florida, they loaded in New York, leaving u. S. A. Easter Sunday, 1944, arriving in Milford Haven. Ens;land. Gordan tnnlr nnrt in the invasion on D-Day June 6, and carried army supplies to Pmnw. Holland. Belgium ana tne Islands. On their return trips to England they brought back the wounded. After V. E. day their final two trips across the Channel to Island: which had been cut off from the world since occupation by the Germans 4 years before, was the most unusual made by them. They the first Allied shin to UUV Vtlijr v.. -w carry food to the Island in 4 years, TT. S. Navv ship ever to VUb fclic iuu - n i- enter there. They received repairs in Plymouth, England from damages done their ship by enemy a mm. ana iwtnrnpH to the U. S.. dockiner at Nor folk. Va.. .Tnlv 1. 1945. They were be ing fitted out at New Orleans for the Pacific when war ended, then being sent to Jacksonville. Florida, with the inactive fleet- Gordon has one other brother in the Navv. Leon Howell. Motor Ma chinist Mate first class, who is in the Philippine Islands at the present time. Johnston's Red Cross Drive To Open Friday The Johnston county 1946 Red Cross campaign, aiminc at a auota of $16,000, will open Friday when special guts win oe accepted, out tne can vassinr for rontrihutiona from indi viduals will not begin until Saturday, March 9th. March 24 is Red Cross Sunday, and special appeals for contributions to the Red Cross will be made in the (hllrrhea hnvino services that daV. Other county churches will observe Red Cross Sunday at their nrst reu o-iniio services during March. Plans are being- formulated by County Chairman Ronald Hocutt for special campaigns in the county's schools, and a kick-off dinner for the township chairmen wil' be held Smithfield Friday night. March Red Cross collections will be made tlio fltetifers The Smithfield, Selma and Kenly Kiwanis clubs and the Princeton Lions club will sponsor the campaigns in their townships, and tne wegro ai with S3 000 auota will be headed by Principals W. R. Collins of the Johnston county training scnooi J w .T. Holt of the tour uans Negro school, chairman and co-chairman, respectively, rmoiiin chairmen, who have not xumioit't' . previously been announced, lownsm-js. .J ntgo incline wiisons lums $400, the Rev. H. C. Upnhnrch of Wil son's Mills; Cleveland, $200. Mrs. Al ford Taylor of Garner; Elevation, ty. division. Mrs. J. T. Critch- er of Benson, Route 2, and north divi sion, W. R. Creech of Smithiieia, nt. Headquarters FOR PRESCRIPTIONS Patent Medicines Seeds Sundries COSMETICS Cigars & Cigarettes ICE CREAM In fact, anything, to be found in a first class Drug Store PRICES LOW QUALITY HIGH SELMA DRUG COMPANY Registered Druggist FHONE25 SELMA, N.C. agreement had been made. So vara I cnnrtrnnnrr nhservers includ ing lawyers not connected with the case agreed with the Herald repre sentative who covered the Beasley case that Judge Grady had granted the 30-day stay of the road sentence on condition that there be no appeal. Solicitor Hooks conceded tnat tne defendant legally had the right to ap peal and said the state could not and would not make any attempt tc pre cent the case from being heard in Su preme court. The statute, he stated, provides that a defendant can Appeal from a Superior court decision if noti'ee of annesil is filed withn 10 Havs after the adjournment of the lower court term. Beasley was sentenced' during the February criminal term which ad journed on Friday, the 15th. His no tice of appeal was filed a week later. In appealing to the Supreme court, Beasley is represented by Attorney Paul D. Grady and the law firm of Levinson Pool and Batton, coornselors who were associated with Wellons in defending Beasley in Superior court. Attorney Wellons informed the Herald that he was not representing Beasley in his appeal and said he did not know the appeal was being insti tuted until after the notice was filed Friday. Bentonville News Mr. and Mrs. Earl Westbrook visited Miss Frankie Britt Sunday at ternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Britt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cox. Jesse Earl Creech visited Mr. and Mrs. Russel Britt recently. Mrs. Clyda Britt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Britt visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Westbrook Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cornice Cox visited in this section Sunday. nthe tnwnshiDs. auotas and chavr- incite Rnon Hilf. $600. Arthur Hinnant of Princeton; Beulah, $840, Dobbin Bailey of Kenly; O'Neals, $400, L. L. Strickland of Middlesex, Route 1; Micro, $300, C. E. Gaddy. Sr., of Micro; Pine Level, $600, Mrs. Merle Godwin of Pine Level; Selma. $2,610, Wiflard Johnson of Selma; Banner, $1,500. Walter Strickland Smithfield. $5,600. M. A. JL UCIWVH, w j i Morgan of Smithfield; Ingrams, $1,- 100, Bert Lassiter ot four uai Pleasant Grove, $400. G. WflTie Lee of Willow Springs, Route 1; Wilder, S350. C. C. Perry of Selma, Rt. 1; Meadow, $700. C. H. Aderholdt of Benson, Route 2; and Bentonville, $200, east division, Mrs. H. M. Cox of Four Oaks, Route 1. and west divi sion, Rufus W. Sanders of Four Oaks, Route 1. Pfc. H.F. Woodruff Honorably Discharged Camp BeaTe, California.. Pfc. Harvey F. Woodruff, son of B. F. Woodruff, of Selma, N. C, was hon orably discharged from the armed forces February 19th at tne Camp Beale Separation Center. Entering the army in August Pfc. Woodruff was assigned to the Army Service Forces with ffte; Service Command Unit 4904, N. S. C. A Military Police, Pfc. Woodruff has been awarded the Good Conduct Medal, Victory Medal, and! American Theatre rjlrfion. During bis 42 month of service, Pfc. Woodruff has earned 37 dis charge points. BUY U. S. SAVINGS BONDS Pensions for All Disabled, Veterans ill ENUST TODAY IN THi FIGHT FOR VETERAN JUSTICE Jciffizt, irr Selma Mill Begins Organization Of Baseball Club A meeting was held at the Selma Cotton Mill office last night in the interest of setting up an organization for the forthcoming ball club. We are expectng a very good club this year and invite anyone interested in play ing baseball to meet' with us Thurs day night, March 7th at 7 o'clock. PAUL BROWN, Manager. Services At Negro Church Sunday There will be services at White Rock Holiness church Sunday, con ducted by Elder Sister Bradshaw of Goldsboro. Everyone is invited to the services at 3:30. Come one. come all. Jtev. E. L. Stoke, Pastor L SELMA THEATRE SELMA, N. C. ISELMA THEATRE WZ THURS.,-FRI Feb. 28 & March 1 Merle Oberon Claude Rains THIS LOVE OF OURS Shows: 3:15, 7:00 & 8:45 pELHA THEATRE SATURDAY, March 2 Sunset Carson Peggy Stewart OREGON TRAIL Shows 1 til 11 P, M, I SELMA THEATRE I SUNDAY, March 3rd Nina Fch George Macready MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS Show: 2:00, 3:45k & 9 rf)0 ISELMA THEATRE C A total of 1,343,110 men from the Fourth Service Command were ac cepted for military duty from the first man inducted under the Selec tive Service Act to July 31, 1945. Southern congressmen are leading the fight in Congress to increase the value of farm produce relative to in creases in industrial labor wages and the cost of manufactured articles. 1945 INCOME TAX RETURNS Expertly Prepared See JT. MAYflMErc WIREE Office Over Davis Dept. Store Phone: 133 or 185-W SELMA, N. C. :-V'-: "' MADAM NORTH; MEDIUM & PALMIST MADAME NORTH IS LOCATED IN PULL- MAN HOUSE TRAILERS BESIDE CABINET AND MANTLE SHOP OF T. J. JOHNSON ON SMITH FIELD-BENSON HIGHWAY 301, AT SMITHFIELD CITY LIMITS. Smithfield Bus Stops at Door. Know Thy Prospects By Consulting MADAM NORTH, The Seventh Daughter of The Svemth Generation. This gifted reader will tell yoa if the One you love is true or false, tell you whom or when you will marry; in fact,' she will tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell it your self. Advice on business, speculation, investment, love, marriage; divorce; reunite the separated and cause speedy marriages with the one of your choice. The secret of power and personal influ ence, how to win in business, love, health and all affairs of life. Make no mistake when seeking the advice of an advisor. It nova In pniKnilf f.fio fwxtt Am seeker of tinners hidden from man and Woman MADAM NORTH has-no equal. Many profess the gift or palmist, but few indeed are so gifted. One visit to a genuine ocult scientist will repay you for many disappointments. ' ' ' TEST READING" 50c (Short Time Only) READINGS DAILY & SUNDAY Hours V a. m. to 9 p. m. Yow IMay Come Here With A Feelihg of Receiving Kind and Courteous, Consultation. PRIVATE ROOM FOR COLORED PATRONS. MONDAY- March 4th Chas. Bayer Lauren Baeafl CONFIDENTIAL AGENT Mon. Stows: 3:15; fsOO- & 8:15 ISELMA THEATRE I TUESDAY, March 5th- Ann Rulherford Frands Lederer THE MADONNA'S SECRET Shows: 3:15, 7:60; & S:45 JSELMA THEATREC WEDNESDAY, March th Noah Beery, Jr. Lois Co&ler CRIMSON CANARY ISELMA THBATBE fZ THUB&,-FRI., Mart 7 & S t Jerome Courtlaiuf Shirley Temple KISS AND TELL SEE US FOR... BOOilDS EVE J We also carry a full line of Groceries Fish Produce Meats -Fillet of Fish Shrimp Ymg and Old (At All Times) UyStdTS pay & um ma. H. W. EVERITT, Mgr. Phone 149 We Deliver SELMA, N. C. The following office hours are now be ing observed .. ; -DAILY- 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. - SUNDAY - By Appointment Dr. Edward N. Booker Dr. Will H. Lassiter r as nindgialta With spring comes housecUaning and housewives dissatisfied with old worn out liv- ' ing room furniture. Those who cant afford a complete new set can usually afford one or two separate pieces. We invite your inspection of our line of individual pieces. t UEUS-YiiOBnOUGS CO. C.F. Willis C.A.Yarbrough SELMA'S NEWEST STORE ' (Next to Colones' Cafe) :

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